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Ten ways to get fit

Exercise doesn't have to mean torturing yourself at the gym. Here are 10 ways to get fit while you have fun.


This is one of the best total-body workouts, helping you shed fat, build muscle and even improve your concentration. Make sure you go to classes that are registered with the English Karate Federation, so you know you're being taught by a real expert.


Whatever your skill level, from Drogba to donkey, a kickabout is an excellent way to get in shape. A jumpers-for-goalposts game is good, but if you start a team you are guaranteed regular games, meaning your skills and general fitness will quickly improve.


Think you can navigate cross-country with just a map, a compass and your instincts to aid you? It's like a giant treasure hunt – you’ve got to reach a series of checkpoints in the quickest time, so it exercises both body and mind. Visit the British Orienteering website for more information.


This is a great way to build your upper body and get an all-round workout. You can do it indoors, and go at your own pace.


It's fast, fun and gives you a real adrenaline rush. Unlike other team games you're always part of the action, so there’s no equivalent of being stuck in goal. Even if you’re not traditionally sporty, you could turn out to be a real sharpshooter.

Street dance

Learn some of the breakdancing and hip-hop moves that you see in your favourite videos and get fit in the process. Plenty of organisations offer street-dancing classes all around the UK. Why not lace up your trainers and get moving? For some inspiration watch our video below on how you can get active with street dancing.


Basketball is an easy way to work out – you can play solo, testing your shooting skills, or as part of a team. Height is obviously an advantage, but there are some very successful short players, such as Muggsy Bogues who, at 1.60m (5' 3") tall, is the shortest-ever NBA player.

Ice hockey

The world’s fastest team game is rough, tough and great fun. You never stop moving so you get a very intense workout, both burning fat and building muscle. Most rinks have several teams, so even skating novices can try.


If regular sports aren’t your thing, you can still get in shape with a few flips and grinds. Skateboarding gives you an intense workout, can increase your self-confidence and provides another way to get around.

Mountain biking

Cycling is great exercise. You’ll burn a ton of calories and get leaner, more powerful legs. Hard work on the way up those hills is repaid by a thrilling downhill run – perfect for adrenaline junkies.

Street dancing

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The Zoonation UK Dance Company demonstrates some fun and easy dance moves to get you up and active and burn some calories.

Last reviewed: 07/03/2012

Next review due: 07/03/2014


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User212765 said on 24 March 2009

karate's ok but also worth checking out krav maga. It's 'reality based self defence' meaning there is no philosophical mumbo jumbo, sporting elements or unrealistic moves. It's all about how to defend yourself in the real world. More to the point it's also a very intense workout for the whole body!: http://www.institute-kravmaga.co.uk/

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Midelsbrouh said on 05 June 2008

This got me moving and grovin! LOL

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Anonymous said on 28 April 2008

this is a boys health site. are you seriously expecting credibility suggesting that we dance to Grease?!?!?!??!?!

a reality injection is needed...................quickly!!!

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Anonymous said on 01 April 2008

Ice skating would rank too!

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(*)Levi(*) said on 25 March 2008

HAHA Thats well funny!! Dancing 2 Grease!!

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