Scientific Illustration - BFA

The fields of biological and medical illustration, collectively known as Scientific Illustration, use artwork as visual tools of communication solely for the service of education.

The production of illustrations of measured accuracy, conceptualized illustrations and diagrammatic illustrations are created to enable communication between scientist and author, teacher and student, or physician and patient. An artist must, therefore, be aware of the viewer's level of knowledge and relate the message in a logical sequence without confusing the viewer with too much or too little information. Because they communicate subtleties and eliminate ambiguities of language, scientific illustrations are an important, often necessary, element in precise communication in scientific education.

Students will receive a BFA degree in Scientific Illustration. Upon graduation, the student should be able to enter the field with a broad understanding of science and techniques enabling direct communication with an expert in any discipline of science. The successful completion of the required courses should provide the student with the portfolio and resume of classes required for acceptance into an accredited master's degree program in medical illustration.