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Tag Archives: awareness

Spreading Awareness is Liberating

In this guest post, Sara discusses her struggle with sharing the details of her disease, and the surprising reactions she received.  From consulting Dr. Google to feeling embarrassed, her story is something we can all relate to- and a lesson we can all learn from.Visit Sara on her new blog, princessluanasthrone.blogspot.com. I woke in a frenzy, [...]

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Self Improvement Awareness Challenge – Jan ’13

Instead of focusing on spreading awareness by telling other people, we want you to take a look at yourself.  Is there something that you’ve been struggling with, in terms of “owning” your disease and being confident with your story?  Have you been feeling a lack of support from others, or considering seeing a therapist for [...]

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Tough Questions – Frustration vs. Education

How To Handle Insensitivity about IBD Part 1 There are some videos and lists out there of Things Not To Say To Someone With IBD.  They are funny, because, well, they’re a little to familiar to all of us.  We can all relate to these and swap stories about the shocking responses we’ve gotten when [...]

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IBD Awareness Week Recap

IBD Awareness Week is just finishing up. The second annual IBD Awareness week was a huge success.  We are humbled by your comments and participation!  People proudly displayed their diseases on Facebook and Twitter, shared their “coming out of the bathroom” stories, invited conversations, and dispelled IBD myths. We watched the majority of IBD organizations [...]

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Giving Awareness Challenge – December 2012

This month’s awareness challenge is something special, it’s all about, what else? Giving.  Anyone who’s experienced the journey of IBD understands what it’s like to need something and not be able to return the favor- be it support, understanding, or taking the time to hang out with someone who’s chronically ill.  Because of these experiences, [...]

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IBD Awareness Week

Senate Resolution 199 was passed last year (2011) designating the week of December 1-7 IBD Awareness Week here in the United States.  To see IBD officially recognized as a worthy cause is a big deal for anyone affected by IBD.  Thanks for making this happen, CCFA! Since we’re all about awareness, we use this week [...]

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10 Gift Ideas for Crohn’s and Colitis Patients

What  gifts do you get your friends who have Crohn’s or Colitis? The holidays are coming up, and we’ve got some awesome ideas that will show them how much you love and support them!  Here are 10 ideas that will go great with Ask Me shirts. 10. Lavender Scented Oil – Lavender triggers natural relaxation, and [...]

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Cool with Colitis

It’s OK to have IBD. This is a story I sometimes forget about.  Not because it was painful or difficult.  Because at the time, it was so insignificant, and so early on in my journey with disease, that I forget that my story starts there. I often attribute the Get Your Guts In Gear bike [...]

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We Are All Each Other’s Inspiration [reposted]

Originally posted for Get Your Guts In Gear, the ride for IBD by Megan Starshak of the Great Bowel Movement June 19, 2012 IBD is a Process, We Are All At Different Steps IBD, as with any chronic illness, involves a process.  Diagnosis doesn’t come with a one way ticket to activism, confidence, and openness.  As [...]

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The Sixth Stage: Empowerment

Well-known psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the 5 stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Although these were based on the grieving process of death and dying, anyone that has experienced chronic illness such as IBD is all too familiar. We think, this can’t be happening to me, this can’t be forever. This is [...]

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