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This module has been supported by an educational grant from NICE.

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1 hour

GPs, GP trainees, Hospital doctors....

Bipolar disorder: management in secondary care - in association with NICE

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Learning outcomes

After completing this module you should be:

  • More aware of recent evidence regarding the management of bipolar disorder
  • Able to challenge misconceptions about guidance on bipolar disorder 
  • Able to apply this knowledge in your practice 
  • Able to reflect on and compare your own practice against recommended audit criteria.

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BMJ Learning with NICE


Accreditor Credits Accreditation statement
Australian Practice Nurses Association 1 credit, 1:00 hour BMJ Learning has achieved the status of an APNA Endorsed Education Provider
Austrian Academy of Physicians 1 credit, 1:00 hour BMJ Learning modules have been certified for DFT Punkte. DFT Punkte are accepted in Austria
BMJ Learning 1 credit, 1:00 hour BMJ Learning has assigned one hour of CPD/CME credit to this module
Dubai Health Authority 2 credits, 2:00 hours BMJ Learning is approved as a CME resource by the Dubai Health Authority (accreditation number 0254/11)
Oman Medical Specialty Board 0.5 credits The Oman Medical Specialty Board accredits this module for 0.5 credit points under Category II
The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa 3 credits The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa has accredited this BMJ Learning module (accreditation number: MDB014/254/06/2010)
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners 1 credit, 1:00 hour RNZCGP endorses the British Medical Journal online CME programmes
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