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Former East Bloc nations remember Communism’s victims

Budapest - Nations in the former East Bloc, now part of the EU, commemorated a day for the victims of Communism, which Hungarian President János Áder described as being ”conceived in crime”, while candlelight vigils are being held in the capital, Budapest.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo - 2 comments

Food: EU to relax rules on animal protein in animal feed

Lost amongst the Europe-wide furore concerning the discovery of horsemeat in processed foods, on February 14 the European Union quietly announced a partial lifting of the ban on animal proteins in feedstuffs.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 3 comments

Hungary: A new synagogue for Budapest but anti-Semitism on rise

Budapest - Last Sunday, February 1, the foundation stone for the first new synagogue in Hungary in 80 years was laid in the Csepel district of the Hungarian capital, Budapest against a background of rising anti-Semitism.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 1 comment

Romani artist and Holocaust survivor Ceija Stojka dies at 79

Vienna - Ceija Stojka, a Romani Holocaust survivor, writer, and artist died Monday in a Vienna hospital at the age of 79. Through her writing and art, she raised awareness of Nazi persecution against her people during World War II.
In the Media by Layne Weiss

Hungarians of 1956 defy 'morally questionable' EU court verdict

Budapest - At a ceremony held in protest against an April decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that the Communist red star was not a symbol of tyranny, relatives and survivors of Hungary’s 1956 freedom fight stressed the reality of that tyranny.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo

Unknown new dinosaur found in Hungary

Veszpr - A new dinosaur find from 85 million years ago, in the late Cretaceous Period, Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus, has been discovered in western Hungary.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo - 6 comments

Op-Ed: Hungary's Jews face rising anti-Semitism

On Friday, independent parliamentarian Balazs Lenhardt was arrested by Budapest police for burning an Israeli flag at an anti-Zionist demonstration taking place in the Hungarian capital.
In the Media by Raluca Besliu - 3 comments

Adult film star seeks European Union asylum over 'persecution'

Prague - Anastasia Grishay claims she was persecuted in Ukraine over porn roles, the mother of three is requesting asylum from the European Union, after Czech authorities rejected her asylum application.
In the Media by Eric Morales

Op-Ed: Thousands protest against the far right in Hungary

On Sunday, around 10,000 Hungarians demonstrated on the streets of Budapest against the far-right opposition party, Jobbik, after one of its representatives called for a list of Jews to be drawn up, thus sparking public outrage.
In the Media by Raluca Besliu - 2 comments

Far-right Hungarian MP demands 'dangerous Jew list'

Budapest - A far-right member of the Hungarian parliament is demanding that his government draw up a list of Jews who threaten the nation's security.
In the Media by Brett Wilkins

Watch 'Gipsy guy stealing iPhone' on a train

Budapest - Watch a guy steal a smartphone on a train in Budapest. He does not rely on the traditional butterfly-finger methods of stealthy pickpockets but on brazen snatch-and-run chutzpah.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 4 comments

French lawmakers pass bill to pay for abortions

Paris - The French parliament's lower house voted Friday to fully reimburse all abortions and to provide free contraception for teenagers 15 to 18. The bill is set go to the Senate, and sources say it is likely to pass.
In the Media by Layne Weiss - 4 comments

Steer clear of GM crops, Greenpeace and US farmers warn EU

Global environmental campaigning group Greenpeace is urging the European Union not to authorise herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered (HTGE) crops, stating such crops lead to herbicide-resistant super-weeds.
In the Media by Robert Myles - 1 comment

Ex-Hungarian Communist government minister held for war crimes

Budapest - One of the highest-ranking Communist war criminals to be detained has been placed under house arrest in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on suspicion of violating the rules and customs of war, an arrest that has waited 18 years.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo - 2 comments

Rumania: 20,000 Hungarian minority members call for rule of law

Sepsiszentgyorgy - An estimated 30,000 ethnic Hungarians are demonstrating for basic civil rights in the Rumanian town of Sfântu Gheorghe/Sepsiszentgyörgy following the confiscation of the Székely-Mikó Secondary School and the arrest of two ethnic Hungarian officials.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo

Europe still split on totalitarian crimes on Black Ribbon Day

Budapest - The European Union’s Black Ribbon Day has been held in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, but has not had much media coverage, except in media catering to the relatives of the victims of Communism and some victims of Nazism.
In the Media by Christopher Szabo - 3 comments

Op-Ed: When the finger of hate now points at you

Budapest - A life filled with hate and bigotry many times can also lead to a life filled with heartache and disappointment. Such is the case with Hungary's anti-Semitic Jobbik Party leader, Csanad Szegedi, and his story serves as a lesson from which we can learn.
In the Media by Greta McClain - 3 comments

Op-Ed: Raging anti-Semite EU politician discovers he’s Jewish

Sydney - I’ve always found anti-Semites to have one thing in common- They have the vocabulary of Mel Gibson and the intellect of Sarah Palin and never shut up. They can’t wait to get "The Topic" going. This time the subject hit back uncompromisingly.
In the Media by Paul Wallis - 13 comments

Csanad Szegedi, anti-Semitic party leader discovers Jewish roots

Budapest - A far right-wing Hungarian politician, Csanad Szegedi, member of an anti-Semitic right-wing group, recently discovered his Jewish ancestry. The revelation came as a shock to the politician who has been disowned by his ultra-nationalist colleagues.
In the Media by JohnThomas Didymus - 4 comments

Nazi suspect Charles Zentai wins Australia extradition case

Charles Zentai, 90, a suspected Nazi war criminal, has won his battle against the Australian government's attempts to extradite him to Hungary.
In the Media by Layne Weiss - 6 comments
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