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jeffware87 said on 18 January 2013

Hello, I would like to give everyone a general update, and I think it would be helpful because you can see the changes in my symptoms since December. So once again, I have had Whooping Cough since November 22. Finally about ten days ago the wheezing broke. I still have some chest congestion, tightness and irritation and my voice sounds weird due to the congestion but it is more of an annoyance now than a debilitation, but certain things irritate my lungs like cold water, cold air and my lungs are still very sensitive to laughing. I can keep it mostly under control but after laughing I have to cough. My ribs are still in pain from the month of coughing spasms, but the spasms in which I cough until I can't breathe are gone. I have coughing fits where I will cough a few times in a row but I don't gasp for air. For the last week I've also been able to sleep through the night entirely. I would be able to go back to work if I had paperwork, but I speak all day and it would irritate my lungs to do this as I can't speak for long periods without my lungs being irritated. I will be seeing a respirologist on Tuesday as a precaution. At this point I am still taking Ventolin and Flovent but I am no longer on Prednisone, Atrovent or Symbicort, although I don't believe these have much effect. Now that I am coming out of it, what has worked? Next to nothing! All I can say is stay hydrated to cough out any mucous buildup, take lots of Tylenol 3 or Advil for rib pain. Surprisingly the thing I found that worked best was a good, old fashioned hot water bottle, which helped relax my lungs and bronchi. I feel like I've finally made a lot of progress but it almost felt like I would never even get this far. It takes so long and drains you to the point that you think you'll never be healthy again, but I'd just like to tell people who have it to hang in there and stay strong, as it can be just as damaging to your willpower and confidence as it is to your body.