Man Mantras For CALM

CALM ambassador, Anstey, introduces her new Man Mantras album.  Affirmations for men, by men…

Last year I introduced you guys to Man Mantras in my piece of the same name HERE.  This year I am proud to say that together with my Brother, Dad and Cousins, Daz & Andy, we have created an album of 49 power statements. This album is created by real men. These guys aren’t actors; we have a gas fitter, fireman, engineer and music maker in the mix.

I have talked openly about losing my childhood sweetheart, Aaron, to suicide as a ambassador of CALM.  The men who created this album have also grieved for him.  They have suffered depression, break ups and job losses in recent years and whist we recorded this album we were grieving the recent death of my Granddad, who died only 7 months after my Nan. Tragedy and hard times hit us all at one time or another, and it was these amazing men who got me to carry on and create this album with the aim of helping men who have hit a wall and need help.  I have dedicated this collection of affirmations to both Aaron and my Granddad.

Theses power statements have given me and my friends and family strength during difficult times, and with so many life situations covered I know that you will find inspiration and good feeling from this album in your low moments too. The best news of all is that all proceeds from this album go to CALM.

You can download it here”



The power statements and mantras these men have created and voiced are just a selection, we hope to inspire you to write your own and share them with the men of the world.

Tweet your ManMantra to @manspirationme, remembering to use the hashtag #manmantra, and don’t forget to follow us!

My aim has always been to raise £1 million for CALM, please help me make it happen. I have lost 1 man too many, lets not lose any more.

Big Love,


Calm Ambassador & Director of The Wisdom Gym

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