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User619489 said on 07 May 2012

I went to my local NHS a &E; in themiddleofthe night with chest pain.I was admitted into a new CCU ward to be looked after.Unfortunately,they forgot to give me evening dose of blood thinning injection,I wake up with most severe cheat pain.The only person who would come to my aid was a Phillpinoi who dd not speak much english and the emergency bells did not work!I got out of my Bed and found a English Doctor 200 yards away who helped me andget me the necessary drugs and moved me to ICU! The consultant placed a stent the next morning and gave me my customary CD! Next week I took the CD to a private cardilogist who looked at it in a very disappointing manner and said do not travel and keep hold of my mobile number.I thought he was after private insurance monies! AT 2:30 am I wake up with chest pain and phoned him,He arranged for me to be admitted in a private Hospital at 3:00 am as I knew how to manage myself being a doctor myself! He preformed an angiogram the next morning and placed 5 stents.I asked him why they did not do this at NHS Hospitals? Answer:Tick box culture. how many patients did he see is what matters to the pct etc how many people die of this nonsense??