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Online Clinics

Online clinic on weight loss

The online clinic on weight loss is now open for your questions.

Specialists in diet and nutrition, fitness, diabetes and psychology are waiting to offer advice on diet and dieting, obesity, nutrition, exercise, fat and other health issues related to being over or under weight.

All you have to do is post your question in the forum and one or more of our experts will publish their answer. You can post anonymously if you wish. The online clinic on weight loss is hosted by talkhealth and supported by The Succeed Foundation. The clinic closes on January 23, so get your questions in now.

The experts

Lisa Holmes – registered dietitian

Lisa is a registered dietitian with nine years' experience working within the NHS as a senior paediatric dietitian. She has experience in neonatal care and the management of cystic fibrosis, childhood obesity and cardiology.

Since April 2008, Lisa has been working as a freelance dietitian, she holds private consultations with adults and children, works as a consultant with companies and offers corporate health advice. She lectures and talks on nutrition and dietetics, is a published reviewer of scientific literature in journals and other professional publications. She has written Department of Health educational and training programmes and is currently studying for a Postgraduate Diploma in Obesity Science and Management.


Denise Kennedy – senior dietitian

Denise Kennedy is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with more than 20 years' experience in a wide variety of areas of nutrition and health, including clinical dietetics, public health, training, communications and education.

She currently works with both adults and children who are overweight, employing a variety of techniques to suit the needs of the individual and the family. Denise is also an accredited counterweight practitioner – an evidence-based programme that can achieve sustainable weight loss by managing dietary change in the context of lifestyle.



Jenny Radcliffe – consultant clinical health psychologist

Jenny Radcliffe is a consultant clinical health psychologist specialising in weight management, obesity, weight loss surgery and emotional eating. She has more than 18 years' experience of working with patients with a range of health problems, including diabetes, chronic pain, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. For the past 10 years she has focused increasingly on the psychological aspects of weight management and the impact of weight loss surgery.

Jenny has her own consultancy and provides input to bariatric and weight management services across south east England. She is a member of the British Psychological Society and is registered with the Health Professions Council.


Dr James Thompson – GP

Dr James Thompson is a UK-trained GP based in London and the East Midlands. He graduated from the University of Southampton medical school in 2005 and since then has worked as a freelance GP throughout the south of England and the Midlands.

James has a broad range of interests within healthcare and his approach to general practice is focused on encouraging and teaching better lifestyle choices. He also has interests in medical education and, in particular, communication skills.




Wendy Green – author

Wendy is the author of The Greatest Guide to Slimming & Healthy Living, which details how small, long-term behavioural, dietary and lifestyle changes can result in big improvements in your shape, health and fitness. She has been interested in health and weight control since her teens and teaches health promotion and nutrition courses in further and higher education.

For the past six years Wendy has co-ordinated and delivered Focus on Health, a project that offers a health promotion programme to the deaf community, including weight management, healthy cookery and walking for health.


Dr Masud Haq - consultant in diabetes and endocrinology

Masud Haq has been a consultant in diabetes and endocrinology at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospital since April 2008. He trained at Guy’s & St.Thomas’ Hospital and spent part of his training at Johns Hopkins Medical School (US), St Vincent’s Hospital (Australia) and St George’s Hospital (London).

As a former senior research fellow at the Royal Marsden Hospital, he has developed a particular interest in thyroid disease. His other interests include obesity, men’s health and the menopause.

Last reviewed: 15/01/2013

Next review due: 15/01/2015


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Comments are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

ashhy said on 31 January 2013

iam 21 yrs old and a mother of 1.after giving birth i started using jadelle implant and my weight has now becomr 96kg and i cant seem to lose it now after removing jadelle as they said that weight gained during jadelle usage will go down after removal bt ive started to gain more weight after removing it..now i want to try slimming pills as ive never used it before so which one is best for me?

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Alocin75 said on 21 January 2013

Hello I was tested for diabetes in October tests came back ok with fasting gluc 6.5 and 2 hour gluc 7.8. I have bmi of 29.9 so trying to be more active and eat healthy. My concern is that I am still very thirsty everyday always going to the toilet and have several bad dizzy spells each day. Should I go back to gp or just keep trying to lose the weight and healthy foods. Your advice would be very welcome thank you

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talkhealth said on 21 January 2013

Thank you for all your comments - to ask your questions please go directly to the clinic to post for an expert to answer. Alternatively if you would like to contact talkhealth directly to help with posting your question the contact details are info@talkhealthpartnership.com.

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Missy2008 said on 20 January 2013

I am 22 and have had polycistic ovarys since the age of 14 and have always suffered with my weight. Since stoping the contraceptive pill my weight has worsened and my doctor was no help, I was just told to excersise (which I do) i am now at the point where I get back pain and hate the thought of socialising. I am due to be married soon and really need advice. I've started to get nervous when In public that I've started to break out into sweats. Any advice please? I've tried to diet and be nowhere.

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Chas Cuff said on 20 January 2013

I have unexplained weight loss. For years I weighed 11 stone 3lbs & over 6 months have dropped to 10st 6lbs. I have put this down to 1. stress ref house move;2. great reduction in alcohol intake.
Can these be the reasons?

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Boarderlands2 said on 16 January 2013

I am contacting you in order to get some advice on losing weight. I am 5ft 1 and 9st 10lbs. I would like to lose 1 and a half stone. I have tried doing this using various methods such a lots of exercise and quite extreme dieting. Nothing makes any difference and structured diets and recomemended calorie intake makes me put on weight. It seems as if diets are for those heavier than me. Do u have any advice for me?

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christinekearney said on 14 January 2013


I have been taking thyroxin for about 11 years since my son was born. I have since that time had issues with weight loss on the basis that I can lose 7 lb but put it back on almost immediately and never manage to lose more than 7lb.

I attend a gym and do lots of cardio but can't lose weight.

Since Christmas day I have had an infection which has caused severe diarrhea and despite this have not lost any weight at all even though nothing I eat stays with me! Do you have any suggestions?

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User736841 said on 02 January 2013

I began weight watchers in july last year and have lost 44lb. I still have a long way to go around another 130lb to lose. I was hoping you could give me some help on how to keep motivated. I began to flag a little before christmas but with the turn of the new year i have found i am feeling inspired to lose again. I find that due to a lot of food allergies i am restricted by what i can eat and i get bored. I have severe egg, nut, fish allergies and i am also allergic to kiwi, strawberry, dairy, tomato and a few other foods that cause minor irritation. I would also like some tips on how to exercise with eczema, i find that i am allergic to my own body sweat. When i sweat i itch terribly. This in turn puts me off exercising. I have severe flare ups when i sweat and i have tried swimming but this also causes severe flare ups down to the chlorine. I want to help my weight loss but i am finding it extremely difficult to stay motivated with these difficulties i face everyday.

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Zeira said on 26 December 2012

Hi, I am currenly 64kg weight and 167cms weight. I need to reach my weight as 57kg. I have never tried any dieting. Now i started doing yoga for fitness about 30 minutes a day.Please help me giving some tips to reduce my weight and stay fit by 3 months

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Sbee said on 22 December 2012

Hi i would like to loose weight, i have already started excercising and eating helthy however its not working. I'm probably not doing it right so was wondering wether you would be able to help me. I'm 13stones at the moment and really want to be atleast 9 by may or even better 8 and a half.

Also does the Atkins diet actually work, because it it does i wouldnt mind trying that or even the milkshake diet?

Please can you let me know asap.
Thankyou in anticipation!

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gemma1605 said on 01 November 2012

hi i had a gastric bypass on the 7th june since then ive lost 51/2 stone but have found out today im 4 weeks pregnant i see from web sites this can be dangerouse for the baby before 18 month from surery i am still loosing wieght rapidly what can you advise please that i need to be taking as i know you cant take vitamin a during prgnancy. any help would be appreciated.

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toddyjo said on 12 September 2012

I wondered if there was any update from johannab please? I was scrolling through this site in desperation with my lack of weight loss and found johannabs comment, i can soooo relate to this. last year after being on a pill injection and putting on the pounds (again) i stopped having the injection, started zumba classes 3 times a week, i was already quite active by walking my dog about 45 mins a day. nothing! so i cut back lots on my carbs as i was a carb junkie. then a few months ago my friend and i started walking too, about an hour a day, plus my zumba, plus my dog walking! the weight dropped off my friend, still is doing but all i ended up with was painful feet which the dr has now diagnosed as osteo arthritis. anyway, still on low carb as i do find im not as bloated with it and eat healthy, 3 meals a day, havent eaten chocolate for 7 years, dont eat biscuits, occasionally have a packet of crisps, big wow, but still no difference in weight, body shape, clothes. in absolute despair. have had bloods at the drs, thyroid, cholesterol, etc everything all ok, just my bmi is 2 ponts off obese so the dr unable to help me!!!! since stopping the extra one hour walking per day about 2 months ago i have not put any weight back on which goes to show that it wasnt helping with any weight loss anyway. very frustrating. any help would be greatly appreciated. i dont know where to turn. am now just starting back at zumba but in a couple of weeks i am due to have an op which will leave me unable to do any zumba or excessive walking etc for about 5 weeks so i am very concerned.

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johannab said on 31 July 2012

I stopped smoking and had a very bad divorece about 8 years ago, around those times I was size 8, energic, happy individual, with 5 children.

But I got depressed and within 2-3 year I had gone up size or two until today I am twice the size, size 16 with BMI 33. I went to my local GP, but didn't get no help, although I visted multiple times. including blood tests etc. to only thing it did, made me even more depressed and made me feel like I am alone batteling this fight that I am not going to win.

I tried so many times different diets and when that didn't help I started going to gym, I was doing wee and eating rightly, portiom size, 3 healthy meals a day, and only 1200cl a day for 6 months, and nothing happened. It's like I put all my efford to that and can not understand why. So I said I might as well give up, as why am I restricting myself from everything when there is no change and no help from the gp, so I gave up, but I am getting more depressed everyday, as I can see myself soon buying size 18 clothes and not coming out of my house ever again.

So I am asking is there any help for me in my battel, should my GP have refeared me to a specialist and is there any drugs that I could take to help me with my weight lost together with moderate exercise. I know that if I was able to get this support from my doctors that would be enough to give me inncitive to try for the last time before I totaly give up. please help.

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Coll73 said on 13 June 2012

I have been having trouble losing weight since starting Venlafaxine and Seroquel for depression and despite restricting my dietary intake my weight is not changing. I was warned that these meds could increase appetite and lead to weight gain but my weight hasn't increased thankfully but nor is it decreasing despite sticking to a 1200 calorie/day diet. My BMI at present is 25.1 but I would like it to be about 22. Any tips?

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Develop healthier eating habits and get more active with the NHS Choices weight loss guide