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10 pressing 'Star Wars' questions now that J.J. Abrams is directing

Who will direct the next 'Star Trek'? What about those Ben Affleck rumors?

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The news that J.J. Abrams is set to direct "Star Wars: Episode VII," a film fans only dreamed of less than six months ago, came something of a surprise. Abrams had publicly claimed he'd passed on the gig because of deference to "Star Trek" fans and that he'd "rather watch in the audience."  Something changed though, and now the man who made  "Trek" cool again will get a chance to reinvigorate George Lucas' iconic series.  The news spurs only more questions, however. Here are 10 that immediately came to mind.


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    In regards to the music, Giacchino can do the score. I think he's a solid composer, and his work on Star Trek was pretty damn great. However, the original theme, and opening crawl, must be kept intact. Without the crawl and theme, it just wouldn't be Star Wars.

    January 25, 2013 at 2:11AM EST Reply to Comment
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      JobConsHotJob what Adam..... implied I cant believe that you able to earn $5500 in 4 weeks on the internet. did you see this page http://2.gp/qmHB

      January 25, 2013 at 1:27PM EST
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    potty break

    I don't see a problem with Abrams returning to "Star Trek" to finish his "trilogy" after. Sounds like they want a different director for each "Star Wars" so they can crank them out.
    Since they are cranking them out and Lucas is in the background, I don't think John Williams will be back. Giacchino already scored "Star Tours" so he'd be my choice even if Abrams wasn't directing.
    Also amazing is that J.J.'s buddy of 30 years Matt Reeves is doing "Planet of the Apes" (also probably with a Giacchino score). Sci-fi history is passing before Abrams' eyes.

    January 25, 2013 at 2:39AM EST Reply to Comment
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      potty break The only drag is if Abrams had stuck to a schedule, he could've made his third "Star Trek" in time for 2016, the 50th anniversary. Now that won't happen unless somebody takes over. But Abrams should finish it. Damn you, "Star Wars"!

      January 25, 2013 at 2:53AM EST
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    Majel Barrett-Roddenberry died 4 years ago...

    January 25, 2013 at 3:52AM EST Reply to Comment
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      Paul Outlaw SMDH

      January 25, 2013 at 8:58PM EST
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      PlanetJohnny Ridiculous writing.

      January 26, 2013 at 5:15PM EST
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    Both franchises are already dead.

    Star Wars died when the second death star was destroyed, and Star Trek ended when Janeway managed to get her ship back home. Everything that came after those two final endings, was just fluff to further milk each franchise's cash cow.

    I've always felt Abrams' interpretation of Trek does a gross injustice to Roddenberry's vision of the future, and of the human condition. Star Trek is much more than guns-a-blazin and ships-a-fightin, or the number of kisses planted or muscles flexed. Its a show about philosophy first, science fiction second, and everything after that falls into perfect place if you tell a good story. Abrams misses the point of Star Trek, and doesn't give 'the masses' enough credit to think beyond the action scene.

    I suspect Abrams will do the same with Star Wars franchise, not that he could do much worse with it after Lucas gutted his recent threesome. Still, I suspect Abrams' take on Episode 7 will be heavy on the action, heavy on the ships and lasers, a few faux love scenes thrown in here or there.. and light on any storytelling or meaningful message, if there's a message at all.

    I would have liked to see Trek die at least a graceful death, instead of being thrown to the pirahnnas.

    January 25, 2013 at 4:52AM EST Reply to Comment
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      tham I think Janeway getting Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant without any deaths hurt Star Trek. But, obviously, it was Bakula (and crew) who killed the franchise. JJ has made some fun to watch flicks, but Weekend At Bernies was fun to watch (back then) too. Kind of the same concept. Speaking of which... instead of JJ doing Star Wars, maybe he should just redo Weekend at Bernies.

      January 25, 2013 at 5:27AM EST
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    Put Star Trek back on TV. I miss the days when I could look forward to a new episode each week.

    January 25, 2013 at 5:29AM EST Reply to Comment
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    John W

    I imagine a bug rumble ala Anchorman between Star Wars and Star Trek fans.

    January 25, 2013 at 6:05PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Guy Smiley

    "Did Majel Barrett-Roddenberry give her blessing?"

    From beyond the grave??

    Christ, Ellwood... Here's a dime. Buy a clue.

    January 25, 2013 at 8:34PM EST Reply to Comment
  • Getnuts_talkback_profile


    The answer is to your second question is HE LIED. Not to hold it against him but Abrams is a notorious liar, especially in regards to the secrecy of his projects.

    I really thought this gig was Favreau's and honestly though JJ Abrams was the least likely especially considering he had the reigns of 'Star Trek'.

    With that said, everything about this development starting with its announcement has been a shock so I'm removing all expectations and just waiting to see what happens. One thing's for sure, Abrams will treat the property with respect.

    January 25, 2013 at 8:58PM EST Reply to Comment
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    This is one day later (25th January) but only seeing the main page and this does not go any further to click and see the first of ten questions. I viewed in one other browser and it won't work -- anyone else?

    January 25, 2013 at 9:34PM EST Reply to Comment
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    I'm just not sure Giacchino can pull off all of the new themes he would have to compose. His Star Trek score really only has that one theme over and over. His melodies are never that remarkable. Certainly not of the caliber of Williams. I think they should get Mark Griskey who does most of the Star Wars video games if Williams does not want to commit. He is great at capturing the original vibe.

    January 26, 2013 at 7:01PM EST Reply to Comment
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    The dig against Mark Hamill's acting ability is unfair. Have a look at his IMDB page, Hamill's been working consistently for 20 years in voice-over work, including an iconic portrayal of The Joker in Batman TAS and its successors. Have no doubt Hamill can acquit himself just fine in what would likely be a small role in the Star Wars sequels.

    January 26, 2013 at 10:23PM EST Reply to Comment
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    Pretty lousy question list when so many readers can already answer the questions...
    1 -It’s already been reported he’ll still direct Star Trek 3 -obviously the timing works out. Maybe he thought it wouldn’t?

    2 -As others have noted, your failure to know that Roddenberry’s wife is dead was a huge fail. I think we can basically assume he just changed his mind for one or several ‘personal reasons’. That’s a good enough answer for the public. Why speculate that it was ‘money’? That’s really shallow and low class.

    3 -I think we can assume that he wouldn’t have taken the job unless he thought he could do enough of what he’d want to do as far as story/control/vision. He must’ve read the current treatment and thought he could make that work. Since it’s film 7, it’s a very safe bet that it won’t be a reboot/reimagination. I’m personally guessing that he’ll look the most to Empire -the best production/story quality, least ‘Lucas’ film of the series for style matching.

    4 -I’d guess that out of well-earned respect, Williams would be asked if he wants to score it. JJ and Giaccino would have to be awful people to not at least let Williams get the first call on that. Does anyone honestly think they could get away with snubbing him (or want to)? And as others have noted, Giaccino is NOT a great composer. His stuff fits and works well enough, but he’s never done anything as memorable as nearly ALL of Williams career (and he has to know that).

    5 -Did Favreau get passed over again? Well, there seems to be plenty of word that he wanted the job and we know he didn’t get it, so isn’t that an answered question already??

    January 27, 2013 at 12:28PM EST Reply to Comment
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    6 -I don’t think the behind the scenes ‘secrets’ matters much. I’m sure they’ll all decide together how much or not to reveal. It’s not like the actual project is any secret like much of his other work, so I assume we’ll get some little teaser bits and obviously no key plot point reveals.

    7 -Did Affleck want to direct it? Who cares? I’m sure someone will ask him one day and he’ll say if he wad been interested. It’s a lousy question for this list.

    8 -Knocking Hamill’s acting is just stupid. As other have noted, the author obviously has no clue how much outstanding voice work Hamill’s done for decades. If anything, the big question is Hamill’s looks (hence all the ‘voice’ work). He messed up his face after Star Wars and is not H’wood handsome at all now. Carrie Fisher would present the same ‘issue’ and even Ford is pretty over-the-hill to show up as a geriatric Han Solo -on top of the fact that he kinda hates Star Wars and wouldn’t want to be in it. If you don’t have all three, I think you’d have to replace all three actors or set the story so they aren’t in it (which is my bet for the plot). Note that if they’re in it, they’d probably have to be in 8 and 9 too and just seems even less likely (unless in tiny cameo form).

    9 -This is a stupid question for 99.9% of fans who won’t be at either show.

    10 -Another dumb question. Who cares how ‘hard core’ Trek fans react? Anyone who doesn’t act like a grown-up and doesn’t just judge the finished work when it comes out or seriously argues Trek Vs. Wars should be ignored for the fanboy idiot chumps that they are.

    It’s already a fact that it’s going to be the third best Star Wars film (at least) based on the fact that 3 ½ current Star Wars films are complete garbage, and JJ Abrams doesn’t fail to make a decent film (at worst).

    January 27, 2013 at 12:30PM EST Reply to Comment

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