Four Year Plans

These Four Year Plans were created to assist students in seeing their degree program as a whole, rather than one semester at a time. Students should use these worksheets throughout their UGA career to balance major courses, core classes, and electives. The color-coding system should assist students in understanding the ideal ratio of major courses to core/electives each semester.

The Four Year Plans available here are only suggestions of how a student could complete their degree. The most important aspect of these worksheets is the number and sequence of major courses. Core classes and Electives can be adjusted depending on each student's prior credit or interests. With the exception of Interior Design, none of these plans include the option of summer classes. But it should be noted that summer classes are always an option. While major coursework may not be available during the summer semesters, core classes and electives can always be taken. For more information about this, students should consult their advisor and the Registrar's Office for a list of scheduled summer classes.

Four Year Plans:

AB Art History

AB Studio Art

BFA Art Education

BFA Art/Art X: Expanded Forms

BFA Art/Ceramics

BFA Art/Drawing

BFA Art/Fabric Design

BFA Art/Graphic Design

BFA Art/Interior Design

Cortona Option

Internship Option

BFA Art/Jewelry & Metalwork

BFA Art/Painting

BFA Art/Photography

BFA Art/Printmaking

BFA Art/Scientific Illustration

BFA Art/Sculpture