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The Couch to 5K nine-week plan

A week-by-week description of the nine-week set of Couch to 5K podcasts.

Week one

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then alternate 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking, for a total of 20 minutes.

Week two

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then alternate 90 seconds of running with 2 minutes of walking, for a total of 20 minutes.

Week three

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then two repetitions of 90 seconds of running, 90 seconds of walking, 3 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking.

Week four

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 3 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking, 5 minutes of running, 2½ minutes of walking, 3 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking, 5 minutes of running.

Week five

There are three different workouts for this week. They are as follows:

Workout 1: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 5 minutes of running.

Workout 2: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 8 minutes of running, 5 minutes of walking, 8 minutes of running.

Workout 3: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 20 minutes of running, with no walking.

Week six

There are three different workouts for this week. They are as follows:

Workout 1: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 8 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 5 minutes of running.

Workout 2: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 10 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 10 minutes of running.

Workout 3: a brisk 5-minute walk, then 25 minutes of running with no walking.

Week seven

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 25 minutes running.

Week eight

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 28 minutes of running.

Week nine

Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 30 minutes of running. 

Tips on progression

The programme is designed for beginners to gradually build up their running ability to be able to run 5K without stopping.

The pace of the nine-week running plan has been tried and tested by thousands of new runners, so you can trust the programme.

You can, however, repeat any one of the weeks until you feel physically ready to move on to the next podcast.

Structure is important for motivation, so try to allocate specific days in the week for your runs and stick to them.

Rest days are critical. A rest day in between each run will reduce your chance of injury and will also make you a stronger, better runner.

Resting allows your joints to recover from what is a high-impact exercise and your running muscles to repair and strengthen.

Alternatively, you could do Strength and Flex on your rest days. This is a 5-week plan designed to improve your strength and flexibility, which will help your running. 

Some new runners starting the programme experience calf pain or sore shins (sometimes known as shin splints).

Such aches can be caused by running on hard surfaces or by running in shoes that do not have enough foot and ankle support.

Always do the the 5-minute warm-up walks as instructed in the podcasts before each run and check that your running shoes are offering good support.

For more information on preventing and treating injuries, read this section on sports injuries.

You will have good runs and bad runs. Accept it and don’t spend too much time analysing the how and why. Even a bad run is good for you.

Couch to 5K

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Regular running can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke, boost your mood and keep your weight under control. In this video, watch how Laura went from a fitness phobe to a keen runner with the Couch to 5K programme.

Last reviewed: 15/09/2012

Next review due: 15/09/2014


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TG41 said on 31 January 2013

I too am enjoying the programme and feeling the benefits of getting out into the fresh air. Having completed the first run of week 5, without too many troubles, I still can't imagine I'll be running for a full twenty minutes in a few days! But I trust in the Laura's advance and am looking forward to completing it.

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petal51 said on 30 January 2013

I will be 52 this year, and have just started week 2. Am finding it brilliant, really look forward to the next run. Yes, the hardest bit is getting out of the door, but I say 'just do it' to myself and off we go (me and the dog). I still worry about what peolple think, but being cold weather I wear a hat and go to places where there aren't many people.
Can't believe I will be able to do a 20 minute run in week 5, but Laura says 'trust me' so I am. Will let you know how things go.
Good luck to all and keep going!

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SallyAW said on 28 January 2013

Started C25K on 2nd January, did week 1 twice as I struggled so much the first week (but then, I am almost 58 years old, 5'2" tall and weigh about 19stone) and then it snowed, so I didn't run for more than a week. Went out this morning and thought I'd be back at square one so repeated week 1. I was dreading it, thinking it would be as hard as it was the first time, when I couldn't complete all of the 8 one minute runs. Well, I was wrong, I did them all, and it was easier than the last time I did them. So, plan to do the complete week one again this week and move on to week 2 next.

I, too, am worried about people seeing me lumbering around - but as I am now beginning to feel the difference, oddly enough I think I may be rather more confident - so that when the mornings get lighter (currently running at 5.15am with the dogs) I won't mind people seeing me. And I am actually looking forward to running in the Spring!!

C25K - I really believe you can add life to my years and years to my life!

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manchester80 said on 25 January 2013

After 3 years of no exercise i decided to go for a run around the block... i was nearly sick! Someone at work pointed me to this workout.

Im on week 3 now and really enjoying the progress. I feel i could go further but im still sticking to the programme. The first week was the worse for me, i had excruciating lower back pain which could have easily stopped me running but i continued and dont get any pain anymore!

I agree with last comment - you dont have to do this in 9 weeks, repeat weeks should you need to! And to Premierchris... out doors in my opinion is 100% better than treadmill. If you dont like street running try a large field. My wife has started too and she hasnt excercised in the 8 years we have been married and she is finding this really useful. Each week she says she doesnt know how she will get to the next step but she does!

Good Luck all... remember the first couple of weeks just getting out the house is the hardest!! :D

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Ren124 said on 23 January 2013

@premierchris.... I know you must feel like everyone would be watching you if you tried this programme in the great outdoors and whilst they do glance over sometimes, it's nothing you can't look beyond. People really aren't that interested in you running. You can't let that fear of the unknown ruin the chance you have to make a change in this new year! Sure, the treadmill is great 'all from the comfort of your own home' and all but getting out there really helps and is will help build up your confidence. You don't have to be running really fast in the "run" sections... In week one I was asking it very slowly, baby steps and it still helped build up my stamina! And if your struggling on week 3 go back to previous podcasts- nothing wrong with repeating week 1 even until you feel comfortable to moves on. I did 'week 1' for about 3 weeks!! You just have to release your inhibitions and just go for it! Best of luck, I really hope you are your running journey outside:)

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PremierChris said on 15 January 2013

I am just about to go into week 3 and am finding this really hard. I am doing it on a treadmill as don't have the confidence to venture outside of the house running - or trying to. My problem is that I don't feel safe on the treadmill and find the only way I can complete my runs is to hold on the the treadmill but I have read that this is not ideal. I am going to try and keep going and will come back with an update. Any advice would be great.

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caj62 said on 06 January 2013

I completed the plan about 4 weeks ago, and am thrilled to bits. From hardly being able to run for one minute, to running to 30 minutes and covering 5k, unbelieveable. I never believed I could do it, until I got to about week 6, and after completing the final run of that week, I began to believe it might be possible. To anyone just starting, stick with it. Take your time, don't put yourself under unrealistic pressure and understand that you will have days when it is easier to run than others and you will be fine. Listen to Laura! Good luck!

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ghostboy said on 01 January 2013

Tomorrow, 2/01/2013, i am going to complete the C25K programme. If you'd have asked me 9 weeks ago, while running the 60 second stints out of breath and with snot streaming down my face, that i'd be able to run solidly for 30 minutes, i'd have laughed in your face.
Now i'm about to go for my 27th run of the programme and i'm loving it. I've done this through christmas and don't regret it, although it was always harder after nights out, or a few sherbets.
I created my own playslist as i thought the music provided was awful, but the idea of the plan is still there.
For all you Newbies out there, please stick with the plan, it does work. The last time i ran proper was at school, 18 years ago, well i did run for that bus once :)
Twitter is a good place for support, this is global now and people are tweeting from the tree tops. I wish you all the best, and if you don't have a new years resolution, try the plan, and if you are doing it already, stick with it.

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Tascha86 said on 26 October 2012

Hi, I am about to start week 2 this evening & love it. I have been running with my greyhound, which has helped keep me motivated.

I just wanted to check - I have been doing alternate days, i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tues, Thurs, etc. Is this the right thing to do?

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Tascha86 said on 26 October 2012

I have completed week 1 & am about to go onto week to this afternoon. I am loving it!

Thanks! I have been taking my greyhound on the runs with me & he loves it too :)

Just wondering - I am doing it every other day, ie. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tues, Thurs, Sat, etc. Is this the riight way to do it?

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24hoursisneverenough said on 18 October 2012

Where have the couchto5k podcasts gone from the itunes website? Half of them have suddenly vanished. What has happened? I have been recommneding this programme but now if you search itunes you only get the couch25k+....

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bbeatle said on 06 August 2012

I am now on Wk 5 and finding it easier as i progress, wks 1 and 2 i found to be the most difficult, im now 51 and not done any type of exercise for well over 10 years.
This exercise coupled with a more balanced diet i have already lost a stone and i wasnt massively overweight either, i think i need to lose another 1/2 stone to be within my desired BMI range.
really getting a buzz from the running.

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geribeliever said on 31 July 2012

I have just got onto week 9 and i have to say a huge thank you ! i never ever thought that i could run for that distance - i have been doing mine on a treadmill at home and have been out once on my own and was a bit out of breath on my return but over all the whole process has been very addictive - i now love it and have lost half a stone and feel so much better for this ....now i have started i am not giving up - i did buy proper running shoes which are amazing and is like running on air .....Thank you Laura for all your support on the podcasts - what a amazing podcast it has been and what a great experience - i am sad that you will no longer be with me on my runs laura but thank you for this brand new door that you have opened to me .....

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Katiedid said on 13 July 2012

I want to say thank you. I had looked at a few C25K podcasts and then came accross this one. It was calmer and less 'pumped' but still with lots of self belief in it. Laura was a wonderful influence (the music was not my choice but that was only for 9 weeks). I started in February and now 5 months later a do a 1 hour run a week and 2 shorter runs of 30-45 min. I couldn't run for a minute when I started. I have lost 3 stone, my bloodressure (which was borderline high) and pulse are back to normal and I feel great. My cholesterol has also come down to fantastically low too.

I now know what a runners high is.


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Little Betty said on 05 July 2012

I completed C25K the first time in early December 2011 then January this year had to stop jogging as I was struck down by Sciatica which crippled me for 2 months. I gradually got the pain under control and my mobility back but missed my jogging. After checking with my doctor I started C25K all over again. I only did 2 runs of weeks 1, 2 & 3 as I felt good and able to move onto the next week, I had after all done it before. I completed C25K for the second time in May but during the programme I discovered the wonderful website called Couchto5k.healthunlocked.com while on week 7. I now have hundreds of like minded friends, all of us exchange tips, encouragement stories and experiences of our runs etc. Its a truely wonderful site and I have gone from being a lone runner to a runner with many friends from all over the world who I can share my thoughts, words, experiences and hopefully some knowledge too.

Thank you to all the team at NHS C25K for making this possible and thank you too to all the people who post on the Couch25k.healthunlocked.com web site. We are all looking forward to the new Podcasts being released hopefully later this month. I;m 62 next birthday and fitter now than I was in my 30's.
Here are a few words that sum up my feelings for this wonderful programme.

I'm just like a greyhound, fast and sleek!!
I jog all the time but have to dig real deep
To find the strength to decrease my time
I'm proud of my achievements as I'm in my prime

I did it with the help of my friends at NHS
Without them I'd now be a terrible mess
I love to run, I can even travel quite far
I just use my feet now and not the car

Couch to 5K you have changed my life
Its been a journey without too much strife
So those who are struggling I say to you
If I can do it so can all of you too.

Little Betty a.k.a. Old Girl

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Paul Dixon said on 04 July 2012

Just completed the plan and feel great!

I enjoyed hiking, but never thought of myself as a runner. The early runs were tougher than I thought, but the step changes in running time help to train your mind as well as your body.

Two things helped me deal with pain early on: I went to a proper running shop and had my gait analysed. Shop owner had lots of advice and I was able to try out lots of suitable shoes on a treadmill. You will pay a bit more in a shop like that than online, but it's well worth it. Once you know what shoes work for you, you can replace them more cheaply online, but go an support a local small business if you can :)

Second thing was I switched to running offroad - bridleways and fields are much softer than the pavement!

I am now noticeably fitter, and it seems to have given my metabolism a kick - I'm losing around 1lb a week. I'm still overweight at 15st but things are heading steadily in the right direction!

So I'd highly recommend the training programme, and I'd defintely recommend the NHS podcasts. I think I'm going to miss Laura's encouraging words....but I will continue and work up to 10k now!

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Jerry Hall said on 29 June 2012

Just finished the whole plan and really enjoyed it. Feel a lot fitter, lost some weight and enjoying doing some regular exercise again. Combined the plan with some cycling which seemed to help stiffness in my joints. Am looking to do a local 5k run soon. I am 51 and although I did a lot of sport when I was younger - I haven't done much for a number of years. Was anxious about starting the plan - but it really works and it's worth sticking to it.

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Ed Jones said on 19 June 2012

NHS Couch to 5k, Session 1, Week 1, done - belying if I said it didn't hurt, coz it did.
Some may say however, that the first one is one of the toughest to get out of the way, so I'm pleased to have got through it.
It's been a while !!!!

Thanks to my eldest brother Will for bringing this plan to my attention as a help to try and get fit and lose wait. I know he means well and is only trying to look out for his brother.

Thanks also to the NHS for this brilliant podcast.

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cdjl said on 13 June 2012

I done my first Week 9 run last night - and I made it . 30 mins and 5k. This programme is fantastic. 9 weeks ago I could not make more than 1 minute without being out of breath. I have recently lost 5.5 stone and this was on my programme to getting fit and well - and it definitely works. Thank you Laura for supporting me over the 9 weeks. Just wish there was a 5k to 10k programme on this site to keep me going.

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Jossykate said on 12 June 2012

The last time I ran was about 10 years ago with my PE teacher shouting at me!
The first run I couldn't even do 60 seconds without dying. I did a 20 minute run yesterday without stopping!!
Seriously if I can do this anyone can!! Just keep on with it.

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sheffmark said on 18 May 2012

I'm new to the c25k programme and have completed week one!
I start on week 2 / Day 1 tomorrow!
Loving it so far though!

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withanee67 said on 15 May 2012

I wanted to encourage everybody to give this a go. I'm 44, obese (size 20), never run before, not previously sporty in any way and very joyful and delighted to have just completed week 1. I've a goal to run a 3 or 5k fun run in September as a surprise for my very fit, whippet-like, half-marathon runner partner.

Day 1 was hard - I did it on my own with rubbish shoes and an even more rubbish bra. Struggled to run for 1 minute and gasped my way through the walking sections
Day 2 with proper shoes, brand new sports bra and my 10 yr old son to encourage me was great fun and infinitely easier.
Day 3 and we're old hands at it already!

My advice, get some proper gear and give it a go!

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emmamcc said on 06 May 2012

ive just completed week 1 of this!! i am in the "obese" category despite being sporty, and have taken the decision to sort my diet out and improve my fitness and lose weight. day 1 really surprised me how hard it was, but by the end of today (day 3) i really pushed myself to go that bit faster. bring on week 2!! for anyone really embarassed about starting- i too was the same!! but once i got out on my first run, i put my earphones in and zoned in to the run! you will too!! you can do it!! everyone give it a go!

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ewhillis said on 02 May 2012

Many thanks for this program! Can you tell me the name of the last song played on the week 4 podcast, or the name of the artist?

The song begins with lyrics like these:
"see the world is yours now,
see the sun in the sky,
see the open window through which you fly".


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SarahPO said on 18 April 2012

Hi, I just wanted to comment to say well done everyone who has started the couch to 5k plan!!

I started the plan about a year and I half ago with some friends and we loved it. It eased us into running gently and we had a lot of fun.

Since finishing the plan we ran the sheffield 10K run last october and I am in training for the sheffield half marathon this May.

I would never have imagined I could run 5k, never mind be preparing for a half marathon but the couch to 5k plan really got me motivated. Unlike other times I tried to start running I really felt like I was achieving something. I could see my progress and the running went up in manageable chunks.

I have never been fitter. I cannot recommend these podcasts enough. Good luck everyone!!

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imofftowalkthedog said on 11 April 2012

Yesterday I completed week 5 of the plan and I feel fantastic. I used to run years ago before I had 3 children and a lateral release on my right knee (ouch!) but I never really enjoyed it. The longest I ever ran for was 20 boring-as-hell minutes on a treadmill.
I'm so glad I decided to give this a go, armed with my ipod and a good knee support, at my local park with a path around which is just 1mile. I was so proud of myself yesterday when I completed almost 2 laps without stopping! That is something I never thought I would do considering my first week I was panting at doing 60 seconds running!
I'm looking forward to completing the plan and am hoping to do a 5k event in the near future.
If you're considering doing this but are unsure, all I would say to you is give it a go, you just might surprise yourself!

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fizzibeth said on 10 April 2012

I've just completed week 5 of the podcasts and can't believe that after only 5 weeks I'm able to run for 20 minutes!!! I've signed up for a race for life 5k at the end of May and am feeling really positive about being able to run (well jog really ) the whole distance. Although I cannot say that I am yet enjoying running I am enjoying the sence of achievement it is giving me, and would recomend this programme to anyone who like me says I'm not a runner or I havent run since I was 15 I cant do this..it really makes it possible and you do notice an improvement in your ability and stamina and recovery times. Try it what have you got to lose? :)

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boyoracer said on 04 April 2012

Just finished week 3 of Podcast. Can't believe the change in how I feel. I am having a big problem with where I am running as there is not alot of flat surfaces.(only 1in1 hills 80m elevations) It is making it harder for me to complete each week,but I am just more determined to do it.
This is one of the best ways to get out and get running. Only getting encouragement from all my friends(who have just done some half marathons).
I have been looking locally to do some 5k park runs as a goal after completing this. Who knows where I'll go from there.
If your not doing this then why not? The only obstacle is in your own mind. You can do it.

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chimpychamps said on 03 April 2012

Just completed my week one! Whoop!
I done the 1st session on tarmac, 2nd on treadmill and 3rd on tarmac. Really am chuffed with myself as always had issues with not being able to run and now i can (well a little at present) Have been up and out on the roads at 5.45am in the morning before work which is really nice to have the roads to myself and listen to the birds singing. I take note on what I have seen along my route to amuse my mind as I am running/walking and find this helps with involving my partner as he asks what I have seen and improves my motivation. Also good for neighbour hood watching!
Looking forward to my week 2 - The pod cast is a great help, thank you NHS for this.

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MrsBristow said on 19 March 2012

I have just completed Week 2 Run 1 and am feeling very proud of myself. I really stuggled with Week 1 Run 1 but perservered and was so pleased to have completed the 3 runs on Week 1. I really look forward to going out each time now and hopefully by the end of the plan, i will be running 5k! I haven't done any exercise in years and am desperate to lose weight...will leave another comment after i have completed Week 9!

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NKH71 said on 19 March 2012

Completed the C25K last August & again last month. Just ran in my first 5k race yesterday & completed it in 34 mins 24 secs! V proud of myself! Thank you!

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Flickstar said on 13 March 2012

Thank you for such a great program. I was honestly a "couch potato" and am currently on Week 8 and I'm still astonished at what I have achieved so far. It is a fabulous way to easily and gradually increase fitness. The first time I had to run for 5 minutes I must admit I thought I wouldn't make it, but I surprised myself! This morning I ran for 28 minutes (a light jog really), but the great sense of achievement at the end of the workout is like no other. Laura is a fantastic coach and it was great to have her encourage me through the podcast - it really is motivating.
Thank you for giving me my fitness back. :)
From Australia.

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Trabbs Boy said on 13 March 2012

I'm only on week 3, but I had to write to say I LOVE this program! Thank you so much, NHS and Laura!

I am 50 and way fat, and I have bad feet and knees and I've never really liked exercise since I used to run back when I was half my age and half my weight. But I got my doctor's okay, and decided to give it a try. I bought good shoes, I do more of a fast shuffle than a real jog, and I ice my knees after each session, and I feel like a GOD! The only pain I feel is the pain of building muscle. My knees and feet are actually feeling better than before I started.

I love Laura's positive encouragement -- such a great change from the drill-sergeant style of so many fitness instructors! Every time I finish a session, I feel like I'm being rewarded with the opportunity to do it again in a couple of days!

And J3nesis, what I did to avoid embarrassment was to find the nearest upper middle class neighbourhood, where I don't know anybody, and I run the side streets. There aren't a lot of people, and they're all too busy or too well bred for catcalls. I also ran in the evenings after it got dark, but the gods suddenly cursed us with daylight savings time, so no more luck there. Of course, the best thing to do would be to hold head proud and remember that you are, in fact, perfection already. If large numbers of morons have a different sense of ideal beauty, one can only pity them their ignorance.

All the best to you fellow C25Kers!

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J3nesis said on 07 March 2012

I would really like to try this, given all the positive comments, as I've managed to gain 3 dress sizes and put on 2 stone in 1 year from starting an office job. However the thought of going outside and running, with everyone staring at me, with my fat bits all wobbling, makes me feel physically sick. I can't afford to join a gym. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to exercise where people can't see me? I'm in London.

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angelamittal said on 07 March 2012

I started today C25K, I'm based in The Netherlands, after being in a stressful job i became a type 2 diabetic. A vicious circle to say the least never enough time to eat properly stress level too high and piling on the pounds. After hearing about this challenge from a friend of mine doing it thought I would try this out.

Today was my first day and had real issues completing it. my shins are hurting like mad, stretching was painful afterwards.... but i am going back out there with my puppy tomorrow morning. Lets hope he doesn't get bored again like he did this morning.

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camdenguy said on 05 March 2012

I started the couch to 5K programme back in August 11 and I am now running 25-30K a week and regually do 10K runs. It does work! It is a great way of loosing weight. My advice though is to run with a heart rate monitor and read up on how to use it. It is very easy to over train and that can be counter productive.

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B3any_boy said on 10 February 2012

i started the programme 2 weeks ago, first day out I developed a cold which sat on my chest and being asthmatic kind of killed me.

However, as soon as I was fit, I went out and did a second week 1 run. While still tight, completed the run easily.

I've skipped the last week and gone to week 2 as it was ok. I seem to have a reasonable level of endurance, but is doing this ok? I finished the run ok, and going out tomorrow morning.

Alternate running and Zumba, again is this ok?

Feeling brilliant at the moment. My other running chums are very encouraging and impressed with me.

I have a 5k endurance race in about 6 weeks, have I left it too late, or is there a way of accelerating the programme?

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Carole C said on 29 January 2012

Hi all, I just want to say that I started the C25K last September, got through it and started the B210K immediately after. I'm now on a 10mile training plan and am entered into a five mile run in Exmouth next week. I just want to say to all you people who have just started that you can do this...I have never been a runner in my life and am now running 4 times a week.

Stick with the plan, trust in Laura, and even the Wk5R3 will not be beyond you. Have faith.

My best tips are:

1) Get the right shoes, go to a specialist running shop and get your gait analysed. I can't stress enough that the right shoes are very important. You will thank me - honest.
2) Pace yourself, it's better to finish the run than kill yourself trying to keep the speed up.
3) Observe at least one rest day between runs, no matter how keen you are. Running every day leads to injury.

And above all, don't give up - keep running!

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ausencia47 said on 20 January 2012

Hiya - I would like to encourage all those who are finding the programme difficult at the moment - to dig in and stick with it. I took up the Couch 2 5K programme just before Christmas and I've gone from not being able to run for more than 1 minute to running for 25mins. Its hard and there will be days when you just won't feel like getting on that treadmill or running outside - but keep going. It will be well worth it in the end. I've set myself two goals this year. One is to run a 3K in May and then the 5K Race for Life.

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Buckslady said on 08 January 2012

Just finished week 1 but will be repeating until I get more comfortable with it. At the moment it I have found it so hard it is embarrassing! But I keep telling myself it will never be this hard again. Using very old trainers so I am going to buy a pair of running shoes tomorrow so maybe my calves won't feel so bad! Any feedback, support or advice warmly welcomed!

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User177661 said on 07 October 2011

Ive just completed week 5 run 3 - when i first started the plan running for 60 seconds was almost impossible - today i ran for 20 minutes! Massive achievement for me. I am hoping to be running 5km 3 times a week easily and in the new year look at doing a 5km - 10km training plan, can anyone recommend any good podcasts like Lauras for 5km - 10km, im struggling to find one and have caught the running bug - oh and ive lost 5lbs this week, i can only assume down to running alone due to lack of biscuits in the tin! Good luck eveyone, you can do it keep it up

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horseman55 said on 20 September 2011

I started this programme in mid July and am now running three times a week for 30 minutes each time. I'm 55 and had never done any structured exercise before, so this does work. I use software on my phone to track distance and times and am doing over 5k each time within 30 minutes. Still using the week 9 podcast but am now looking for a programme to get me up to 10k. I also feel and look much better for the running!

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JaneEyre said on 08 September 2011

You exercise then have a rest day. I have been running 3 times a week so miss two days once a week.

I am in the middle of week 8. Running for 28 minutes. I found the jump from running then walking to all running a bit of a challenge but quite quickly it has begun to feel fine once I get going at a steady, slow jog. I find the treadmill easier than outdoors but its more interesting in the park. Really felt good last twice I ran and not tiring at all. I can even speed up at the end.

I feel very proud of myself. I am 50 and had not done any excerised for a couple of years so was delighted that I could keep up with the training. I think it is a fantastic programme because I have never felt exhausted like I have done when I tried to get myself to run in the past. Thanks to the designers of this programme and to NHS for making it available.

I just hope I can keep it up now and gradually speed up a bit. Half an hour is a manageable time commitment for me.

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pdjd1970 said on 04 September 2011

I have now completed this and feel very good. Up to 35 minutes and 4 miles (6k). Have to say, being 41 now, I did feel it necessary to leave 2 days in between all runs and I think that helps me recover better for the next run. I also stretch after every run which is so important for recovery. Good luck to all...

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Capt Mom said on 04 September 2011

Started this program back in June, but quit after the first week. My body hurt all over. I had surgergy on my neck a year ago March (had to have two discs removed and replaced) and haven't really done any physical activity in almost 2 years. Still have lower back problems as well.

Well I decided to try again. I completed the last run of week one today (again). I feel better this time, so I went out today and bought me a new pair of running shoes. Hopefully these shoes will provide more cushion and cause less strain on the body. (Asics Nibmus gel 12) Has anyone tried these shoes?

I really don't like running. Never have. It has never been easy for me, even when I was 18. (I love to swim) I am 45 now and have a few extra pounds on me (5'5" at 135). Unfortunately running is not an option for me. I am in the military and have a fitness test I have to pass in October. My have to run 1.5 miles in 18 minutes or less. Sorry, I don't know the conversions. Is that 2.5K? (Live in the USA)

Trying to keep myself motivated. I asked my husband to go running with me, but I'm a morning person and he's not. I live in the heartland of the US and it is very hot an humid right now. It was 102 degrees today, so you have to run before the sun comes up or after it goes down. My daughters boyfried said he would go with me and he did this morning. I was nice having someone else to run with me, even though he is 23 and could run circles around me. He's a nice young man and stayed with me at my pace.

I'm glad I found this program and I really like this web site. Laura sounds very encouraging or at least it sounds like Laura. Love the music. I find myself trying to run or really jog to the beat. I am just concerned that I am not jogging fast enough to reach my goal for my military fitness test. Which week do I need to get to by mid to late October to reach my goal of 1.5 miles in 18 minutes? Week 2 here I come!

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bookworm35 said on 24 August 2011

this program is perfect for me, i have just started it an tomorrow i do the third run on week one. i never thought i would be able to complete the first run but i did and cried at the end! i take my dog with me so i look like im there running after the dog makes me feel less self conscious. just this week i have lost 5 pound and i am now feeling muscles i havent felt for years. on the days off from running i swim to try an help the aching leg muscles to relax.

keep up the good work all my fellow fatty runners :-)

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NKH71 said on 21 August 2011

I just reached week 9 of the couch to 5k program - this is quite an achievement for a 40 year old couch potato! Very proud of myself - thank you!

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kaylala said on 15 August 2011

"morbidly obese". according to the doctors that's my weight band. after initially laughing at my sister who is fit and healthy when she suggested this programme to me i got quite addicted to the website. i figured the worst thing that could happen is that i wasted 30 quid on a pair of trainers i will only use once... however, although i was not fit enough to take each week as a new week, i have just completed my first "week three" run ( after 5 weeks of doing the programme) im over the moon! looking forward to attempting week four, but think i will do week three for two weeks first. i know its not the conventional way of doing it, however just wanted to say how well i feel i am doing, considering i have never ran for a bus, forget for fun and fitness, i am a 17 stone something, 20 something 5 foot 5 girl, and managed what i thought was the impossible, so even you fatties out there like me, have no excuses, if i can do it, so can you, good luck!! hopefully it wont take me till christmas to get to week nine!

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noonoo76 said on 23 July 2011

I am on week 5 and have completed the first run. I didn't think 5 weeks ago I would get to this stage as could only run for about 40 seconds before collapsing so every run I complete I feel proud of myself and can't wait to complete the rest of the runs. I have lost a small amount of weight but poeple have commented on my body shapes change and also I feel more healthy and would recommend this podcast to every1. Good luck and keep motivated its worth it!

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Kaymark said on 15 July 2011

I have just finished week2, this is my second attempt at C25K as I had to stop at week2 a couple of months ago due to swollen ankles and sore knees - I rested well and invested in some correct running shoes and feel great about to start week3. I worried i'm going to struggle at week5!

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val445ncl said on 08 July 2011

@ vegas999 I was a vegetable before starting the programme. Am now on week 5. I exercise whenever I feel like it. I do aim to run twice every day but I always end up running only in the evening. I guess that's good too. Better than nothing.

I guess everyone should run when they think it's best and raise the bar when they're sure it's safe to do so.
Have you tried browsing through the forum? There's plenty of advice there from fellow runners. I found it useful whenever I felt like giving up :D

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rbow0603 said on 06 June 2011

Hi, I was never into running either, however have followed the plan and now running 25 mins without stopping!!! 1st run was very hot and sweaty and I worried I would never be able to do it but I can!!! A nd believe me if I can anybody can!!!
It is recommended to allow your body a days rest inbetween runs.
Good luck!!

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vegas999 said on 02 June 2011

I have never really been into running but since getting a desk job I have put on a lot of weight (aiming to lose 3 stones) and my fitness is non existent.

stupid question but do I exercise every other day or every day during the week ?

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