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Pass It On – Charity Efforts

We Love Passing Things.

Whether it’s a healthy bowel movement or a chance to help others helping IBD, we’re doing our part to pass it on.

Pass It On 10%

Our mission is to empower patients and help people become their own role models to spread IBD awareness, that’s our  niche.  There are a lot of other amazing, inspiring causes out there helping with things like research, community, and patient support.

So, we donate 10% of all apparel sales from our “Ask Me” shirts to another worthy cause.  We include large organizations, small organizations, and even personal fundraising efforts- as long as the money’s being used to benefit those with IBD.  Each quarter, we’ll chose 2-3 organizations, and allow our community to vote on the recipient!

Past recipients include:

Get Your Guts In Gear – The Ride for IBD

Take Steps New Jersey

Team Challenge National Team

Camp Oasis Wisconsin


Every now and then, we hear someone truly inspiring sharing their stories in a public space.  Whether it’s a 6 year old with an ostomy, an inspiring athlete with IBD, or an everyday blogger’s Coming Out Of The Bathroom post and discussing IBD for the first time, publicly.

When we’re so moved by their courage and strength, we’ll send out a free “Ask Me” t-shirt to recognize their openness and promotion of awareness, which benefits our collective effort.

You can help by letting us know of someone that’s exceptionally inspirational, submitting a story of awareness, or sponsoring a shirt to pass onto someone else.

Some IBD SponsorShirts recipients:

Alexis, brave child ostomate

Abby of Run Stronger Every Day tells her UC story

Vicki, pro bike racer with UC

These recipients are people who represent our mission of awareness through their strength and openness.  We choose them through their blogs, stories, conversations, and by witnessing the way they live their lives.  If we see a particularly inspiring person’s story come through our site, Facebook page, or just out in public, we may choose them to get the next SponsorShirt!  Could it be you?  Keep inviting conversations and spreading awareness!


*Please note we have changed our format for donations.  We are no longer accepting nominations.  The best way to get selected is to be out making a difference for others with IBD.  We appreciate the efforts of all organizations, small and large.