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Hearing loss: Millie's story 

Millie’s hearing started deteriorating when she was a child. She talks about learning to cope with the hearing loss and shows that it hasn't stopped her doing what she wants to in life, including dancing.

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Transcript of Hearing loss: Millie's story

(striptease music)

Burlesque is striptease.

It's very glamorous over-the-top stage shows.

When I was about two years old I couldn't really hear anything.

My parents picked up on it first because I didn't really talk

and didn't make noises as a toddler should.

I ended up having three operations,

so that was quite a vast improvement

which sadly has deteriorated over time.

I think, if anything, my hearing has made me a better performer

because I work harder into the routines

and I really try and memorise my music so I know when beats are coming up.

So I know, if I need to do a big flourish, that's the point to do it at

because I know exactly what the track's going to do next.

With burlesque my hearing hasn't been so much of an issue

as with other jobs I've had, say shop work or bar work,

where I've got orders wrong

or I've not been able to hear someone asking me a question

and they think I'm ignoring them.

I think it's been quite a positive thing in my life

because it has been very good for my confidence.

I've always had low self-esteem growing up because I couldn't really hear

and people thought I was a bit odd.

But I think through performing I've managed to grow as a person

and get to a point in my life that I wanted to be at.

Last reviewed: 14/02/2013

Next review due: 14/02/2015


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User623218 said on 08 December 2011

Although it's fantastic to finally see some stripping on the offical NHS site, (and I commend her on the great moves she has), What does stripping and burlesque dancing have to do with becoming deaf?

Were there not some more 'positive' role models you could have utilised, or was it just a jolly for that director?

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