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Universities Australia: The peak body representing Australia's Universities

Student income support

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Universities Australia policy and information relating specifically to student income support, including Youth Allowance, Austudy, Commonwealth scholarships, internships and paid employment.

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Policy & advocacy

  • Student income support On 17 March 2010 the Senate voted to pass amendments to the Government's student income support legislation, Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support for Students) Bill 2009 [No. 2]. The key changes relating to students are summarised below.¦ Read More
  • Participation and equity in higher education Complete report : Participation and Equity - A review of the participation in higher education of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds and Indigenous people Universities Australia Action Plan: Advancing Equity and Participation in Australian Higher Education Media release ...¦ Read More
  • Australian university student finances survey Two student finances surveys have been completed, one in 2001 and one in 2006..¦ Read More
  • Students with a disability The Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC) believes that self-regulation in the higher education sector is both appropriate and effective.¦ Read More
  • Education Investment Fund Universities Australia believes that the draw-down of the Education Investment Fund during the Global Financial Crisis was sensible and appropriate policy.¦ Read More
  • Implementation Universities Australia welcomed the decision by Government to accept all the recommendations of the Review led by Michael Knight which sensibly mirrored the views of the higher education sector as articulated in the universities' submission to the Review.¦ Read More

Submissions & reports

  • Measuring SES February 2010 Universities Australia is the peak body representing the university sector. Universities Australia represents Australia's thirty nine universities in the public interest, both nationally and internationally.¦ Read More
  • Rural & regional access October 2009 Universities Australia made a submission to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee's inquiry into Rural and Regional access to Secondary and Tertiary Education Opportunities.¦ Read More
  • Response to the Bradley Review February 2009 Universities Australia remains strongly supportive of the Review and the overall direction of its recommendations.¦ Read More
  • Bradley Review submission July 2008 Australia's universities contribute substantially to Australia's national goals. They are central to each of economic progress, social development and ecological sustainability: the nation's triple bottom line.¦ Read More
  • VSU impact February 2008 Universities Australia provided a submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations discussion paper The Impact of Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU) on Services, Amenities and Representation for Australian University Students.¦ Read More
  • Transport concessions for international students A key issue identified in the Universities Australia ten point action plan on student safety was the absence of suitable transport concessions provided to international students, particularly in New South Wales and Victoria.¦ Read More
  • National internship scheme Addressing Australia's long-term skill shortages is vital to ensuring Australia's economic growth and international competitiveness.¦ Read More
  • Participation and equity Universities Australia commissioned the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at The University of Melbourne to review available literature and data relating to the participation and success of people from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds and Indigenous people in Australian higher ...¦ Read More
  • Student finances survey The Australian University Student Finances Survey has been undertaken since the mid-1970s on approximately a five yearly basis.¦ Read More
  • 2010 Budget January 2010 Executive summary Universities Australia strongly supports the Government in maintaining all the commitments it made in the May 2009-10 Budget in Transforming Australia's Higher Education System. A new framework and resourcing for higher education in Australia were defined there.¦ Read More
  • Student services & amenities February 2009 Universities Australia wishes to thank the Committee for the invitation to make a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities, and Other Measures) Bill 2009.¦ Read More
  • 2009 Budget January 2009 Australia's requirements to sustain economic activity and provide for future nation building can both be served by a prudent enhancement of support for higher education and research.¦ Read More
  • Bradley preliminary statement April 2008 Introduction Universities Australia welcomes the Review of Australian Higher Education and will be pleased to help the Committee in any way that it can. We consider the future of our universities to be critical for the future of Australia.¦ Read More
  • COAG Human Capital Agenda March 2008 Universities Australia wrote to the-then Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon.¦ Read More

Media centre

  • Income support action for students Universities Australia today applauded the Australian parliament for reaching agreement on supporting the Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support for Students) Bill.¦ Read More
  • Federal election statement Australia's ability to prosper as a productive, healthy and sustainable society depends crucially on its capacity to make the most of its people's potential. The future is one of rapid change, with enormous social and environmental challenges, and economic restructuring.¦ Read More
  • Stimulus grants to students Universities Australia today commended the Government for including a one off payment of $950 to up to 440,000 students who receive the Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy, as part of its Economic Stimulus Package announcement.¦ Read More
  • Implementing Bradley Review Universities Australia expressed strong support for the announcements made today by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard MP as she opened the inaugural Universities Australia Higher Education Conference in Canberra.¦ Read More
  • Reforms for better student income support Universities Australia welcomes the proposed legislative changes to student income support that are under consideration by the Federal Parliament this week.¦ Read More
  • Student equity measures The Federal Parliament will resume debate over important changes to student income support and student services and amenities next week.¦ Read More
  • Fears for student income support Universities Australia today calls on the Australian Parliament to resolve its differences and do the right thing for all current and prospective Australian university students and support the Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support for Students) Bill.¦ Read More
  • Higher Education Review Universities Australia Chair, Professor Richard Larkins and Chief Executive Officer, Dr Glenn Withers welcome today's announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon.¦ Read More
  • Government's plan to re-build student services Universities Australia today expressed strong support for Minister for Youth, the Hon. Kate Ellis' announcement to re-build much needed student support services in Australia's universities.¦ Read More
  • Students under financial stress The Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC) has today released its report Australian University Student Finances 2006, a summary of findings from the national survey of students in Australia's 37 public universities conducted in 2006.¦ Read More
  • Universities call for two practical changes to student income support Universities Australia today releases the final report from its commissioned national survey of almost 19,000 students across all 37 public universities - Australian University Student Finances 2006.¦ Read More
  • Financial assistance for students Universities Australia today welcomes the passage of the Social Security Legislation Amendment (2007 Budget Measures for Students) Bill 2007.¦ Read More
  • A National Internship Scheme Universities Australia has today released a Discussion Paper, A National Internship Scheme, aimed at stimulating debate and action to further enhance the employment skills of university students and graduates.¦ Read More
  • Review confirms universities underfunded In releasing the independent report to Government today, the Chair of the Base Funding Review Expert Panel, Dr Jane Lomax-Smith, has attested that `the time is right' to reform the university funding system.¦ Read More
  • Legislative milestone for universities Universities Australia congratulates the Parliament on passing the Higher Education Support Amendment Bill (No.2).¦ Read More