
Cayuse expedites submission of federal grant applications for principal investigators across the UGA campus. If allowed by the agency, and if the PI prefers, the NSF Fastlane or NASA NSPIRES systems may be used for a specific opportunity. Cayuse:

  • Provides electronic system-to-system submission to grants.gov servers for almost 95% of all federal opportunities.
  • Auto fills many proposal form fields from stored PI and institutional data.
  • Web-based: You can work on it from anywhere.
  • Eliminates worries about Adobe Reader compatibility.
  • Version control capabilities for collaborative writing.
  • Real-time validations against grants.gov, federal agencies, and RFP rules.
  • Re-use a proposal or transfer it to another opportunity.


UGA began requiring Cayuse for submission of all grants.gov opportunities in 2009.

Note: Cayuse is not a long-term solution. The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has solicited proposals from vendors to implement a commercial software solution to provide researchers and administrative staff with a system that integrates the online process for proposal and compliance protocol development, proposal and award tracking, and research compliance activities. This solution, termed an electronic research administration solution (eRA), will also provide a single portal for investigators to develop and maintain all their research-related activities; draw from multiple authoritative data sources to pre-populate form fields and reduce the need for repetitive data entry; and will provide extensive automated electronic workflows for transmittal and approval.

If you cannot resolve your issue, please call or e-mail the Sponsored Programs Cayuse Systems Administrator (542-5905 or gcrachel@uga.edu)

Getting Started

How do I sign into Cayuse?
Every faculty member at UGA was sent a username/password via e-mail in early summer, 2009. Your system administrator in the Office for Sponsored Programs can provide you with a username/password for Cayuse 424. The URL to access Cayuse 424 is ugasp.cayuse424.com. Call 542-5905 or e-mail gcrachel@uga.edu
I have forgotten my username/password! How do I reset it?
Contact your OSP grants administrator. He/she can provide you with a new username or password.
Can I change my password myself?
Passwords can be changed by going to the “Preferences” link or tab. Choose “Change User Password”. Usernames cannot be changed without System Administrator privileges.
Can I share my user name with others at my institution?
We don’t recommend you share your login, but you are free to do so if you think you need to.
Do I need to download anything to get started or involve my IT department?
You should not need to download anything; the entire application runs in your browser. All you need is an account, which provides you with a private and secure login.
What browsers are supported by Cayuse? What steps can I take to make sure my workstation is compatible?
Cayuse 424 runs on Internet Explorer and Firefox. Opera, Safari and other browsers are not supported. For more information on desktop configuration, download a Cayuse guide.
Can I use a Mac?
Yes.  You can use an Apple computer as long as you are running the Firefox browser. Please refer to the desktop configuration guide for more information.

Professional Profiles

Who should I create professional profiles for?
Create a professional profile for everyone who is named in your grant applications; the Principal Investigator, Key Personnel, and other significant contributors.
Why should I create a professional profile?

Creating a Professional Profile is required for Key Personnel who will be listed in your proposal. The profile allows you to quickly autofill any of the personnel involved in your grant, and any future proposals in which they might be involved.

I need to include a Key Person in my proposal,
but I can’t see his/her name listed, and the system is telling me this person already has a Professional Profile. What should I do?

You are simply lacking the proper permissions to access this Professional Profile. Contact either the Key Personnel in question, a System Administrator at 542-5905, or gcrachel@uga.edu for access.

Is salary information required?

For privacy reasons, salary information is not a required aspect of a Professional Profile. However, if you wish to use Cayuse’s auto-calculations while working in the budget, you do need to enter the number of months that correspond with the correct salary appointment type.

How do I delete a Professional Profile?
You may only delete Professional Profiles that you have created, or that you have the permission to delete. Click on the Professional Profile that you wish to delete to enter it, then click the delete icon that is by that person’s name to delete the profile.
I deleted a profile that I needed! Can I get it back?
Yes. Contact your System Administrator at 542-5905 or gcrachel@uga.edu. He/she will be able to recover the deleted profile.


How do I create a proposal?
Click on the “New Proposal” link of the proposal tab. Select the opportunity that you wish to apply for. Enter the Proposal’s Name for reference within Cayuse 424. Choose a PI from the Dropdown Menu. Next, choose the number of budget periods for this proposal. Choose the validation type to match the agency you are applying to. Click on
“Create Proposal”.
I don’t see the opportunity I want. How do I download an opportunity?
Depending on your system’s preferences, you should see the “Update Opportunity List” link under the “Preferences” tab. From there, you can use the CFDA or FOA number to download your opportunity from the Grants.gov servers. If you do not see this link, contact your System Administrator at 542-5905 or gcrachel@uga.edu.
Which agencies are currently supported by Cayuse 424?
Cayuse currently supports AFSOR, AHRQ, CDC, CDMRP, DARPA, HRSA, NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, DOS, USAID, and USDA.
Can I share my proposal with others?
Yes. Just like with Profiles, Proposals have permissions that can be granted. The department/academic unit, creator of the proposal, or Principal Investigator should determine who should have access to the proposal. Any personnel who will be working on the proposal need to have access.
Once it is ‘locked’, can I or someone else take my lock and start working on the proposal?
Yes, but only people with explicit permissions, or if they are an Administrator/AOR user.
I just logged in and my proposal is still locked by me! Why did this happen, and what should I do?
Proposals remain locked if someone closes the browser without first clicking on “Sign Out”, or experiences a crash. Because it is your own lock, you should have permission to break it. If you do not, contact
your System Administrator at 542-5905 or gcrachel@uga.edu immediately.
Is my proposal automatically saved as I work in it?
Yes, Cayuse 424 automatically saves your proposal every time you click in and out of a page, whenever you change functions (e.g., from Profiles to Proposal) and when you close out of the proposal.
Can I print my proposal?
Yes, you can save a complete, accurate version of the proposal in PDF format by clicking on the Print Icon in the upper right hand corner of your proposal.


How do I create a Subaward Budget?
Creating a subaward is much like creating a normal proposal; First, click on the “New Proposal” link. Next, choose the “Subaward” Budget Type. Enter the Proposal’s Name for reference within Cayuse 424. Choose a PI from the Dropdown Menu. Choose a number of budget periods. Choose the validation type to match the agency you are applying to. Finally, click on “Create Proposal”.

You can also create a subaward from within the prime proposal. Simply go to the “Subaward” page within your proposal, and click on “New Subaward”.

Do I need an account on Subawards.com?
No. As a Cayuse 424 customer, you already have full access to creating and managing subcontracts. If you are subcontracting for another institution, you can just use your institution’s subscription to Cayuse424 to create subawards and send them to other Cayuse sites for importing, or to create and send PDFs to non-Cayuse sites.
How do I link or import a subaward?
From within the primary proposal, simply go to the “Subaward” page within your proposal, and click on the button that corresponds with the function you desire.


How does Cayuse 424 Submit to Grants.gov?
Cayuse 424 acts as an AOR for your institution; when a proposal is submitted by Cayuse, Grants.gov recognizes a certificate that was set up when your server was configured. Because of this, Cayuse has internal methods for identifying and defining business processes. Just about any desired review/submittal process can be adopted within the system.
Can proposals be submitted at the last minute?
Yes, Cayuse proposals can be accepted up until the cutoff time of 5:00pm. However, due to recent Grants.gov service issues, it is strongly recommended that proposals are submitted least 5 business days in advance. You should understand that proposals submitted with only an hour to spare are extraordinarily risky and might not make the 5 pm cutoff.
I have received a transmission error! What should I do?
Contact Cayuse Technical Support immediately.

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