CTBT Ministerial Meetings

Ministerial Meetings to promote entry into force

Yoriko Kawaguchi, Foreign Minister of Japan (courtesy of www.yoriko-kawaguchi.jp)

In the years between the Article XIV Conferences, Foreign Ministers of CTBT Member States particularly dedicated to entry into force of the CTBT meet on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York in September. The aim of these meetings is to sustain and generate further political momentum as well as public attention for the entry into force of the Treaty. To that end, the Ministers adopt and sign Joint Ministerial Statements that are open for adherence by other countries.

"The early entry into force of the CTBT is a matter of extreme importance and urgency." Japan's Foreign Minister, Kawaguchi, in 2002

An initiative by Japan, Australia and the Netherlands

The initiative for these meetings was taken by Japan in cooperation with Australia and the Netherlands, who organized the first “Friends of the CTBT” Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York in 2002.

Continuously increasing support

The meetings are open to all ratifying states, while State Signatories and non-signatories can participate as observers. Like the Article XIV Conferences, the CTBT Ministerial Meetings enjoy increasing political support: While 50 countries had associated themselves with the Joint Statement in 2002, this number increased to 72 in 2006.

Read more:

2010 Ministerial Meeting

2008 Ministerial Meeting

2006 Ministerial Meeting

2004 Ministerial Meeting

2002 Ministerial Meeting