
Social Care Funding

National Voices’ Response to Government announcements

National Voices gives two cheers to government announcements on social care funding and flags further action needed on social care.

Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive of National Voices, says:

“This will be a first step forward in social care funding. It doesn’t happen until after the next election. We are disappointed the government has gone for such a high cap to the amount individuals will have to pay for their own care. The rise in means-tested thresholds is better news for those on lower incomes.  

“We need continued work across the political spectrum to develop this initial offer and communicate it clearly to the public”

Francis Report - Strong on Candour, Weak on Patient Voice & Experience

Francis Report into Failures at the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust
National Voices’ Response

National Voices welcomes the call by Robert Francis QC for a statutory duty of candour to inform patients fully when things go wrong with their care. However National Voices also believes Francis’ report should have been more radical in calling for a stronger voice for patients, service users, families and carers.

Robert Francis was speaking as chair of the second Inquiry into failings at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.

HealthWatch – Communities Involved

H-CI is a new project of National Voices, Regional Voices, CSV and Navca. Through our voluntary sector networks we hope to reach 30,000 groups across the country with a message for them to pass on to local people – to get involved, Get on the Map.

National Voices Appoints Four New Trustees

National Voices, the health and social care charity coalition, has appointed four new trustees:

Renata Drinkwater – Chief Executive, Expert Patients Programme
Sophie Corlett – Director of External Relations, Mind
Caroline Hacker – Head of Policy & Service Improvement, Parkinson’s UK
Ruth Bravery – Director of Volunteering & Patient Engagement, Marie Curie Cancer Care

The trustees were elected by National Voices members from 16 nominees. National Voices’ chair, Jeremy Hughes, who is also chief executive of the Alzheimer’s Society, said:

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