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Forms & Policies

Forms & Policies

No-Cost Extensions (NCE)

If you cannot complete your project aims within the specified project period, many sponsors will allow you to extend your project. We refer to this as a no-cost extension (NCE). A NCE extends the original project period, allowing the completion of project aims without additional funds being provided by the Sponsor. You must have a scientific, project-related reason to extend your project end date. Extensions may not be obtained for the sole purpose of spending remaining funds.

Your award document should indicate the process for obtaining a NCE. If your award does not provide a NCE option, please contact your OSP Representative who will guide you through the process. Sponsors have different procedures for implementing a NCE.

If your request for a NCE is under Expanded Authorities (meaning that your award specifically mentions Expanded Authorities or is under Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) terms (FDP matrix) or Federal Research Terms and Conditions (RTC)), please complete the No-Cost Extension Request form and forward it to your OSP Representative.

If your request for a NCE is not under Expanded Authorities, the No-Cost Extension Request form and letter to Sponsor (page 3 of the form) are required. As you complete the form, the letter will be generated for you. Please complete the form, sign the letter, and forward to your OSP Representative to be countersigned by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). The letter will then be forwarded to the Sponsor for review and approval.


  1. When should I request a no-cost extension?
    Individual Sponsor requirements vary. For specific information regarding your project, refer to the terms and conditions included in your notice of award. First-time requests are generally due to the Sponsor at least thirty (30) days prior to the current end date of the project. In order to allow Sponsored Programs (OSP) sufficient time to review and approve the request, and submit request to sponsor, we ask that you submit the request to our office at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the current end date of the project.
  2. How long of an extension can I request?
    You should request the actual amount of time needed to complete the project. Most Sponsors will not allow more than twelve (12) months per request. We suggest twelve (12) months, but no less than six (6) months.
  3. Can I send the request directly to the Sponsor?
    No. The extension request can be submitted in two (2) ways.
    1. If the project is funded with Expanded Authorities, the No-Cost Extension form must be initiated by the PI and submitted to OSP for review and approval. Once approved by OSP, we will notify the Sponsor of the extension.
    2. If the project is not funded under Expanded Authorities, the No-Cost Extension form must be initiated by the PI and submitted to OSP for review and approval and a letter of request will be submitted to the Sponsor. The letter of request is generated as you complete the No-Cost Extension form. This letter must be routed through OSP for review and approval prior to submission to the Sponsor.
  4. What are some examples of valid reasons for requesting a no-cost extension?
    • Additional time is needed to assure completion of the original project scope
    • Delay in hiring appropriate personnel
    • Extensive delay in production or shipment of key equipment or supplies
    • Time lost due to transfer, illness or injury of key personnel
    • Completing reports and/or analysis
  5. Do I need to get approval from or notify my Dean of the request?
    OSP does not monitor Dean approvals on no-cost extension requests unless there is a change in PI effort. However, you should notify your Dean’s office to determine departmental requirements for these requests.
  6. How will I know if my request has been approved?
    If OSP is authorized to approve the request (as a result of Expanded Authorities), we will send you a copy of the approved NCE Request Form. If OSP is not authorized to approve the request, we will notify you when we receive the Sponsor’s decision. If the Sponsor sends the decision notification directly to your attention, please forward a copy to OSP so that we can update your account information. In some cases, a contract amendment signed by the sponsor and OSP is necessary to finalize an extension, and the template letter we have provided for you is designed to meet this requirement.
  7. Can I request a SECOND no-cost extension?
    Some Sponsors may not consider a request for a second extension. Requests for a second no-cost extension usually require more detailed justification and direct review by the Sponsor. Consult the terms and conditions of your award, Sponsor guidelines and contact OSP for guidance.
  8. What if my request must be submitted to the Sponsor electronically, such as via NSF FastLane or NIH eRA Commons?
    We will require the completed no-cost extension request form, in addition to the electronic submission information. The form is needed in order to update the COI, compliance and effort certification of the PIs/Co-PIs.