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Road tax exemptions

The person you are looking after may be entitled to a free road tax disc if they have a condition or disability that affects their mobility. A free tax disc is available if they have:

  • a disability which means they get the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance,
  • a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement, or
  • an 'invalid carriage' (this includes vehicles such as powered wheelchairs and scooters intended for use on roads).

Road tax is also known as car tax or vehicle excise duty.

The vehicle must be registered in the name of the person you are looking after, or in your own name as their carer (their nominee). It can be used only for the benefit of the person with the disability, which might include activities such as taking them to and from places or doing their shopping. You or any other nominee cannot use the vehicle for your own personal needs.

How to apply

If you are entitled to the higher rate mobility component of DLA, you can get a free tax disc. In order to get a free tax disc you should apply for a Certificate of Entitlement to DLA. This replaces the DLA 404 Certificate and the Exemption Certificate. Apply to the Disability Living Allowance Unit, Warbreck House, Warbreck Hill, Blackpool FY2 0YE, or telephone 08457 123456 (textphone 08457 224433). The certificate is reusable, so you should keep it safe, as you will need it next year.

If the person you are looking after receives War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement, they should apply (using form WPA 442) to the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency, Norcross, Thornton Cleveleys, Lancashire FY5 3WP, or telephone 0800 169 2277 (textphone 0800 169 3458).

You will also need the entire vehicle registration certificate. You will need to fill in the taxation class as 'disabled' in section 7 of the certificate. You will also need a valid insurance certificate or cover note and a valid MOT or GVT certificate (if applicable).

If you have all the documents listed above you can apply directly for a free disabled person's tax disc at your local post office.

Invalid carriages

Invalid carriage is the term used to describe any powered wheelchair or scooter intended for use on the road. You do not need an exemption certificate to get a free tax disc for an invalid carriage if:

  • it weighs less than 509kg and is adapted for, used or kept on a road for a disabled person (although it must be registered in the name of the driver), or
  • it weighs less than 113.4kg, is for pavement use only and has a maximum speed of 4mph, in which case it does not need to be registered or have a tax disc.

Motability schemes

If you hire a vehicle through a Motability scheme, they will arrange to tax your vehicle each year and will send a tax disc to you.


If you have a valid tax disc and wish to apply for a vehicle tax refund, complete form V14, available from your post office. If you wish to apply for a vehicle tax refund and you do not have the tax disc, complete form V33, which is only available from your local DVLA office or by calling 0870 240 0010.


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Leonard S said on 19 February 2012

Is there any way to report misuse of this scheme?

I work in social care, and know a family of a disabled person who are abusing this scheme to get free road tax. They claimed the tax disc on the strength of my client's higher rate of DLA but the car is never used for my client. It is difficult because the family have POA and welfare attorney status, and I don't want to risk my job, but I think this is abusive and wrong so if anyone knows how to report this anonymously I'd be grateful for some advice.


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Last reviewed: 09/01/2012

Next review due: 10/01/2014

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