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How to stay motivated

Weight loss tips

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People talk about how they have successfully lost weight and an NHS dietitian offers useful tips.

More tips from real-life slimmers

Keep a photo diary
From Carrie Sorrell, 20, from Hertfordshire.
Lost 28kg (four and a half stone).
“I asked my partner to take photographs of me in my underwear, and kept a photo diary. It meant I could see what I really looked like underneath my clothes. I also recorded my measurements, targets and feelings. It was a great way to keep motivated as I saw the pounds and inches disappearing.”

Track weight-loss monthly, not weekly
From Wendy Jenks, 38, from Eastleigh, Hampshire. Lost 24kg (three stone 11lbs).
“One thing I was told stuck in my mind: it's a good idea to consider your weight loss over a month rather than getting disheartened after a disappointing week.”

Find ways to walk
From Karen Baird, 31, from Shepshed, Leicestershire.
Lost 25kg (over four stone).
“I used to hate the fact that I seemed to be constantly going up and down the stairs. Now I see it as a leg-toning exercise. I also walk a couple of miles a day with the children instead of always using the car. It’s good for me, them and the environment.”

Visualise the new you
From Karen Thompson, 28, from Bedford.
Lost 32kg (five stone).
“I used to meditate and visualise the new, slimmer me. I would imagine myself wearing a brand new dress or a tight pair of jeans and feeling great. Not only did it relax me, but it really helped me stay focused.”

Set small, achievable targets
From Sonia Nurse, 34, from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.
Lost 54kg (eight and a half stone).
“I know how soul-destroying it can be to think how far you’ve got to go, so my advice is to set little targets along the way, such as the next half-stone or dress size. That’s what worked for me.”

Get sponsored
From Amanda Richards, 35, from Sussex.
Lost 19kg (three stone).
“I signed up to run a 5km race. I got loads of people to sponsor me and it was for a charity that meant a lot to me. I knew I had to get fit to run the race, and I couldn’t let everyone down. So I had the perfect reason to stay motivated.”

Bonus weight loss tips

  • Talk to yourself positively. Drown out that negative voice and replace it with ‘I can see the me I want to be’ or another positive message that works for you. If you think it, you’ll start to believe it.
  • Continue to weigh out meal basics such as rice and pasta even if you've hit your target weight. It helps you stay in control of portion sizes. Drink plenty of water. It helps you to feel full, and can lessen the risk of snacking.
  • Measure yourself as soon as you start to lose weight: your weight loss doesn’t always show on the scales, but you may have lost inches.
  • It’s important to enjoy a little of what you fancy and not feel you have to completely cut out the foods you love. If you’re craving chocolate, have a few pieces. That way you won’t end up bingeing.

Last reviewed: 21/09/2011

Next review due: 21/09/2013


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nberg said on 02 September 2012

I have always had a struggle to shift those extra pounds (as they say) so I feel by cutting out Potatoes in main meals, and also by working out frequently and also attending my Zumba that I should be able to lose weight - well not very much, I have dropped though comfortably from 11st down to 10 and a half, this seems to be very much the norm, it's the final hurdles which are difficult to manage, don't get me wrong, I do eat protein and veg in meals, just not chips, or roast potatoes, I've said about Green Tea, I have cut down and back on Green Tea, as I found I was having a bit too much of it. If I do I'll have one or two cups of Green Tea on the odd occasion when I do have Green Tea.

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Kirsty F said on 20 February 2012

I stay motivated, by having little conversations with myself, might sound a little weird but it works for me, try it. If I reach for something I want but I know it isn't good for me, I talk it through and 99.9% of the time it stops me. Good luck everyone, keep going you will do it, as will I :-)

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jberg said on 07 February 2012

I stay motivated to lose weight by working out in the form of Aerobics/Dance Aerobics, and I walk lot as well via the use of Public Transport. Late last year and into this year I have had a setback having not worked out for a very long time however I'll resume my working out regime shortly.

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jberg said on 07 February 2012

I had somewhat of a set back from the late Autumn last year and regarding the early Winter dark mornings, (including late afternoons getting darker early) that without realising, I had turned to comfort food. However, from when I happened to have been weighed previously last week, until today, literally the 7 February 2012, I have carefully lost weight from 11 st through to 10 and a half stone meaning I have lost 7llbs! I hope to continue the trend, I was previously last year exercisiing less and less also, because I was always feeling very tired, so I wanted to see if exercising a couple of times a day was the problem, however having had a blood test done, my iron levels normal. I feel that the trick being I have turned to having Green Tea, with an added flaour, and that helps me to boost metabolism for weight loss, and I am finding that I have cut down, or not had any bread at all, and certainly not overeating anymore either. From this week, I'll return to my normal twice a day or once as maintenance exercise regime.

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deborah said on 18 March 2008

i stay on track with my diet as i had a health scare with my heart , i aslo have had high colesterol so to keep to my diet i never say i am nt allowed to eat i just say i can eat but i alway chose a healthy snack and always remember no food tastes as good as slim feels hope my experience helps

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