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A guide to yoga

All you need to know to get started in yoga, including the health benefits, yoga styles for beginners and finding a yoga class.

What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing. The practice originated in India about 5,000 years ago, and has been adapted in other countries in a variety of ways. Yoga is now commonplace in leisure centres, health clubs, schools, hospitals and surgeries.

What are the health benefits of yoga?
Dozens of scientific trials of varying quality have been published on yoga. While there's scope for more rigorous studies on yoga's health benefits, most studies suggest that yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. There's some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains, including low back pain, depression and stress.

Can yoga help prevent falls?
Yes. Yoga improves balance by strengthening your lower body, in particular your ankles and knees, thereby reducing your chances of falling. However, falls may sometimes be caused by a health condition, in which case it's a good idea to see your GP or visit a Falls Clinic at a local hospital.

Can yoga help with arthritis?
Yoga is popular with people with arthritis for its gentle way of promoting flexibility and strength. Some research suggests that yoga can reduce pain and mobility problems in people with knee osteoarthritis. However, some yoga moves aren't suitable for people with arthritis. Find a teacher who understands arthritis and can adapt movements for individual needs, especially if you have replacement joints. Check with a doctor or physiotherapist to find out if there are any movements to avoid.

Am I too old for yoga?
Definitely not. People often start yoga in their 70s and often say they wish they had started sooner. There are yoga classes for every age group. Yoga is a form of exercise that can be enjoyed from childhood to your advanced years. 

Do I have to be fit to do yoga?
No, you can join a class that's suitable to your fitness level. For example, to join a mixed ability yoga class, you need to be able to get up and down from the floor. Some yoga classes are chair-based.

Don't I need to be flexible to do yoga?
Not necessarily. Yoga will improve your flexibility and help you go beyond your normal range of movement, so that you then feel more comfortable during normal daily activity.

Can I injure myself doing yoga?
The most common yoga injuries are caused by repetitive strain or overstretching. But yoga is the same as any other exercise discipline. It is perfectly safe if taught properly by people who understand it, and have experience. Learning from a qualified yoga teacher and choosing a class appropriate to your level will ensure that you remain injury-free.

What style of yoga should I do?
There are many different styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. Some styles are more vigorous than others. Some may have a different area of emphasis, such as posture or breathing. Many yoga teachers develop their own practice by studying more than one style. No style is necessarily better or more authentic than any other. The key is to choose a class appropriate to your fitness level.

What type of class should I look out for?
Classes can vary in duration from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. A longer class will give you more time for learning the breathing and relaxation and will give the teacher time to work with your individual ability. It's worth speaking to a teacher about their approach before you sign up for a class.

Where can I find a yoga class?
If you want to be confident you’re being taught to a high standard, you can look for a teacher accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), which is the Sport England-recognised governing body for yoga. However, not all yoga organisations or teachers in the UK have, or seek to have, BWY accreditation.

Can I use a book or a yoga DVD instead of going to a class?
It's better to start with a class to learn the poses and breathing techniques correctly. With a DVD, there will be nobody to correct your mistakes, which may lead to injury over time. With some experience of being in a class, a DVD can then be helpful for keeping up practice.


Last reviewed: 11/07/2011

Next review due: 11/07/2013


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Comments are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Farida Susanne said on 26 December 2012

Farida Have been teaching Yoga for 40years. One of the early members of the WHEEL OF YOGA founded by the late Wilfred Clark, now The British Wheel of Yoga, .I agree with most w hat has been said about teacher training., with one exception YOGA is NOT a sport. It is NON competitive., where as sport is competitive. YOGA
is a Philosophy, a path which leads to health and contentment, mentally and physically. It is not intended as a quick fix for slimming, nor is it Indian keep fit-as some imagine- with the help of a good dedicated teacher it can be of great benefit, young to elderly.I have taught all ages,blind and disabled, none have been injured .It is possible to modify the postures to suit the students circumstances.A health and progress record should be kept by the teacher.I am still doing yoga every day.

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Eglysilann said on 27 November 2012

Any comments I make can be verified. Much of the information cant be passed on through the internet.
Check the websites for osteoporosis, National osteoporosis foundation, International osteoporosis foundation, osteoporosis canada,osteoporosis australia.

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Eglysilann said on 27 November 2012

Injuries have happened in a yoga class. A person with osteoporosis and had suffered with vertebral fractures. That person had continued to attend yoga classes, while working on a shoulderstand, she lost her balance and fell, she ended up with further verebral fractures.
The British wheel of Yoga provided a handout in 2005, until 2010, clearly stating the precautions. Avoid forward bends if suffering from hypertension, heart conditions, eye or ear conditions, migraine/headaches, etc. avoid passhimotta (seated forward bend ) for asthma.
Dr Frank Chandra clearly stated avoid forward bends if on anti-coags lest a nose bleed happens, which would be hard to stop. A person with osteoporosis must avoid forward bending. dont bend over to touch your your toes.
If a person is taking glucocorticoids, (asthma) etc. they are at risk of osteoporosis. If a person has asthma or any other breathing condition, they must avoid any asana that places pressure on the airways.
I have taught yoga for 36-7 years and hold the British Wheel of Yoga diploma.

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MaraMusso said on 18 July 2012

I am a BWY (British Wheel of Yoga) teacher based in North London. When you look for a yoga teacher in your local area, it is important you look for a qualified yoga teacher. The BWY is the largest yoga organisation in the UK and they provide training, as well as accrediting courses run by other organisations. They are a safe bet when looking for a local class. The BWY national website is: www.bwy.org.uk, but there are also local BWY websites that list classes in your region. All BWY teachers are fully qualified and insured and you know you're in safe hands. Enjoy your yoga journey!

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Avogado said on 28 May 2012

Hi, I am yoga teacher and would like to say all the above info is useful.
But I would like to address one misleading part in "what style of yoga". In fact, any "yoga style" which involves posture workout is called Hatha yoga, so the description of "Hatha and Iyengar are suitable for beginner" is not accurate. "Hahta yoga class" could be very rigorous and tough ! And Iyengar yoga also belongs to Hatha yoga too.
My advice to anyone who want to start yoga, choose a class with qualified teacher, ask questions whether class is suitable for beginner.
- A qualified teacher should be able to show you modification of posture, and how you can use props (i,e the wall, yoga blocks and belt) to perform posture safely for individual.
- Find out the size of class - a bigger class (i.e., over 20 students), you will get less attention. Teacher will be busy for demo, instruction, and managing whole group and it will be more difficult to deal with individual’s issues.
Lastly, once you decide to join the class, tell a teacher brief health history, especially if you have current health problems, including injuries and pregnancy. And continue practice - Yoga is not quick fix. But over the time, you will gain great benefits for both physical and psychological well-being!

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sidmcvicious said on 22 February 2012

Yoga rocks! I was pretty heavy with stress and depression but pushed myself to try it. I am not a new person, I am the person I'm supposed to be. It's as though someone has taken a thick black cloud away from me. I'd tried anti-depressents, but they turned me into a gibbering idiot and after a while I slumped with them. Now I am not on any medication, just a healthy diet and exercise. Some days are a push, I wake up stiff and tired, but I know the only thing that gets rid of that is more yoga, which brings an enormous high, tailed off by calmness and better still I crave it, it's not a chore. And it's all natural. If you want to loose weight as well, keep with the yoga and add a bit of cardio now and again. Flexibility is key.

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Jennifer Cowie said on 03 August 2011

Using a DVD at home is a great way to start. Yes, a teacher may help your alignment in the pose, but it's not always possible to get to a class. The important thing is to move your body every day, and a home practice will allow you to do that. There are some amazing DVDs available for beginners. I started with one by Rodney Yee and after years of home practice became a teacher.

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