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[ - ] Living in the 21st century - what are you most thankful for? 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:48 AM Flag
text with photos. facebook for networking, health technology (MRI, better surgical procedures). Not in this order. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:50 AM Flag
[ - ] If I think I have diastis recti separation, what type of Dr should I go to? I just want someone to check me out.... 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:36 AM Flag
google, there is a pretty easy test. just do a partial sit up and measure with your fingers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:48 AM Flag
[ - ] Psychic mom are you here tonight? 0 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:33 AM Flag
[ - ] I just tried to contour my nose with bronzer and I look absurd. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:30 AM Flag
um, what does this mean [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:29 AM Flag
I tried to make it look thinner. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:32 AM Flag
Lil Kim does that! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:49 AM Flag
Use a foundation that's slightly darker than the one you wear [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:40 AM Flag
That doesn't work in real life. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:50 AM Flag
[ - ] I went to this strange Knickerbocker Greys thing at the Armory tonight. What's the deal with this? So strange. 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:29 AM Flag
Eons ago, it was for elites. Then in the 80s, they let in the likes of Alex Chambers, the Preppie Killer, son of a private duty nurse. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:32 AM Flag
Robert Chambers [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:37 AM Flag
Thanks, my bad. I was confusing Alex Kelly, rapist from Darien, with Robert Chambers. Got to learn to remember which of these rich white rapist kids is which. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:47 AM Flag
[ - ] It's almost 11:30 and I need to go to bed. DB is going to wake up during the night. Why can't I get off UB and go to bed? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
Because you waiting for something exciting to happen. It won't. Good night. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:28 AM Flag
lol [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:27 AM Flag
[ - ] 4.5 mos postpartum and my hair is falling out in handfuls. i know some hair loss is to be expected, but this late in the game? or is it something else? 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:22 AM Flag
I'm 3 months and it is huge handfuls. To be expected! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:22 AM Flag
sounds about right. i had db in late oct and still remember going to an event in mid-march and shedding profusely all night. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:22 AM Flag
Yup, my hair started falling out around then. It will get better (much better!) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
Take prenatal vitamins. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
Almost a year pp and STILL shedding. Finally slowing down I think. Good thing I have thick hair. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:26 AM Flag
yes, it happened to me around 3 mos postpartum. my hair was really thick while i was pregnant, i think the hormones cause you to not lose your hair or something while pregnant, and then you lose it all postpartum. my unscientific anecdote. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:35 AM Flag
Happened to me too around the same time, it lasted for a few weeks..... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:37 AM Flag
[ - ] over many years of work travel, i have realized that every (Straight) married man would cheat with an attractive woman. i enjoy the flirtations, but have thus far abstained. my husband also travels so i realize he probably cheats too. so sometimes i wonder, why not. when i first starting working i was shocked at this behavior. no more. such is life. anyone have the same experience? 14 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:21 AM Flag
I traveled a lot for work too and although I encountered the same as you, I stayed faithful. Go figure. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
good for you. it's not easy. well.. it's just so easy to go the other way. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:26 AM Flag
It's actually easier not to. As a woman anyway imo. I only say this because I've traveled as a single person and slept around. It's an incredibly vacant feeling, the thrill was lost very quickly. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:36 AM Flag
Agree, experiencing this myself now as I just started to travel more. Traveling with co-workers who I know well just haven't traveled with before and there is chemistry between one of my longtime friends/co-workers and I, something almost happened during the last trip, but we were good.....who knows what will happen next time [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:28 AM Flag
going through the same thing. almost went too far last time. have another trip together in three weeks. half of me wants to stay in my room, the other half wants to let it play out. in real life, i'm a boring, PTA mom. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:33 AM Flag
haha, we should be friends. Did you discuss any of this with him (how it almost went too far?) Is he single or married? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:38 AM Flag
married. both married. both with kids. i know it's bad. we both kind of joked about how we should behave better. nothing too bad happened but we both drank too much. he professed this longterm crush on me and i think was kind of embarrassed. but now he's joking around about the next trip. i think half of it is boredom on my part. but.. he is cute... what's your story? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:41 AM Flag
My friend is single, we have worked together in different capacities for over 8 years. Now I am in a new position in which I will travel with him and about 15-20 other people out of the country (far) 2Xs a year and maybe some other small trips. We admitted feelings for each other almost 3 years ago, nothing happened, I had a DB. Then a few weeks ago we were on the trip and everyone was really drunk, he came up to me and told me I looked amazing. later that night I told him that he can't say these things to me and then we admitted that we both still think about each other.....I am nervous for the next trip too [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:51 AM Flag
yes. most people who travel, overtime, have affairs IME. especially if they see/travel with the same people. it's just too tempting and easy. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:31 AM Flag
What age range are we talking about here? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:32 AM Flag
early 30s to late 60s. pretty much everyone. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:34 AM Flag
is it really that common? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:38 AM Flag
yes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:41 AM Flag
my boss kissed me on a business trip (he was drunk)... i stopped him right there and scheduled a vacation with DH to renew the romance... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:46 AM Flag
[ - ] something very slimey about Brad Cooper. And unattractive to boot 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:19 AM Flag
I don't think so at all. I think he's the anti slime. Lets start with the fact that he doesn't date 20 year old girls like all the actual slime bag 40-something famous guys do. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:27 AM Flag
thank you! he seems so sleazy and unappealing to me and i have no idea why. i am not inclined to watch anything he is in, though I really do want to see silver lining playbook. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:28 AM Flag
Agree with OP. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:34 AM Flag
[ - ] need new shower curtain liners. a fabric liner that's machine washable would be great. any recommended store/brand? 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:12 AM Flag
anthropologie. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:13 AM Flag
TJ Maxx/HomeGoods/Marshalls [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:16 AM Flag
Shower curtain or curtain liner? Usually, you have a shower curtain that is fabric, and then a liner that is more plastic/waterproof, no? That's what we have. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:14 AM Flag
no i think there are some shower liners that are fabric so you can wash them [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:19 AM Flag
learn something new every day! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
NP: The fabric liners are so much better than the plastic ones - look better IMO and they wash really easily. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:47 AM Flag
Walmart always has the best things. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:15 AM Flag
Made by children in sweatshops, sold by underpaid workers. I would never go into that place. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:46 AM Flag
Look on Amazon. I bought one on there last year. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:36 AM Flag
I have some fabric liners that I got at Bed Bath & Beyond. SO much better than the plastic/nylon ones. When they get gross, I just throw them in the wash with a little bleach and they are good as new. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:46 AM Flag
[ - ] Any AHS's fans on? Care to discuss tonights episode? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:12 AM Flag
what is AHS? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:17 AM Flag
Sorry I mean American Horror Story [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:18 AM Flag
[ - ] dr referred me for a biopsy. told me to call today and that if i can't get the appt within 30 days to call him. then said, and i'm pretty sure it's nothing. right. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:11 AM Flag
Hugs and good luck! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:24 AM Flag
ty! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
It probably is nothing. He told you that so you don't have suffer for too long and so you get in quickly on the off-chance that something is wrong. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:29 AM Flag
I just went through this and mine was indeed nothing. Best wishes to you. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:29 AM Flag
+1. My doc actually had me get a biopsy in my neck. He even talked to me about thyroid cancer being extremely treatable. It was a lymph node. I was a wreck. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:35 AM Flag
[ - ] Any pill i can take to surpress my appetite? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:07 AM Flag
No. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:07 AM Flag
Percocet [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:09 AM Flag
I'm taking amoxicillin right now and I've eaten nothing all day but a cup of coffee and a small bowl of rice [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:14 AM Flag
NP: thanks, you just reminded me to take my amoxicillin :) (Can't say it has really suppressed my appetite too much though...) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:48 AM Flag
dilaudid [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:17 AM Flag
[ - ] Has anyone dealt with the parent coordinator at PS 41??! Wow, in many ways this school seems intent on passing itself off as an elite private. Completely bizarre...and something the DOE should take a look at. Rant over. 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:06 AM Flag
But once in the school you will absolutely love it. We have tons of friends who go there and they all gush, although I've heard its not the best school if you have a high needs kid or a kid with an IEP beyong basic OT or PT [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:23 AM Flag
i thought it was a dump with huge classes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:23 AM Flag
interesting. i am leaning towards ps3 bc it seems so much more welcoming and nurturing. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:33 AM Flag
What do you mean by "passing itself off as an elite private"? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:28 AM Flag
[ - ] S/o: in an earlier post someone ,entioned that there is a great book to help learn how to encourage healthy earing habits with tips on bow to itigate eating issues. No title was mention. Anyone have any book suggestions? Thanks. 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:03 AM Flag
Op: sorry about all the typos- written on my ipad:). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:03 AM Flag
This made me laugh out loud. How many keys are you missing on your laptop or phone? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:05 AM Flag
None. Just too fast for this darned ipad. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:16 AM Flag
Healthy eating habits for children? Ellyn Satter [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:22 AM Flag
[ - ] I love Love Actually! But they really dump on America, with the whole President scene. 18 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:54 AM Flag
I love that scene [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:56 AM Flag
Liberal? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:57 AM Flag
Moderate, but not American ( not British either) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:00 AM Flag
I can watch that movie over and over again. I love the keira knightly triangle/crush. So sweet. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:00 AM Flag
Yeah, that scene annoys me but I let it go. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:00 AM Flag
Ha, it's such a good movie. The British are probably smirking that we Americans love it so much. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:05 AM Flag
Keira knightly is so distracting to watch because she is always sucking in her cheeks/ doing fishface! Cant stand her. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:07 AM Flag
Is she acting anymore? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:09 AM Flag
i thought it was more intended to make fun of bush than the whole country. we all laughed at bush. except maybe daniel day lewis. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:05 AM Flag
No way. Totally at the whole country. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:06 AM Flag
well, the country (or majority) elected him (at least the 2nd time) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:10 AM Flag
Horrible, depressing, borderline misogynist movie disguised as a sweet British rom com. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:11 AM Flag
I hate this movie too! People think it makes me a killjoy, but I love a good rom-com. This ain't it! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:12 AM Flag
The movie is pretty much a killjoy unless you're a middle-aged guy who wants to end up married to a maid or a secretary, f'ing your secretary, f'ing three hot American chicks at once, or--oh yeah--meeting up with Claudia Schiffer. Ugh. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:13 AM Flag
What does misogynist mean? Why is it depressing? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:13 AM Flag
The first time I saw it was on a cruise ship. I talked to someone about it afterwards and she said, "What did you think of the porn star story?" I had no idea what she was talking about. The cruise had edited out every trace of the story line! I felt quite cheated. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:14 AM Flag
That movie kinda totally sucked lemons! Yuck [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:15 AM Flag
I loved the scene where Hugh Grant's caught dancing [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:25 AM Flag
[ - ] Dh is having awful stomach pains he's doubled over in pain. He wants to go to the ER. Is there anything they could do? No fever. He's had a stomach infection in the past and antibiotics took care of it. 21 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:48 AM Flag
Go to the ER. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:49 AM Flag
+1. Could be some freaky thing. My friend had something like this happen and it was an enormous dermoid cyst. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:57 AM Flag
my god why are you on UB? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:53 AM Flag
Because I'm looking for useful advice. You've never multi-tasked? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:55 AM Flag
take your poor dh to the ER. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:53 AM Flag
...and report back with the diagnosis. My DH is a complete hypochondriac, but most people aren't. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:58 AM Flag
So is mine and I'm the OP. He's fallen asleep now. I'm taking him to a gastroenterologist tomorrow. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:39 AM Flag
np: We all have, but if my DH was doubled over in pain, I'd be hightailing it to the ER, or looking for advice by calling the hospital nurse line, or even possibly by checking WebMD (but I doubt it). Not asking on UB! LOL. Go and tell us what happened. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:05 AM Flag
no kidding [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:06 AM Flag
Eyeroll. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:23 AM Flag
Go to ER- signed ER mom [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:53 AM Flag
Ok, thank you! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:56 AM Flag
GO to ER! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:58 AM Flag
I had a stomach thing over the weekend and the only symptoms were bad stomach pains. It went away in about 2 days. I wasn't doubled over but i was in a lot of discomfort--it woke me out of a sound sleep. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 03:59 AM Flag
OMG, go to the ER. He could have a burst appendix, something twisted in his digestive tract, any number of things. GO TO THE FREAKING ER. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:01 AM Flag
np: he does not have burst appendix. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:10 AM Flag
I meant appendicitis. Sorry. You're right. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:15 AM Flag
Go to the ER - signed Kidney stone mom [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:12 AM Flag
^^ I was in the exact same position your husband was, doubled over in pain, if he feels the need to get up and walk around then that's another sign it could be kidney stones, people who have them have a hard time sitting still. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:13 AM Flag
But kidney stone pain isn't normally centered in the stomach is it? Mine were always more lower back. Maybe men are different? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:24 AM Flag
kidney stones? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.17.13, 04:15 AM Flag
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