Tips for Creating a Successful “Job Research” Site

    Everyday millions of people are using the search engines to look for jobs and new ways to make money online. While it’s quite the task for people looking to find work, it can also be an opportunity for you to not only help individuals in this process but also to start a business site of your own in the process.

    Let’s quickly take a look at some of the recent search keywords and the volume of people searching for jobs online.

    Tips for Creating a Successful Job Research Site image Job SearchesTips for Creating a Successful Job Research Site

    These are just a few search terms that I came up with right off my head. There are two things here that are interesting… the competition is MEDIUM for many of these terms because they either have low search volume or are niche. The other thing to point out is that people are searching for jobs with their location in the search results as well.

    Both of these tips means BIG POTENTIAL for you!

    Now let’s talk about how you can create a job resource site and help people find jobs and possible build a business of your own in the process.

    Become a NICHE Job Resource Site

    Tips for Creating a Successful Job Research Site image Fotolia 10056462 XSTips for Creating a Successful Job Research SiteIn most cases people are going to search for “jobs” online, they are going to be more specific. You can tap into this market by creating a jobs resource site that lists all of the companies hiring for jobs in this market, tips for how to find these jobs and partner up with some of the big job sites to list their job listings on your site.

    Create a Local Directory for Job

    From the search keywords we listed above it’s also clear that people like to search for jobs in their area. Even though the volume is low, this just means there is more of a chance for you to rank higher in the search results and become a player in that niche. “Find jobs in city” can be created for nearly any niche or location. Perform a search in Google to see how others are currently building sites to reach these markets.

    Better Education and Job Training

    Another great concept for a site is to build a full resource site that tells people how to create better resumes, provide stats and information on top paying jobs and listing the benefits of going back to school to improve their education. All of these topics can apply to any job or career and people are always looking for this information on a daily basis.

    For all three of these options there are a ton of ways you can monetize your traffic. Everything from the basics of placing Google Adsense on your site, to creating your own products, job directories and referring site users to other jobs sites.

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