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Dear Taiwo,

A lot of things happen that we don’t bargain for and because one did not bargain or ask for them; such events take by surprise. The worst part, however, is that, people are quick to accuse you of various things and funny enough one of which is the death of your spouse or spouses as the case maybe.

I am not happy about my predicament and I would appreciate any form of genuine help. Not the type my friend offered, because as far as I am concerned, there is no help outside the Lord, if truly my problem is spiritual, then I believe only God can save me. This was why I was surprised when my friend asked if my mother did not tell me if I fell off her back when I was a baby.

His question came as a surprise, I am not a Nigerian. I am a Ghanaian; my parents came to Nigeria years ago, when we were very young, precisely, during the recession in Ghana, we did not go back when things turned around and a lot of people went back, this was because we had settled down and my father said that he didn’t want to disrupt our education by pulling us out of school at that time. They both had a good job and we were living well. My father is late now, but mum still remained here in Nigeria.

Like my father predicted then, we; my siblings and I finished from the university and got very good jobs here in the country.

When it was time for us to get married we didn’t have to go back home to Accra to get spouses, we were already at home here, in Nigeria, so getting life partners wasn’t a task. Like every young man, I found love with Uduak; a Calabar lady. We were in school together and we started dating when she was in 200 level and I was in 400 level. I graduated, served the country, because, as far as we all are concerned, we are Nigerians and I was very lucky to secure a job with the oil company where I served in Port Harcourt.

Uduak, also finished from school, did her youth service in Lagos. As at this time, we were ready to get married, not that we were that comfortable, but because of the love we had for each other we couldn’t wait.

We got married as soon as she finished her NYSC and she followed me to Port Harcourt. We started our lives like every young couple who loved each other. It wasn’t easy for my wife to get a job, as she refused to teach and according to our friends, that was one of the reasons she became pregnant very soon after we got married; that was a joke that we all shared.

Uduak, gave birth to our first child, a baby girl on our first wedding anniversary. I was the happiest man on earth. I never knew our joy would be cut short, because we had the best relationship and we were the envy of many. Not long after our baby came, I was promoted in the office and a trip and training overseas came with the promotion package. If I knew, I would have rejected the offer there and then, or should I say I would have gone with my wife and daughter because no sooner had I left that I received a message that my wife fell ill.

She had some post-natal complications she was receiving treatment for in one of the hospitals in town and when I received the call, I knew I left her in good hands so I never thought for one moment that the next call I would receive was that of her death.

The news of Uduak’s death shook me. What made it worse was the fact that it was discovered that Uduak was pregnant. Very unfortunate, she wasn’t supposed to get pregnant until she had completed her treatment and had been medically certified fit to get pregnant again.

She was supposed to be on birth control pills, I really didn’t know what happened or why her contraceptive failed. Uduak, died leaving our daughter.

I had to abort my training and trip to come home.

After her burial rites, I went back; my company was very magnanimous to allow me stay overseas for another three years. I took my daughter and younger sister with me.  I had all the opportunity in this world to remain overseas, but I decided to return to the country. Had I known, I would have remained abroad, because no sooner did I return that my family and even Uduak’s family started clamouring that I should marry another woman.

I was able to hold back another three years when I met Abigail, I became convinced that I needed another woman. She had much in common with my first wife. She worked with our sister company, we met at training, we hit it off together the very first day we were introduced and instinctively, I knew she was the woman I had been waiting for. The feeling was mutual.

Abigail, was a single mother of a nine-year-old son and funny enough, her son took to me like his biological father. My joy knew no bounds because I believed I had found a complete happy family. I never knew satan was waiting to steal my joy again. If I had known, I wouldn’t have agreed that we had a baby. Abigail died at child birth leaving me with another baby girl.

Can I blame those who asked questions, or those who insinuated that I am the cause of the calamities that befell me? A lot of people are coming with solutions, but I have learnt not to trust any of them. The shock of my second wife’s death affected my mother more than I. As if the pain of her death was not enough, her family started making trouble and raising hell.

Dear Taiwo, I am very unhappy and sincerely needs a solution. Abigail’s son has refused to go back to her mother’s people; I have nothing against that. I love him like my own and I wouldn’t mind having him with me, but his mother’s people are troublesome. What do I do with him? Should I insist he stayed with me and adopt him legally or let him go to them? The problem is that none of them have what it takes to take care of him like his mother would have wanted. I also need an answer and solution to my problem. Please, help me.


Friday, 22 March 2013 00:00
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Continued from last week

WE had to move into my house when the bank took over his, which  he used as collateral to secure a loan.

He moved out even the furniture which belonged to him. The most shocking was the fact that he moved into one of the flats in his mother’s estate. I was chased out like a leper even  in the company of some of my family members.

I made several attempts to correct things; I involved our pastors, but he and his family members insisted that I and my children should leave Sola alone.

Eventually, I kept my distance, though painful, especially with my fears. Few months after Sola moved out, I learnt that he married his mother’s friend’s daughter, a young lady who just graduated from the university and I learnt that they were planning to relocate to the US. I really didn’t know what happened as he did not travel with his new wife again, I learnt the lady travelled alone. All the while, he didn’t ask about his children talk less of being responsible for their up keep.

Even when he married thenew wife, we were still very much married. Some of my friends advised that I should press charges of bigamy against him, but my mother advised against it. Despite all my attempts at making peace. Sola and his people refused and rejected me and my children. They did not stop there, they also employed blackmail against my mother and I. When it came to this, I kept my peace and decided to move on with life. Late last year, I learnt that Sola’s mother was sick for some months. She eventually died in November. My children and I were not invited for the burial. In fact, I found out all these after she had been buried.

I was however surprised when my pastor paid me a visit three weekends ago. His mission was to make peace between sola and I. I was surprised, because this was the last thing I was expecting. I had to ask my pastor if it was his idea or Sola’s.

He explained that Sola paid him a visit and asked that he should plead with me so that we can continue together as husband and wife. I told my pastor to give me some time, as this wasn’t a type of decision one makes in a hurry.

I told my mother and brother, but both of them were against my having anything to do with Sola again. I was trying to plead his case when I later learnt that he was having problems with his step siblings in his mother’s house where he is living. I also learnt that his supposed Americana wife married another man as soon as she got to the US.

I could plead his issue with my mother, my concern is; is Sola actually after sincere reconciliation or he wants to come back to me because he had no choice? Is he a changed man as he claimed or would he continue where he stopped? I suffered a great deal in his hands. I have peace now that I am alone with my children. I am a witness to what incessant physical and psychological abuse did to my mother, yet I don’t want to live the life of a single, bitter and miserable life she lived. How would I know if Sola is genuinely repentant or he only needs my children and I because he had no choice?

Please, Taiwo, what should I do?


Friday, 15 March 2013 00:00
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Dear Taiwo,

I am unhappy and heartbroken; I need your help and those of your teeming readers. I am passing through a situation I cannot discuss with anyone. I have tried discussing with one of my friends sometime ago, but her counsel and comments were not what I expected of her. She couldn’t see anything wrong with my situation; she even advised that I should glorify God.

A lot of factors are militating against the decision I would have taken. The major and most terrifying is the fact that I am a product of a broken home and marriage. My mother suffered a great deal in my father’s house, which eventually led to her leaving with my younger brother and I, she toiled day and night to make sure we went through school and gave us the best she could. Since we left daddy’s house, he abandoned us and never had anything to do with us. I used to pity my mother, at a level she became aged and she had no life of her own, all what she thought about was how my brother and I would make it. To the glory of God, her efforts were not in vain as we made it.

But now that she should sit back and enjoy the fruits of her hard labour, mummy is in and out of hospital. I pray, however that she would live longer in good health to enjoy more.

I am being very careful to avoid all that my mother went through and also the fact that, I won’t end up becoming a single mother like my mother.

I had a phobia for men, probably because of what I witnessed with my parents, especially the way daddy treated my mother, the bitterness, hate and cruelty, I almost became a man hater.

Not that I didn’t have admirers or men who wanted me, but I avoided this gender like leprosy, until my mother and some of her family members started raising hell about my single status.

In essence, I married late. I married at 38.

I dated my husband for about 11 years. If I could add our university years to our courtship. He was the only man I agreed to date and a lot of people, even Sola, my husband himself found it hard to believe that I remained a virgin until we got married.

Sola was two years older than I and by the time we got married, both of us were well established in our careers. Sola had a job with one of the then fast growing new generation banks and by stroke of luck and posterity, I had my youth service at the NNPC and I was retained. So, this made both of us comfortable at the time we got married.

We were blessed with our first child in no time; because of my age, my second child followed exactly 18 months after my first.

This was the way we both wanted it, since all we planned having was just two children. As the saying goes, man proposes, I became pregnant again when our second child was two years, I was delivered of a set of twins, but unfortunately, we lost one of them at birth.

Everything was okay, until Sola lost his job during what I referred to as the apocalypse of the new generation banks, after which he couldn’t retain another banking job for long. After few trials, he decided to go into business, but unfortunately, he was unable to sustain a business for long too. He tried his hands on so many things which did not work. In the process, he lost a lot of money; savings and a lot of mine too.

I cannot say when Sola started patronising, marabouts and juju men, as a result of which he was told that I am the reason for his predicaments. The first time he accused me verbally, I was shocked to my bone marrow, although he had been acting it. He started keeping late nights, sometimes he would not come home for nights and when I asked or inquired where he had been, he would quarrel with me.

 On two occasions, he beat me up so badly that I landed in the hospital; those were the really bad ones. He would hit me at little or no provocation. My children, as small as they are, were not spared too. The day he voiced this issue, I was shocked, I then realised why he had been behaving funny. God knows, I never wished him bad and wouldn’t do such a thing, but he didn’t believe me. As if that was not enough, his mother and family joined too.

I came home from the office one evening and met that he had moved all his things out of our home; he probably would have sent my children and I packing if not for the fact that the house belonged to me. (To be continued)

We had to move into my own house when the bank took over his own house that he used as collateral to secure a loan.

He moved out even the furniture which belonged to him. The most shocking aspect was the fact that he moved into one of the flats in his mother’s house. I was chased away like a leper when I in the company of some of my family members.

I made several attempts to correct things; I went to the extent of involving our pastors in the church but he and his family members insisted that I and my children should leave Sola alone.

Eventually, I kept my distance, though painful, especially with my fears at the back of my mind. Few months after Sola moved out, I learnt that he married his smother’s friend’s daughter, a young lady who just graduated from the university and I learnt that they were planning to relocate to the US. I really didn’t know what happened but he did not travel with his new wife again, I learnt the lady travelled alone. All the while, he didn’t ask about his children talk less of being responsible for their up keep.

It is important to let you know that even when he married his new wife, we were still very much married. Some of my friends advised that I should press charges of bigamy against him, but my mother advised against it. Despite all my attempts at peace, sola and his people refused and rejected me and my children. They did not stop there, they also employed blackmail against my mother and I. when it came to this, I kept my peace and decided to move on with life. Late last year, I learnt that Sola’s mother was sick and that she’s been sick for some months. She eventually died in November. My children and I were not invited for the burial. In fact, I found out all these after she had been buried.

I was however surprised when my pastor paid me a visit two weekends ago. His mission was to make peace between sola and I. I was surprised, because this was the last thing I was expecting. I had to ask my pastor if it was his idea or Sola’s. He explained that Sola paid him a visit and asked that he should plead with me so that we can continue our life’s together as husband and wife. I told my pastor to give me some time, as this wasn’t a type of decision one makes in a hurry.

I told my mother and brother, but both of them were against my having anything to do with Sola again. I was trying to plead his case when I later learnt that he is having problems with his step siblings in his mother’s house where he is living. I also learnt that his supposed Americana wife married another man as soon as she got to the US.

I could plead his issue with my mother, my concern is; is Sola actually after sincere reconciliation or he wants to come back to me because he had no choice. Is he a changed man as he claimed or would he continue where he stopped? I suffered a great deal in his hands. I have peace now that I am alone with my children. I am a witness to what incessant physical and psychological abuse did to my mother, yet I don’t want to live the life of a single, bitter and miserable life she lived. How would I know if Sola is genuinely repentant or he only needs my children and I because he had no choice.

Please, Taiwo, what should I do


Friday, 08 March 2013 00:00
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Continued from last week

My eldest sister raised some salient questions when I got a job and an apartment almost at the same time in a high brow area of Lagos, but I was able to defeat her arguments with the lines Jare had already taught me. I used to feel like dropping dead with jealousy and envy whenever Jare and my sister were together. It got to a stage that I always prayed that my sister would be out of the country.

When all these were going on, nobody knew except my best friend and she encouraged me. Seven months into my illicit affairs with Jare, I became pregnant. I was scared and confused, but Jare said I should leave the pregnancy. He told me that his mother a founder of a white garment church had warned him that no woman must abort a baby fathered by him, that it would be dangerous. This was exactly what he told my parents when the chips were down and his mother also confirmed it.

When my family members learnt about my state, of course they took sides. Mum and my other siblings supported me. Daddy was on my sister’s side and two of my siblings. It was a trying period for my family. In all, I give it to my father, he is a good man. He talked my sister out of her various threats and assured her that she would find her own man. He even encouraged her not to hate me or become an enemy as Jare was not worth the emotions. I realised I had really hurt my sister, but I needed to put up a bold and courageous front. I confided in my mother and she supported me.

Her words were always. “The deed was already done, trading blames won’t help issue, a solution should be the paramount”. I knew then that if not for the fact that dad and mum really loved each other, our family would have broken up. I was really touched when on a fateful day I stumbled on both of them holding hands and praying for my sister and I. That day, I wept like I had never done before.

I had some problems during labour and I was shocked at my sister’s reaction. There and then, I knew the saying: blood is thicker than water is really true. They all stood by me and to the glory of God I gave birth to a baby girl.

After the naming ceremony and all fanfare, my parents invited us all to their home, they said they would not support a marriage between Jare and I and that they would appreciate if I would sever every relationship with him for sanity sake.

In my mother’s words, it was a good thing he didn’t deny paternity of the baby, she advised that I should let him go so that peace would return fully to our family. Not long after I gave birth, my sister was transferred to her office branch in South Africa. Probably, this gave Jare a good footing, because we continued our affairs without my family members’ knowledge and before I knew what was happening when my daughter was barely nine months, I became pregnant again. Before I told him, I made several attempts to terminate the pregnancy, but I was unlucky until my mother came visiting and she noticed I was pregnant again.

“The only question she asked was, have you been seeing Jare again?” She couldn’t travel out of Lagos that night, because it was a little late. She went into the guest room and few hours later, I heard her crying. I felt really bad, but there was nothing I could do. She went back the following day without even saying a word to me. I haven’t the guts to go home, because she was my support at home. Few weeks after, my sister called and told me that she has forgiven me totally, but I should be careful and not cause more heartache for our parents.

Mum was hypertensive and what happened did not help her. Eventually, it was only daddy who communicated with me until I gave birth to my second child. By this time, things had gone sour between Jare and I. I learnt he was dating my friend. My best friend, the only one who knew about my relationship with him. It almost broke my heart. I was nursing two babies and I felt very alone and lonely. He hardly came to see us. Whenever he did, it was quarrel galore. At a level, he stopped coming, but give it to him, he made sure the children lacked nothing.

My son is seven months old; I have been staying alone for over five months now, I desire to go home to my parents. More so, my eldest sister will be getting married in a month’s time, I was not informed by anyone at home, my sister whose boyfriend I took called to tell me. Please, Taiwo, what can I do? I want to go back home how do I go?


Friday, 01 March 2013 00:00
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Continued from last week

My eldest sister raised some salient questions when I got a job and an apartment almost at the same time in a high brow area of Lagos, but I was able to defeat her arguments with the lines Jare had already taught me. I used to feel like dropping dead with jealousy and envy whenever Jare and my sister were together. It got to a stage that I always prayed that my sister would be out of the country.

When all these were going on, nobody knew except my best friend and she encouraged me. Seven months into my illicit affairs with Jare, I became pregnant. I was scared and confused, but Jare said I should leave the pregnancy. He told me that his mother a founder of a white garment church had warned him that no woman must abort a baby fathered by him, that it would be dangerous. This was exactly what he told my parents when the chips were down and his mother also confirmed it.

When my family members learnt about my state, of course they took sides. Mum and my other siblings supported me. Daddy was on my sister’s side and two of my siblings. It was a trying period for my family. In all, I give it to my father, he is a good man. He talked my sister out of her various threats and assured her that she would find her own man. He even encouraged her not to hate me or become an enemy as Jare was not worth the emotions. I realised I had really hurt my sister, but I needed to put up a bold and courageous front. I confided in my mother and she supported me. Her words were always. “The deed was already done, trading blames won’t help issue, a solution should be the paramount”. I knew then that if not for the fact that dad and mum really loved each other, our family would have broken up. I was really touched when on a fateful day I stumbled on both of them holding hands and praying for my sister and I. That day, I wept like I had never done before.

I had some problems during labour and I was shocked at my sister’s reaction. There and then, I knew the saying: blood is thicker than water is really true. They all stood by me and to the glory of God I gave birth to a baby girl.

After the naming ceremony and all fanfare, my parents invited us all to their home, they said they would not support a marriage between Jare and I and that they would appreciate if I would sever every relationship with him for sanity sake.

In my mother’s words, it was a good thing he didn’t deny paternity of the baby, she advised that I should let him go so that peace would return fully to our family. Not long after I gave birth, my sister was transferred to her office branch in South Africa. Probably, this gave Jare a good footing, because we continued our affairs without my family members’ knowledge and before I knew what was happening when my daughter was barely nine months, I became pregnant again. Before I told him, I made several attempts to terminate the pregnancy, but I was unlucky until my mother came visiting and she noticed I was pregnant again.

“The only question she asked was, have you been seeing Jare again?” She couldn’t travel out of Lagos that night, because it was a little late. She went into the guest room and few hours later, I heard her crying. I felt really bad, but there was nothing I could do. She went back the following day without even saying a word to me. I haven’t the guts to go home, because she was my support at home. Few weeks after, my sister called and told me that she has forgiven me totally, but I should be careful and not cause more heartache for our parents.

Mum was hypertensive and what happened did not help her. Eventually, it was only daddy who communicated with me until I gave birth to my second child. By this time, things had gone sour between Jare and I. I learnt he was dating my friend. My best friend, the only one who knew about my relationship with him. It almost broke my heart. I was nursing two babies and I felt very alone and lonely. He hardly came to see us. Whenever he did, it was quarrel galore. At a level, he stopped coming, but give it to him, he made sure the children lacked nothing.
My son is seven months old; I have been staying alone for over five months now, I desire to go home to my parents. More so, my eldest sister will be getting married in a month’s time, I was not informed by anyone at home, my sister whose boyfriend I took called to tell me. Please, Taiwo what can I do? I want to go back home how do I go?


Friday, 15 February 2013 00:00
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Dear Taiwo,

Please, help me. I am lost and do not know how to go about my situation or what to do because I have offended a lot of people by doing the unthinkable. I have destroyed the love and peace which existed in my family.

 As if what I did initially was not enough, I still went ahead to do what my mother and two siblings who supported me warned me against. The chips are now down; I am alone, lonely and lost; I don’t know what to do.

I am the third child in a family of eight; six children plus our parents. My parents are very prayerful, quiet, loving and caring. I cannot say we were rich, but they made sure their children never lacked anything and we had the best of education any child could ask for.

Both of them were into business and they created enough time for us. One cannot rule out the fact that in a family set up, there will be daddy’s favourite and mummy’s. I and my immediate younger brother were our mummy’s favourite, while the others were dads, especially, my immediate elder sister.

Of course, that was not what prompted what happened or what I did, because I really didn’t know why or how it happened, but as at the time I was into it, I felt my elder sister didn’t deserve joy and that at least she was prettier and could have other men.

Adejare, was the cause and reason for discord in my family. If I had known that he was a no good devil, I would have been more careful and I would have sought the counsel of the wise and not my friends and those who said I should go on; after all he must have loved me more than my sister.

My elder sister studied accountancy, and just like daddy, very meticulous and intelligent. She became a chartered accountant the year she finished her youth service. She is also very intelligent and among us all, she was always the lucky one.

She was able to secure a good job with a chattered accounting firm, and in no time, her company not only promoted her, she was trusted enough to handle overseas jobs for her company.

It was on one of her trips out of the country that she met Jare. She said when she brought her home after they had dated for about eight months that they started as friends and she never knew it would turn out to be real. Jare is handsome, cool, rich and everywoman’s dream. He is very caring and nice. We all liked him and my father took an instant liking in him and we all used to joke then that if my sister had come home with a frog prince, dad would have accepted him, because she was his favourite, but luckily enough, she brought home a charming  prince.

It all started when my sister asked me to go and see Jare in the office when I needed a job. I met him and the first day, I had no inclination of what was on his mind. After speaking with him, he took me out for lunch to meet some of his friends and he discussed the issue of my job with some of them promising to help out.

Jare wasted no time in inviting me out the following day to a club after close of work. He said I would be able to meet other men who could help me get a job, more so, there was nothing wrong with me keeping him company since my sister was away abroad.

He wasted no time in letting me know his intent. Jare kissed and fondled me when we left the club that night and even told me that I was prettier than my sister. Initially, I was shocked; Jare said I was a big girl and this should be between both of us. He, however, said it won’t happen again if I didn’t want it.

I was confused, I needed the job and at the same time I didn’t want to cause any trouble. He dropped me at my sister’s place. I stayed with her whenever I went to Lagos because we lived at the outskirt of Lagos.

Jare called several times later that night and told me that he had always loved me since the day he set his eyes on me; specifically the day my sister brought him home to be introduced to all of us. He said he wanted me for keeps and that his life would not be complete without me being in his life.

I was the only one at home; in my sister’s flat. It wasn’t a strange thing for him to visit, so when he came before going to work the following day, I was sure none of my sister’s neighbours would think anything of his visit.

He had sex with me for the first time that morning on my sister’s bed, not even in the guest room. He told me I was prettier and better in bed than my sister.

This was how I started dating Jare; my sister’s boyfriend. He got me a good job and rented an apartment for me where he used to meet me.

Whenever I asked him when he would leave my sister, because he promised to do so, his answer was always ‘soon, my baby soon.’

Nobody, not even his closest friend, Martins discovered that we were dating because whenever they saw us together it was always on the pretext that I was his girlfriend’s sister.

To be continued next week

Friday, 08 February 2013 00:00
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continued from last week

THE situation was made worse by the fact that I had to leave home to work so as to make money for both of us. Despite the fact that her father warned that her mother should not come to look for her at our place, she always did. And on one of such visits, Adeola’s mum met her where my mother was swearing and forcing Adeola to cook with firewood something she wasn’t used too. Her inability to make a success of it caused the problem. Like every mother, Adeola’s mother reacted, more so because of her state. This led to a big quarrel between the two mothers.

Her mother came back and took her to a relative’s house and wouldn’t allow even me to see her. It was also at about this time that Adeola lost her dad. This led to accusations and counter accusations, it was really messy. In all these, our love continued to wax stronger. Even when we were stopped from seeing each other, we still found ways of doing so.  

Adeola was sent to the US to study engineering and partly as a means of using the distance to stop our relationship. All the while, I had started my Higher National Diploma., but Adeola insisted that I must come to the US. Being a citizen herself and with the help of her immediate elder brother, I travelled to the US to study for my masters degree.

With the help of her brothers, her mother accepted me and we eventually got married. We came home for our wedding with her family footing almost all the bills. What I noticed was the fact that probably, my mother suffered from inferiority complex, but Adeola’s family were very accommodating and my father and siblings were able to blend with them.

I started work in her father’s firm, but now I have started my own business which is flourishing. I have a good and caring woman as my backbone and she has never for one day let me down. My problem is that, she won’t even allow my mother close to our gate. Talkless of allowing her  enter  our house. We now have three children; she also would not allow my mother near them. She would welcome any other member of my family, in fact she is so close to my father, but will never visit him in his house, except he came visiting.

He has stopped visiting us now, even my siblings. Precisely, my mother was very ill and I needed to bring her to Lagos for treatment. My wife had nothing against this. Mama was admitted in the hospital for treatment, she did not go to see her and when she was discharged she refused to allow her stay. I had to put her up in a hotel so that she could stay for her follow-up treatment.

This did not go down well with my siblings and even some of our extended family members. They decided that nobody must visit me in my house except my wife apologised to my mother.

My mother too isn’t making things easy for me as she said she doesn’t want to see my wife. I have spoken with my mother-in-law about this, she has in turn spoken with Adeola who refused to say anything aside the fact that she won’t allow my mother in her matrimonial home and if I insisted, she would pack out of the house.

Please, how do I handle this situation? Even my wife’s favourite brother who we all believe could prevail on her have spoken with her, but she has remained adamant. What should I do to pacify the two of them?


Friday, 01 February 2013 00:00
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Dear Taiwo,

I am in a dilemma; I need someone to help me. How would I survive in the midst of this ensuing chaos in my family? I wonder why Adeola cannot find it in her heart to forgive my family, especially my mother.

I love my wife, we have been through thick and thin together and I would not want to lose her for anything in this world, but the war she is fighting with my family members is taking its toll on me. There is a lot of pressure from my family members even extended family members that I should call her to order or….Or what?

I am not interested in finding out what is after the or, but Adeola is not making things easy for me. Not that I am finding things easy with her people too, at least we don’t have a hitch-free relationship, especially between her mother and I, but I am able to manage and accommodate her, so why can’t Adeola for God’s sake take my people the way they are?

We met at a federal polytechnic; we were mates studying the same course. We were both new and we became close during the registration process. Our friendship graduated into a relationship few weeks after we met. We became inseparable and most of our classmates who didn’t know us before felt we had been dating before higher school. Adeola was God sent to me in school. Our worlds were worlds apart, with Adeola coming from the proverbial silver spoon background and I from a home and family where we could barely make ends meet.

I had to take up extra work to make money available for my education at every available opportunity, but since the day Adeola found out, she insisted that I stopped and made money available for me every time I needed money. In fact, I became her responsibility in school. She did everything for me never telling a soul. Nobody knew who was spending the money even up to clothes and other necessities.

Adeola loves me, this I know. Her action also relieved my parents of some tension and I was able to face my studies without the distraction of looking for how to survive.

The unexpected however happened few weeks to our final examinations. We discovered that she was almost four months pregnant! I deflowered her and we were foolish to engage in unprotected sex. She was having her menstrual flow quite alright, she only complained that her normal flow days reduced from five  to three days and the last one she had before her mother raised the fact that she was pregnant came for only one day.

Her mother came to the school to check on her before we started our examinations, after a close look at her according to Adeola, she asked her some questions which she naively answered. Her mother took her home this fateful day and  she was made to take a pregnancy test the following day, she was discovered to be 13 weeks pregnant!

As expected, her parents were angry and disappointed. Her father especially couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she got pregnant, probably because she was his favourite and the only girl in the family. He asked to see me and my parents. He raved and ranted, threatened fire and brimstone when we went to see him. At the end of the day in anger, he said Adeola should leave with us immediately and that we should come back when we have fixed the wedding date as all he owed his daughter was his blessing since she chose to do things her way.

Unfortunately, we never got to receive his blessing because he died three months later in a road accident before Adeola delivered our son and the reason we named him Babawale.

I don’t really know what happened, because ordinarily, my mother is a peace loving kind woman. Despite the fact that we struggle to make ends meet, she is amiable and accommodating, but I really did not know why she and Adeola couldn’t be friends.

After we left Adeola’s parents’ place, she went back to school to write her final papers. It was easy because we lived off campus. Her father insisted that she should go home with me and not return to their house, despite pleas. Unfortunately, from the very first day she moved in with us, it was one trouble or the other between her and my mother most of which were my mother’s fault. She just couldn’t stand or tolerate Adeola.

Friday, 25 January 2013 00:00
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Continued from last week

After orientation, I started my NYSC primary assignment and seeing Uncle Mac became a little difficult. Guess you know what it is like when you love someone with your whole heart, but you have to keep your feelings to yourself as your little secret.

Uncle Mac and I started travelling out of town to see each other. Sometimes I left work to meet him out of town.

I could remember a particular day that I almost missed my flight back to Port Harcourt when I came to Lagos with Uncle Mac. I did not tell my parents I was travelling, I wondered what would have happened if I had missed my flight that day.

Do not let me bore you will these little details; but I loved Uncle Mac. I really do not know how my parents got to know, but one day after I returned from the office, mum called and spoke with me about this issue. I denied, of course, I couldn’t have admitted or confided in her. She told me in a strong language that both of them would be very disappointed in me if they discovered it was true. Mum went further to tell me that Uncle Mac was a womaniser and that young girls were his specialty, but to my ears, she sounded funny because I had never met any other lady with Uncle Mac, I felt she said this to paint him black before me.

I honestly, do not know who fed my parents about my movement with Uncle Mac, the second time they spoke with me about him, dad even told me the name of the hotel where I went with him, but of course, I denied that too.

My parents were to travel to Lagos for my cousin’s wedding, in fact we were supposed to travel together, but I told them I would stay back. Uncle Mac had travelled to Abuja on a business trip and I knew he would come to town that weekend.

As soon as my parents left, Uncle Mac and I spoke on phone and he told me he had made arrangement for hotel accommodation for us for the two days my parents would be away, I checked into the hotel and waited for him.

The unthinkable happened that night when a knock at the door ushered my parents into the hotel room.

I prayed the earth to open up and swallow me. Uncle Mac was as shocked as I was. How did my parents know I was there with him? Were they not supposed to be in Lagos? What happened? Daddy has not said a word to me since three weeks ago. They only thing he said to Uncle Mac was,” why Mac, why did you do this to me? You know I loved you like a brother and I won’t do this to you?” His words to Uncle Mac almost broke my heart. Dad almost shed tears.

I can’t even face him up till today. I would have made a case for myself, before him and everybody if I did not later learn that Uncle Mac had asked my sister out once and that he had actually slept with and even impregnated our housemaid, Auntie Julie.

I was not too young when it happened. Auntie Julie had an abortion her life. I thought he loved me. He had even asked me several times to be his wife. When I raised the issue of age difference, he told me it doesn’t matter as love is no respecter of age.

Uncle Mac has disillusioned me; I am really hurt about his deceit. I would have been dwelling on that now, if I do not have to contend with my parents.

Although mum is equally angry with me, but she let out her anger by giving me a piece of her mind.

But dad’s silence is killing me. I know he is disappointed in me, I have always been his favourite, please, advise me on what to do.

Friday, 18 January 2013 00:00
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Dear Taiwo,

PLEASE, help me. I don’t know how to clear this mess I got myself into. I hate to cause my parents pains, but what I did is causing them more than pains. It has become a serious heartache.

I love my parents dearly, and they love me too, they have done so much for me. I have no option but to be a good child, but see what I have done. Please, help me.

If I say I am like the proverbial child born and raised with a silver spoon, I won’t be wrong. My parents have just two of us, (my elder sister and I) after they had waited for over 10 years. My sister came at a time my father’s family had given up on mummy and they had encouraged him to take another wife.

Instead of taking another wife, daddy stood by his wife and diverted all his energy into making his business work, which is why he had enough to give us the best when we came.

My sister and I had the best any child could ask for. When mummy gave birth to me, dad was away from the country on a business trip and his best friend Uncle, Marcus, popularly addressed as Uncle Mac came to the hospital to take mummy and I home. In fact, mum told us that during my christening, he stood by her and did not allow her to miss daddy much.

Uncle Mac and dad are childhood friends, people who really did not know thought they are related and most of the time the two of them do not bother to correct the impression. Uncle Mac and his wife, Aunty Tina had their kids faster and they are blessed with two kids too, a boy and a girl. Because they had their kids earlier than our parents, their children were like our big brother and sister.

Unfortunately, Aunty Tina who had also become mummy’s good friend died about seven years ago and Uncle Mac refused to take another wife. Because of the relationship, Uncle Mac and dad were always in our house and sometimes, he would take my sister and I out when we were growing up, by then his kids were away in the boarding school and later when they went to higher school.

When I finished my secondary school, just like my sister, I went to the US for my university education, where I read Economics. My sister finished before me and came over to Nigeria for her Youth Service and started work. It wasn’t a strange thing for my uncle to stop and check on me whenever he came to the US and he happened to be close me.

Aunty Taiwo, I don’t know, how or when or what brought it up, but I discovered that Uncle Mac and I became attracted to each other. Initially, I felt it was a childhood fantasy, of course, I was no longer a child, I was in my late teenage years, but how else can I describe what I felt for the man who could more or less be called my father?

I tried all I could to fight this feeling, but all the while I was trying, I never knew Uncle Mac felt the same way. Like I stated earlier, I really could not remember who made the first move or how we started, but I started to date my father’s best friend or would say my father’s brother.

In fact, he deflowered me, and because of this singular action, he loved me so much.

Having an affair with him when I was in the US was very easy, because my parents were not there and everyone who saw us together never gave it much thought as no one would think being with my uncle all the time was a big deal.

Just like mummy asked me a few weeks ago, “Why did you do this to us? What can Mac have given you that we can’t give you even more?” I did not go into the relationship with Uncle Mac for financial gains or whatever he would give me. My parents are comfortable enough to give me the best of everything, but sometimes call it fate, call it anything brought us to do what people will hear and think you have actually gone crazy.

When our affair started, Uncle Mac became a frequent visitor to the US, the first person who guessed that there was more to our relationship was my sister, when she came to the US for holiday. We stayed together in my dad’s house. She asked me some questions, but I lied to her. I really did not know why I lied to her, because we were so close and we tell each other things, but I kept this to myself. Maybe, if I had told her, she would have opened up to me, she would have told me Uncle Mac had made a pass at her too, but she refused to fall for him.

This is another angle to my tale of woe. I finished my course and came back to the country for my youth service. Initially, I didn’t want to come home, but daddy insisted. I wanted to stay back and start my Masters Degree immediately, but dad refused to bend the rules.       

To be continued next week

Friday, 11 January 2013 00:00
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