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How to complain

Most medical care and treatment goes well, but things occasionally go wrong, and you may want to complain. So where do you start? Every NHS organisation has a complaints procedure. To find out about it, ask a member of staff, look on the hospital or trust's website, or contact the complaints department for more information.

You may want to make positive comments on the care and services that you've received. These comments are just as important because they tell NHS organisations which factors are contributing to a good experience for patients. 

What are my rights?

If you're not happy with the care or treatment you've received or you've been refused treatment for a condition, you have the right to complain, have your complaint investigated, and be given a full and prompt reply.

The NHS Constitution explains your rights when it comes to making a complaint. You have the right to:

  • have your complaint dealt with efficiently, and properly investigated,
  • know the outcome of any investigation into your complaint,
  • take your complaint to the independent Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman if you're not satisfied with the way the NHS has dealt with your complaint,
  • make a claim for judicial review if you think you've been directly affected by an unlawful act or decision of an NHS body, and
  • receive compensation if you've been harmed.  

Who should I complain to?

You can complain either to the service that you're unhappy with, or you can complain to your local primary care trust (PCT) that commissioned the service. 

When should I complain?

As soon as possible. Complaints should normally be made within 12 months of the date of the event that you're complaining about, or as soon as the matter first came to your attention.

The time limit can sometimes be extended (so long as it's still possible to investigate the complaint). An extension might be possible, such as in situations where it would have been difficult for you to complain earlier, for example, when you were grieving or undergoing trauma. 

Where do I start?

Since April 2009, the NHS has run a simple complaints process, which has two stages.

  1. Ask your hospital or trust for a copy of its complaints procedure, which will explain how to proceed. Your first step will normally be to raise the matter (in writing or by speaking to them) with the practitioner, e.g. the nurse or doctor concerned, or with their organisation, which will have a complaints manager. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can raise the matter with your local primary care trust. This is called local resolution, and most cases are resolved at this stage.
  2. If you're still unhappy, you can refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, who is independent of the NHS and government. Call 0345 015 4033  

Who can help?

Making a complaint can be daunting, but help is available. 

Patient Advice and Liaison Service

Officers from the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) are available in all hospitals. They offer confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters to patients, their families and their carers. You can find your local PALS office at the Office Directory at PALS Online

Independent Complaints Advocacy Service

The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) is a national service that supports people who wish to make a complaint about their NHS care or treatment. Contact your local ICAS office through the hospital manager or PALS, or by calling the following numbers:

  • London: 0300 456 2370 
  • South East: 0845 600 8616
  • Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire: 0300 456 2370
  • Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk: 0300 456 2370
  • Essex: 0300 456 2370
  • South West: 0845 120 3782
  • West Midlands: 0300 456 2370
  • East Midlands: 0808 802 3000
  • North East: 0808 802 3000 
  • North West: 0808 802 3000
  • Yorkshire and Humberside: 0808 802 3000  

Citizens Advice Bureau

Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can be a great source of advice and support if you want to complain about the NHS, social services or local authorities. You can find your local Citizens Advice Bureau on its website.  

NHS Direct

NHS Direct can advise on NHS complaints. Call 0845 4647.  

The Public Law Project’s website includes a guide to making a complaint.

Things to think about when complaining

If you decide to make a complaint it's important to consider what you want to happen. Are you content with an apology, do you want action to be taken against a member of staff, or do you want a change to the system? Whatever action you're seeking, make this clear.

Before you make your complaint, make a note of the relevant events, dates, times, names and conversations, and include all necessary details. Your notes will also help you to remember all the details in the future. Processing a complaint can take a while, and you might be asked to verify some information at a later stage.

Whether you decide to complain orally or in writing, try to make your explanations as short and clear as possible. Focus on the main issues, and leave out irrelevant details. If you can, talk through what you want to say with someone else, or ask them to read what you've written before you send it. If you complain in writing, keep a copy of everything you post, and make a note of when you sent it. 

Comments are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Dominika7 said on 19 January 2013

I just been refused for service in Waitchapel hospital for pain in my left side, they suggest go to my GP as new system started working in hospitals, but that system is not working in my local GP. Been at GP, but they prescribes just pain killers and not treats the symptoms. Last time doctor in surgery told me that I have shingles, when I was fed up and go to hospital doctor told me that I have blood infection and prescribed me antibiotics (I still have hope that NHS have good doctors). Why we need GP's who prescribes just Ibuprofen and Paracetamol and just one problem in one appointment and if you have several problems, how many appointments do you need to make in one time?

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Dissatisfied said on 16 January 2013

There are too many immigrants sinking our services. I am not racist and this is not racist, its just a fact. Our systems, services and budgets cannot cope with the extra work. At the end of the day the only people to suffer are us the patients

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EmmanuelleSmith said on 08 January 2013

i phoned for an abulance on the 23rd of december and they refussed to get me even after i told them i was in terriable pain in abdamon and shoulder pain that went down my arm, i told them it kills to breath, they told me to take paracetamol and wit for out of hours to contact, they pain only got worse so i called back again, yet again they refused to get me. i was all alone and the pain was unbareable, i waited as i was told but passed out from the pain, i called them back the next morning and begged them to help finally they sent out the abulance. when i got there i found out i had an ectopic pregnantcy and it had rupperd the night befor when i had rang the abulance service the night befor, i was left for over 10hours bleeding internally and need emergency surgery. now im left with a massive scar and no baby, i felt like i didnt deserve to be saved, being left for so long i needed help and they didnt till it was almost to late, i could of died

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Blung said on 03 January 2013

I have a relative currently being treated on Ward 2Y at the Royal Liverpool hospital. She is 89 years old and this is the third ward she has been on since November. Originally taken in for treatment of a fractured femur she has since been treated so badly that she is now being treated in the stroke unit. On her first ward she received the wrong treatment from nurses by them trying to get her to put her full weight on her injured leg - eventually resolved by a physiotherapist. She was left on multiple occasions sat in her own urine as nobody would help her go to the toilet as her movement was restricted. Windows left wide open during the day and freezing cold wards at night resulted in her getting a chest infection. Combined with a wrongly inserted cannula into her muscle instead of her vein she lost the use of her left arm with heavy bruising. She has now developed an irregular heart beat which has led to two (so far) small strokes. She has been dropped by nursing staff on four occasions and left on the floor for up to 20 minutes at a time until a hoist could be found. On more than one occasion she has been shouted at by staff for either not helping herself enough or risking getting food on her sheets even though she only has the use of one arm. The walls are filthy and there is a lack of sufficient hand cleansing available for visitors meaning you have to touch several door handles before finding a cleaning station. She has had at least one occurrence of vomiting following a dodgy sandwich with others on the ward also being affected. There are people on ward 4a also being dropped and left with no dignity. We have tried complaining to staff but there is never anyone senior enough to comment and no continuity of care. For example when moved to another ward the nursing staff didn't have any records and relied upon the patient to provide details of drugs taken. At this point I have no idea if she will leave the hospital alive. Very worrying indeed.

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Opaline said on 27 December 2012

I have NO faith in the NHS these days. My husband had terminal prostate cancer and the treatment he received at the hospital was diabolical, just one problem after another. They told us three times that it wasn't cancer, until he returned after a 6 month period and the Oncologist decided to check, just as a precaution! It was dreadful and I have to add that it continued like that right up until the end. My GP has been no better as I desperately need help for hoarding and depression and all he said was that he had never heard of it! The local mental health team don't seem to know anything and have refused me CBT which is the treatment for hoarding! Instead they give me tips on how to clean up my house. That's like telling an alcoholic to put down the bottle but give him no other help. My father had cancer last year and the GP came to visit, and sent the nurse up to see him in bed when he wasn't sure himself what the problem was! Another nurse laughed at my dying dad when he insisted on using the toilet instead of the commode and had no clothes on. This upset my dad who didn't need that at all. We reported it and were told that the nurse would come round with someone to help sort the problem out, but the nurse turned up on her own - obviously she denied it! I really really think that everyone who works for the NHS needs re-interviewing and assessing and stricter guidelines all round. They seem to forget its people's lives they are dealing with. Sort yourselves out nhs!!!

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Paitent80 said on 14 December 2012

What do you think of the NHS these days?, you go to the doctors if you can get through to them on the telephone. Half the time you have to phone them at 8:30am in order to get an appointment, only then you keep phoning repeatedly, meaning you can't get through at first which puts you under pressure and sometimes you cannot phone until 12:00.

I am not very pleased, often we have left there after a long hour wait without any prescription, one doctor said I have a certain condition and the other says another thing.

My husband and I pay 100 pounds a year for a PPC. My son has been to our doctor, with a condition known as Urticaria, which comes and goes and I phoned up and spoken to the doctor, who said there's no cure and you have to wait for the infection to leave the blood stream. These doctors get paid for each patient, even if they are not ill or have not given a prescription and my husband and I are very upset to think we are not given the right treatment and I myself have been diagnosed with Eczema and one of the doctors at the same establishment, told me I have dry skin which I have never suffered in my life as I moisturize it every day and was given no creams or was just told I cured myself, please remember my husband and myself are paying 100 pounds a year for a PPC card.

How many people have had this problem?. What's happening to the NHS?.

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nicola5133 said on 12 December 2012

The NHS service needs to be shook up. I was initially misdiagnosed in May with a Rotary Cuff Injury by Wythenshawe Hospital then by one of my doctors at my local practice. A month later and still in a lot of pain I returned to my doctors and fortunately saw another doctor who scheduled a MRI scan at Tameside Hospital. Needless to say this took months and then another month after it to get my results.

I was diagnosed with cartalide damage and require an operation. I can not work as I am a front line police officer and I am in constant pain and have limited movement in my right shoulder. I now seem to be at the back of a very long queue waiting for a date for an operation. I contact the secretary of the doctor I need to see regularly however she can not give me an update of when my operation is likely to be. I love my job and want to get back there as soon as possible however because of ridiculously long waiting times I am not having much success. I know this is not the fault of the doctors and nurses who I see when I attend at the hospital there are just far too few of them. Cuts after cuts have reduced the service that we receive in this country. There needs to be more nurses, more doctors and more surgery's scheduled. The working people of this country and those who have worked all there lives need to be looked after better by the NHS.

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themelissun said on 21 November 2012

My GP is constantly turning me away from my requests to be referred to a dermatologist, even though upon reading the NHS guidelines for scar treatment, I qualify. If I cannot self-refer or if he keeps turning me away, I am literally going to cut my huge scars away with a scalpel and re-close them myself. I am not being turned away because of their size as they are apparently easily treated for their size, but I am being told to just 'get a tattoo'.
NHS, do you really want us to begin to self-operate? When someone asks us (should we even still be alive afterwards) why we did it, we'll be sure to say 'because the NHS didn't want to try to do what they are capable of doing'. Cheers.

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Darcy 22 said on 20 November 2012

I really dislike my GP. I have had such little support from them since I have been feeling unwell. I have been to the practice many times with concerning physical problems and each time I try to discuss how badly I am feeling I am just turned away having to look for private healthcare. I had some blood tests and scans done (most of which privately) and my GP said there is nothing wrong and showed me the door. I disputed the fact that the tests were not definitive if I was still having what I consider to be serious symptoms. I saw my GP again on Monday morning and I was so upset and tearful asking what I was going to do. I was shuffled in and out of the office in less than ten minutes. I was told that my concerns would be thought about over lunchtime and I would receive a telephone call from the GP's office later in the afternoon. Of course I did not receive a call, instead was left wondering what I was to do. In the end I had to find a private healthcare clinician to help me who I met and had a long consultation with yesterday evening. This is all to a high cost, but what was I supposed to do?
I just do not understand why my GP is so inattentive. I even tried to go to A&E clearly explaining what was wrong and following blood tests I was told to leave the department as everything was fine yet still ignoring my symptoms. I find all of this far from satisfactory, feeling that I have been left to fall though the NHS net without any real care or attention.
I am left feeling neglected and extremely worried about what is really going on and indeed that the NHS has not been able to do anything for me. No wonder so many people are favoring private healthcare, but then not everyone can afford it.
If I would have received some more care and compassion from my GP initially I feel that I would not have got in this terrible state. I am now really reluctant to go back to the practice for advice about my symptoms having been turned away so many times.

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mich4242 said on 11 November 2012

My partner has 'suffered' now for approx 18 months with chronic backpain. Somedays he can hardly walk its affecting his sleep his ability to travel and constantly being in pain isnt good for anoyones state of mind. So 18 months later and quite a few doctors appointment all we have is pain killers and worry. NHS has done nothing for him, he needs a spinal specialst and a scan. We are now on a 14 week waiting list after waiting 8 weeks to get a letter informing us of an appoitnment to see a spinal physio. The problem being we have had three different diagnois already so still 18 months and no1 is able to tell us whats wrong!

. We are now using the saving we saved for 2 years towards a house deposit on getting him seen by a privately . He needs a MRI scan and an actual diagnois. Due to the worry the pain is causing and the affect on his life we have little option but to pay for his treatment. When you work hard and pay your NI all your life its ridiculos. NHS is useless and pathetic letting people suffer like this, when undeserving people go straight to the top of the list. He has to carry out his painful journey to work everyday and his painful day at work and the painful drive home, before a night broken sleep to wake up in pain and start all over again.

I wish i had a private healthcare policy, instead i had faith in the NHS what a joke that seem now.

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porkyone said on 18 October 2012

NHS bar humbug, 18 weeks,rubbish, it's now 28 weeks and they don't seem to care!
From my first GP appointment ( who I hasen to add missed diagnosed my problem even tho they were the same syptoms as 2 years previous) to now has been at least 15 months. I've been told I need major surgery on my back have had 2 dates(In Sept and Oct,both been and gone) so spoke this morning and still no clue as to when my op will be. Patient care.........think the NHS has missed something in those 2 words. no work work 17 months and am skint and completely fed up.(polite version)
Complain,why complain? it falls on deaf ears or just lots of empty promises.........NHS please for all our sakes Sort yourselves out...........Now!

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Julie Shrive said on 10 October 2012

The system has become corrupted by LAs directing the commissioning & altering the Medical Record by shortening for the commuter on a remit.. This can be seen by questionable catchment areas in London so if you live on a boundary of 3 boroughs your choice is lesss than a third & you can be cut off by accountants balancing the books so those with conditions it can't cure get neglected. I don't expect the NHS to damage my health because of neglect of wishes & need for referral, As for Complaint system they set you up as adversarial using remits to abandon then use security when you ask for someone in charge.
At the moment been deregistered trying to address these issues when need urgent preventative medication & referral . they have allocated to an inaccessible surgery working from a Record that is dangerous . I shouldn't have to move out of London to access an NHS that can research objectively.

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dpj1973 said on 06 October 2012

I recently injured myself and had what looked like my clavicle sticking out of my chest. It looks like a bone protruding through my t-shirt. Went to docs, reception said 'a&e;'. I was seen in the x-ray depo by a girl of no more than 21 who said, and I quote 'i dont know what it is, but will get somone who does'. She came back alone and said 'they think its probably just muscular'. No x-ray, nothing. Just treated like a time waster!

Something is sticking out of my chest! Im in agony. So I went back to my GP and told them what happened. They sent me for an ultra-sound. As far as I was aware ultra-sounds were for soft tissue, but they dont listen. Must have waited 6 weeks in pain. I walked into the ultra-sounds room and was told immediately....'you need an x-ray on that'. Wow. I do not generally swear, but could never explain my anger without using profanities. I'd been in the x-ray department maybe 2 months before complaing of a bone sticking out of my and told my gp.

I really think my clavicle is broken or dis-located. The Ultra-sounds did it anyway, I think out of embarrassment after I told them the story and said it could be osteo-arthritis. Im only 39, which I know is not an exclusion, but it was done playing sport. So, was I sent down to the x-ray room? No. Back to my g.p, so they could send me for one.

I have now had my x-ray and have to wait 2 weeks. The x-ray person said 'your shoulers arent level'. The whole right hand side of my chest and shouler is infllamed. Its very obvious.

My issue is this, amongst others. If I have a dislocated clavicle or shoulder they should be treated immeditaley. If either are broken, it should be treated immediately. It will have taken Oldham hosital 2-3 months to dignose, despite the patient walking in as an emergency. Oh and its not diagnosed as yet. I havent slept for 3 nights due to the pain.

Incompetence doen't cover it. Neglect might. 6 weeks waiting for the wrong scan and refusal to xray by a&e;

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zzub said on 15 September 2012

NHS complaints procedure? Joke!!
My latest round of complaints about a lack of treatment and breach of 18 weeks resulted in the following information from my PCT.
"oh you are aware of the 18 week target?"
"No. I am aware of my legal right to be treated in 18 weeks!"
"Yes. that's our target, but sometimes we don't achieve it"
"No. Its not a target. Its a Maximum"
"Yes. we apologise.....unfortunately there is nothing we can do"
"Yes you can find me somewhere to be treated as it says in the constitution"
"Erm. yes, we apologise. we are doing everything we can"
"So. what are you doing?"
"Well sir. we are looking into your complaint"
"So you aren't looking for somewhere to treat me quickly. like you are supposed to?"
"we are aware of your complaint sir. we will investigate it"

18 weeks? legal right? choices? Complete and utter rubbish!! Why do I find it hard to understand that if my dog was in pain and I took it to a vet it would be diagnosed and treated within a couple of days. yet as a human being i don't have the same rights??
18 weeks - Oh I wish!!! 18 weeks is 17 weeks too long, but I'd still be happy to have received some form of treatment for a prolapsed cervical disc in that time frame rather than spending 5 months drugged up to the eyeballs on morphine.

I only hope I never have to make use of the NHS in earnest ever again. (not that I've managed to make use of it yet)
Thanks NHS for destroying my life and loosing my job through your complete and utter incompetence!

Choice? Its words. Nothing more!!

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thenunn said on 06 September 2012

I was put on the SOS list by my local pain team and told to contact them if things got bad. I have contacted the hospital where they are 6 times over the last 3 months and everytime the lady has apologised and passed on my request for a call from them or an appointment..so far nothing !
I am totally disgusted ! and am about to call again only this time to put in a complaint . I am in agony and have been back to gp who is referring me back to spine team oh and physio..so here we go again.

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dh92 said on 22 August 2012

I think it is disgusting that i phone for an ambulance at 23:06 as i had chest pains light headed, and had trouble breathing i get told help is on its way and at 23:43 im still waiting for an ambulance i phone them back up and get told a ambulance is on its way. I could hardly speak when i first phoned up, How can it take them that long when the ambulance base is within a mile away from my home anything could have happened to me by the time i phoned the second time luckily i started feeling a bit better.

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auburn1011 said on 15 August 2012

doctor performed an incompete evacuation following a faied pregnancy, complications of his error retained products of conception, infected with strepococci septicemia strain B, this micro organism infiltrated my heart and lungs leaving me disabled with extensive lung damage, also mitral valve prolapse, heart operation in 200 for takakardia. Lung capacity only 50%, cannot run, dance or even row wtihout getting breathless.
no compensation for me as you get 3 years to bring a claim, my diagnosis was 17 years after the event. I am a youjg 52 year old and i am very angry my quality of life has been so impaired by the doctors error, he is having a life somewhere oblivious to what he done to me. I am statue barred this is so unfair it was impossible for me to have known about my lung damage as scarring of lungs due to infection takes years to show itself although many trips to the GP complaining of breathlessness he told me it was due to stress and anxiety, how stupid, he never really looked at my notes to see i had septicemia, therefore should have known about the compications of the infection,
The law states time runs to bring a claim at ones knowledge of knowing like i said my diagnosis was 17 years after the event, when i did compain the responce i got was sorry but! Surely somene should be held responsible in this day and age people have rights but in my case it appears not. there must be many like me disabled by errors and not able to get recognition. I am so angry and deeply sad about my health issues, my life span will not be as long as it should be, and i dont want to end up in a wheel chair with a oxygen tank. I want to run dance and breath like others, i cry at times, i am deeply angry. wish the NHS would give me the recognition i so deserve i am tired of this endless fight. I often think if i had Passed over there would be no one to shout for me, it would have been sorry your daughter did not pull through, imagine that.

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DNAR said on 03 August 2012

NHS choices is strictly monitored. Your not allowed to make suggestions, give any kind of advice, or links to websites. Therefore you cannot pass any knowledge onto people using the NHS, to weigh up the pros and cons of treatment, through your experience and research. Likewise, no ammunition against the NHS should you be looking to complain.

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UnhappyWithPHO said on 03 August 2012

The problem with the NHS are GPs
In other countries you go to a specific doctor / section depending on your symptoms straight away.

All GPs do is drag out the process and dabble often making the symptoms worse, if it's anything other than the normal standard illness which you would eventually get over anyway, on many occasions.

Doctors surgeries should be split, by doctors specialising in specific specialist areas - rather than just being general.
It would cut out much suffering, delays and adverse effects to medication.

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DNAR said on 26 July 2012

Prescribed benzodiazepines are ruining peoples lives and triggering mental illness.

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DNAR said on 26 July 2012

I agree with everything Zebrafish said on 15 July 2012

Hear! Hear! They are the 'untouchables'

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Zebrafish said on 15 July 2012

Does anyone from the nhs read these comments\? The complaints procedure is a farce - if you complain to the practice manager, you are complaining to some one who is paid by the GP you are complaining about. If you complain to the PCT, they do not investigate but simply refer back to the GP - who of course denies all wrongdoing. What a farce.

My GP has a nasty racist attitude and has chosen to ignore medical evidence that supports my condition - i've basically had to self diagnose because he's so useless and still he won't take note of my private tests - which i could not afford but the NHS leaves you no choice.

I will lose my job and thus my home if i do not get treatment -which he refuses to let me access. What an abhorrent way to treat taxpayers, and people who are vulnerable and ill.

Thank god prescription medications can be bought on the internet; that's my only hope now as i cannot afford further private treatment.

These jumped up GPs are so used to getting away with their behaviour - which is why they do it. They know they are picking on people who are too ill to complain. Disgraceful.

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DNAR said on 14 July 2012

Complaints about unsavoury encounters with GPs / Psychiatrists should be taken seriously and complaints severe horrific side effect psychotropic medication, should be looked into (making the condition if any! worse than it was!)
Psychiatry mimics science but is not a real science. The symptoms it treats are subjective and have not been demonstrated and cannot be demonstrated at the cellular level. That gives psychiatrists free reign to just experiment and symptom chase, often insanely chasing the side effects and negative interactions of the current drug regimen with more and more drugs.

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007peter said on 13 July 2012

I am 44yo in last 6-7 years I have to use GP service on permanent basis as diagnosed multiple long-term (life-long) illnesses.
it is so disappointing every time to go with problem, and feel like they GPs think you are an idiot. Honestly I think Uk doctors are very low profile, they don't have knowledge they look for solutions online etc. But worst ever thing is offering paracetamol for every single problem, my partner suffered horrible stomach cramps and pain in stomach for several days, guess what, doctor suggested to take up to 8 tab. paracetamol daily for pain relieve! why why?! why don't check for reason why is that pain in stomach? Recently had endoscopy to check Barretts oesophagus I have for more than 5 years, endoscopy went wrong, first time in my life I had aprox. 7 endoscopies in the past. Surprisingly doctor sprayed so many times in my throat it made me sick, throat was well numb and no problem to insert, but when inside stomach he made some fast movements to go deeper and it made me cramp and provoked asthma attack, I couldn't stop coughing,doctor couldn't successfully finish endoscopy, but when checked oesophagus it still had red tongue of barretts. straight after endoscopy I felt pain in my stomach extending to sides liver etc, and throat were sore, now is 3rd day after and I lost my voice, become hoarse, barely can speak, today went to GP told my neck and throat painful and I can't speak. she said its ok just virus or infection! I told her it was hurt on endoscopy not an infection, but she said just go if in 2 weeks time no better come back, and obviously offered to take paracetamol if hurts. Sorry for GPs like these they are shame for worlds doctors I wouldn't call them doctors as they don't know much about medicine diagnosis etc, for example I used to live in countries like Russia and Lithuania, even pharmacists there are very intelligent and educated, but doctors superb! you will not hear about cases like here people dying because

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DNAR said on 12 July 2012

I believe if you are coerced into taking medication and have severe reaction, that any complaint should be looked into against a doctor. If a doctor is not able to notice severe side effects and continues, they should get disciplined. The Parliamentary Health Ombudsman doesn't take this aspect of medicine seriously. They turn round and say "so you had a few side effects!" Those side effects can be horrific and your supposed to accept and tolerate it.

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jgroen said on 09 July 2012

I am also in the process of finding out about making complaints as to treatment in a NHS hospital. But to those of you that have commented about making complaints about GP's as they are self employed. You can complain to the practice or in extreme cases where there is negligence on the part of the doctor you can complain to the GMC (General Medical Council)

These are examples of the types of cases in which the GMC may need to act:
¦ serious or repeated mistakes in carrying out medical procedures or in diagnosis, such as prescribing drugs in a dangerous way
¦ failure to examine a patient properly or to respond reasonably to a patient’s needs
¦ fraud or dishonesty
¦ serious breaches of a patient’s confidentiality
¦ any serious criminal offence.

Hope this helps.

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fred6354 said on 20 June 2012

Apparently for the surgery I have to register before I can book to see a doctor even though there's a free appointment in 2 hours, fill in a form, register then see about whether you need to see someone after that. "You must be registered somewhere ?" ..."Yes, as I've already told you in a town I lived in 6 years ago" "Is it serious ?"..."Who's the doctor here ?".........It appears to be my fault I haven't registered, they only want regular sickies or hypochondriacs, what use are you if you don't keep them busy with utter nonsense ? I think we should be alllowed a rebate for not using services.

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Winchester Patient said on 19 June 2012

Having waited 28 days for an appointment to see my GP, I am phoned 26 days later to be told I will have to travel to the other side of the town to see a different GP. The reason I put up with the 28 day wait was because the surgery is only 5 minutes walk away .It would seem we have a N H S run for the convenience of the GP rather than the patient !! The government has forced me to pay all my working life for this "service",which is run more like a private club for the boys.I expect to be asked why I didn't come earlier with my problem.

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myexperience said on 18 June 2012

I see that I can leave a comment on the performance of my GPs medical practice which at first sight appears useful.

But how can anybody leave a comment if it they have had to change GP Practice to get away from the bad experience of their previous GP?

It's only afterwards when the consequences of even daring to ask for an investigation after complaining, becomes apparent.

My GP's actions contributed to the death of my only son, then lied (again) to the Ombudsman. I would like to see that Practice closed down and the GP struck off.

I have nowhere to turn because the NHS can't investigate themselves properly across the voard - GPs are independent businesses, and the Health Ombudsman service lacks the direction, intelligence and probably the resources to make it fit for purpose.

I just wish someone would tackle this stupidity and nonsense. It should be obvious from what I have said that I have already gone through the so-called NHS Complaints process to no avail. The GP Practice nor the PCT nor the Ombudsman are interested in examining the facts as actually recorded in various medical records or recorded by my wife in her diaries day by day slowly moving towards our sons death. The fact that the response I received from NHS choices (anonymous via a no-reply email) was firstly to direct me to make another complaint, but not allow me to get back to them to explain, seems irresponsible and indicates the level of understanding most people get from NHS operatives judging by many complaints as given on this page.

I think this comment should be allowed because it is a general question and complaint on the sort of response many people get if they make a complaint. This comment is the only way of contacting NHS Choices - or lack of them.

NHS Choices deleted my 2 comments - showing up the choices we really had. I re-submit this comment.

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UnhappyWithPHO said on 17 June 2012

Waste of time complaining about your GP, they are self employed. The NHS has no power or control of getting them to investigate a complaint. The Parliamentary Health Ombudsman, is out dated and not up on modern treatment. They have assessors that don't require medical backgrounds. The adviser could be a nurse. Most GPs will go straight to their union and seek legal advice.

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andromat said on 12 June 2012

after the sickness i had and the problems i went through ,i understand that the reason is we should have specialists like dermatologist, pschycologists,pediatricians and..... all other specialists so that every body goes directly to the proper specialist and its way to faster . in most european countries and us and canada they have this system .

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arielsoul said on 11 June 2012

I've visited GP many times and met several doctors about my skin disease. It had been 3 years and i still haven't known what my skin disease is and what's causing it. I first noticed my skin problem when I got itchy rashes and scars from scratching those rashes on some parts of my leg. I went to GP to find out what was causing that and the doctor told me that it is because I am allergic to soaps and body wash. Therefore, he gave me some creams to use instead of body wash. I used it for 6 months and made no different to my skin. More than that, my skin rashes got worse and both of my legs are full of scars from those itchy rashes. It was very disappointing for a female to hide her legs from everyone and not be able to wear pretty dresses to party and cover her legs on holidays at beach.
Last Summer, I moved to a different place and registered and a new GP. Since the last time I saw a doctor, my legs got more worse and all the dark patches of scars are everywhere on my legs. Therefore, I booked an appointment at the GP and the doctor said i Got fungus infection and gave me some creams to apply on my legs. I used 2 jars for 3 months and still made no different to my skin. After nearly a year, I booked another appointment and met a different doctor, This time the rash is not only on my legs but even on my backs. I have disgusting scars all over my backs and my legs. I told my doctor everything and she told me to stop shaving my legs.How is that possible!I mean girls gotta shave their legs.Then she said there is nothing she can do to make the scars go away so she told me to go to PRIVATE clinic.How am i able to afford that at the age of 19 and being a full time student?she also told me to go to Indian & African beauty shops to buy some creams to make skin lighter.I am very disappointed in GP doctors. Now,I hate seeing my skin. I hide my skin from head to toe. It's really disappointing how each doctor says different causes to my skin. Terrible. !

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nowaitingtime said on 10 June 2012

Its not till people have to use the service they find out how bad it is. Too the unintiated, the system works as the political spin machine works, I have been denied medication, waited 10 years to have windscreen fragments removed from my head following my RTA, witing for resontructive surgury to throat and having spent a fotune on me they deny me realtivley hap medications on the basis of cost. I have seen so many mental health specialists all of whom do not stay, and one of the anesthatists didnt not even speak English, I sa one nurse spit in a sink whilst above was a sign saying MRSA, please wash your hands, and excercise the utmost hygine! No disabled spaces or facilities are present at the Psycology dept, and the Psucologist spends more time on holiday that at work.

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Pink555 said on 06 June 2012

Over a year ago i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 21. I was a student at the time and began my treatment in Liverpool, where i was studying. I cannot fault the diabetes team they have up there, they are aaammmaazing.

However! 5 months later i decided to move back to Surrey after graduating as living on my own wasn't an option any more, i needed friends and family for support.

Obviously i visited the GP to sort out my prescription and be referred to a diabetes centre down here straight away. It took 3 months to hear from the diabetes centre, 4 months to be seen by a nurse, 6 months to be seen by the consultant and the dietitian.

i have know had diabetes for almost 2 years. above is how many times i have seen each of them since being here.
I have gone from being treated as newly diagnosed, getting plenty of help, support and appointments in Liverpool, to being non existent. The danger of this is that my diabetes will get worse and worse if they continue to not provide the tools and information i need to deal with this disease.

I have begged my nurse to be put on the 5 day course every hospital provides for diabetics to teach them about control. It is sooo important for newbies to go on this course and after waiting 2 years, constantly nagging to know when its my turn i was told by my useless invisible nurse that the hospital wont be running one until next year due to lack of staff and maternity leave. its just disgusting.

It will cost the NHS far less to fun this course for diabetics then it will if they don't. we will all end up blind and amputated on benefits and a massive strain on the nhs.

I want to get on with my life and not have a constant struggle with my diabetes everyday but they just wont help me. its so upsetting knowing all the health complications i will have as i get older if i dont take control of my sugars and feeling as if you are doing the best you can but it isn't good enough.

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pinky881 said on 05 June 2012

Over the last year I have had medical issues with chronic, ongoing abdominal pain. It seemed that they would admit me to hospital, provide me with pain medication and then discharge me without doing any tests other than urine samples to find the cause of the pain.

Eventually I was sent for an ultrasound scan after being admitted about six times previously, where the doctors then discovered I had gallbladder disease. My gallbladder was then removed.

I have now started to have other abdominal pain and sickness, however when I was seen in the Emergency Department, it was suggested that I must have injured myself and "forgotten I had got the injury", before being discharged. I had no tests at all performed on me in accident and emergency, and had been discharged within five minutes of seeing a consultant. The pain is now agonising.

It seems as though the hospital send people away with large amounts of pain medication without aiming to find the root cause of the issue. I have already complained to the NHS last year about the way in which the hospital staff spoke to me (usually treated me like a hypochondriac), however I then found myself in receipt of an elabrate response stating they were not going to take my complaint any further. Had I been able to afford the expenses, I would have most definitely taken this forward to court in order to persue sueing for compensation for medical negligence.

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StephH said on 04 June 2012

Why is it that the NHS is soo slow and bureaucratic?? Examples: Referral to ENT or physio therapy takes 4-6 weeks to receive a letter and only then you can book an appointment; x-ray results take a week from hospital to GP.

You complain? You got to take your time writing letters for which you receive polite answers- but nothing changes. As it looks like the tactics is: Make complaining time consuming and awkward, then many people can't be bothered.

Make suggestions? No idea where they end up. At best they probably get discussed by several panels and some may be implemented in the same bureaucratic way the whole system is already operating.

It's nerve wrecking.
Does the NHS actually pay if you like to get treated abroad in Europe? It's much more efficient there.

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andromat said on 31 May 2012

the problem i have in uk is that there is no specialist doctor like dermotologist or dentist surgeon, cardiologist ,pediatrician and psycologist and many other specialist which people they can go to .
every body with every problem should go to a gp . other thing is a patient should not wait ,there are several cases which people with major health problems even died for waiting for operation .
instead of a gp , there should be specialist clinic or offices which people they go directly to the section they need.
there is nodirect medial lab here to go to have blood test or other test .
even if somebody wants to pay for private one there is nothing here.

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maria14 said on 28 May 2012

Been to the Emergency Gynaecology unit 24 in St. James'es hospital, Leeds today, to open up my abscess (a very painful experience in itself: ().it was a Monday and very quiet, there were no other patients however when i came at noon i was told that the doctor ' went to theather', then at 2:15pm the doctor' was away at lunch' . .i was seen by an intern then went at 2:30pm for lunch myself. there were supposedly two doctors on duty as i was told :(. i was not feeling v well at all and had a fever yet i had to wait 4 hours till the doctor finally saw me. by then, i refused to have an operation cos she said i'd need 'a shot in my spine' for half of my body instead of 'local' anaestesia. i will not go there again.
how come they can be out in 'theatre' during normal working hours. they dont even tell their reception to think up a better excuse...

being an international student am seeking a private doctor here now. i am not bothered that i will have to pay for doctors (as i can afford to pay the tuition fee three times than that for british students), but am annoyed by the formal requirement of being referred to a private doctor by my GP.

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sparkie10 said on 25 May 2012

my daughter was on a waiting list for 5 years before being seen by a dentist at the hospital for a much needed brace, she was on the list from the age 11 to 16, when she was finally seen I cannot fault the treatment that she has received. However when the treatment ended by the hospital she turned 18, and was supposed to be referred back to the dentist that dealt with her before being referred to the hospital, but because she had turned 18 they refused to treat her as she is now classed as an adult. I contacted the NHS helpline who said that they would look into this, she was told that she would be put on a waiting list, she is now 20 and is still waiting to be seen by a dentist!!!! is it that she has to wait for another 5 years on a list?????

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mr terry t said on 16 May 2012

my son has just been refused for the armed forces,as his medical records from his doctor state he suffers from a food allergy which make his lips swell,this is incorrect as his parent i can honestly say he has never had such an allergy,but the doctors comment has stopped him doing the career he has always wanted.i would like to know is it unusual for a doctor to have a wrong information down on a persons records? also if there was such an allergy,would there also be records from a dermotoligist ?

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Kjam80 said on 14 May 2012

I went into A&E; in August last year with severe pain across the top of my back and on the right side under my rib. The pain turned out to be gall stones and apparently at 32 and not being obese I don't fit into the normal category for this particular problem. I went through the whole process of having scans and an ultra sound and then I had to have a stone removed from a bile duct in my liver. Anyway, by now it was December and I had a a pre op appointment for the end of jan with no appointment made for the op, which to be honest didn't bother me really as I had been ok. I had also just been made redundant so I thought if I had it round that time it wouldn't interfere with anything. Well, it's now May and I have just started a new job and a week ago I get a phone call asking me to go in for blood tests the next day, or the week after so I chose the week after. I then received a letter saying that was cancelled to the next day but I got a date for the op which was 15th may. So that was all set, work have been fine with it and then today, the day before I'm set to have the op I get yet another letter saying my op is now on 18th June! After telling work I would be off for 2 weeks I now have to wait another month with no notice that my op had been cancelled in the first place! I am not the least bit impressed!

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Anonymous said on 12 May 2012

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust does not surprise me that it has a reputation to be one of the worse Hospitals around uk, well I had personally the bad esperience to realise that actually is a bad hospital. On my appointment I was received edaccept, post remov1.30 hour later from my initial appointment by a pseudo doctor, no apologies were provided I was later discharge with a diagnoses issued without to do proper investigations, some of the test showing eveidenve of a arthrites were completely ignored, now I am going through the complaint procedures there is a not enough information how to deal with complaint this is done in order to discourage patients to take complaints, my complaint reached the Ombusdman but I do not trust that they will up held my evidence, i am planning to send papers to the GMC and maybe search for sollicitors, I come from Italy where the Health system cost one third respect UK and it is 1000 of times better.

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Poverty said on 07 May 2012

Fulfilling and rewarding lives: the strategy for adults with autism in England
Is a complete crock, if you look at the National Autistic Forum link below you will find that these big words mean nothing in reality.

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thornak39 said on 06 May 2012

I never realized how bad our medical system is in this country until we had to use it.

My husband having 2 strokes this past year and the way he was treated in the hospital was a disgrace, urine bottles were never emptied and always left on the eating table, no one to help you when needed, seems to be the no can do attitude.

After 2 months at hospital and physio at home lasted 2 months, still unable to walk, now has 3 complete clogged arteries in leg and 1 complete clogged artery up the side from hips to under the arm of which is probably the cause of the strokes that could have been prevented in the first place after complaining as far back as 2003 about the pains to the GP and being told to just walk through it.

Taking him back and forth to hospital now, I never realized how difficult it is for someone with severe disabilities as access these facilities. Parking is nil, wheelchairs are of no use that's if your able to find one, lifts within building not operable half the time, hand rails are not fit for purpose as metal and nothing to grip, floor on one ward was broke up and just covered with tape.

On one appt was told he had to be admitted on ward as in danger of losing his leg, the staff on this ward were constantly losing test results and could not keep record of diabetic drugs he had to take, transferred from one ward to another and no one coming around he finally gave up.

Now wondering what situation this now leaves him, remaining in constant pain with no relief and no sleep seems to be the outlook for the future.

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mominah said on 23 April 2012

I am really disappointed withe health service at Queen's hospitalm it seems like either they are short staffed or ignoring patients as most of the time when you try to ring them they don't pick up their phones, especially the PALs department and the Fertility department, both seems to ignore phone calls, and if you try to leave a mesage no one bothers to call you to sort you problem. I had to resheudule an appointemnt and theyr werent picking up my phone for a whole week I tried, so I personally visited the hospital went that department's reception the lday there said oh that no isnt used for receiving calls anymore but you can leave your message on an alternative no, and someone would ring you back the next day, unfortunately that never happened, actually I had some scan appointment and the doctor wasnt sure about my results and he said he'd contact me to give another appointment, waited for him for few weeks, but never got a phone call or postal letter for appointment.
The Queen's hospital has an appauling service, their staff is very cold and unsympathetic, very rigid and don't care about patients feelings.

My advice to all avoid going to Queen's hospital if possible, its just a new bilding but the hospital is very badly manged and under staffed, for one test in particular they only do it once a week, so my appointment for that is after three months which is appuling considering its such a big hospital, I dont know why kins george is being undermined by Government even they provie much better service to patients as compared to Queen's hospital.

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rubynolegs said on 09 April 2012

I was passing blood in stools and did not need the TV adds to tell me what was what. I called the GP to be told not to take a sample in and to do urine instead. I was shocked as care was so poor that i paid privately to have Adenomas removed 2 years previously.
I took a visibly blood stained sample to the surgery and a urine one. I got the results back and there was blood and other things in my urine. I was asked to do another. I did.
Following week the results were the same...I was asked to do another.
I am not doing one and see the GP to ask for a referal to a urologist as it says on this NHS site.

The stool sample???...by accident at reception i found out that the GP destroyed it.....guess who is taking this legal now, as no one listens, even though i have shrunk from a size 20 to a size 6 and in 2 years no treatment has been offered.
Do you think there is a bit of educating needed to help GP's when they treat their patients??? I do...

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User655176 said on 13 March 2012

Complaint about the bowel cancer awareness campaign.

[1] It is highly misleading. Blood in pooh needs to be reported EVEN if it was a one-off, in anyone over 40 years old. Don't wait till it has lasted for 3 weeks, as the campaign tells you to. Many people with bowel cancer only have one-off blood loss. They need to run a new campaign stressing the fact that even one-off blood loss in middle age or older people needs to be reported to the doctor. The present campaign could actually kill, if people wait until they've had blood in pooh for 3 weeks.

[2] The web page of the bowel cancer awareness campaign does not have contact information OR a button to report inaccuracies [though NHS choices promises us every page has such a button].

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jackie1969 said on 27 February 2012

i have been getting ill since 2008 i have had 3 gps in that time one of witch i have just disgharged my self from i have been on morphine now for over 2 years and in october of last year was was diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well as ostioarthrites copd and other heath problems i am 42 years old and can not walk anywere i am so ill it as been so unfair how i have been allowed to suffer and i mean suffer i have had to beg and i mean beg to be sent for a test of any sort i am so disheartented i have even lost the will to go on any more cause i cant cope with the pain i am in

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Lozzabella1990 said on 21 February 2012

I ended up in a&e on Saturday night due to the negligence of an out of hours gp that I had seen not even an hour before.
I had gone to out of hours with chest pains and explained to him that I had just finished a course of antibiotics on Monday for a chest infection. He listened to my chest as you would expect then said "have you got a cold your nose sounds stuffy" I replied that my nose had only been stuffy a couple of days. He then decided to ignore everything I said and all of my other symptoms as apparently I "just had a cold and it was affecting my asthma" I'm 21 years old and have had enough chest infections each year to know the difference between a cold and when something is not right.
It's a good job I do as well because my boyfriend took my home, I rang NHS direct back and they advised me to go to a&e, and I have to give credit to the nurse who spoke to me because she was lovely and helpful.
I ended up sitting in a&e for 5 hours!!! They did an ECG, chest xray and bloods and it showed that I had an infection. Although I had a long wait the staff were brilliant despite being rushed off their feet all night.
Had the out of hours gp actually listened to me instead of focusing on me having a slightly stuffy nose, then I wouldn't have had to endure sitting in the a&e waiting room for 5 hours with all the Saturday night drunks (one of whom treated us all to an hour of her singing Greece lightning and Whitney Houston songs)
As you can imagine I will be putting in a complaint as soon as I am well

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Casualty said on 30 January 2012

I for one prefer to view the comments on NHS Choices, before selecting which Practitioner Surgery I choose. Rather than a GP appearing on National TV, giving reassurance that the complaints are not a true picture! That's for me or patients to decide as there's no smoke without fire, not a Doctors interpretation!

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Casualty said on 26 January 2012

It's wrong!

GP influencing public opinion of a website designed for the general public & their personal practice appraisals / feedback / complaints to achieve better working practices / care / rectify faults within NHS service. GP should not interfere / influence - through their own opinion (Should not be allowed, It's of no benefit to the patient or improvement)

We should be looking to achieve a 100% & put right the faults, after all they're dealing with peoples lives! Not to be looked at as an average.

The results shown on the programme, shouldn't have a bearing as the patients at that surgery are compromised!
As they could be targeted via the patients list on that day.

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Casualty said on 24 January 2012

I think it is wrong that GP appears on National TV programme, complaining about anonymous comments on NHS choices. Very misleading / Misleading the public.
They saying it's a personal attack. The site is monitored & naming of particular GP to name & shame, is not allowed due to legal reasons & amended.
The other reasons why it works so well, is that people are not pressurized & to meet the people complaining about, feeling awkward having their view swayed.
They cannot be crossed off the surgery patient list & told to seek a new practice.
They can not be prejudice against, for taking action.
In order that preferential treatment is not given to the patient complaining & the complaint benefits all patients as a whole - through it being anonymous.
They are also saying it's not showing a true cross section, which to me sound like they don't want to put their faults right and wish to work on statistics which can be interpreted differently.

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chronicpainpatient said on 20 January 2012

ive just been to see a pain specialist and he sat there giggling saying 'i can stop your prescription any time i like'.

i am fuming.

he refused to answer the one question i had for him and giggled and said words to the effect of 'wouldnt you like to know'.

he spent the whole interview giggling and getting off on a power trip knowing how easily he could ruin my life and how there was nothing i could do about it for fear of being refused my pain medication.

i really pity his other pain patients.people like that should never be put in a position to hold the keys to the medicine cabinet.

he behaved like a spoilt childish bully taunting a younger child.

total abuse of authority and of my consent to be doctored.

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StylesK said on 28 December 2011

I have had pains on the right hand side of my stomach now for months, everytime I go to my doctor I keep getting different medication and different diagnosis and in the end I did a blood test and went to hospital for an ultra sound on my gall bladder. They told me on the day of my scan that my gall bladder wasn't functioning properly and that I had to go back to my doctor in a week to discuss my next step. I went back earlier this evening and on his results of my scan apparently everything was fine and the same with my bloods. Only now my doctor has now said I have irratable bowels and has given me more medication to take. I am sick of being pushed around by doctors and especially the hospital telling me one thing on the day of my scan and then sending completely different results to my doctor! Something seriously needs to be done with the healthcare system because I can't move at times with my pains and on top of that, I missed out on three weeks of my college education because my pains were causing me that much trouble. At one point I was walking on a crutch to reduce the pressure on my right side when walking and even that didn't help for long. I want a better healtcare system that doesn't constantly mess you around and give you medication you may not even need. Something needs to be done and quickly so that others do not have to keep going back just to keep getting told something different it is pathetic the system we have now and it needs to be changed fast because I don't know if others have been in similar situations to myself, but if you have then I hope you agree with me and say something needs to be changed! I officially refuse to go back to my doctors surgery now as I have quite literally had enough of how I have been treated.

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MrChickenKiev said on 14 December 2011

I'm not going to even point out what my problem was, I want to remain anonymous, suffice to say that I haven't even suffered to the degree other patients have on this page.

I want to remain anonymous for the very reason that I could be bullied like the patients here into having no medical support at all.

I just want to point out, why do we stand for this? We pay for the service, and we are entitled to dignity and respect- if not a decent quality of medical intervention. And I don't think we are unique, there is a growing sizeable minority who suffer in silence.

But where are the patient advocates to put forward the patients point of view? The service needs to be reformed to reflect patient's needs, not solely the views of practitioners.

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sunin said on 24 November 2011

I am very shocked with the service provided by the receptionist .In Wembley Park Medical Centre at Wembley park drive , Wembley. On 3 occasions i tried to book appoint to be see a doctor but they keep telling me to see the nurse. I was going through extreme pain and wasn't something that nurse can cured it . All i know GP as a Joke and i try to avoid it . If nurse are that well experience why do we need a doctor and the receptionist are very very rude , the most rude customer service i have ever experienced in UK. All i told them was if i can book a appointment to see a Dr. in advance they ask me to call early in the morning for the same day. why don't they understand we don't get paid that high as they do get paid by NHS . I work for 6 days and just manage to meet my basic needs and can't afford to leave the job and if i want to be more planned in advance and book appoint rather they giving me their own time and ask me to take time off why can't they book appointment in advance so that i can take time off and planned according that doesn't effect my work . I just hate my GP and i wish and pray to god these all GP personal should get pain in their tooth or somewhere else everyday which could only be treated out side GP and they will know how it feels ?

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cba123 said on 14 November 2011

I made a complaint against a neuro surgeon about the way he spoke to me, He shouted at me in front of a ward of patients and their visitors when I had just came out of Theatre 2hours earlier. There was other problems before the surgery - I had to beg the surgeon for help for 1 year as he would not listen that his first surgery had failed, I am now partially sighted with damaged optic disks so most likely will lose my sight amongst other things.

The hospital looked into the complaint and instead of an apology for the way I have been treated I have now been discharged by the surgeon, no other neuro surgeons in the hospital will see me, aswell as my neurologist not helping me now. All because I made a complaint I am being left in sever pain and the "professionals" are watching me go blind.

No-one will even check to see if the surgery is working. It has been 4 months and the last four months have been the worst of my life. I wish I never even complaint then at least I would have had a rubbish neuro- surgeon instead of not having any.

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kniick said on 13 November 2011

Following on, I had been treated like a King in Poland..wow, back here I was treated like scum..for how many years! I despise all those dr's nurses and hospital staff who abused me with negligence, racial discrimination, medical negligence absolute rudeness( even in front of my wife and little children!)
This dr who had 'examined' me caused massive adhesions, permanent nerve damage, my urine bladder to be massively distended pushing all my organs right up in my cavity, mental health issues to me and my family, twisted bile ducts ( from the adhesions) which lead my body not to be able to process food, but blocked my system(great!..not)... I've aged 20 years, have zero respect or trust in NHS, have 'damaged' kids now, nervous disposition, mentally scarred wife. What is this all about! natural selection? May God forgive them who did this to me.

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kniick said on 13 November 2011

I was not told I had a gallstone,which was discovered in 2004. I suffered many years chest pains,even 'heart attacks',eventually last year after being rushed to hospital,suspected heart attack, and being released from hospital with no treatment after being told my heart is fine, i insisted with my gp for a scan, where I was told i have a 15x7 mm stone.I was told |I would need laproscpic surgery to remove my gall bladder.( a personal friend who is a gp said i didn't need suregry,i could have it removed by endoscope.Armed with this knowledge, i went to a gp,who i had only seen once before,to express i dont need this surgery,but endoscope would do the trick..he and i argued heatedly,and he told me not to believe all i read on tinternet..i said a gp told me,when he asked the name of my friend ,i told him, he shut up,1-0 to me.Anyways after much deliberation i had this laproscopy,as i was refused anything else on NHS.after day surgery i was left full of gas and had an awful 4 days suffering with diarrhea and massive pains, flatulence and jelly like tummy.I couldn't carry on , it was horrible,so i was made an app at the gp's.It was the same gp with whom i'd argued. Anyhows, he told me to lie on his table for an examination,so i did.He hovered over me, and with the most viscous force I've ever experienced in my life he pushed down with all his might on my lower left, lower right and whole right hand side whilst saying'so,you've just had major surgery ,have you!'.. I felt like I had been pushed right through my body, right through! In total shock I staggered up,and managed to get home where \i spent two weeks in bed,writhing in agonies.For For 3.5 months I suffered tremendously,getting worse by the day,losing dramatic weight(27kilograms)going nuts in the head,still in shock.Two hospitals later,many gp appointments..all amounting to nought.Eventually in total desperation,my wife took me to Poland,where I was admitted and surgically repaired,thanks be to God for Poland!

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cosmickas said on 04 November 2011

I fell over back in February (2011) Breaking the skin and allowing something very nasty to invade my body. I first noticed something wrong two days later when my toes had swollen, followed by my lower, upper legs my whole body as this thing traveled up through me. I felt I 'could cope' so didnt go to see my GP for about two weeks that was only because the swelling had gotten so debilitating and my rib cage felt so tight, I was breathless. They took some bloods, then the results were lost, took some more, by this time the thing had made its way into my chest, my whole left side was aching, I had to hold my left arm in a sling it was so painful, I could hardly walk as any form of motion made my chest/rib cage so sore, made my Heart was pound within. the only thing the blood test showed was that I was Diabetic (I have since had the sugar tolerance test and I am within normal limits) I had seen by now three different Doctors who told me I was imagining it all and didnt know my own body, so nothing was done to help me. I knew something was wrong, the mood swings, the depression, the needed to pee so often at night, feeling so run down and fatigued. It got so bad my whole upper body was rocking with every beat of my Heart, but despite seeing seven Doctors at my surgery (some I saw more than once) Not one of them listened to me heart or tried to help me in any way. I put that down to the fact I am a recovering Heroin addict they all looked to that, I would agree if I had been injecting and by February I was almost three months clean of the drug anyway. So I fought on feeling extremely let down by my Doctors and then in early October I suffered heart failure and was rushed into A and E straight onto a Heart monitor. I have since had an echocardiogram which was normal, however the ECG showed I have a very fast Heart rate and also it is missing four or five beats in between. I feel so cross that no one listened now I am taking beta Blockers and still dont know the cause :(((

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Shamus1966 said on 02 November 2011

Why has the actual cleaning of teeth (plaque etc.) now been sectioned off to a hygienist; treatment which apparently now (conveniently) sits outside of the dental cover offered by the NHS and is thus an aditional c. £50 charge when it was originally a) incorporated as part of a check up and b) inc in the costs which we already pay for in our NI. Just seems a sly way to charge twice. Money is tight and if I'm paying the dentist the same I expect them to do the whole job not half of it! Please advise how I can get them to do this/what the deal is?

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andygeorge117 said on 24 October 2011

I'm not too sure if this is the right place to put this but it seems like it's pretty close.

I filled in a HC1 form (for costs towards services) as I need an eye test + glasses/contact lenses and I am a student living off of £15/week so I can't afford the eye test or the glasses myself.

I haven't received a letter back, or anything with information about anything and its been a month now.
What is the average turn-around for this kind of thing?

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Another Passive Recipient said on 23 October 2011

As I previously explained to you, we are not taking any further action on your complaint and your case will remain closed. Ms xxxxx letter to you of xxxxx 2011 was our final decision on the matter and we will not be providing you with the further information or explanations that you seek

The above is what you can expect from an Health Ombudsman employee

You are supposed to / would think you'd able add to your complaint should further facts turn up
(It's there for General Public protection)
Extremely relevant information could turn up at a moments notice - things aren't that clear cut

But the Director of Outcomes & Learning would prefer
to look into why not to look into things - that their non qualified staff (assessor) come up with.

It is so babyish / unprofessional - it's a waste of time even contacting them - only 2% of complaints are looked into - only if they can't wriggle out of it.

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Another Passive Recipient said on 22 October 2011

CCTV should be used / recordings in all NHS facilities (GP's / All hospitals etc. Even ambulances)
to safeguard the patient as too the NHS employee
all appointments recorded with any staff
the recording cannot be turned off without consent of patient

British gas plumbers have more checks / yearly exam
with a very high % pass to renew licence. GP's should
have to wear a card and state they have been reviewed &
sat exams to brush up their skills on a yearly basis
(& have spot checks to keep them on their toes - continual
assessment like any business) - they are dealing with lives (supposedly important) & get paid well.

Holy Moly GP's - running / managing the NHS budget
maybe will get a muffin & £130 compensation if they don't
deliver! - good at waffle / rude / blaming / singing their own praises / qualifications and that's the elite! Give them a through examination Yearly! An enema - Only the good to be retained
Roll play might help too as too bringing "Matron" back, and smatness.
Bring back proudness, professionalism & good work ethics - you chose your career (vocation)
C should B 4 care!

Mr. Cameron had a good experience but the others don't
his will shouldn't be instilled to others - the complaint's system needs looking into & it should be the patient is innocent until proved otherwise - there's no smoke without fire!
Doctors have taken oaths and shouldn't coerce / manipulate / mislead / get round laws etc.
plus handing out pills (like Sweeties by many) is seen as part of the job - lots of things get better naturally anyway.

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Another Passive Recipient said on 21 October 2011

You only need watch Lord Allen Sugar The Apprentice 2010,
Dr. Dolittle & not delivering & not understanding / seeing it!

Drug companies trials should be better monitored also,
to safeguard and not statistical rubbish.

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Another Passive Recipient said on 20 October 2011

The Health Ombudsman has a Director Of Learning Of Outcomes - rather than look into complaints, they rather look into why they shouldn't look into it (even if it could save lives / pain / money etc)
and to see if the "non qualified" asessors (deemed able to do the job) only "non medical / pharmacological" was the right decission - again is this person qualified?
Doesn't actually learn anything, if never looked into & won't answer specific questions but the person complaining has to! Also has 4 times as long to reply, then only 3 months for you to take Legal action. You even have to tick a box "to say you won't take legal action" for them to even look at your complaint - thus showing it's not there to safeguard the public
You'll go round in a circle for sure, it's designed / made difficult so you don't complain & drawn out / unprofessional. Other bodies know your wasting your time & have little input / clout! as many are funded by NHS even Legal Boards
21st. century medicine / complaining "The Dark Ages"
NHS / practicioners are above the law, break laws / get round the law - never liable
or have spot checks. (Science can never be wrong!!!)
They don't know how medicines or treatments work, but they know they never are the cause (So there should be no more breakthroughs)
This does not justify tax payer money (waste or protect the general public) The Health Ombudsman should be replaced with new system / new people without the existing bad habbits / mentality
Many NHS Doctors would like this as they too are concerned by the Doctors who let them & the NHS down
and would be treated as whistleblowers.
Doctors should be fit to practice mentally & physically - but are not monitored & should be - They should have a points system & salary reviewed depending on mistakes made
or dismissal
Seeking the Legal option from the start than going through
the complaints procedure

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lizard2011 said on 04 October 2011

what lets down the nhs is the doctors. some of the nurses can be fantastic and the facilities and the patients but i had a terrible time in one sence due to outrageously stupid doctors.

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ninny said on 20 September 2011

Try going to any NHS hospital in and around Herts area,St Marys is a five star hotel in comparison for care! hygienee!handwash dispensers everywhere,and smiling faces,food for a veggie a bit dickie but thats being veggie for you,my physio's have all given there all in picking up the pieces of the atermath of my knee surgery,and in my humble opinion are the real stars not the surgeons,especialy after my last encounter with my orthogod who seemed to think I was a child in the way I was spoken down to,I am not,and the bottle of white wine advised against the tramadol for pain at night may well have neem a joke!but it has not been taken up,I want the pain gone the painkillers gone,and not my liver!!!! but as a hospital St Marys hats off to you with many thanks

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bea2011 said on 14 September 2011

I felt very strong and sharp pain in my back and my belly. Being 3 months pregnant I called ambulance. I was not able to walk (every time I tried I collapsed) and did not remember what happened. I was told my pain is not life threatening and nobody will be sent. I was on my own in the flat and unable to walk and scare to death that I am loosing the baby. I was very lucky that my flat mate come back from work and seeing me the way I was called the ambulance again. This time after about 20 min the ambulance come – 2 of them (the out of hours doctor, who I also called, called for one as well).
Once in the hospital I was sat in wheelchair which was taken away from me after about 10 min because other patient needed and that was the only one in the hospital. I was helped by some gentleman who was waiting in the A&E and my flatmate. The nurse did not even bother to move towards me. Once in the room with the nurse I was asked all the typical question (including about my pregnancy etc) in front of another patient (male!!!) who was waiting to be collected by other nurse. Once the nurse finished she told me to walk. Since the pain was so strong I could not move my legs the tiers started flowing. The nurse said that I am not helping her by crying and have to stop. Finally she realise that I am not able to walk and in lots of pain she damped me on the chair and went to get push chair and than transported me to some other room without explaining what will happened next.
.When I called the hospital to find out why was the ambulance not sent I was told that is the machine who decides if the ambulance is needed or not. Somehow it does not make me feel any better.
I also called the hospital to find out why I was intervied in front of male patient but nobody called me back.
I was never scared of labour but after this experience I am terrified and not being able to sleep thinking how am I going to be taken care in this hospital.

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howard1972 said on 24 August 2011

you must always complain if things go wrong or you are not recieving the correct care you should. otherwise things will never improve in the nhs. there is always a way to take your complaint further and if you reach the ombudsman and he does not listen take legal action there are a lot of poor solicitors out there but if you shop around you will find one with the bottle to take them on dont let the system beat you.

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welsh person said on 07 August 2011

After noting in my file that local anesthetic does not have any effect on me the night before major surgery to remove a kidney, the team relied on an epidural for pain relief during and after the operation. An epidural uses local anesthetic. So I underwent major surgery without any pain relief. When I complained I was told that local anesthetic was "safe", and was then ignored. I wish NHS staff were able to read...

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LAW HULL said on 18 July 2011

They keep a record on you and they single you out for further neglect. its a fact that I have proven time and again.
They also break patient confidentiality between departments, which I have also proved so if I were you, if you want more treatment forget your complaining and make a protest outside the building with banners etc..

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LAW HULL said on 18 July 2011

The sad fact is that there is no complaints system that is in support of the patient. It does not matter how you are treated. I was refused hospital treatment and I had to be re-admitted after presenting myself to gp's and to hospital. I had loss of motor function in my right arm and I had to take myself into the hospital chapel after admission by ambulance just to force them to give me an MRI scan! The scan revealed that I had two prolapsed discs and the surgeon told me I needed emergency surgery which I had within 36 hrs. None of this mattered when I complained through the levels including Ombudsman, MP, etc, etc.. All I got for my pains was further neglect by NHS dental and now I have just had to attend 3 practices just to get my problem acknowledged! My wife had two teeth drilled without anesthetic and she was totally traumatised. After complaining and getting nowhere the dentist is claiming my wife refused the needle. Absolutely rediculous. She has never refused a needle in her life and all her records prove so. After my surgery I had nerve damage in my throat and the hopsital tried to cover it up. Also an implant was declared as being fitted in my body but the xrays and mri images I requested proved no such implant (a cage) was fitted!
Forget complaining because as far as the nhs are concerned we are all just chattle and unless you have the money to sue the nhs these no win no fee advertisers dont have the bottle to see a serious case through.

Unless you have a broken bone or something like that then forget about gp's and get into the mind set that you are in good health and your body will follow. This is truth.

We can indeed heal most of our own physical problems including overcoming pain. I have proved this to myself time and time againg including swine flue!

To look upon disease will create its appearence within the mind and then within the body.

See truth, disease is only an appearence and the reality is health.

Believe its truth!

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myexperience said on 15 July 2011

The NHS complaints process is entirely unfit for purpose. Nobody knows how to carry out an honest and thorough investigation for fear of revealing the weaknesses in the system and operators, which let patients down causing misery and unnecessary suffering. The system is geared to protect NHS interests and nobody is disciplined or brought to book as they would be in outside jobs, even with simple Health & Safety breaches.

For instance, within a GP practice, who is going to 'shop' a partner for incompetence, or ever admit it in an 'investigation'? I've seen it, and there is no recompense whatsoever - they just play dumb and don't answer your questions.. There's no recognition or ownership of the problem and no knowing if anything's been done about it.

The 'back-up' system, or Ombudsman, is completely out of touch with current practices, and can only manage to investigate about 2% of all complaints she receives (the Headliners I expect); the others are rejected without any intelligent reasoning applied, from staff who don't grasp the problem. The 98% of those who thought their complaint wasn't investigated properly never get an investigation at all. They feel put down, disgusted and disillusioned, and I quote from experience.

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ashley perkins said on 13 July 2011

I didnt like anything the Royal Oldham hospital was a disgrace it were filthy it took the cleaners 3 days to clean the blood of the floor. It also took them 10 hours to clean the bed which was full of blood i asked them at 8 o clock they said they would change it then but they didnt so i asked about another 5 member of staff which also said i will be with you in a minute but they did the same an never came back. So i ended up changing it my self 10 hours later. My girlfriend also required stitches after giving birth the midwife who gave her the stitches said she was blind as a bat i thought she was joking but she wasnt because the stitches were that loose that theyve fell out so now shes got to go back and have them done again. I could carry on all day long but hopefully you will read this and not make the same mistake we did and go to a different hospital.

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wever said on 04 July 2011

I read with disgust that the BBC reports the NHS as providing Heroin to addicts
basically on the grounds of "it costs less than the effects of crime would". Really? Well, on that basis, I have a couple of questions : firstly, if I state my addiction to photography and my intention to rob a camera store, will the NHS buy me a new Nikon DSLR? Secondly, one of my friends read the article and has described themselves as single and a potential 'intimacy addict" and was wondering if you could set them up with anyone? Finally, most of my friends and I think we may be addicted to food and were wondering if you'd send us some restaurant vouchers so we don't have to casually shoplift fruit from Tesco or something. I think you'll agree that your actions in assisting my friends and I will certainly curtail our potential criminal activity. Oh, and I'd like a big-screen TV - it will be much more convenient for you to provide me with one than me having to steal one (and I'd only hurt my back carrying it, which would be a further drain on NHS resources, I'm sure you'll agree)

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yorkie4 said on 15 June 2011

i have been having a lot of problems with my neighbour and there dog basically i haven't been able to sleep for weeks and i am getting very depressed over it and also noticed it seemed to be affecting my diabetes
i went to the doctors because it has got to the stage where i really can't control my anger.
i am now scared that if it comes to another confrontation i could seriousley hurt one of them
i explained all this to my doctor and all she has said is there is nothing they can help me with which i now find even more depressing i have tried everyone and everything to get this sorted but i cannot beleive my doctor will not help i have now found when i am getting really andgry i have started to hurt myslef

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starsdb123 said on 10 June 2011

I went to a C.A.S.H Clinic (a clinic where they do cervical swabs etc) two days ago in Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Usually I would attend the one in Westbury, where the nurse there is extremely friendly and makes you feel proud that you are actually bothering to go and get yourself checked out! But, this time they had a huge waiting list so thats why i decided to go to Trowbridge. Basically from the second I walked into the reception i felt very rushed and unwelcome. I didn't know if I was in the right part of the hospital so when i came to ask the receptionist just butted in and asked for my name, then when i went in to get checked out the nurse was trying to pressure me into letting her take the swab and really drilled it into me that i must go on the injection or implant (which i really do not want to do as i had so much trouble with my periods on the pill!). She simply said 'I'm just doing what I think is best for you' and i said 'I know but i'd rather do it at my own pace through my GP' She was so rude with some of the other things she was saying to me! No wonder young men and women like myself don't bother getting checked out with nurses like that! I think that's put me off for life! Oh and another thing, she didn't even ask me if there was a chance I could be pregnant, she just said 'nope, you're not pregnant' and ticked a box! And as a matter of fact, I might well be pregnant as me and my long-term partner have been trying for a baby. Even when she asked me questions I couldnt finish what I was saying because she would butt in and but words into my mouth! It was humiliating, hurtful and disrespecful and I'm surprised she has been working for so many years! She should be sacked.

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User561390 said on 04 June 2011

Queen marys hospital roehampton
Radiology dept.
Was supposed to have barium /CT scan done. Given the completely wrong set of instructions - they sent me the wrong letter with the wrong information and now it has cost me yet more time. Were not helpful and tried to evade taking responsibility for their mistake - embarrassing me in the main lobby because I dont have my own home telephone.
I Suggest: OPT for another place to have scan. Queen Mary's hospital has some very well run depts: ATC for example and the Day Case Unit . Radiology however is badly managed, causing inefficiency and in my case - a possible cancer suffer - yet another valuable month lost in the diagnosis process. Thank you qm radiology dept for not fufilling your responsibilities or duty of care.

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S7 said on 23 May 2011

Beware NHS Dental patients, I have found some Dentists around the SW8 do not give proper examinations, and recommend the cheapest options, not the best, like tooth extraction or filling over an infected nerve, if you are unable to pay them private rates for more come complex treatments, such as root canal.

Get a second opinion, if you are not sure about what you are being told is correct. This has got to stop before we all end up toothless, or with rotting teeth.

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User555591 said on 16 May 2011

The care my husband has been receiving has been excellent at fazakerley hospital in aintree.
My issue is with the reception in clinic 6 and 7. They give you such a hard time about everything from booking an appointment to asking for further information on where to go or for additional forms that are needed. They have such a bad attitude. I realise they're asked for the same information all the time but it's not the patients' fault.

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Triquetra said on 26 April 2011

I recently went to my GP and was prescribed 2 medications. I gave the prescription to the Pharmacy and paid £14.80 for both items and waited for them. I was then told that they one of the medications alright but that they only had 1 weeks worth of the other item and they gave me an "I.O.U" for it, and told me to come back the next day, I did so, but just missed them, I went again the next day to be told they were having trouble obtaining the item and I would have to come back again after the bank holiday. I asked them what would happen if they couldn't get the rest of the missing item, and was informed that I would have to get another appointment with my GP, get another prescription and that I would be charged for it again. I don't see how this can be right, as they did not complete the prescription but charged me for the whole thing. Has anyone else been in this situation? I will be ringing the NHS PCT to ask for the official stance on this, and will be making an official complaint if they say this is so. It's an absolute disgrace if it is!!!

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aminamum said on 15 April 2011

I'm trying to conceive for more than 3 years but nothing happened and I can't get a referral to the specialist because of the new regulation -bcause i have a 6 years girl-

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Ray2010 said on 19 March 2011

I am a patient and have right to name the bad GP or Nurse. Of course I would give full my reason(s) for name and shame the GP/Nurse.

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zainy said on 23 February 2011

I've been trying to get an appointment with my GP and I keep getting told to ring at 9am, when I do I can't get through because the line is busy. when they finally pick up I get told to ring back because all the appointments have been taken. I really don't know what to do. The receptionists have the cheek to get angry and tell me to take the appointment with the practice nurse if i'm that desperate. I haven't been able to see my GP for over a year because every time I ring he's either on holiday or fully booked. Now they've got a stupid system in place where we get put through to the practice nurse and she will then put us through to the doctor, and if she thinks we're not sick enough to see him then we don't get an appointment. Great isn't it!

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migster said on 07 January 2011

why are most receptionists in Drs surgerys so rude & incompetent?

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DavidMills said on 07 December 2010

I have a question. Why when the Doctor issues a Repeat Script does the Doctor have to print out one script for each repeat rather than printing with script stating the number of repeats to be issued? Why does the Pharmacy not have a computer system whereby they can enter the number of repeats authorised by the Doctor and then print the number of remaining repeats on the label placed on the packaging of the prescribed item?

In theory you want to save money and reduce waste – printing the repeat script for each repeat is a waste of money compared to printing the script once

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APatientPatient said on 23 November 2010

-the rule of being in the catchment area of a practice should be abolished, as this facilitate badly run, non-professional GPs to practice medicine and sometimes, as a consequence, people get killed by their GPs incompetence;
-patients should be allowed to register whereever they want;
-if a practice runs badly, 2 get shut down, because the number of patients is very low (inefficient to keep this open); only in case of depopulated areas to allow the practice to be open, up and running, if the patients are pleased with the practice performance.

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APatientPatient said on 23 November 2010

I was trying to actually say that I would welcome specialist clinics, like GUM Clinics, for different medical problems, walk in and with appointments, disregarding the GPs referral rule.

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APatientPatient said on 23 November 2010

-patients should have the option to allow to some people to have access to their records during their life time and after death (their folowers' lives may be same by the information provided through their parents or grandparents medical records);
-the blood group of each person should be legally recorded in their IDs/passports, as in case of accident, it's best and quickest source of information for an ambulance;

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APatientPatient said on 23 November 2010

-my previous practice receptionist ‘forgot’ 2 update my details, same update of address requested for 3 times & I missed my physiotherapy appointment because of her lack of professionalism;
-direct access 2 specialist treatments & walk in clinics for each speciality you name, as this waste of paper & envelopes & calls & salaries for the ones who r handling docs….is futile…non-efficient…damaging patient’s health by having a delayed treatment & is not cost effective for NHS (like GUM Clinics);
-an easier way 2 complain & 2 follow up a complaint;
-images, such Xrays, MRI scans etc, to be in the patient possesion as well as scan on the GPs PC;

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APatientPatient said on 23 November 2010

-accountability & fairness in treatment: CCTV cameras 2 work 2 film not only the possible abusive patient, but receptionists & GPs as well; any patient 2 be able 2 have access 2 their recorded time spent in the practice or 2 privately record his/her session as some has memory problems, others language difficulties & some are really bullied by the staff & they need 2 have a proof of the staff’s behaviour when they complain about it;
-transparency & openness: what GP writes down in the PC should be shown 2 patient immediately, enabling immediate amendments or printed for patient’s own use, if requested; many cases of misunderstandings due 2 language difficulties or lack of professionalism; some patients want 2 treat their illnesses in different countries or 2 have their medical records back in their native countries as well; patient are not DUMP persons, they are the most interested people in their healing and they know best their illness; many temporary GPs who have no idea about the evolution of some patients’ chronic diseases or patients health past;
-abolishment of this 10 min appointment rule (once, I discussed with my former GP about my stomach & when I said I also have ear infection, I was told off & sent 2 make another appointment as it’s a different matter & we finished my allocated 10 min appointment time);
-respect towards patient’s requests & suggestions without having to put up with haughty behaviour from medical staff (some patients are educated level 7 & they’ve studied their illnesses better than the GPs; patient is the one who is keen on getting healthy for sure, as for GPs, many appointments means more money, situation which creates lack of interest of GPs 2 heal their patients quickly & causes an enormous financial waste, not to mention patients’ suffering );
-access online to patient’s own medical records, where the details could be amended easily & verified if they r up 2 date by any patient

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johnboy1950 said on 11 November 2010

I went to the local endoscopy unit for a colonoscopy and ended up with a perforated bowell,spending 2 days in ICU and 4 days on the ward,although the did tell me that it could happen,it was highly unlikely that it would.I sent a letter of complaint into the hospital and after approx 6 weeks had a reply stating that the colonoscopy was successful,how can the say that after the perforated bowell.I am unable to work after having an ilioscopy (stoma fitted) and waiting for a date for the reversal.I feel very angry that it seems to be swept under the carpet.

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yasasii said on 05 November 2010

admitted to derriford hospital following a recent heart attack.Doctor forced an injection into my stomach against my wishes ,telling me I had no choice.
Following day I was made to have a ct scan again against my wishes.
I was not allowed home until I agreed to have an angiogram done , I did not want to but had to agree in order to go home.
I felt a prisoner and it should be a disgrace that these Doctors did not need consent to do these things.

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snugglyhunny said on 03 November 2010

I got advised by my nurse & a doctor to go on the depo jab. i was 18 years old, this was because after 3 years of trying to convince my neurologist that my epileptic fits were due to hormones (fell pregnant-got epiliepsy. had periods - had fits) it was finally decided the depo jab was my only choice that wouldnt confuse my epilepsy drugs. when i went for the first jab i got told it can be given either in my bum or arm. That was it. no leaflet, no other words of warning, just that & a card saying my next due jab date. im now coming up to jab number 3, have experienced many changes & have had to look on the internet for information of many of my symptoms. & i thought the internet was the worst place to look for medical help...its done more for me than what my doctors & nurses have!!

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shugs101 said on 15 October 2010

hi i went to a clinic in chesterfield to have my contraceptive implant removed the dr injected my arm to numb it but didnt check to see if had worked n before i knew it she had already cut me we the scalpel when i screamed her reply was it usually had numbed by now i even felt her inject me again

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summerlove said on 06 October 2010

I have a quetion that I had checked my body since i just registered NHS health centre. The sample of urine was sent to get further check. I want to know whether it's free or not. Thanks.

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User491983 said on 05 October 2010

To all who have made comments, please use the service of ICAS. We are independent of the NHS and support anyone who feels that the need help in making a complaint. The service is free and confidential; we can help you with written letters, attend meetings etc. If you are unhappy, following the formal complaint route is welcomed by the NHS so that changes can be made and issues addressed so that things don't happen again. See the details above for ICAS in your areas.

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Mr Michael said on 05 October 2010

Please allow me to vent my anger.

Early hours of the morning my partner was throwing up and had severe rib pains.
when she asked me for a doctor I phoned the out of hours service. the person who answered clearly did not care in the slightest. After she gave her details and it was clear she was staying with me (not living with me) he just said "you're phoning the wrong number.you need to phone through your GP."

I highly doubt a doctor would travel the best part of an hour out to my house just because she is registered with them.

Now I don't know how Out of Hours is supposed to work. maybe she SHOULD have phoned HER GP. But his attitude was very un helpful. and what is to stop him from giving over the phone advice..if for nothing but to learn how to cope with the situation whilst we wait for another doctor?

NHS...sort yourself out.

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tinalynam said on 02 October 2010

My son who is 8 years who ahs been suffering for over 18 month with his breathing and sore throats. After countless trips to see the doctor they agreed he should go see the ENT consultant. ENT agrred he needed an Adenoidectomy. This was booked for for the first week of September this year. We prepared him the best we could for the operation but unfortunatly we recieved a phone call the night before saying it had been cancelled. Our son took it well but we were emotionally tired just though the build up. We were given a new date, two week after. Again we prepared him and this time he was scared, he stopped eating in the day leading up the op. We arrived at Pinderfields hospital on theh morning, he was ready for theatre. My son how at that was had tears running down his eyes the whole time we were there, the poor lad was scared. The doctor came down and said a filter had broken and the operation was cancelled. We were told to go home. AGAIN we have been given another appointment for this Monday. My son isnt eating he has started to wet the bed agian and he has been having nightmares. I came home form workk Friday to find a message on the answer phone " I am sorry to inform you there is a problem in theatre and your operation has been cancelled for Monday". I am at my wits ends. I have used 3 days holiday and i do work for a living. I have cried, my son is still not eating, even school have said he doesnt look well. I have to wait until Monday now, another holiday day used. I cant see me ever getting him their. I have contacted my local MP. Not sure what o can do now.

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oojimmyflip said on 24 September 2010

I am having an ulcer redressed every few days on my leg, where I go for treatment the nurses dab a bit of gauze in some saline and rub the inside of the wound then re-dress the infected wound which is extreeemly painful and leaves you reeling in pain for days.
A friend just six miles up the road has a similar condition his nurses bathe his leg in a bucket of salt water be as gentle as possible drying the area with a sterile towel apply special cream to his leg then re-apply a new dressing, my leg ulcers do not heal for up to five years attending my own surgery, I attended his surgery as a temp resident once for two weeks and my ulcer that I had for three years healed up in two weeks, somehow I think I am living in a postcode lottery I sked NHS direct for info relating to the treatment of leg ulcers and they said they couldnt comment what a waistef time they are the sooner they get rid the better. I cannot get a difinative answer to the correct treatment of a leg ulcer, they use expesive dressings others will cut corners in order to save money at the cost of your health, there really needs to be a standardised level of treatment set up for legs ulcer treatment right across the board, I got a second opinion from a nursing manager that rubbed a few noses up the wrong way she was happy with the self administered treatment I was doing at home cleanning my own wound properly, my surgery wouldnt writwe prescriptions for the expensive dressings even though I was prepared to pay the £80.00 for five dressings myself the nursing manager told them to prescribe the dressings and as soon as her back was turned they refused to write any prescriptions for the dressings.they are gambling with our health if you have a good service you afre very lucky indeed.

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User487902 said on 17 September 2010

choosing a gp is not as they say, you can ask any in your area only to be told you are not in their catchment area. I dont want the one that is in "my catchment area" so how do I get the one I want to register me

I take it this information if only a nhs fairytale. I want to know when it will become legal so I can have my true choice

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Andy70 said on 10 September 2010

Over the last 4 years I've sufferd almost constant ear, nose, throat, mouth and skin infections, mainly on the right side of my head. Sometimes this would be so bad, lasting weeks at a time, that I was in total despair. I attended my surgery almost two dozen times in the last three years, and have had to go to casualty twice when my jaw became swollen and I developed a fever. I have had to see five different gp's at my surgery, and each one has had different opinions and prescribed different medication. Finally, after a visit to a Dermatologist I was diagnosed with a deep seated and long term jaw infection. I now need surgery to remove the infected bone, and will lose several teeth. had I been taken seriously and treated copetently in the first place it would not have got this bad. I have been through the complaints procedures and it's a joke. There are more get out clauses and loopholes than it's possible to list.

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efremova said on 02 September 2010

So many above echo my feelings too. It's mainly the apathetic staffing of GP Practices. I've considered a more permanent solution as I teach 65.

Have no expectations - how true ....

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Tyler Acerman said on 27 August 2010

I've been waiting to long for a mold for my bracies (2 years) I've been called up once and the opointment got canceld

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diamond lilly said on 31 December 2009

my g.p. surgery is a disgrace u cant get through on phone to 8.55 then appts have gone and u r blantely lied to ...u have to be there 8.30 outside pensioners ever one else.the check in machine never goes by now should have binned it.yr perscriptions left chemist for repeat never done so u have to go bk surgery to get it signed so whats point repeat perscription.the staff are so rude they talk amongst themself while u r standing like a fool.the practice manager walks around in a trance i complained to him but referred my letter to my doctor who had it underlined on my appt and addressed me about it whats role practice manager bad business practice.was told my letter would be held on file was told by health authority this was not allowed.more say next visit to my laptop this is just start..........then theres king georges hosp on top..........

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mike mandry said on 21 December 2009

My Wife had a headache on july 24th with slurred speech and unbalanced stance, one pupil was larger than other and Lymph glands were enlarged. Gp said on four occaisions due to stress. when we paid privately to see consultant that was being denied to my wife she was in hospital instantly and two hours later I knew the worst she had walking death cancer and now i am being denied treatment for some illness which will not go away suffering for 5 weeks and doctors do not know what is wrong, disgusted

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breath and wait said on 14 December 2009

I complained via email two weeks ago- still haven't heard anything, not even an email to acknowledge my complaint had been received. If they had ever taken the trouble to investigate or to find out the feedback they say is so helpful then my case will surely have plenty of examples.

The 'care' I've received has been horrific either not enough nurses or too many nurses and no space. You arrive at an appointment early; they turn up late and finish early. You take the trouble to go and then they say nothing they can do but say worth getting a second opinion and wasting more time to go back.

There is no cohesion in the treatment- I'm seeing 3 physios at the moment (out of a total of five since I started treatment) and they all say different things. They don't listen and worst of all after two months I've heard various accounts of what exactly happened during my operation not all of which make sense and nothing definite- well apart from the fact my knee is a mess.

Oh and that the anaesthetist needed to get off for a glass of wine and the surgeon had already left... A nurse brought a copy of my notes the day after surgery but the nurse didn't know what had happened any more than I did. The day I arrived for surgery the physio prescribed exercises for the wrong operation. Non of the various people who have subsequently showed me the notes could explain the different versions, unsurprisingly I'm still waiting for news on a copy...

Moral of the story- don't hold your breath if your complaining or expecting any kind of standard in treatment. Maybe there should be something about managing 'customer' expectations- i.e. don't have any and you may be pleasantly surprised.

On the plus side, even with all the press about a shortage of NHS dentists and even though I don't have one I was given an emergency appointment on the day and was given excellent treatment to keep me going and free from pain.

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