Frequently Asked Questions - Broadcasting Questions

Questions and answers related to broadcasting.

Most webcams are compatible but only a handful of HD Cameras & Camcorders have compatible live streaming features.

Whenever possible it's best that broadcasters dedicate a computer solely for the purpose of streaming the broadcast to Ustream. Close all other open programs, including anti-virus and all other auto-start or memory-resident programs. Use another computer for the chat, social stream, web surfing, and all other tasks during the broadcast.

It is a common misconception that the viewer count on the broadcaster is that of the number of users in the "Viewers" category. However, this is not the case, the viewer count on the broadcaster indicates how many people are watching the video stream while the "Viewers" category on the chat room shows the users that are able to post comments in the chat room.

While broadcasting you may ban any user from your chat room. You don't even need a reason.

To ban a user, any broadcaster or moderator can click on the user’s name and click “ban.” This will block the user’s IP address from the chat room. Note: This only applies to the current chat room.

This feature is only available for a few streams and is not a public feature at this time, If you are interested with multiview and wish for it to be added to your channel, please contact sales at