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NHS dental services

NHS dental charges

Dentistry is one of very few NHS services you have to pay for. This section explains what you will have to pay for and when you may not have to pay.

All the treatment that your dentist believes is necessary to achieve and maintain good oral health is available on the NHS. This means that the NHS provides any treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain.

Depending on what you need to have done, you should only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it. You will not be charged for individual items within the course of treatment.

There are three standard charges for all NHS dental treatments:

  • Band 1 course of treatment – £17.50
    This covers an examination, diagnosis (including X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if needed, and application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant.
  • Band 2 course of treatment – £48.00
    This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or removal of teeth.
  • Band 3 course of treatment – £209.00
    This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures and bridges.

See below for a list of dental treatments in each band.

If your dentist says you need a particular type of treatment, you should not be asked to pay for it privately. Find out more about what’s available on the NHS.

Urgent care
If you need urgent care, even if your urgent treatment requires more than one appointment at the same dentist to complete, you will only need to pay one Band 1 charge. Read more detailed information about dental emergencies.

You may get free NHS dental treatment if you meet certain criteria. For more information, read about help with dental costs.

Treatments free of charge

You do not have to pay a dental charge:

  • to have your dentures repaired (sometimes it's not possible to repair dentures and a new denture may be required, which you would need to pay for as a Band 3 charge)
  • for having stitches out
  • if your dentist has to stop bleeding from your mouth
  • if your dentist only needs to write a prescription, although if you pay for prescriptions you will still need to pay the usual charge when you collect your medicine from your pharmacist

Find out more about help with prescription costs.

If you get referred to another dentist

If you're referred to another dentist as part of an existing course of treatment, you should only pay one charge. However, if your dentist refers you to another dentist, this is generally regarded as a separate course of treatment and you will have to pay a second charge. The amount you need to pay will depend on the treatment you need. Read pages 22 to 24 of the NHS guide to dental services in England for more information about referrals (PDF, 2.24Mb).

If you have completed a course of treatment and need more treatment

If you have completed one course of treatment but you need another treatment, you do not have to pay again if:

  • You need more treatment within the same or a lower charge band (such as another filling) within two months of completing a course of treatment. As long as you discussed the problem with the dentist during that time, they will try to fit you in as soon as possible. However, if they have to offer you a later appointment, you should not be charged again.
  • You need repair work or a replacement for certain types of restoration within a year of the original work being done. You should return to the same dentist.

When to pay for your NHS treatment

Different dental surgeries have different requirements. Some may ask for the whole payment for your treatment up front, while others will ask you to pay after it has all been completed. Check with your surgery when you come for your initial check-up.

How to claim a refund

If you think you’ve been charged wrongly or that you've paid too much, talk to your dentist in the first instance. They will know what work was done and whether it was NHS only or a mix of NHS and private work. The dentist will be able to make the relevant refund if appropriate.

If you are not happy with their response, you can complain to your primary care trust. For more information, read the NHS complaints procedure.

If you paid for NHS treatment but later found out that you were entitled to have it free of charge or to pay a reduced amount, you can claim a refund of the NHS charge. You need to do this within three months of the date that you paid. To find out how to make a refund, read about help with dental costs.

List of dental treatments by Band

All the treatment your dentist believes is necessary to achieve and maintain good oral health is available on the NHS. This means that the NHS provides any treatment you need to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain. It does not include treatments such as teeth whitening or veneers, which you might want to make your teeth more attractive but which are not clinically necessary.

Here is a list of what your treatment can include:

Band 1 course of treatment: £17.50

  • clinical examination, case assessment and report
  • orthodontic case assessment and report
  • advice, dental charting, diagnosis and treatment planning
  • radiographic examination, including panoral and lateral headplates, and radiological report
  • study casts including in association with occlusal analysis
  • colour photographs
  • instruction in the prevention of dental and oral disease including dietary advice and dental hygiene instruction
  • surface application as primary preventive measures of sealants and topical fluoride preparations
  • scaling, polishing and marginal correction of fillings
  • taking material for pathological examination
  • adjustments to and easing of dentures or orthodontic appliances
  • treatment of sensitive cementum

Band 2 course of treatment: £48.00

  • non-surgical periodontal treatment including root-planing, deep scaling, irrigation of periodontal pockets and subgingival curettage and all necessary scaling and polishing
  • surgical periodontal treatment, including gingivectomy, gingivoplasty or removal of an operculum
  • surgical periodontal treatment, including raising and replacement of a mucoperiosteal flap, curettage, root planning and bone resection
  • free gingival grafts
    permanent fillings in amalgam, composite resin, synthetic resin, glass ionomer, compomers, silicate or silico-phosphate, including acid etch retention
  • sealant restorations
  • endodontic treatment of permanent or retained deciduous teeth
  • pulpotomy
  • apicectomy
  • extraction of teeth
  • transplantation of teeth
  • oral surgery including surgical removal of cyst, buried root, unerupted tooth, impacted tooth or exostosed tooth and alveolectomy
  • soft tissue surgery in relation to the buccal cavity and lips
  • frenectomy, frenuloplasty, frenotomy
  • relining and rebasing dentures including soft linings
  • addition of tooth, clasp, labial or buccal flange to dentures
  • splints (other than laboratory made splints) in relation to periodontally compromised teeth and in connection with external trauma
  • bite raising appliances (other than laboratory made appliances)

Band 3 course of treatment: £209.00

  • laboratory made porcelain or composite veneers, including acid etch retention
  • inlays, pinlays, onlays and palatal veneers, in alloys containing 60% or more fine gold, porcelain, composite resin and ceramics
  • crowns including any pin or post aids to retention:
     - full or three-quarter crown cast in alloys containing not less than 33⅓% fine gold or platinum or palladium
    - full or jacket crown cast in alloys containing stainless steel or cobalt chromium or nickel chromium
    - crown in porcelain, synthetic resin and other non-metallic crowns
    - full or jacket crowns in alloys containing not less than 33⅓% fine gold or platinum or palladium, or alloys containing stainless steel or cobalt chromium or nickel chromium, with thermally bonded porcelain
    - jacket crown thermally bonded to wrought platinum coping
    - prefabricated full or jacket crown, including any pin or post retention
  • bridges including any pin or post aids to retention:
    - bridges in alloys containing 60% or more fine gold with or without thermally bonded facings
    - bridges cast in alloys containing stainless steel, cobalt chromium or nickel chromium, with or without thermally bonded facings
    - acid etch retained bridges
    - bridges in other materials
    - provision of full (completed) or partial dentures, overdentures and obturators in synthetic resin or metal or both synthetic resin and metal, including any cast or wrought metal components or aids to retention
    - orthodontic treatment and appliances
    - other custom made applications excluding sports guards

Comments are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

User746196 said on 05 February 2013

Just been to the dentist for the 1st time in a great number of years (probably about 17yrs was my last visit) .Had a filling come out and the pain has got steadily worse over a couple of weeks.my own fault for not going regularly I know.

Wow is all I can say as someone with a serious phobia of dentist I was as nervous as a nervous thing..The dentist put me at ease explained what they were doing at every stage & told me to put my arm up if I needed them to stop.

Turns out I need a root canal so going back in a couple of days for the next treatment and then one more after that, all for £209.00 compare that to starting price at about £500 for private treatment and I can't see what people are moaning about, myabe I've been lucky and just got a really good nice dentist but so far I am very happy and will go back to complete the treatment..

This is someone with tetracyline stained teeth so I know I will never have a "Hollywood Smile" (not that I want one at my age) but very happy with my NHS dentist. I guess I am lucky though as I live in SW London and the road where the dentist I have been, does have literally 5 dental pactices in a row pretty much, so people can choose which one they go to...Any phobics out there please "bite the bullet" & go to the dentist explain that you do have a phobia & they should put you at ease as mine has.

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Sugarless24 said on 31 January 2013


I'm very confused about dental charges now. Dentists don't explain things properly, and even on this site, I find the statement about denture charges misleading.

It says that denture repairs are free, but I've found out it isn't as simple as that. Is it correct that if I say, after a year, get a crack in my dentures, and make an appolntment with my dentist, would I get them repaired for nothing, but have to pay the £17.50 for the appointment with my dentist?

Also, if you ask for a scale and polish at your check up, you have to pay extra, but if your dentist says you need a scale and polish, it's included in the £17.50 check up price?


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Rt1100 said on 29 January 2013

Hi, does anyone know which band a night guard would fall under? Thank you!...

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london_girl said on 29 January 2013

My dad started some treatment. They said he needed referral to kings before they could complete treatment, this he had (after 2 months waiting for an appointment). He went back today and they've said he must start (and pay for...) a new course of treatment before they complete the last lot of work?
Is this correct?

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Susansusan said on 20 January 2013

Visited the site to see cost of a crown for my daughter and saw some of the comments about cost.
Nessie - i think the NHS price is for a full course of treatment and band 3 inckudes everything so i dont think your dentist can demand £300 more. Go to citizens advice or call them for advice.
Guy who is in pain and cant afford treatment - emergency care is free. Often there are weekend emergency clinics in your area so why not ring at weekend? For e eryone else, i have poor teeth and always had to pay max charge for every course and realised it was cheaper to join a dental plan- i pay monthly and the treatment is better - get priority for emergency treatment, get scale and polish free whenever i want one and get free hygienist apptmt every 3 months. Only thing i pay for is lab work for denture, crown etc usually £50 max.

Hope this helps.

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Marco87 said on 18 January 2013

Hi everybody !

I'm an italian student moving to UK next summer for a Master of Science in London. I will be in the Uk for one year, but I'm planning to stay for two years at least. I have a third class malocclusion, and as I will be at least two years in the UK I'd like to know if I can wear barces and do the surgery free of charge as in Italy through the NHS, if I have to pay something or if i can't use the NHS services for this problem.

Thanks :)

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ultrajapes said on 10 January 2013

@essex133 - If you have Pension Credit guarantee credit then you are entitled to free NHS treatment.

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Nessie67 said on 04 January 2013

Hi, I have been to my dentist today and still in shock. Just before Christmas I was told my treatment would cost £209, this was for one crown & two fillings....Today I,ve been to start the treatment....after drilling tooth number one I was told the tooth was worse than thought and my treatment would cost an additional £380...bringing my bill to £600.
Can,t help thinking I,m being ripped off....Your thoughts and advice please :(

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essex133 said on 02 January 2013

In response to damo78's comment, I do see your point but if you had read my original post, you would have noticed that benefit claimants certainly do NOT get all their vital dental treatment for Free! Because as an OAP who has worked all my life but am now on Pension Credits and Housing Benefits, I still have to pay £35 for a 20 minute session with a Hygienist to sort out the 'bad gum disease' that I apparently have even after visiting my previous dentist every 6 months for 12 years! And this 20 minute session apparently includes about 15 minutes of treatment plus 5 about minutes 'clearing up' time! I am also still expected to pay hundreds of pounds for root canal treatment!

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damo78 said on 02 January 2013

What annoys me is that I, like plenty of others, pay several hundred of pounds per month in National Insurance, yet I then have to pay extra to have dental work done on the NHS.

I cannot afford this, and as I result I have quite a few dental issues, which are currently causing me quite a bit of pain, meaning I'm having to take several doses of Paracetamol every day (which works for about an hour at a time, so I have to put up with 3 hours of pain).

Because I'm a relatively high earner (but with a lot of debt from Uni, and a wife and two kids to look after), I can get absolutely no help with this treatment.

At the same time, those who pay absolutely nothing towards the NHS get their dental work done free of charge. I know not all are like this, and therefore this isn't aimed at all benefits claimants, however I know some who have never worked, and have no intention of ever working, yet they get better healthcare than those of us that have worked hard for years and pay loads towards the NHS.

Basic dental treatment should be free for all, or at the very least dental treatment such as fillings and extractions should be the same cost as a prescription (after all, its just treatment, much like a prescription is).

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essex133 said on 01 January 2013

I do not think there is any real point in any of us adding our 'comments' on this subject, as there seeems no way for anyone to respond to any of them? And I very much doubt that anyone with any aurthority is even remotely interested in any of our complaints!

Nevertheless, I will still add my two penneth! I think it is absolutely shameful that OAP's like me and other genuinely poor people in this country can no longer get the dental treatment they need free! I went to the same dentist for 12 years and he never referred me to a hygenist or told me that I had 'bad gum disease'.

I recently registered at a new dental surgery and they told me I had very bad gum disease and needed a lot of Hygenist treatment to sort it out. So I booked my 1st appointment with the hygenist and paid £35 for the first 20 minutes. She then told me that I would need at least another two 30 minute sessions to get below my gums cleaned - at a cost of £70 per session! So to get most of my Hygrenist treatment done would cost me a total of £175!!!

The dentist then told me I needed root canal treatment and that they did not do root canal treatment on back teeth. He went on to say that I would need to find a dentist that did and pay hundreds of pounds for them to do it!

How on earth do they think someone on Pension Credit or any other benefit can possibly afford to pay £500 or more for dental treatment? But they do not care. Their stance is obviously, if you're too poor to afford to pay that kind of money, then all you can do to stop being in constant pain is to have all your teeth out and wear dentures for the rest of your lives! And they call this a free National Health Service?

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User735900 said on 30 December 2012


I'm 21 years old and had braces as a child. I've however noticed my teeth have started to move over the years.

I've been to a private dentist and have been told I need periodontal treatment before they can fit braces which costs £400+.

Just wondering if it's possible to have the periodontal treatment under the NHS as well as the braces, and how much this would cost?

Thank you

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capricorn1 said on 29 December 2012

Poor dental care can affect your general health.
Unfortunately I simply cannot afford the most basic dental care so I leave my teeth to get so bad then have then have dealt with in hospital, not something I prefer to do but have no choice!

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Memorex said on 13 December 2012

NHS articles consistently state that under Band 3 crowns, bridges, etc. are covered, however, my dentist consistently states that bridges are NOT covered by the NHS. When I pointed out what NHS states is covered, the dentist basically said the NHS was lying. Who do I believe? A government agency or a dentist, who clearly wants to charge me as much as possible?

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jenbd said on 25 November 2012

Syn - dental treatment is NOT free in Scotland! I am an NHS patient at local dentist but still have to pay for check ups, treatment and scale and polish the same as England do.

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phill c said on 08 November 2012

I have recently started going to my local dental practice after a break due to an accident. They always advise seeing the Hygenist these days and every 3 months at that. the dentist hardly spends any time at all doing anything these days and the last visit i was in the chair 1 min and 35 seconds. At the last visit to the Hygenist I was told i had a cavity where a filling had fell out. the dentist was called in to conform this. I was told to come back next day and have this done. This i did after paying 45 pounds for the hygenist visit. I went next day and had the filling replaced....by the hygenist. i assume shes qualified or are they allowed to do this now,. there was no denist supervising. When i left i was asked for another £49. I know dentists are important but I always feel ripped off when i leave. Phill

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ETrundleford said on 08 November 2012

"Dentistry is one of very few NHS services you have to pay for. "

Does the NHS Choices web team need an explanation of the system of tax and government spending?

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syn said on 07 November 2012

First of all I do not know how we can call
it NHS, if we have to pay anything.This is just
another back door tax.
The thing which really grates is, that
Scotland gets all NHS treatment free,
yet still want to govern themselves.

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wozzle01 said on 22 October 2012

I have been advised by my dentist that I need to have 2 teeth extracted. I has a very deep filling and is in a very poor state the other next to is is a crown which he said is where the recurring infection is coming from (so far in a month 2 lots antibiotic clear it up before extraction) my question is can I have these extracted on the NHS under a GA? He said there is a risk that one of them may break off and the crown could be a little tricky. I appreciate I will have to pay and that is fine but would rather be put out that have to go in the chair which I am petrified of doing. any comments/info much appreciated

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rhiannon23 said on 22 September 2012

I have had 6hours worth of root canal treatment on an old crown that got infected so I am not being charged £300 for the root canal and £209 for a new crown, does this seem right or a bit extreme???

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ellasmum said on 21 September 2012

I had 2 extractions and a partial denture fitted in June 2012 and paid the Band 3 fee of £209. I returned to the dentist less than 2 months later to complain about the fit and was told that because of changes to the gum after the extractions, that they wouldn't be able to do a re-alignment till 3 months had passed. I went today for the re-alignment and was horrified to be charged an extra £48.00. They informed me that the charge had to be made as more than 2 months had passed - if it had have been done within the 2 months, the re-alignment would have been at no charge. Is it me or what, I just feel I can't win. I feel that the cost of £209 should cover the service of making the dentures fit. Really not fair at all.

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whitefilling said on 21 September 2012

On the NHS should I have paid £80 for a white filling on a tooth that broke?

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kaderm said on 19 September 2012

I have seen 2 dentist in wembley both of them cannot do a bridge on my lower jaw's teeth (no 19).Can any one tell tell me where i can find a dentist in wembley or nw10 london area on nhs

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User711439 said on 12 September 2012

Three months ago I was entitled to free prescriptions and after a pay increase of about £70 per year apparently I can now afford to pay 17.50 for a check up and £48 for treatment. Perhaps I'll move to Wales where NHS charges are free or cheaper.

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R333NKA said on 12 September 2012

Front teeth are filled with white fillings on the NHS - fact. This is to address two needs of the patient: 1) clinical – the filling is to treat the tooth decay, and 2) esthetical - front teeth are visible so the fillings are white. However, white fillings have a bad habit of discolouring and going black with time (usually after many years). When they do, the second need of the patient (aesthetics) is compromised but the dentist will not replace them on the NHS.

My question is why not?

The patient's need for aesthetics is not met although it was addressed in the first place, when a white filling was put in place originally. So, if the white filling goes black because you dare to drink tea, an occasional coffee and red wine then you need to replace them privately. This sounds like a double standard.

Plus be prepared, your dentist won't be sympathetic and will hold you responsible for your discoloured fillings rather than seeing this as "one of those things" that you could do very little about but she or he can. He or she will defend the NHS policy on replacing discoloured white fillings in the front rather than thinking of your needs. She or he may even draw a parallel with breast implants - you wouldn't have these on the NHS, would you?

I am rather disturbed by the dental ethics of the aesthetics.

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User673967 said on 04 September 2012

Metal dentures and dentures that have clasps known as chrome dentures should be offered on the NHS under the band 3 charge of £209.00 if they are clinically necessary. E.g acrylic dentures are not functional and chrome dentures would be the best option to the patient.

Similarly, a scale and polish that is nesseccary on the NHS should be carried out under a band 1 charge of £17.50 and this includes if the patient is referred to the hygienist for this service. However, if your gum measurements and plaque scores show a scale and polish is not clinically necessary and it is just staining you are concerned with then this can be removed for a private charge.
If periodontal treatment is needed this is a band 2 charge of £48.00 and you should be charged the same amount regardless if the treatment is carried out by your dentist or the hygienist within the Practice.

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artd said on 02 September 2012

If your dentist recommends a scale and polish, it should be provided under the NHS (Band 1, £17.50), whether it is done by a dentist or a hygienist. If your dentist says a scale and polish is not clinically necessary but you want one anyway, you will have to pay to have it privately.
(Clip and paste)

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artd said on 02 September 2012

Scale & Polish is not an obligation for dentist to perform. It says clearly "if needed". Dentists have got the right to judge if is needed or not. Most people ( not all of course) think dentist should clean peoples' teeth for them which is obviously wrong!

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Moken said on 30 August 2012

Scale & Polish is not usually included in the above prices although it does say so, most dentists do not do the scale and polish you have to vist the Hygenist. The Hygenist is a private treatment, so beware. We have recently had this done we were charged £32.95 each for a 10 minute visit!!!

Treatment for me in Band 1 was £17.50 and £48 in Band 2 for my husband plus the hygenist Total cost was £131.00

You should always always make sure what you are going to pay for.

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Moken said on 30 August 2012

We had some treatment recently at our dentists and the above charges did not apply at all. We were given a breakdown as follows:-

Me = 14/08/12 £17.50 for Exam
Me = 22/8/12 £32.95 for S&P with Hygenist
Husband = 14/8/12 £48.00 for 2x fillings
Husband = 22/8/12 £32.95 for S&P with Hygenist
Total charge £131.40.

So were was the course of treatment which is supposed to include fillings and hygenists etc????. non existent.

Be careful always ask how much the whole treatment is going to cost, even though they have a poster.

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titch35 said on 12 July 2012

I've had root canal treatment and was told by my dentist to return in 3 months time to review if the procedure was succesful. Is this the correct procedure or an opportunity to class this as new treatment thus incurring additonal cost?

Having read the section on course of and further treatment i'm inclined to believe - in my experience- this may be an opportunity for increased cost.

Can anyone help with their experiences?


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xxbrunettechickxx said on 10 July 2012

In my opinion I disagree with the charges for being seen with the Dentist. The NHS should re think what their making all patients who are over 18 pay.

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Fish1302 said on 29 June 2012

I had an appointment today and before even seeing the dentist they charged me £17.50.

Whilst having my check up i needed and Xray as the last one was in 2009. Was told that my X-ray showed a shadow on one tooth which requires a filing.

However, after checking the forms at home i have realised they want to charge me another £48, is this correct???

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chris878 said on 28 June 2012

''If you get refered to another dentist''.

Am I missing something as to me this referal does not make sense at all . Can someone explain in plain english instead of double dutch.

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tulin4 said on 09 June 2012

Where is the big society? It is like a jungle aggressive prediators to survive oly!

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tulin4 said on 09 June 2012

patients are trapped in every way according to the dentists benefits. to suck money as much as they can. The low is made on benefits of people who makes more donations to the winning parties.

patients are not allow to go to the dental hospital, they have to be registered with a dental surgery and transferred by a dentist. (stupid!) to get tortured for money.!
dentists are circling patient between different surgeries to make them sign forms especially income support forms. they tells too many sickening lies afterwards to ask £100.00 each time.

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ToscaOscar said on 29 May 2012

My comments have been sent to the OFT and will be posted on a variety of mass-media - including to the press!

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ToscaOscar said on 29 May 2012

Facts on NHS Dental Costs as stated in recent documentation by OFT and CAB

Band 2 course of treatment – £48.00
This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.

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Lizzy31 said on 29 May 2012

I am currently undergoing treatment with the dentist. As a very nervous patient it took a great deal for me to make the appointment and then to actually go ahead and have the treatment. With my fear of the dentist and the worry of the fianancial impact i had been saving as knew i needed some work done on my teeth. My first appointment relieved my nerves my dentist was just lovely, reassured me and talked me through treatment i would need. I have begun treatment which has included two tooth extractions, i queried with the dentist why he was charging me £120 per tooth when i had read about the bands, his reply was that i would have to go on a lengthy waiting list to recieve NHS and i would need to be referred elsewhere, as i had built up the courage i didn't want to delay therefore went ahead. I am now having gum treatment which is costing me £300 and need root canal on two front teeth which he has quoted me £250 per tooth. This is all before i have a porcelian crown. I had queried having the root canal on NHS and was told the procedure is not the same as what i would recieve private as the technology isn't as good. After hearing the news today i am feeling very concerned that i am being led astray and seriously overcharged for dental treatment and am deciding whether i should get a second opinion. I am totally confident in my dentists treatment however there is a huge difference fianancially. Can anyone offer me any advice??

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newteeth said on 18 May 2012

I have had some dentures made and they do not fit, as I cannot talk or eat with them in, however my dentist refuses to have another pair made for me. She mentioned the fact that I could pay for metal ones, which would fit me better, and I could probably talk with them in, but at a cost of over £450.00, as I am on Pension credit I cannot afford them, what do I do now, Please?

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speckly said on 10 May 2012

I went to my NHS dentist with a toothache and it turns out an old root canal has an infection. My options for treatment were given to me as to re-do the root canal or extract the tooth. I was told root canal couldn't be done in that surgery and that they would refer me to one of two places - both in different towns, and that the treatment will be about £800. I was not told that it was a private dentist they referred to, nor given any choice about having it done as an NHS treatment - I came away with the understanding that this was the only price option. Here I discover - seemingly - I could get it done for only £48. I am shocked and angry that (a) I very nearly accepted that I was going to be paying almost a grand for this treatment and (b) that I now have to trawl around to find another NHS dentist who can do it for me, instead of my own dentist doing it or at least referring me. Also, I don't understand why I am about to pay £100 for a filling with my own dentist when I believed that i am signed up with them as an NHS patient. What is going on and why is it all so complicated??

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User674761 said on 10 May 2012

I moved from a private dentist to an NHS dentist to have 1 filling replaced.The dentist was most professional and courteus an caring. However after the examination on the NHS £17-50 He then suggested that a better filling material could be used other than that provided by NHS. and it would only cost another £16-00 above the NHS charge of £48.00. so I agreed and the filling was carried out immediately and most professionally and carefull.
However in the NHS the 2nd course of treatment £48-00 also covers cost of Band 1 examination etc. Bot when I went to pay they said that the filling I had had was a separate charge (Private) so final bill was £82.50 and not the expected £48-00+the £16-00 £64-00 so I was slightly misled although a very good job was carried out

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polomint said on 27 April 2012


If you are 17 then the NHS treatment will be free for you.

So long as you're under 18, or 18 and in full time education NHS treatment will continue to be free for you.

(I work in a dental practice so I know :) )

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eric17 said on 27 April 2012

i dont understanddd! can sumeone please explain? do all these prices count for underage people aswell or not? or is this the price for everyone?? :( please let me know because im 17 and i need a denture but dont have thhat kind of money and neither does my mum, i though it would be free :( x

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Hinxy1960 said on 26 April 2012

There will always be debate on whether we should pay or not for NHS dentistry but for me the bigger issue is finding an NHS dentist...I live in York and phoned nearly everyone in the book to no avail. I have now managed to get one in Wetherby 45 minute round trip this is ok for me but for many would be impossible.
I am now sporting(thanks to a nasty abscess) a nice front smile and yes I paid £209 but think considering its not too bad , had a quote privately and this would have cost in excess of £800.
I feel that all people residing in this country should freely have access to NHS dentists, this is sadly not the case.

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geb1952 said on 15 April 2012

I am NHS dental Patient in Redditch but in my £17.50 when I asked re scale & polish Im told I have to see a hygienist @ £30+ a time & not available on my days off plus asked do you smoke I dont smoke but does that mean if I did I cant have a de scale or a polish anyway! this is not my 1 st dentist in redditch with same attitude to de scale & polish my husband asked same & told the same then gave the dentist a copy of what they could have for £16. the price at the time the Dentist then scaled & polished his teeth never again since, the last time my teeth were scaled & Polished must be several years ago & I go every 9mths to the Dentist

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Oklahoman said on 11 April 2012

I do not receive free dental care. I find the opening line of this article that 'Dentistry is one of very few NHS services you have to pay for' rather misleading.

I have to pay for prescriptions, I have to pay for eye tests, and corrective lenses. I have to pay for Wigs. I have to pay for medicines needed outside of NICE guidelines, for example NICE only allow men with erectile dysfunction 2 pills a month. If they want a more complete lifestyle they need to pay for a private prescription and medicine. Most counselling is eventually charged privately,

Nearly all medicines and treatments are restricted in the NHS. This website should be more honest about charges.

If you do ever go to hospital in England you should be made aware of the cost of parking !

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Blessed Kateri said on 10 April 2012

I thought NHS treatment was free at the point of delivery. This is not the case for Dental Health. Why is there no explanation for the reason for charging people for this health care. Is it less important ?

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flitflop said on 07 April 2012

I receive free dental treatment and have asked a number of times why I am not given a 'scale and polish' as states with the £17.50 charge. All sorts of excuses given, as with previous writer, go to hygenist etc., when I pointed the out to the last dentist I was told that NHS tell them to do as little as possible, and that she was not there to remove tea and coffee stains on the NHS!!

Should I as a pensioner expect the same treatment as given for the £17.50 charge?

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slavicgoddess said on 05 April 2012

As far as I know, they are not. I pay for NHS treatment and also need dentures. My dentist told me I had 2 options: acryllic which are considerably cheaper or if I wanted to pay private prices I could have the type of dentures you are asking about. If I remember what he said correctly he quoted a price of approx £350 each.

I would talk to your dentist. He/She will be able to tell you for certain.

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angelskisses said on 05 April 2012

I receive free dental treatment and need some dentures, I have tried and cannot wear a pallat, my dentist has now mentioned having dentures that have clasps that attach to my good teeth, are these type of dentures free to NHS patients?

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Last reviewed: 29/02/2012

Next review due: 28/02/2014

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