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Coping with the menopause

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The menopause is marked by the ending of menstruation (when a woman's periods stop). As a result of these hormonal changes, many women have physical and emotional symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats and irritability. Watch this video to hear two women describe their experience of the menopause, and learn about common symptoms and treatments.

Menopause myths

  • You cannot get pregnant after the menopause
    FALSE. It can and does happen, so carry on using contraception for two years after your last period if you are under 50 and for one year if you are over 50.
  • You are going to put on weight
    FALSE. Middle-age spread is often linked to the hormonal changes at this time of life but there is no proof of this. Those extra inches could just be part of growing older and being less active.
  • Your menopause will be difficult because your mum’s was
    FALSE. There is no evidence that this is the case, although the age at which your mum experienced the menopause could give you a clue about when to expect symptoms. This is because the age at which the menopause occurs tends to be similar in mothers and daughters.

The menopause, also known as the 'change of life' is the end of menstruation.  This means a woman's ovaries stop producing an egg every four weeks. She will no longer have a monthly period or be able to have children.

In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 52, although women can experience the menopause in their 30s or 40s.

If a woman experiences the menopause when she is under 45 years of age, it is known as a premature menopause. 

Menstruation (monthly periods) can sometimes stop suddenly when you reach the menopause. However, it is more likely that your periods will become less frequent, with longer intervals in between each one before they stop altogether.

What causes the menopause?

The menopause is caused by a change in the balance of the body's sex hormones.

In the lead up to the menopause (perimenopause) oestrogen levels decrease, which causes the ovaries to stop producing an egg each month (ovulation). Oestrogen is the female sex hormone that regulates a woman's periods.

Read more about what causes the menopause.

The fall in oestrogen also causes both physical and emotional symptoms including:

  • hot flushes
  • night sweats
  • mood swings
  • vaginal dryness

Read more about the symptoms of the menopause.

Should I see my GP?

You should speak to your GP if you have menopausal symptoms that are troubling you.

Although there is no definitive test to diagnose the menopause, a blood test to measure the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) may sometimes be recommended.

Treating the menopause

Most women do not need treatment for the menopause. However, treatments are available if symptoms are severe and interfere with day-to-day life.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is one of the main treatments for the menopause. It helps to relieve menopausal symptoms by replacing oestrogen.

HRT is available in many forms including tablet, creams or gel, a skin patch or an implant.

Read more about treatments for the menopause.


Many women find that making changes to their lifestyle and diet helps improve menopausal symptoms. Taking regular exercisereducing stress levels and avoiding certain foods can help reduce hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings.

Read more self-help tips for managing the menopause.

Last reviewed: 26/03/2012

Next review due: 26/03/2014


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julieboo5 said on 23 January 2013

I am so glad I found this site, I really thought I was going mad! I am 49 and suffer with endometreosis I take a progesterone only pill without a break so I do not have to put up with pain and bleeding although I have had a breakthrough bleed this month which seems to have given some relief today, both mentally and physically! I was suffering with a strange internal vibration not painful just weird, I have had slight dizzy spells, cant eat as I have no appetite, cant sleep and my anxiety is through the roof. This has given me an upset tummy and all sorts of terrifying thoughts making me lethargic and a bit depressed. I have been for an internal scan and my GP is very supportive. My poor partner is doing his best to be supportive but some nights he has had to cook his own tea after being at work all day, I feel so guilty! My mum was 50 and she had gone through the menopause with just hot flushes and headaches. I don't remember her going mad!

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eboney said on 19 January 2013

I am 45 and not had children as not in a relationship at the moment. I long for children but feel that I'm too old now also feel that I'm going through the early stages of the change .. I've started to get very itchy skin even certain fabrics irritate me and I feel irritable and get low moods and lower back pain. I'm currently taken B6, Evening primrose oil, cod liver oil and mulitivitamins. My periods are coming closer together as I'm a week early . As soon as I finish my period it starts brewing for the next one. I do not get hot flushes yet but I get dry vagina and pains in my joints knees and hips. both of my sisters have children and are older and none of them have gone through the change yet and my mum started at 42 and her moods were unbearable, I've only started taking B6 and was wondering if this can start an early period. It's quite sad knowing that I've no partner, don't have children and reproduction will end with the dreaded change.

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imisslieins said on 04 November 2012

So glad I came on here...went on Mumsnet but to no avail! I'm 36 & my last period was in May. Prior to that I'd only ever missed a few periods on 2 separate occasions. But now, nothing for 5 months. Can it really happen like that? I should say at this point my mum started her menopause around this age (which I now realise I should have given more thought to in the preceding years). I've a fab daughter who I had on my 31st & was unplanned but am so glad that 'accident' happened as I could well have found myself in the even worse situation now of not being able to have any children. That said, I am absolutely gutted it's looking like I can't have any more.
So, on to symptoms! Had 2 bouts of vertigo over the past few years. No hot flushes. Main new thing I've noticed tho & am happy to see even just 1 person mentioned, is that I feel this pulse sensation from time to time - like when my back is against the sofa or bed, I can feel my pulse against it. Obv not painful just v weird/irritating...& mind boggling. With regard to my vagina tho, I feel the opp if anything - I've had a huge increase in discharge as opposed to dryness? Def had itchiness tho. Not seen a change in sex drive. I've felt tears are v easy to call on (usually when watching One Born Every Minute) haha! But mild depression has always been there in the background anyway as has anxiety since an event 6 yrs ago. Other random symptoms include a feeling of hunger even when I've just had a meal, slight nausea with that too.
I went to my GP about the missing period - he sent me for bloods & my FSH was raised & to repeat in 6 mths. Demanded to see a gyno as not waiting that long. Had a scan, technician said looks like I've less follicles than I should for my age. Don't even know what tha means? Now awaiting amh results in January.
On a lighter note, I read one comment jokingly asking if a twitching eye is a factor - I seriously had that non-stop for over a week. Welcome feedback :) xx

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lady manda said on 19 October 2012

Hi Ladies my heart goes out to you all, I am 51 yrs old and had a hysterectomy 8 yrs ago. I had no symptoms for 3 yrs but then the sore boobs hot flushes mood swings etc kicked in. Went to my docs and basically got told i was high rish for HRT so grin and bare it. 3 months ago the night sweats kicked in and my goodness they were bad up to 11 times a night dripping wet with sweat. Went back to the docs and was given chlonidin antidepressants for the sweats. After a week i came off them as had side effects of dizzyness, dry mouth tiredness and feeling spaced out. Thought i had tried every herbal treatment possible untill i came across Femarelle, guess what they work. After the 5th day i noticed a reduction in the hot flushes aching joints were easing. I am now in my 3rd week of taking them and night sweats have eased to 2 or 3 per night and no dripping wet sheets anymore just a small flush thats gone in a minute. My hubby has also noticed a change in my mood swings and said he's getting his happy go lucky wife back.

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redwinelover said on 04 October 2012

I am 53 years of age who has not had a period for 3 years. All of a sudden I had a period the other day with the swelling of the boobs and terrible cramps in my stomach so bad I thought I was going to be sick. Bleeding has stopped but boobs still feel sore and my stomach feels like I've been kicked in the stomach. Also peeing a lot although no pain in that department. Made an appointment at doctors but cannot get in until 25 Oct although explained my symptoms! Should I be seen before then?

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redwinelover said on 04 October 2012

I am 53 years of age who has not had a period for 3 years. All of a sudden I had a period the other day with the swelling of the boobs and terrible cramps in my stomach so bad I thought I was going to be sick. Bleeding has stopped but boobs still feel sore and my stomach feels like I've been kicked in the stomach. Also peeing a lot although no pain in that department. Made an appointment at doctors but cannot get in until 25 Oct although explained my symptoms! Should I be seen before then?

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Mjf1963 said on 28 September 2012

I am 49. I've had the sweats for years at night, soaking the bed, but tests for peri menopause at 46 proved negative. I am now at the totally monthly 'irrational' stage and I fear for my relationship... My doc has put me onto Fluoxetine, which has, for the past three months, improved my hyper feelings, which were keeping me up all night in a state of high dudgeon. But I am still terrified of the mental implications of the menopause on my relationship, rather than the physical. We have separate bedrooms, so night sweating, insomnia etc are not a problem. It's my irrational worries that scare me, as they take over for those days before my period starts. I have also noticed that my periods are getting closer together....but right now, it's been 29 days and I feel as distended as hell!? My boobs are hurting and my face looks like I have dropsy.... Am scared, as this lasts, not for months, but for years, no wonder the men go off for younger models... :-(. Am so so tired all the time too... Truly fed up. X ps am taking B6 each day, plus Starflower, so we shall see!

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AMK58 said on 26 August 2012

I think that I am really weird as I have been having cold flushes! I am 54 and have been having regular periods apart from the last 2 months when I have experienced pre menstrual symptoms but no period! I am also experiencing extreme fatigue - anybody got any suggestions to help - also when will this end!

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Kaizen 2012 said on 29 July 2012

Great to be able to chat about this. Reading the comments above really helps - esp the one about being so tired & not wanting to get out of bed. I hate waking up tired & dragging through the day.
Exhaustion, headaches, pins & needles in fingers, feeling down - just hope these symptoms end soon.
One good thing - don't need to keep the heating on - and I enjoyed a cold bath today - who would ever have thought that !
Good luck girls.

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Tigerlili001 said on 21 July 2012

Hi, I am 51, my first signs of the meno were back when I was around 45 yrs old. I had excessive tiredness, I literally would work an 8 hr shift and be on my knees at the end of a working day.
My hair became greasy as did my skin, I had dreadful heavy periods lasting up until 2 weeks at a time and every 2 weeks, I felt so awful. I had weight gain and generally felt awful.

I am now 51 and have not had a period for over 2 years. I decided not to take HRT as I was worried about the possible side effects. I go walking alot everyday, this really helps in many ways both mentally and physically.
I eat regularly, lots of omega 3 in fish, I don't eat meat. I eat a lot of fish and fresh fruit. My mood is much more calmer now, not getting those dreaded palputations. I think that trying to stay calm and go with the flow helps alot, understanding what works for you and carrying it out will really help you to cope. Try to stay positive, it does pass, I am still having hot flushes at night and my feet get very hot, but lighten your bedding and use cotton sheets or lower tog on your duvet, even just use a cotton sheet if you are too hot and open the window, sleeping alone has helped me too.
My sex drive is good and I feel great most of the time now that I am not having periods don't feel so tired.
I want to say that everything usually improves, you just need to stay focused and get as much info as you can to deal with it.

Getting rest is just as important as sleep is, lowering your stress levels and eating a healthy diet and trying to excercise, even just walking really helps, especially with bone density, walking is a great therapy too.

Good luck ladies, we all have to go through this, but it does improve and you will feel better as time goes on.

Avoid alcohol and caffine too, that helps reduce your stress levels long term.

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HUGS said on 21 May 2012

I had my first hot flush in 2007, my last period was October 2010, night sweats are really getting me down now and I also sweat quite often during the day rather than flush. When will these finish? 5 years is a long time to be having these symptoms and the last 6 months have been really awful, I am so tired, last night I broke out in a sweat every 5 minutes and had no sleep at all. Help!

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trixiebluebell said on 19 May 2012

REF::scaryspice hi it could be you need to see the gp and ask for blood tests to see what your levels are.i saw my gp i am perimenopausal told me to think about going on hrt.i am in agony with my joint pain she has told me its part of the change they can not do anything to help.my vitamin d is still low.if there is a nurse or doctor reading this that knows different i would be greatful for advice as its affecting my daily life.

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scaryspice said on 16 May 2012

I am 39 years old (40 in 2 months' time) and last month I had 2 periods and was due on over a week ago but haven't had a period yet, I'm not usually late (I have the heavy boobs, the irritability and all of the usual PMT symptoms) but last few weeks have had palpitations and not sleeping very well, I have also had bouts where my skin has felt very itchy and have a loss of libido.

I was just wondering if these are symptoms of an early menopause (I remember my mum having early menopause but she had a hysterectomy because of painful periods), is there anything that triggers an early menopause?

Can anyone help me with this? (I will probably have a period now, hope that I do in a way because it's worrying me).

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trixiebluebell said on 14 May 2012

hello :o) x since last july ive been having really bad joint pains my lower back so bad i have a job to get out of bed.after seeing 3 male doctors who all said i was far too young for the change ( started my periods when i was 8yrs old )i had bloods to confirm my iron,calcium and vitamin d levels were low so was given tablets for iron told to eat everything with calcium and vitaminmd in it plus take online natures remady vitamin d tablets.not one of them would listen to me when i asked for test to see if levels were abnormal.well it took me till a month ago and doctor number 4 to get bloods done and yes they are abnormal have to see the female doctor who deals with womens problems.ladies keep on at the gps try different ones if need be we know our own bodies. i feel very let down by the attitude of oh your too young blah blah blah ! not sure what she will say but i hope it makes my life better as at present i am struggling wwith everyday things.

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Lylo69 said on 11 May 2012

Im 43 year old, I had done 2 time operation for fibroid. After many journal with my condition from I was start 30. Such as many thing to do with this case and until now I still carry on with this, as on off periode time, long term absent from periode, haeavy bleeding, back pain. All about woman staff sometime I felt so down with this. It was make me deppress as I have to go for work with condition like this. I been many try to fix all this with doctor, china medition acupancture. Such as me never give up to want be normal agiant.

Now on I been absent periode time againt as doctor told this time that I had menopause. After about one year absent from periode. I had back pain about hole week and after I had periode. I really not understand with this againt ... , I go to Gp and doctor ask me for test next week.

Did anybody had happen absent periode about a year ...?then back had periode againt. Please give some advice and suggestion .... Thank you.

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startrek said on 08 May 2012

I am 55 and have been been peri menopausal for the past 4 years - I am really low and sometimes have periods which last for up to 7 weeks and they are really heavy. I was referred to a gynaecologist last year who was great and signed me off in November as I had gone 3 months without a period although she found I had an ovarian cyst which she needed to keep an eye on on a regular six monthly basis. Then in January it started all over again and lasted nearly 8 weeks. I have absolutely no quality of life and never know when I am going to start. Coupled with the fact that I have always had large breasts which at times go up at least 2 cup sizes and for the last 4 weeks have been itching like mad. I have managed to get an appt with my gynaecologist next week however, is there anybody out there who is experiencing similar symptoms everyone I know my age has gone through it and is fine or on HRT - I decided to try and do it all myself without any help from drugs but Im getting desperate now as the period pains I get are terrible and I have a very busy job which means I cant sit down a lot and I am exhausted. Im sure it would help me feel more normal if somebody was experiencing what I am


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Mrshenda193 said on 25 April 2012

Hi, I am fifty and haven't had a period in 9 month. Then last week boom, major one.
I am so depressed all the time, I have heart palpitations and this stresses me out hugely. I cry at the drop of a hat and sex? What is that? The more I stress out the worst the palpitations in my chest kick in. Black thoughts are with me always. Will I ever be normal again? I think I am going to die every single day and this is awful. I am already worrying my self to bits over my husband - working too hard and my daughter, debating whether life is worth it all!
Can someone let a bit sunshine in my life?

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kaygeykay said on 20 April 2012

Need some advice please. Had a hysterectomy when I was 34 & the ovaries were left so I would go through the menopause as normal I was told. I am now 52 and show no signs of being "menoposal". I have read articles which said that women who have this op and keep their ovaries normally go through the change at an earlier age. Please advise . Many thanks (PS not that I am particularly looking forward to it, dont really want go through all this!!).

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gouldie said on 11 April 2012

Hi all i am 49 I have been feeling rough for a few years night sweats but the hardest thing up to now are the severe headaches, this last year i did not have a period for seven months and it was lovely although my sex drive was nil, then five months ago they returned really heavy clots nearly on all the time it is wearing me out,taking iron excercise helps to keep me positive but really having to push myself but it really does make me feel more positive so i drag myself to the gym,once you start its not so bad. Another thing that helps flushes is soya milk when i did not have it on holiday they were really bad, might be worth a try for you. I have always been a happy confident persons but all i want to do is be on my own that might sound mad but i feel safe, I just hope it gets better and hopefully soon

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LMJ13 said on 02 April 2012

Hi all of you who feel a bit down about being close to the menopause.

I'm a couple of months short of reaching 49 and periods have now started to miss or take longer to arrive. I have PMS type symptoms for most of the remaining weeks. However, have found this so much easier to manage by losing weight and trying to be more healthy (boring I know but it works for me). The way I look at it I'm trying to push a spluttering engine for a bit longer so it needs all the help it can get! Its different for everyone I know but actually I'm starting to feel like a teenager again too - a bit angry about life. That's exciting as I feel like I've got a lot to look forward to as the physical and mental changes that are happening create a bit of havoc!. I've realised that the peri menopause - whilst sometimes making me feel like death - is also perfectly normal and natural - though if something very strange like having a temp of 101 for 3 days happens I do check it out with my GP! There are lots of things that we can do to lessen the impact of this time of rewiring in our bodies - so don't give up!

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Missmag said on 23 March 2012

Ladies, it's so good to know others are experiencing same things. 7 weeks since last period (after years of every 3 weeks) but have felt as if it might start any moment the whole time - didn't know about that symptom. Fit to burst, clothes don't fit and getting up is like trying to drag a teenager out of bed. Main worry is if this whole thing will get worse and interfer with ability to work. Guess best thing is to take it as it comes. Feel sorry for so many of you who clearly have very unhelpful GPs.

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worried_daughter said on 20 March 2012

I am wondering if menopausal symptoms are nearly the same as alcoholic hot flushes and sleep deprivation etc, My mother is 46 and I think she is an alcoholic in denial, after heavy weekend's she has sweats and cant sleep, gets shaky and has mood swings. She says its ''the change'' or ''the flu'', I dont think it is though and am trying to help her. Any info would be much appreciated. ;-p

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denvalemum said on 18 March 2012

i am 49 an 2 years in to my menapause an still having heavy periods doctors told me this happens sometimes just want them to stop.

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kitkat66 said on 16 February 2012

I'm 54 this year and have been on HRT for nearly 4 years and can honestly say that I've never felt better in my life - but I haven't always felt like this. In my early 40's my regular periods became extremely heavy, enough to make me stay at home or be extremely wary about being out and about. This went on for a couple of years and really restricted my life - I went to my doctor and she prescribed Mefanic Acid Tablets (from Ibuprofen family) to use when on, magic! My periods suddenly stopped when I was 49, I took a commercial test which said I was menopausal. Almost immediately I lost energy, my spark went, my confident friendly personality disintegrated within weeks. Hit a brick wall mentally which was the accompanied by hot flushes day and night, so embarrassing at work. I didn't want to feel like that so off to the doctor on my lady-boss' advice and I was prescribed HRT 'prempak' - elixir of life I call it! No negative side effects, no weight gain just full of beans and life again -almost a happy pill which makes we wonder all those years if I did actually have a hormone imbalance instead of being 'despressed' and on off taking of anti-depressants which made me feel out of it. Ladies, do not worry about HRT - try it and I hope it works for you the way it's working for me. I'll stay on it for as long as I possibly can, I've now got a quality of life that I never had before. Good luck girls!

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angela x said on 02 February 2012

Approaching 50, havent had a period now for 8 weeks but feel as though I am going to burst. Bloated, sore breasts, period pains. Does this mean I have to feel like this forever or will this go. Just want to feel a bit more normal.

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poslla said on 02 February 2012

I am a journalist and I'm writing about women in London who have given birth after the menopause. I would like to interview someone for an article which I will pitch to the Evening Standard. It will be entirely from the mother's point of view and will aim to inform other women who may be going through the same thing.

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ajpl said on 26 January 2012

I am 39 and almost 2 years ago my periods stopped and I had tests which said I was well in the menopause. Last week I had a bleed a bit like a period. I am now being referred for a 14 day referral to see a gynaecologist. Not sure what will happen now but not looking forward to it. As a previous medical secretary in gynae for 5 years I know that you always have to be checked out.

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bufffalo said on 21 January 2012

Hi I am 53 years of age. How will I know when I am going through the menopause?
Can someone please advise

Many thanks

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User146910 said on 21 January 2012

I had to start heavy cold symptoms .feeling sick .heavy bleeding.then nothing then periods went back to normal for while .now I got bad stomach cramps.bad headaches aching bones. painful periods .bad mood swings and hot flushes in morning and feeling anxiety is horrible hope it stops soon i am 50.

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Ceejay5 said on 21 October 2011

Just when I thought it was all over! Two years after my last period, I appear to be spotting a bit today. This was preceded by extreme bloatedness, irritability/depression, tender nipples and swelling under armpits. Should I be worried or were my peri-menopausal symptoms merely on hold, only to be resumed all over again? I never did take any sort of test, by the way, but after two years without a period, I merely assumed I am now post-menopausal. I am 52 years old. All comments welcome, please. Thank you.

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Natalie1 said on 20 October 2011

I am 36 years old. About two years ago i came of the pill to try for a baby. I started to experience hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings. I went to my gp who suspected menopause. My husband and i were referred for fertility and it was confirmed i was going through early menopause (advanced stage) and the only fertility treatment was egg donation. Which we did not go for. Two years on i still feel hopefully of concieving or in denial im not sure. I still have periods which are not regular. I dont have hot flushes or night sweats. I take herbal remedies and have acupunture regulary. My gp recommends i take HRT but im not ready or want to do this. I keep my hopes up and think positively which i can do at the moment. My main worry is how will i be when my periods stop if i have not been able to concieve.

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Aly T said on 25 September 2011

I'm 44 and my periods stopped altogether about a year ago and a blood test confirmed I was menopausal. I did have a random period earlier this year that lasted about 3 weeks and I came out with hideous spots on my face, which the doctor diagnosed as rosacea. The spots cleared once my period stopped and I haven't had once since. My hot flushes haven't been too bad in that I'm not soaked with sweat when I have one, but I always carry a fan in my bag now!
My main problem is my mental faculties- just a feeling of being overwhelmed, forgetting lots and being angry or teary over nothing. It was worse when my periods first stopped- I felt really low and was prescribed anti-depressants. Fortunately, this passed before the pills even had had a chance to kick in. Discussing what I'm going through with friends and colleagues has helped me though- it makes you realise that you're not going mad! I've also been taking herbal tablets 'Menoserene' which seem to help.
I've never had kids and was worried that I'd regret it once I could no longer have them. Whilst it still makes me a little sad, looking at society today I think it was probably for the best.
I think I've been quite lucky after reading some of the comments on here. I still feel young; love going to gigs and have great days out with the girls. Life shouldn't stop when you hit the menopause- it just changes. Above all, don't despair; you're not alone.

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bookworm58 said on 20 September 2011

i am almost 53 years old,and been going through meno for nearly 2 years,it is hell,insomnia,shaking,anxiety,on hrt but that i don't think is helping,on anti depressants and life is not what it used to be,i don't know how much more i can take.

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User76556 said on 17 August 2011

My last 2 periods have been 2 or 3 days in duration and were about 6 weeks apart! I'm approaching 41, could this be an early onset of the menopause? If it is I better hurry up and try for my 2nd baby!

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JBOORMAN said on 02 June 2011

I am 46 years old, for the past year I have experienced more frequent periods ie every 14-18 days, vaginal dryness and now a total lack of libedo, am I pre menopausal, my mother started when she was my age and I believe had increased periods instead of less. Any answers would be welcome, also any information on dealing with these 'symptoms'.


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nelly1369 said on 01 June 2011

please can anyone help me i am 42 for six years i have suffered very bad panic attacts to which i take antidepressants my periods are almost none exsitant i get realy bad headaches problems sleeping sex is an effort my hair keeps comeing out i have had bloodtests done at the doctors for the menopause but they came back normal could the test be wronge am i menopausal please i feel like i am cracking up help

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caroline200 said on 19 March 2011

I started reading when the menopause kicked in and recommend 'Your Change Your Choice' for an over all view.
I take Soya and isoflavines which have really helped with controlling the flushes and, as a bonus, have improved my skin and hair too!
I think taking charge of what's happening is important as stress increases the flushes.
The symptems are a pain but it is ultimately something liberating that is happening! Be positive if possible.

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teej1510 said on 01 February 2011

I have not been to the Doctors for confirmation yet but I haven't had a period for over a year now. I have just turned 44 . I did a self test at home which confirmed what I already knew or guessed... back in 2008 I went through a very bad patch of depression which lasted for over a year. I assumed that was the reason my periods became irregular , which they never were . I think I had about 4 periods that year then they stopped just like that.
I don't feel any different as such but have lost my libido. I blamed the depression for that. Though it is said that menopause is not a factor in loss of libido. I am just wondering what to expect next. As for painful joints I have always had a problem there, feeling rather old before my time.

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tooyoung said on 06 January 2011

Try being 20yrs old and finding out you've been going through the menopause since you was 15. Its the most embarassing thing to happen at my age and i will never have a child of my own.

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Solnishko said on 18 October 2010

My wife had her last period a year ago, at 43 she thought this was a little young for the menopause. She went to the GP who in an examination that lasted less than 3minutes from walking in the door to leaving just said "it's the menopause, look it up on the internet"!

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nabob said on 08 September 2010

I am quite worried at the moment and any advice would be most welcome please. I had a period in July 2009 aged 48 and up till then they had been normal since I started them at aged 11 no problems. My mum went through the menopause in her early 40's again with no problems. I did not have another period until May 2010 when I had a very light loss. Between July and October 2009 my only menopausal symptoms were feeling more hot than usual during the night but not sweating. After May 10 I did not have another period until August when all hell let loose and I had the heaviest and longest period ever. I have started again yesterday and am literally changing tampons due to flooding every 2 hours with no easing off during the night. I feel physically drained with sore breasts and stomach cramps. My husband is all for sending me to my GP but what can they do - surely this is all related to the menopause. I thought I had got let off lightly but clearly not - Help !

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midnight_poison said on 17 July 2010

i have no symptoms off menopause im 51 and this is the only period ive missed

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redhed36 said on 07 July 2010

I have just been told by my Doctor today that I am well into my menopause (had the follicle blood test thing). I am just 41 and so am concerned but he said to take calcium supplements and go for a bone density scan in 10 years...there is so much to find out about and it has been a bit of a shock to be honest...I don't know where to start!!!

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redhed36 said on 07 July 2010

I have just been told by my Doctor today that I am well into my menopause (had the follicle blood test thing). I am just 41 and so am concerned but he said to take calcium supplements and go for a bone density scan in 10 years...there is so much to find out about and it has been a bit of a shock to be honest...I don't know where to start!!!

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met2008 said on 07 July 2010

I have just had a period after 20months and I thought that once you hadnt had one for 12months that was it , can anyone advise why this has happened.

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carolynb said on 04 February 2010

Hello i have been menopausel for about a year now can anyone give me some advice on how to cope with greasey hair, my hair has always been dry, now i have to wash it every morning. Any advice would be most welcome.Carolyn.

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Mukesh Raghav said on 19 October 2009

The Menopause is really mysterious , no doubt it is physiological , but time period is ranging from 40 to 52 years in different parts of the world. Osteoporesis usually don't starts immediately after it as level of oestrogen does not diminish suddenly. The cause of osteoporosis is mainly lack of oestrogen which usually take place at the time of menopause.

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hormones said on 03 August 2009

I had a bit of accident which left me partially disabled. after amost 15yrs of marriage with no warning. my husband decided to pack up and leave me while i was still very ill laying flat on the floor. he just walked out as he couldnt handle me being ill. from that time bk in 2002 when i was just 45yr old. that was the last time i saw a period. they just stopped dead, apart from one very slight bleed only for day just couple months later but nothing else since,. i had no warning etc. i had bn having hot flshes etc for mayb yr or more but still had periods. i have heard that shock sometimes can stop a period but i dont no how true. i am now just 52yr old and still never seen a period. has anyone any ideas or suggestions.I have since been diagnosed with osteoporsis which is causing some pain in joints etc, i feel i am falling apart lol. i am certainly past even thinking of having more children so that is not the reason i am asking.

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