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Men's health 40-60

Sam Allardyce

'My heart op shock'

Premiership football manager Sam Allardyce talks about his heart operation and how fitting in regular visits to his GP may have saved his life.

Top 10 diets review

Find a weight loss plan that’s right for you with our review of the 10 most searched-for commercial diets.

Should I have a PSA test?

Information to help you decide if you should have a PSA test to check for the early signs of prostate cancer.

Andy Stevenson

'Couch to 5K helped me lose weight'

Andy Stevenson was looking for an exercise to lose weight and get fit and found Couch to 5K was just the ticket.

Linford Christie's health and fitness tips

Former Olympian Linford Christie shares his tips on keeping healthy and beating middle-age spread.

Ten ways to boost your health

Ten ways to boost your health, including tips for exercising more, eating healthily and stopping smoking

Is your blood pressure healthy?

Avoid high blood pressure by making some simple lifestyle changes.

Male midlife crisis

The midlife crisis is something people joke about, but it can be distressing for those going through it.

Keep the passion alive

Advice from psychosexual therapist Denise Knowles about keeping the lust alive in your relationship.

Male sexual problems

An expert explains the causes and treatments of erection problems and premature ejaculation. With videos.

Patrick Greene

'My drinks diary shock'

Patrick Greene kept a drinks diary and was shocked to see how much he was drinking every day.

Weight loss tips

A large gut increases your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.

Get active your way

Ideas for busy mums, families, young people, office workers and older adults to build activity into their life.

Lower your cholesterol

A fatty diet can raise your cholesterol, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Get food tips for lowering your cholesterol.

Male-pattern baldness

Find out about the most effective treatments for male-pattern baldness, the most common type of hair loss.


Losing weight – Getting started

Download our 12-week PDF guide to weight loss

Weight loss pack Your browser appears to have Javascript disabled, to view the Weight loss pack information in an accessible format please go to http://nhs.uk/tools/documents/weight_loss_pack/accessibility/text-only.htm

Take a LifeCheck

Link to NHS LifeCheck.

A few moments spent now could add years to your life.

Couch to 5K running plan

Download these audio podcasts, follow the plan and you'll be running 5km in just nine weeks

Download the Couch to 5K podcasts

Male midlife symptoms

Why men of a certain age may experience loss of libido, depression and other symptoms, and why there's no such thing as a 'male menopause'

Alcohol unit calculator

Use this alcohol unit calculator to find out how many units there are in a single drink or in a number of drinks

Alcohol myth buster

Video: stop smoking

There are 10 million ex-smokers in the UK. See how some of them kicked the habit and their reasons for wanting to quit.

Video: lose the belly

Around 9,000 people a year die prematurely as a result of obesity. Want to get fit and lose the belly? See how these men have done it.

Good sex

How to have a fulfilling sex life, including sex tips, and talking to your partner

Drinking and alcohol

Calculate your units, read about the health risks of drinking too much and find out where to get help and support

Lose weight

For a healthy weight, eat well and get active. Find out how to get started and keep going

Health and fitness

Boost your health and fitness with fun and practical ideas to help you get into shape

Stop smoking

Help with quitting, including what your GP can do, local services and nicotine replacement therapies