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jarmila said on 04 February 2010

I suffer lower back pain 1 year almost. As I do a lot of heavy lifting at work I didnt pay much attention. 2 months ago it something blocked in my back and for 2 days I could hardluymove my right leg and right arm. I had very intensive pain along my whole leg and my whole arm. After 2 daysit wasnt so bad, but I feel that pain all the time. It is no so intensive, but it is. 2 weeks ago I started to have shooting pain in my wrists, knees, ankles and fingers and around these areas. I have spasms in my hand and leg sometimes. I have also neck pain and headache which is not very stong but it is constant almost. I had an appointment with my GP today. I spent in his "office" around 4 minutes. After 4 minutes of typing to PC he said it is muscle pain and he recommend me to take pain killers. As a child and teenager I practiced a lot of sport so I really know how muscles hurt. This is far away from that. I am very dissapointed with treatment which I get from my GP. I am in this country almost 2 years, and I registered to GP only 2 weeks ago because the pain is really strong sometimes. I work here since second day I come to this country and I pay my tax so I supose I should get the same treatment as everyone who was born in this country. I am not happy with doctors recomendations to take more pain killers. It doesnt help. I dont know what to do next. If you have any advice I appriciate that. Or any opinion, positive or negative. Thanks