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Hip replacement 


Hip operation: animation

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This detailed animation explains how a hip replacement is done and why it would be needed.

How common are hip replacements?

Hip replacements are a very common procedure.

From April 2010 to April 2011, the NHS performed just over 70,000 hip replacements in England.

Worries over metal-on-metal implants

There have been cases of some metal-on-metal hip replacements wearing sooner than would be expected, causing deterioration in the bone and tissue around the hip. There are also concerns that they could leak traces of metal into the bloodstream.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued new guidelines that  larger types of metal-on-metal (MoM) devices should be checked every year while the implant is in place. This is so that any potential complications can be picked up early.

If you are concerned about your hip replacement contact your GP or orthopaedic surgeon. They can give you a record of the type of hip replacement you have and tell you if any follow-up is required.

You should also see your doctor if you have:

  • pain in the groin, hip or leg
  • swelling at or near the hip joint
  • a limp, or problems walking

These symptoms do not necessarily mean that your device is failing, but they do need investigating.

Any changes in your general health should also be reported, including:

  • chest pain or shortness of breath
  • numbness, weakness, change in vision or hearing
  • fatigue, feeling cold, weight gain
  • change in urination habits

For more information read our metal-on-metal implant advice Q&A.

A hip replacement is a common type of surgery where a damaged hip joint is replaced with an artificial one (known as a prosthesis).

The hips

The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the human body and is what is known as a 'ball and socket joint'.

In a healthy hip joint, the bones are connected to each other with bands of tissue known as ligaments. These ligaments are lubricated with fluid to reduce friction.

Joints are also surrounded by a type of tissue called cartilage that is designed to help support the joints and prevent bones from rubbing against each other.

The main purpose of the hip joints is to support the upper body when a person is standing, walking and running, and to help with certain movements, such as bending and stretching.

Why do I need a hip replacement?

It might be necessary for you to have a hip replacement if one (or both) of your hip joints becomes damaged and causes you persistent pain or problems with everyday activities such as walking, driving and getting dressed.

Some common reasons why a hip joint can become damaged include:

  • osteoarthritis – so-called ‘wear and tear arthritis’, where the cartilage inside a hip joint becomes worn away, leading to the bones rubbing against each other
  • rheumatoid arthritis – this is caused by the immune system (the body’s defence against infection) mistakenly attacking the lining of the joint, resulting in pain and stiffness
  • hip fracture – if a hip joint becomes severely damaged during a fall or similar accident it may be necessary to replace it

Many of the conditions treated with a hip replacement are age-related so hip replacements are usually carried out in older adults aged between 60 and 80.

However, in some cases a hip replacement may be necessary in children or younger adults whose hips are incorrectly formed (hip dysplasia).

The purpose of a new hip joint is to:

  • relieve pain
  • improve the function of your hip
  • improve your ability to move around
  • improve your quality of life

Read more about why a hip replacement may be necessary.

What happens during hip replacement surgery?

A hip replacement can be carried out under a general anaesthetic (where you are asleep during the procedure) or an epidural (where the lower body is numbed).

The surgeon makes an incision into the hip, removes the damaged hip joint and then replaces it with an artificial joint that is a metal alloy or, in some cases, ceramic.

The surgery usually takes around 60-90 minutes to complete.

Read more about how a hip replacement is performed.

Recovering from hip replacement surgery

For the first four to six weeks after the operation you will need a walking aid, such as crutches, to help support you.

You will also be enrolled on an exercise programme that is designed to help you regain and then improve the use of your new hip joint.

Most people are able to resume normal activities within two to three months but it can take up to a year before you experience the full benefits of your new hip.

Read more about recovering from hip replacement surgery.

What to expect after a hip replacement

Since its introduction in the 1960s, hip replacement surgery has proved to be one of the most effective types of surgery in modern medical history. Most people experience a significant reduction in pain and, to a lesser extent, improvement in their range of movement.

However, it is important to have realistic expectations about what the operation can achieve. For example, you should be able to ride a bike but it is unlikely that you would be able to play a game of rugby safely (although, as with most things, there are always exceptions to this rule).

The rehabilitation process after surgery can be a demanding time and requires commitment.

Risks of hip replacement surgery

A modern artificial hip joint is designed to last for at least 15 years, but there is always the risk that the artificial hip joint can wear out or go wrong in some way before this time, meaning that further surgery is required to repair or replace the joint.

This is known as revision surgery. It is estimated that around 1 in 10 people with an artificial hip will require revision surgery at a later date.

There have been recent cases of metal-on-metal (MoM) replacements wearing quicker than would be expected, causing deterioration in the bone and tissue around the hip. There are also concerns that they could leak traces of metal into the bloodstream.

For more information, read our metal-on-metal hip implant advice Q&A.

The risk of serious complications such as blood clots and infection at the site of the surgery is low – estimated to be less than 1 in a 100.

Read more about the risks of a hip replacement.


There is an alternative type of surgery to hip replacement, known as hip resurfacing. This involves removing the damaged surfaces of the bones inside the hip joint and replacing them with a metal surface.

An advantage to this approach is that it is less invasive and leaves you with a greater range of movement after surgery. However, it is usually only effective in younger adults who have relatively strong bones.

Read more about alternatives to hip replacements.

Future developments

Hip replacement surgery is being improved in several ways:

  • New, stronger materials for prosthetics are being developed that will allow longer wear and better joint mobility.
  • Enhancements are being made to new 'cementless' implants. Patients can be recommended for newer types of joints, such as ceramic-on-ceramic and ceramic-on-plastic.
  • Computer-assisted surgery is being used to generate an image of the hip joint to allow greater precision.

Another area of research is looking at regenerating a hip joint by transfusing stem cells into damaged tissue. Stem cells are specialised cells that have a useful ability to help replenish other types of cells.


Last reviewed: 23/01/2012

Next review due: 23/01/2014


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minibug said on 10 October 2012

i am 28 was born with no hip on my left side and i have been told all my life by the nhs i am far to young for a hip replacement so where am i going wrong ? all i am given is pain killers and cordial epidurals that are very very painfull.

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Tracy333 said on 19 June 2012

so pleased you are doing well my daughter is doing fab
good luck for the future

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Tracy333 said on 19 June 2012

TracyHi Gary
my daughter had a total hip replacement just before he 14th birthday, her consultant would not do her replacement untill he thought she had stopped growing and only did my daughters as she had no quality of life and in constant pain she had no femoral head as it disintergrated having AVN , he did mesaure my daughter as girls normal stop growing around the age of 14 im not sure of boys her consultant is one of the top surgeons with children. I wish your son well my daughter had a leg diffrence of 56mm but her legs are the same now and she is leading a normal life. hope this helps

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Gary Collard said on 13 June 2012

Our son was born very premature in Exeter in 2008 and unfortunately contracted multi focal osteomyelitis and then septic arthritis, which resulted in one of his femoral heads being destroyed. He is 3 1/2 but still obviously small. He has a leg length difference which I guess will become more obvious as he continues to grow. Our Orthopaedic consultant has suggested that when he has finished growing i.e. around 18years old, he could have a hip replacement, but he has advised that although replacements could be done sooner, they would not be practical as he will out grow them. I was interested to read a number of recent comments from parents of children who have had replacements, and just wondered what other parents consultants opinions were of having the replacements in childhood years, whilst the child was still growing?
Has anyone been given any 'earliest age dates' that replacements are possible from?
At the moment our son is learning to walk, with a limp, but we don’t know how long this will last, and whether he is in any pain – although he can’t walk far.
We have been offered a temporary operation next year that will remove and rotate the top of his femur (I can’t remember the name of the operation) to try and create some extra leg length and a fabricate a temporary ball - but we understand this is pretty experimental and few ops have been carried out like this.
Any advice from parents who have a ‘young’ child with a missing femoral head and a hip problem would be well received.

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stemcell jim said on 09 June 2012

hi fokes, just to say can relate to all your pain. was two years before my doctors found out i had avn in both hips!

not somthing a 34year old guy wants to hear! that he needs a new hip!!! good news is i underwent stem cell treatment , bone was used from my pelvis grown for 6weeks inserted in both hips and 6weeks after my op and keeping feet of floor .i went back

xray showed my left back to normal, my right regenerating even though previously told was deteriorating! next to no pain and 80% better . over a year ago was poping tramadols like sweets to "mask the pain" ie do more damage now am happy and vert pain free. Hip replacements are not the only option! am sick of hearing about them . its time more people were told about the power of stem cells.

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stemcell jim said on 09 June 2012

had stem cell treatment after being told two years i had sciatica in lower back and right leg. my condition turned out to be avn. told hip job only option. NOT TRUE AT ALL!

found out about stem cells had bone samplefrom pelvis used to grow sells. after 8weeks went back left hip as good as new right regenerating. only take pain killers (tramadol) when weather turns very cold. 75%better than two year ago when would have 6-8 per day. stem cells work . dont let any one tell you hip replacement only trteatment available!!

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stemcell jim said on 09 June 2012

had stem cell treatment after being told two years i had sciatica in lower back and right leg. my condition turned out to be avn. told hip job only option. NOT TRUE AT ALL!

found out about stem cells had bone samplefrom pelvis used to grow sells. after 8weeks went back left hip as good as new right regenerating. only take pain killers (tramadol) when weather turns very cold. 75%better than two year ago when would have 6-8 per day. stem cells work . dont let any one tell you hip replacement only trteatment available!!

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stemcell jim said on 09 June 2012

dear all. About me was suffering for two years with avn. as was told in 07 had sciaitca in lower back/right leg after nemerus xrays and physio sessisons was told its avn in nov 09!

told hip replacement was only option, bad depressive news for a active 34year old.

found out about stem cells had plevis bone removed from pelvis, sells grown from that and inserted 8weeks later. my xray showed that my left hip was as good as new and my damaged right hip was showing signs of regeneration!!!!
apposed to 2007 till may 2010 need no tramadols for pain relef at all. bar when its very cold or its frosty but that seldom . i still use cruches as bone grows back slow as we know, bull am 75% better than before..

. more options than hip replacement trust me i did my diligence and dont let Anyone tell you HIP REPLACEMENT ONLY OPTION! sorry i cannot tell you were i had it due but il say i had it done in England.

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vintagequeen said on 16 May 2012

Hi Tracy, thanks for your response. I'm now two weeks post op and can't believe how well I feel! I really am pain free and 'normal' for the first time in years. Still a bit slow and stiff occasionally but quicker than before the op and off the painkillers. The physio exercises are really worth doing as they make a big difference. I appear to have both legs the same length too, which is great! Hope your daughter is still doing well,

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Tracy333 said on 09 May 2012

Your welcome Heather
Wishing your Daughter a very bright future
All the best

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Heather333 said on 08 May 2012

Hi Tracy
Many thanks for your response; am so glad to hear that your daughter is doing so well !! All your comments have given me so much hope; we really want to crack on with her THR straight away. Will be great for her to be pain freeand start being "normal" as she says!
Thank you for all your help and support.Will repost if I can think of anything else.
Best wishes to you & your daughter, Heather

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Tracy333 said on 07 May 2012

Hi Vintagequeen
so glad you are doing well as you may have read my 13year old daughter had a THR she is 12 weeks post op and doing great she couldnt sleep with pain either and said it is the best thing she has done it has given her a life back i have twins who are 21 this year so I know how much work that is you sound like you are doing great keep up the good work.

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vintagequeen said on 06 May 2012

Well, after years of pain and thinking I was too young for a HR I finally had my right hip totally replaced on Tuesday last week. I had septic arthritis at the age of 11, and started noticing problems in my late 20's. Having reached my 40's it was obvious that I couldn't remain mobile without a total HR. I have 10 year old twins and run my own retail business so can't allow myself to become immobile. I was scared stiff, but had a fantstic surgeon who reassured me, and promised a less invasive aproach with rapid healing. Post surgery was fine, had a dodgy next day with nausea and muscle cramps but was on my feet a bit. On the third day I was climbing stairs and then went home! The most amazing things for me right now are that I am sleeping through the night, which I haven't done for ages due to hip pain. The referred pain in my knee (which used to drive me mad) continued for a day or so but has now gone. I can stand up instantly, and have no hip pain at all. I also expected to have visible black and blue bruising, but there is none. I know it is early days (less than a week!) but so far it is fantastic, and I am so glad I gritted my teeth and did it. My family are amazed at how well I am.

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Tracy333 said on 02 May 2012

Hi Heather
We are in Bristol alot my husband is from Horfield, My daughter is still having physio once a week at hospital and will do for some time just to strengthen her muscle as it had wasted alot with the leg length diffrence she is also doing excercises they have given her to do at home these are important because they help them walk without a limp,she had a big day yesterday it was her first day ever in 4 years she went to school without any crutches My daughter said it is the best thing she ever did she only had pain killers for the first couple of weeks then no painkillers at all apart from last week her physio was very intense so needed some but not for hip pain its the muscle what hurt, Try to get Ceramic if you can for your daughter it is better in girls as it as doesnt give off any metal ions and it is stronger and doesnt wear as much they tend to use this in children anyway as they are more active they wouldnt tell me how long it would last but he said hopefully at least 20 years then hopefully there will be something out which may last her a lifetime with the way technology moves on I hope anyway he has told my daughter to do everything a child her age does and just to treat it as a normal hip and that is what she is doing. please ask away Heather if there is anything else.

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Heather333 said on 01 May 2012

Hi Tracy;that is all so encouraging to hear;thank you very much.I've passed on your info to my daughter, she's much more positive now.
we're waiting for a date;her present surgeon in Bristol is referring her to another for the op itself but they've said imminently as she's in so much pain, particularly at night.It sounds as thou the THR recovery will be less intensive than the previous hip restructural ops she's had, so thats a huge relief.
Did your daughter have much physio after the op? Does she need pain relief now at all?Did they give you any indications how long the hip would last?
Thank you very much again

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Tracy333 said on 30 April 2012

Heather- all the comments were me sorry it kept re-posting my daughter had her operation under genral i not sure they do children under epidural i wouldnt have wanted my daughter to stay awake, she went in hospital on the tues had her op on the wed out of bed on the thursday and discharged on the friday as my daughter was in so much pain before the op she tells me she has no hip pain know at all, as she had a total hip replacement and not a resurfacing they cut her bone to what lengh they needed and left her with as much bone as possible because of her age they remove all the femoral head my daughter has ceramic it was done in birmingham they were excellent she was off school for 8 weeks please ask if you have more questions when is your daughter due for surgery?

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Heather333 said on 30 April 2012

Dear Both
Thats great to hear; really cheered me up so glad you responded.
I've got so many questions dont know where to start! Were your children under GA or epidural/sedative for the op & how long did it take? How long in Hospital and when did they get out of bed? Did the surgeon also do a bone graft to recify the leg length difference or was it slotted in lower? How has their pain levels been since the op? How much time did they have off school?
Thank you very much for your time;really appreciate it.

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Anonymous said on 28 April 2012

Heather- I have just been through the same thing my daughter had hip replacement on the 8th feb age 13 and also had 56mm leg length diffrence if i can help in anyway i will she is doing good now and leg length is the same .

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Anonymous said on 28 April 2012

Hello Heather333
I have just been reading about your daughter, my daughter had a total hip replacement on the 8th feb this year she was 13. she had avascular necrossis she also had a leg length discrepency of 56mm my daughter had lots of surgery to try and save her hip and I was very worried about her having a hip replacement at such a young age. We are now 11 weeks on and I cant keep her in the house, its so nice to see her out with her friends she is doing well now with both legs the same length, if you need someone to talk to i am more than willing to help with any questions you may have, I do understand everything you are going through and i wish I could have spoken to someone who was going through the same as me for reasurance.
all the best
Tracy x

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Anonymous said on 28 April 2012

Hello Heather333
I have just been reading about your daughter, my daughter had a total hip replacement on the 8th feb this year she was 13. she had avascular necrossis she also had a leg length discrepency of 56mm my daughter had lots of surgery to try and save her hip and I was very worried about her having a hip replacement at such a young age. We are now 11 weeks on and I cant keep her in the house, its so nice to see her out with her friends she is doing well now with both legs the same length, if you need someone to talk to i am more than willing to help with any questions you may have, I do understand everything you are going through and i wish I could have spoken to someone who was going through the same as me for reasurance.
all the best
Tracy x

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Heather333 said on 25 April 2012

My daughter has congenital dislocation of the hip, which was only diagnosed when she was 5.After 3 unsuccessful pelvic osteotomies, she is now due to have a total hip replacement, aged 12.In addition she has a 5cm leg length difference, which they are hoping to rectify.
I would love to hear from anyone who had a hip replacement as a child,or whose child has been through this.Any advice or assurance welcomed!

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stepher henry said on 25 April 2012

i need hip replacment but my doctor said its only slight
wear it also causing sever back pain.
last year i had both knees replaced no problem,
now it seems goverment cuts are starting to bite
if my doctor wont refer me what can i do

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120paphos said on 21 April 2012

I am 51, and due my first of both hip op's, in a few months. What concerns me is that it's my knees that give me terrible pain. Only ever get slight twinges in hips. However the consultants assure me, the problem is in the hips, and my knees are taking the hit.
Is this the case?
Also i have a very physical job, daily climbing scaffolds, ladders, steps, etc.
I am fairly fit, and intend to have as much exercise/physio after the op, but how long can i expect to be off work.

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lilybet2008 said on 19 April 2012

I have had 2 total hip replacements the1st one 7 years ago and the 2nd just on 2 years ago. I had both operations performed with an epidural and a light sedative this means you go in and out of sleep throughout the whole operation and I was told that I could request more sedative at any time.You can also use your ipod or MP3 player in theatre so be assured you do not hear anything. Having your operation this way means you have the control on talking or not and it also aids your pain relief for 24 hours. I feel as if I have been given my life back. Do not hesitate to have this operation if your surgeon recommends it.

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lou mccall said on 15 April 2012

Had triple.pelvic osteotomy 3 years ago and now facing a replacement due to limited mobility. Has anyone had the replacement with epidural and whats the verdict? Pros and cons. Do you hear all the noises? Would perhaps consider this option as i get nervous at the thought of anastetics. Please advise on all aspects of the replacement and revovery, thanx xx

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caravan2 said on 04 April 2012

I had a hip replacement 7 weeks ago. although I thought I was doing well I now realise I can't yet walk without my crutch, it is causing me too much pain. Is this normal or should I have had physio? I am worried that I am damaging my leg by trying to walk?

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Bieffe said on 21 February 2012

I've been fighting the hip and associated leg, knee, and back pains since early 2001. Despite my poor previous hospital experiences, and resulting fear of hospitals and doctors, I have now finally given up fighting the hip, and have decided to go for the hip replacement.

However, previous experiences in my local hospital here in Cumbria have left me wanting to go elsewhere, but where?

Any suggestions anyone?

Also, what questions should I be asking.

Thank you.

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Tumblecat said on 12 February 2012

To tresjolies worries I had my total hip replacement three weeks ago I can honestly say it is nothing to worry about .I had a spinal block followed by a sedative so I slept right through , although you can opt to stay awake if you wish .I was in hosp for five days in total and am now recovering well .I was in The Golden Jubilee Hospital in Clydebank in Glasgow fantastic hosp it is a national waiting times hosp so you don't have to live in Scotland (which I do ).I am going to have the left one done later in the year so it can't be that bad eh

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xxannbxx said on 21 January 2012

I am going to be having hip replacement surgery this yearbecause i have a genetic disorder that more or less causes my bones to crumble. It's going to be a very difficult op because my pelvis is supposed to be half the size of the average womans so they can''t actually get tje socet bit in so there's a higher chance of it dislocating. I know that if it goes right that it's going to get rid of a lot of the pain i get but there's also a chance of me ending up with no hip at all.I'm in a wheelchair full time and if it goes wrong then I'm going to loose even more of my mobility Should i go through with it?
Tricky one huh?

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tresjolie said on 06 January 2012

Hi ali17....I also need a total hip replacement, have been for pre op assessment and am terrified also! Hospitals and anaesthetics scare me. Also thought I would have the spinal, but am now thinking...what about all the noises I would hear?? don't know if I will go through with it in the end, but my life is severely affected by the pain, and I have already waited 3 years and have no cartilege left in the hip. Also, my x ray shows deterioration of the other hip, and I do experience discomfort there too. Have been taking oral steroid therapy for scleritis for 8 years and also have some osteoporosis and bad varicose veins in my leg...they said these things make me a high risk..anyone got words of comfort???

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lessay said on 06 January 2012

I am due for my op next Tues 10th Jan, any tips please.

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ali17 said on 04 January 2012

Taking comfort from hanabanana85 and jojostevo - I am yet another congenital hip dislocatiion girl - discovered at 21 months! I am due for a left total hip replacement on Feb 28th..... However I am totally terrified...... so many memories of many anaesthetics and operations as a little girl have left their mark. I know only too well how things have changed - I am 42 now! But I'm still really frightened. I plan to have a spinal anaesthetic - then I know I'm still alive!!! I desparately need it done as am in daily agony and my life is on hold but I just need to get over this terrible fear leading up to the op.... any tips?

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Eat Your Greens said on 13 December 2011

@Mike_lewis, I think you have been incredibly unfortunate. I have had both hips resurfaced in 2008 and it honestly has totally changed my life. No more constant pain, no more painkillers, better quality of life, pain free walking. I would recommend it to anyone, except that I'm on this site today, trying to see if NHS Choices had anything to say about an article which appeared in the Mail today, saying that hip resurfacing was very problematic and anyone who had had this surgery should visit their GP for blood tests due to metallosis and a high failure rate. I hope that it is just the De Puy prosthetics which are at fault, I had BHRs for my hips and no problems at all after four years.

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DGVale said on 09 November 2011

Could not agree less with Mike_lewis (June 2011). I had a hip resurfaced (BHR prosthesis) almost twelve years ago at the age of 51. Since then I have been very active - I play tennis, including singles, normally three times per week. I have never had a moment's trouble with it.

The critical element appears to be surgeon skill. Do your best to get a good and experienced one.

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peterbees said on 04 November 2011

I had my right hip replaced in Dec 2010, at age 63 and my left in June 2011. Both ops went well, and I'm now well on the way to full recovery. I had excellent care in hospital and in physiotherapy post -ops. I waited a long time before seeking medical help, despite regular prodding from friends. Now I feel that every day is the best day of my life!

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jojostevo said on 19 October 2011

Sorry for posting twice - my first post never appeared for hours so I decided to write again and when I submitted they both appeared!

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jojostevo said on 19 October 2011

Hanabanana85 - thank you so much for your posting.
I am a 32 year old mum of 3 young children and my situation almost mirrors yours!
I too was born with hip displasia in my left hip which was not caught at birth but when I was 14mths old.
I had surgery on my pelvis in 1998 to build me a better socket, and have now been offered a hip replacement as I been diagnosed with arthritis and my pain is unbearable at the moment.
I was taking time out to think about this surgery as I have to take my children into consideration but from reading your post I think I'm going to contact my consultant sooner rather than later!
Please could I ask what type of hip they have used?
They have said they would use the best possible hip to get me the most out of it so this is a relief to me!

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jojostevo said on 19 October 2011

Hanabanana85 - thank you for posting on here!
My situation almost mirrors yours (but perhaps not as bad!)
I am 31 mother of 3 young children and too had hip displasia in my left hip which was not found until I was 14months old! I had surgery in 1998 to develop my socket which was almost non exsistant and my leg is 2+ cm shorter.
I have been offered a hip replacement and needed some time to think about it - (I have to take my children into consideration).
The pain in my hip is unbareable and your post has helped me realise that I should have this procedeure sooner rather than later - Thank you!

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Hanabanana85 said on 12 October 2011

Hello! I am 26 years old, and was born with hip displasia in my left hip. It was not caught at birth, so when I was 3 and 4 years old, I had to have surgery, placing my hip into the socket. Since it was out for that amount of time, the socket and the ball of my hip had lost some of its shape, plus my socket was way above where a normal socket would originally be, causing my leg to be around an inch shorter than my other leg. I got to the point recently where all of the cartilege was worn away, and I was in quite a bit of pain when walking short distances, or doing certain activites or positions. All of that led to having a total hip replacement. I just had it done 3 weeks ago tomorrow. My doctor was able to put my hip in the God-given place, bringing my leg even with my other leg, and he had to fill in the gap with a wedge.... needless to say, my case was a challenge and there was a lot more done in there besides just the hip replacement. Now, I am so thankful, and couldn't be any happier about the end result. I have no pain, and am walking with just a cane. I am even walking distances that I would not have wanted to walk before I had the surgery. In reply to Leeanne, I have no children of my own yet, but have been a babysitter/nanny for many years. I was also finding it hard to do things with the children... even taking a simple walk. It's only been 3 weeks since I've had the surgery, but I know already that it is well worth it, and nothing to be afraid of! The first week is the toughest, and yes, you do have restrictions like not being able to bend for a while. But the end result is wonderful! I thank the Lord for what He's done in healing my hip and sending me to the right doctor!

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leeannejj said on 27 September 2011

hi my name is leeanne i am 21 years old i had a car crash 4 years ago in 2008 the hospitali i went to gave me an xray and told me i have a bruised pelvis and torn liginnent in my right leg. in 2010 i had an other xray now i have severe atharitis in my right leg and need a full hip replacement i am really scared and would like some advise. I have a 2 year old little girls and its really hard doing day 2 day thing with her like playing in the park and walking down the street thing like that i hope to here from some one soon thanks for listing

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Relieved mum said on 03 September 2011

My daughter who is 24, had a total hip replacement on 15th August 2011. She was home on 17th. She has been in pain for the last 11 years due to complications when she had a slipped epyphisis in 2000. She is now pain free ( apart from the operation site ) and is looking forward to starting a new life where she doesn't have to take 17 painkillers every day or rely on her wheelchair. She says it's the best thing that could have happened to her. So all you people reading this......go for it.

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carelesstalk said on 25 July 2011

Had right hip replacement (exeter-trident) on 19th July 2011, yes, just last week and was home on the 21st and feel incredible. Had one bad day post op. due to nausea but am now able to walk without any pain and only need to use a stick first thing in the morning due to a bit of stiffness. Have stopped taking the voltarol and only take 2 paracetamol at night.
Only problem is I feel so much better I keep forgetting I am not supposed to bend or twist for at least 6 weeks and do worry about dislocation.
Have been putting this op off for two years and now realise how much my life has improved already and wish I had done it earlier.

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jen39 said on 17 July 2011

I had my right hip replaced In April 2010 and if anythink it has made my mobility worse my left hip needs replacing but this first operation has put me of because i am only 39 and my right hip gives me constant pain so i am a bit worried to have the next one done has anyone else had this problem


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Mike_lewis said on 08 June 2011

I have had both hips replaced, in 2003 i had my right hip replaced with a full replacement which i have had no problems with it has been exultant. My left hip was done in 2008 which was a re surfing type (not sure of name of re-surfing type). The re-surfing hip has been nothing but constant pain, i would never rec emend this to anyone. i know have to go through the operation all over again this is due to wear on the metal in the hip joint. If you are given the choice please go for the full hip replacement and not the re-surfacing type as it is crap

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aesclepius said on 11 January 2011

Why follow 12 weeks hip precations? What is this based on? Where is the evidence base for 12 weeks precautions?

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