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How your GP can help

Your GP can help you to achieve a healthy weight, and enjoy the health benefits that it will bring.

Are you a healthy weight?
Use the healthy weight calculator to check your BMI

Being overweight can seriously affect your health. If you’re overweight, you’re more likely to develop health problems such as heart disease, a stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Most overweight people are overweight because they consume more energy than they use through physical activity. This means that the best way to lose weight is to make achievable, long-lasting changes to your eating and physical activity habits.

If you’ve tried changing your diet and physical activity habits but are finding it difficult to lose weight, a trip to your GP could help. This is what you should expect.


Assessing your weight

First, your GP or practice nurse will want to assess whether your current weight is healthy or not. This means measuring your weight and height to calculate your body mass index (BMI).

Your BMI indicates whether you are a healthy weight for someone of your height. A healthy BMI for adults is between 18.5 and 24.9. A BMI of 25 or above means that you’re overweight.

Measuring your waist

Your GP or practice nurse may measure your waist.

Your waist circumference can indicate whether your weight is putting you at risk of health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You can learn more by reading Why body shape matters.

Other tests

Your GP may take your blood pressure and carry out other tests, such as a blood test, to check for any health conditions that may be related to your weight. 

Achieving a healthy weight

If you’re overweight, changes to your diet and physical activity levels are the first step to helping you lose weight.

Your GP can help you to assess your current diet and levels of physical activity, and set goals for change.

Your diet

Nottingham GP Dr Ian Campbell, from charity Weight Concern, says that the best way to assess your diet is by keeping a food diary – a written record of everything you eat – for one week.

This can help you and your GP identify habits, such as adding sugar to your tea, that you can change. 


Your physical activity levels can be measured with an activity diary.

Your GP may also suggest that you wear a pedometer for a week. A pedometer measures the number of steps you take and gives an indication of your daily activity levels.

Setting goals

Once your GP has a clearer picture of your diet and level of physical activity, they can help you identify simple lifestyle changes.

“It’s important that the patient decides what changes they’re going to make,” says Dr Campbell. “That way, they’re more likely to stick to them. I usually get them to agree to three reasonable goals.”

This could be cutting down on alcohol, eating a healthy breakfast and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine.

Your GP should offer you regular follow-up appointments, usually every two weeks to a month, to monitor your progress.

Other weight loss services

Your GP may refer you to other services, such as local weight loss groups. These could be provided by the NHS, or may be commercial services that you pay for.

“Having support from other people in your situation can really motivate you to lose weight,” says Dr Campbell.

If it’s appropriate, your GP may recommend exercise on prescription, where you are referred to a local active health team for a number of sessions, under the supervision of a qualified trainer. Depending on where you live, the exercise programme may be free or at a reduced cost. There may also be other physical activity opportunities that your GP could point you to.

Weight loss medicines

If you’ve made changes to your diet and levels of physical activity but you’re not losing a significant amount of weight, your GP may recommend medicines that can help.

Medicines are only used if your BMI is at least 30, or 28 if you have a weight-related condition, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

Currently, the only medicine prescribed for weight loss is Orlistat. For more information on weight loss medication, see Obesity: treatment

Weight loss surgery

If lifestyle changes and medicines don’t work, your GP may talk to you about weight loss surgery.

To qualify for weight loss surgery, clinical guidance states you must have a BMI of at least 40, or 35 if you have a weight-related health condition, such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. However, your local PCT will have criteria that you will need to meet before you can be considered for surgery.

People with a BMI of 40 or above may find it extremely difficult to lose weight, and surgery can be effective for these people. However, it is a major procedure that comes with health risks of its own.

You can find out about the different types of weight loss surgery in Obesity: surgery.

Last reviewed: 26/03/2012

Next review due: 26/03/2014


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ktonks said on 29 October 2012

Speaking as someone who first went to a dietician when she was age 8, now at 20 I finally realise how much more happy I am now that I live a balance lifestyle, I strugged with a commercial self-help group from the age of 15-19, when I left school I went from a size 10 to a size 18, It crept up slowly, but at my biggest 13 stone 3 pounds, I realise I had to do something, I joined the group again and in 7 months I have lost 3 stone, And have gone from a size 18 to a size 10, I exercise 3-4 times a week, but I eat out atleast once a week and have a few drinks on a saturday night too, Losing weight is all in the mind, if you believe you can do it you will, no matter what anyone says to you otherwise. I don't know how someone can say they have a BMI of 30-40 and don't know why? I admitted I had a problem and that I was greedy, and my life has changed completely! I'm in better health, I joined the gym and met loads of new friends aswell as having a closer bond to my old friends too and I got myself a full time job which I wouldn't of had the confidence to go for previously! Stay healthy, Stay Happy :)

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BrendaCollins said on 29 September 2012

I don't think doctors take you seriously unless you are really clinically obese and it is badly affecting your health. I did my own research and plumped for supplements which seemed like they may work. I have lost nearly one stone in three and a half months and am really chuffed with this. my previous record for weight loss was hit and miss at best. Of course I am not advocating diet pills but I am just giving my personal story.

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peksy86 said on 22 August 2012

I agree with everyone here that says the NHS are not being proactive or supportive enough to those who need help with weight loss. They say being proactive and supportive on this matter would save millions but do you see them doing anything about the amount of rubbish sold? What about the degree patronising comments by NHS staff? Or how about providing access to dieticians??? Nada, and it is because they can't give two tosses. I have a genetic disposition severely dislocating joints which results in arthritis in your 20s to 30s. To make matters worse I apparently have poly cystic ovaries which means it is even harder to loose weight. To top it all, two years ago, when I was a "healthy weight" I developed sciatica in my left leg then later a slipped and torn disc, even later I dislocated my good leg. I am in an electric wheelchair at the age of 26, 12st 4 at 5ft2 and told to excessive more and eat less. Hello! I am in an electric wheelchair for a reason. What's even funnier is that my GP was the one who recommended the wheelchair! When I worked it out, I eat about 1200 calories a day, do they want me to starve or what because I sure as hell can't move. Nobody cares, it is all about saving money for the NHS and the government just make a lot of noise to look good. News flash -stop talking and do something to help, give the
NHS what they need to care for people. That'd also solve the number of people on sickness benefits too. Two birds, one stone.....

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johannab said on 01 August 2012

wow, the reality is different and this article unfortunately is not accurate, and I'm with most of you guys who left your comments here.I've tried anything and everything, and nothing works, plus on top of that I find NHS doctor the most unhelpful and discouraging to my problem, so much so that I always come out of those pointments with tears.

If I had mac donalds everyday, and drunk gallons of soda and lived the most unhealthy life style then please treat me like you do, but I don't!!

Now I am BMI 33, how much more weight am I going to have put on before you help me :(

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david_w said on 18 July 2012

Fair enough a lot of this is common sense but for those of us who struggle to lose weight (like myself, on 16 tablets of various steroid tablets, simply to keep me alive, for life), it is a pain to get help (or at least it has been for me).
I used to be on & off a now unavailable weight loss tablet, sibutramine, but that only worked for up to 6month at a time :/
To top it off, for a 18month I've been asking my two main consultants for help. One says he can't do anything, the other just gets me out of his clinic as soon as I mention it,
My weight has become so bad that I was turned down for a leg op on the day yesterday (mind, my pre-op was over a year ago!).
So now I've an appointment with my 'main' consultant next month and I will be refusing to leave his room until he does something (as I have been trying but I'm sure that even the sight of food adds a pound!)
If nothing happens, I may be using my inheritance (which is supposed to be used to help me through my 3 remaining years of uni, to go private or something).
I know they're supposed to be helping us but the NHS is failing so many people (and costing themselves loads in terms of what they will need to rectify in the future).
Anyway, rant over. Here's hoping that the people at/near the top of any part of the NHS see our experiences and (maybe, just MAYBE), do something useful!

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Jossie said on 26 June 2012

Wow, what a whirlwind of emotions reading all of these comments - the heart break and disappointment and depression. I hear all of you loud and clear. I was 40kgs overweight and my gp gave told me all the eat less, exercise more spiel, which on some level I knew was true but I couldnnt get it to work for me. I tried every diet programme out there (and then some!). I'm telling you - if it exists I've tried it. I'd always lose it, then gain it, and more, when I stopped the programme. How depressing. I had my major breakthough when I got curious about why i overate rather than how to stop overeating. I was lucky I was referred to a weight loss coach who helped me break out of the crappy cycle I was in.

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User154299 said on 20 May 2012

I am obese but currently loosing weight. No help from any GP. When I was working as an commercial archaeologist (hard physical graft) i injured what I thought was my back. GP told me categorically I was fat and lazy and that's why I had injured my back. Luckily my parents took pity on me and paid for me to see a private specialist and I had a thyroid imbalance catalysed by being on the pill (apparently I have a very sensitive negative feedback system surrounding all my pituitary hormones)... it also turns out years later after having two children that I have hypermobility of my pelvis and had dislocated it way back then. I spent 18months in agony at the time with sciatica afraid to return to the condescending doctor. Out of all the GPs in my life I have had more that treated me like a hypochondriac than ever listened to what I had to say - from the one who told me just to go and take some Immodium when it eventually turned out I had comphylobacter food poisoning to the fat and lazy all the way through the others including a nurse telling me I should just get a hormonal implant for contraception as it's only localised (eh? hormonal contraception? I suppose in the same way pregnancy is localised). Anyway if I can echo anything here my experience of the NHS throughout my life is of a lack of competence and compassion and would definitely not expect them to help with my weight. Thank heavens I can look up clinical documentation from systematic literature reviews and NICE myself and be informed. Not that I'd ever expect a GP to listen to me. (Feel better for that rant!)

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Super Ted said on 04 May 2012

This article and the NHS is a joke.

I keep a food diary, excercise for 60mins 4 times a week, with a personal trainer, have a pedometer and always get it past 10k steps. I watch what I eat and count my calories.

According to my calorie counting/excercise I should lose 4lbs a week, reality is I have lost 3lbs in 9weeks so after reading this article I called my local doctors and made an appointment.

I ask for help, what do I get? A leaflet and am told to make an appointment again in 4 weeks, despite telling them what I have been doing. What does the leaflet say? count calories, eat more healthy excercise more, everything I am already doing.

The medical staff at my local GP's are a waste of time, the NHS is a waste of time, all hot air, no one cares, no one wants to help, no one is interested.

If I could opt out of the NHS I would do it tomorrow, it doesnt deserve to be funded with my tax's, its inefficient, and incompetant and doesnt want to help. Why should we continue paying for this level of service.

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elliefoxy said on 13 March 2012

hi, im quite young and do a lot of sport per week, around 15 hours, and i eat loads of fruit or veg and rarely eat chocolate or crisps or anything like that. i play football but still im overweight so i dont really know what to do? help anyone?

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lazonga said on 01 January 2012

I'm with Tim on his comments - i've been raising concerns that despite a very healthy / un-fadding diet of lots of fruit + veg with other key nutritional foods included, cutting out alcohol, and a vast increase in the amount of exercise i was doing, i wasn't losing any weight.

I have this conversation with my doctor every year or so, in an attempt to gain some support as i try to lose weight and improve my lifestyle. All the doctor does is check my blood (which i suppose is something!), it comes back normal and its left at that......no follow up action about what else might be causing the problems. It's incredibly frustrating, and it angers me when i then read articles making it sound like doctors are willing to help - they're not, in my opinion!!!!!

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timmalvern said on 31 May 2011

This surely is a joke? My wife is overweight and has tried every diet under the sun, nothing has worked. She went to the doctor, who told her to loose weight and only then will they help her? What a total waste of time talking to a doctor

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cushy0001 said on 20 September 2010

Have been reading some of your comments and have to reply. I am a practice nurse in Liverpool and I do see people wanting to lose weight. Most of us do care, I am researching at present to try to help a 17 year old girl who has stones to lose and no confidence. I am also 2 stone overweight myself and eat healthily most of the time, so I do understand why a lot of you are disilussioned.
Please remember most of you will have yoyo dieted for years and as a result your metabolism (the rate your body converts food into energy) is probably way off keel. Before I became a nurse I had starved myself on and off since I was 12. The only time i was slim was when I didnt worry about food and danced the weekend away. Ok I'm a single parent with 3 kids so thats not an option for me either any more. There is only 1 weight loss drug out there now that is safe, but criteria is really strict, which is possibly why gp's are not giving it.
Gym memberships are expensive, you can get an exercise on presciption from your gp or nurse which will give you 12 sessions at a council gym but after that you would have to get your own membership. Remember exercise is anything that increases your heart rate. It is better to do 30 mins per day than go to a gym twice per week. Try skipping, up and down stairs without rest for 30 mins, squats and abdo crunches. All these can be done at home, in private without cost and no childcare.
My advice is download food portion guides with one of those divider plates that show you how much of each food group you need. We actually need very few carbs per day, if you get hungry easily try to have low GI carbs as they are broken down slower so you feel fuller for longer. Throw out your scales cos the temptation to get weighed cos you feel like you might have lost is strong, you get on and youve put on a pound. This is becouse we weigh differently at different times of the day and watch for constipation with diet change, this affects weight loss. x

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mandy_Y said on 25 May 2010

I've struggled with my weight for a few years and now I've hit that wall where I just can't get the motivation to lose the weight, will my doctor be able to help? i'm afraid of going and being told just to cut out fat/sugar etc, I know how to diet I just need that extra push, and am hoping if a doctor tells me it might help get my backside in gear, I would never have contemplated going to the doctor about a weight issue but its just become so much of a struggle.

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Armleylass said on 27 January 2010

We lived overseas in Asia for 3 years, and I walked a lot there, and cut down on food (didn't like the food that much), so I stayed steady at 10 stone, which is a good weight for my height. Since coming back, I have gained 17 lb in 11 months, and am 8 lb overweight now. I had a small stroke on 30/11/09 and that was my wake up call. I haven't lost much so far, but at least I have stopped gaining! I intend to exercise 30 minutes a day until I get the strength back in my right arm and leg, and then I will try to keep improving until mI can do 10,000 steps a day. I have to cut out sweets and pop too, and cut down on biscuits...healthy lifestyle here I come! Anybody want to join me in healthy living??? Leave a message, Cheers, D

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Armleylass said on 27 January 2010

We lived overseas in Asia for 3 years, and I walked a lot there, and cut down on food (didn't like the food that much), so I stayed steady at 10 stone, which is a good weight for my height. Since coming back, I have gained 17 lb in 11 months, and am 8 lb overweight now. I had a small stroke on 30/11/09 and that was my wake up call. I haven't lost much so far, but at least I have stopped gaining! I intend to exercise 30 minutes a day until I get the strength back in my right arm and leg, and then I will try to keep improving until mI can do 10,000 steps a day. I have to cut out sweets and pop too, and cut down on biscuits...healthy lifestyle here I come! Anybody want to join me in healthy living??? Leave a message, Cheers, D

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yoyo1063 said on 07 December 2009

Hello :)

No-one seems to have written here for ages, but I thought I'd give you all some encouragement...
I have struggled with my weight for years, and at the end of last year I went to Weight Watchers. Unfortunately, it didn't agree with me, I ended up having low blood sugar and passing out all over the place...not so great!
So I went to my GP and got an appointment with a dietician, who was really lovely. She suggested that I cut out fruit juice (now I just have 1 small glass a day), not drink as much caffeinated drinks and not go out for meals as much. And hey presto, I lost weight! Try it...it genuinely works! :)

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mark_18 said on 26 May 2009

I have never really had the courage to admit that I have a problem with my weight. When I was 18 I was training to join the Navy, I was fit, healthy and well within my ideal weight. Even during school I was part of a swimming gala, the rugby team and cross country team. Unfortunately it all went down hill very fast. I ended up coming out of the Navy due to family problems. I am now only 22 and I am 6 stone overweight and classed as medically obese. I am however 6ft 1, and a lot of people say that I do not look my weight, must be the way that I carry it?! I had chosen to pay little attention to the amount of weight I had put on, growing out of my clothes, the spare tyre around my waist ect! I am now in a vicious circle, I cannot get the motivation to exercise, I feel unhappy and depressed about the way that I look and I just keep going round in circles. I did do a 6.6 mile jog/walk last week and I nearly died! This just shows that you can go from one extreme to the other in so little time. From a young healthy fitness fan, to an overweight lump! I know there are no quick fixes, and healthy eating and exercise seem to be the only way.

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Cushing0 said on 16 February 2009

my bmi is just over 26 so i am techinically over weight those who visualise me daily dont agree however i do am a boy i have this problem i put weight on areas where a women would do by buttocks and legs hold most of my weight i have a flat stomach which loooks hideous compared to the rest of my body.

help me

i cycle to and from work every day and used to job for fun but nothing helps

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Star Dust said on 02 October 2008

Hi .. I have just checked my BMI and I am obese =( , I was expecting it but still it upsets me as I am very active and I admit I do have the odd naughty treat now and again but who doesn't? I eat quite healthly and well portioned so I don't see why am so big for what I do. I'd love to join the gym but I feel embarassed, plus I cant afford it and I can't exactly take my one year old son as I have no one to look after him. I have lost my periods and I'm only 21 .. I went to the doctors and they fobbed me off on a food diary which didnt work for me .. The only time I have been extremely thin was when I was about 15 and all I ate was 5 pieces of fruit, drank water only and done 2 hours of exorcise every night and to be honest I can't be expected to do that now plus it's not really healthy either .. I just don't know what to do and it really gets me down, I'm really unhappy about it as alot of people like to point out that I'm bigger than them, I mean I'm a size 16/18 and weigh 14 stone yet everyone is like a size 6 or 8 or something like that and I am
alot more active and eat more healthy and I don't even drink yet these people have the perfect figure .. I just don't know where to turn to as I haven't got time for these diets as I'm busy most of the time until my son goes to bed and then thats my time out and I'm more likey to want to chill by then, I just don't know what I'm doin wrong and my doctor doesn't seem to understand or help, it's asif I'm lying about my life style but why would I? Especially if I want to lose weight. I just hope that I do lose weight and see my periods again as it is really getting me down and I can honestly say I do try =)

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Nicky said on 03 July 2008

I'm feeling a bit down at the moment. I went to see my GP because I'm 22 and have had health problems most my life. Nothing drastic or life threatening, just unconmfortable and feeling generally unwell (overweight, digestive problems, lethargy etc). I had a blood test looking for any thyroid problems, diabetes etc but it came back completely normal. I should be thrilled with this result but actually I'm a bit dissappointed as now I don't have any answers or help. I was really expecting to hear I had an underactive thyroid as I've got lots of symptoms but no. I've decided the best thing for me to do now is to just throw myself into diet and exercise and hope that makes everything better. I'm taking the slim fast and swimming approach at the moment, wish me luck...

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bet said on 02 July 2008

I've lost weight several times through my adult life - weight watchers, slimming world etc but every time I put it all back on. I have finally realised that you can get as many tips and advice about HOW to lose weight as you like, but the only thing to keep it off is to figure out WHY you are overweight and eat more than you need. Eating makes me feel better for a while. I can't remember the last time I really ate because I was hungry, I do it because I'm sad, lonely, bored or think I deserve a treat. I now realise I have to find another way of reacting to these feelings, like going for a walk or cleaning the house or something active. Slowly changing what I do bit by bit. Well, here goes....

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Nik00 said on 23 June 2008

Hi! I have done so many diets. I think I've found the right way to go finally! I found that by drinking 2ltrs of water a day took my hunger away - that way you dont want to eat too much. Dont cut anything out because it will make you want it all the more. But look at your portions - could you have just one? Do you need so much? And exercise - I do it at home with a dvd and a wii console. Lots of fresh fruit and veg and cut out the majority of your carbs because they cause your food cravings. I have just done a week of this and lost 7lbs - just another 8 1/2 stone to go. Its about being healthier and the will to want to be healthy. Good luck!

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Terri said on 21 June 2008

I'm trying to lose weight so I feel better about myself but my Dr isn't willing to help. she just keeps telling me to exercise and eat less. I would love to go to the gym but with an 8 month old, 2 kids in school and gym admitions getting pricey I don't know where help is going to come from???
I just wish someone would take me seriously and help me by pointing me in the right direction!!!!

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smiggi said on 03 June 2008

hi I have don e the same with weight watchers put weight on done my own diet and lost weight without help. try not to eat any pasta, rice,potatoes,white bread.Do this for a month then slowly introduce smaller portions but only have one of these foods a day. Don't mix the starches and you will lose weight,mix up salads and stir fries to what you like. Also try fruit smoothies these do help to five a day and it does help. The only problem I have with diets is the price of food as I can't always afford to diet as I don't have the money to do it. This is why I put weight on as having 4 kids and a sick husband to look after I forget about myself.

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sandrahj said on 30 May 2008

I have been told to loose weight by my doctor who has got an appointment for me at a health clinic but unable to get in for 6 months I joined Weight Watchers but was disheartened as I lost the first week and gained the next two and haven't been since. I am not a big eater have been told in the past I don't eat enough, but enough of what I don't know. I do vary my food during the day but evenings I only have one veg no potatoes
Not a happy person at the moment.

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longtime said on 21 May 2008

Sounds like desperate times! You have taken the first step and recognised there is a problem, GPs can only advise you what to do, its up to you to see it through. Sounds easy enough but boy how hard it can be. I'm 3 stone overweight but in my mind it might as well be 20. Its so hard getting motivated and actually get on with it. I've just started AGAIN this week not with any faddy diets just trying to eat healthily. We all know what's good to eat and what isn't but sometimes its portion size aswell, eating too much fruit and healthy foods just seems to be as bad as eating the wrong foods. I've got to get my head around this and hopefully I may loose some weight. I hope my words have inspired you to try again and again if necessary. Good luck and respect to everyone who is trying to lose weight.

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Anna said on 10 April 2008

I have also been told by my doctor to join a gym but instead I got a treadmill Ive not loas any weight at all in 10 weeks ive stayed the same, how do they expect you to loose the weight when they dont help you out at all. The nurse was worse telling me that im eating too much and should be eating less only going by what it says on the weight watchers list Oh boy if they cant help who can. Good luck to you all and just try and keep up the good work

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bigbird said on 23 March 2008

I have also been to my gp and asked for help so i can lose weight as im 27yrs old with 4 kids and im scared i wont live to watch them grow. i know its my fault that i way so much but i need him to precribe me some weight lose pills so ive got something to work with as im not lazy i just lack confidence

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shetazmanian said on 18 March 2008

Don't give up, i know just how you feel as i have yo-yoed with my weight since I was 16, I too never got any help or support off my doctor, they did send me to a dietician who proceeded to tell me how lucky she was that she could eat anything and not gain weight, i came away feeling worse than when I went.
I have also been suicidal and on many occasions, I never want to go out and I most certainly do not have a social life.
The only real help that I can give you is to try slimming world, I joined my local one where I was before I moved and they were fantastic, you are welcomed into the group and made to feel human and special, the programme is a little difficult to understand at first but you will soon get into it. with all the support I had I lost nearly 4stone and that was in about 6-7 months as I took it steady, due to what has been happening in my life at the moment I must admit I fell off the wagon, and since gained all the weight back and more, but I strongly recommend you give it a go as I am going to try again myself.
I wish you every bit of luck, so keep your chin up and don't give in.

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