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Online Clinics

Welcome to the online clinics

The online clinic service enables you to get quick answers to your personal medical problems from specialists, including consultants, GPs, nurses and other clinicians.

The clinics are hosted within a forum where you can post your questions anonymously and get answers, often the same day. 

A new clinic begins each month on a different topic but you can post your questions up to four weeks in advance and set up a reminder so you can see when yours has been answered.

If you miss the clinic you can still read all of the posts and answers to see if the issues you're most interested in were covered. Also, look out for when the clinic is next due to run and make a note in your diary.

The online clinics are hosted by talkhealth and supported by a range of charities.

Clinics open now

Over 50 health

A panel of clinicians and experts from our partners at talkhealth is waiting to offer advice on all aspects of health for people over 50, including eye care, fitness, cancer, men's health and more. All you have to do is post your question in the forum and one or more of our experts will publish their answer.

Upcoming online clinics

  • Children’s Health (May 2013)
  • Sexual Health (June 2013)
  • Bladder / Bowel / IBS (July 2013)
  • CFS / Fibromyalgia / ME (August 2013)

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Comments are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

steven7 said on 13 April 2013

my question is about my throat....it started a month ago and i started to feel sick and light headed... i stopped smoking, drinking coffee and all of a sudden i was getting chest pains... which has now gone. I visited my GP and he said i had a fleshy thyroid..ran blood tests and when they come all clear i was confused? I just don't feel right, now my throat feels like it tightens and have a lump sensation every now and then.... i get a really dry cough in a morning... especially after drinking night before its worse! Sometimes i don't feel well too?? I'm worried, should i be?? I'm having a ultra sound on 26th of this month... i also have a small lump that they checked which is under my jaw bone... its my submandibular gland.... im worried as all my bloods come back clear!!! im sick of waiting too..... can you help??

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Chudhary01 said on 28 February 2013

It is not about weight loss.

My problem is I often get whitish spots in my mouth/internal
cheeks or on my toungue which are sometimes highly discomfortable. They sometimes go away in a week but sometimes take more than 2 or 2 1/2 weeks to clear.

I normally do not take any medication for this. or for any other issues.

What is the reason & how can I avoid it ?

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nilz4u said on 22 August 2012

whenever i go loo i have a strong bad smell of my urine i want to know y is that, is it normal or not?

i am also concerned about my weight i eat loads but still i do not put on weight this is becasue i have gall stones and becasue of that of am not putting on weight?

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Upcoming online clinics

  • Children’s health (May 2013)
  • Sexual health (June 2013)
  • Bladder / Bowel / IBS (July 2013)
  • CFS / Fybromyalgia / ME (August 2013)

Long-term conditions

Living with a long-term condition, including healthcare, medicines and support