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LindsayShepherd said on 01 June 2011

I have a BMI of 36.4 , not high i know, but my weight is affecting my health more and more. I have followed weight watchers, i lost about half a stone the first 2 or 3 weeks then gained over a stone back i followed slimming world, lost a few lb and then gained once i got into it I was even put on the NHS Why Weight weight loss scheme.. it lasted 12 weeks, i did a food diary and everything, followed their advice on portion sizes etc, told my team leader about my limits on exercise because of existing health complaints so exercise was and still is an issue and something i can not do, and over those 12 weeks i gained nearly 2 stone. I have also done the cerial diets, they didnt work, and iv done slim fast. which first time i did i lost 23lb in 8 weeks then christmas came and i gained weight again.. now im trying slim fast again and the weight is going on again, yet i move about a bit more than i use to because i do school runs for my children 3 times a day. I am depressed because of my weight, to the point of self harm, i have been put on anti depressants by the GP but i felt like a robot on them so i stopped taking them. I reciently went to see my GP to discuss help with my weight, and the dr gave me a funny look and his attitude changed instantly, he sounded rather cross with me and told me i was not fat enought for help. i explained the diets id followed and tried and told him about the depression which is in my notes on file, and he still said "your not fat enough" and hurried me out of the door. now i feel like i dont want to visit the GP any more because of the way he treated me, i thought GPs were meant to be there to help, i asked for help and was brushed off with that comment. is there anyway i can get the surgery on the NHS without having to get referal from my GP first, because he is just not willing to help me