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Pregnancy and baby

Your pregnancy and baby guide


Welcome to the pregnancy and baby guide

Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal to be this tired? Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here.

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Popular subjects and pages 

Explore the Pregnancy and baby guide to find all the topics you're interested in and more, including:

Eating, drinking and keeping well

Antenatal care and the baby's development

Labour, birth and your new baby

Find out all you need to know about labour and birth, including where you can have your baby, for example in a hospital, a midwife-led unit or at home, and what pain relief is available, such as gas and air (entonox) and epidural. 

When your baby arrives, you can find advice on all the essentials of baby care, including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, changing nappies, and washing your baby. Plus:

Feeding, teething and tantrums

Last reviewed: 23/03/2012

Next review due: 23/03/2014


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Reay2010 said on 16 November 2012

@piglet95 - if you have one positive pregnancy test then you are indeed pregnant, you can not get a false positive, you can only get false negatives. The reason you have had different results is because of how early on you have tested . Basically it's around 4weeks when women find out they are pregnant this seems to be the perfect time because you will get a definative answer as its something to do with the amount of hormones or chemicals in your body that determine your pregnant. Any earlier and the tests will be mixed as the chemical/hormone isn't strong enough to detect.

Good luck :)

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hewey said on 14 October 2012

Can anyone help? My sonspartner has cold induced anaphylaxia and is 30 weeks pregnant. If she has to have stitches or a ceasarean this could be fatal as she is unable to receive cold fluids ie blood, epidural.Also the theatre would have to be warm too. The professionals are stumped at the moment and we have contacted allergy centres and anaphylaxia campaign but have no solution to the problem. Does anyone know of someone with this condition who has given birth? So far she is about 1 in 9,000,000 with the condition but we can find no one who has given birth.We would be grateful for any help no matter how small. Thank you.

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pushpa3v said on 27 September 2012

Hi Ladies. I want to share my experience with u all, if you are reading this you are like me having millions of questions asking myself and looking on internet. I am writing this so it might answer few questions may help you too. I am 24 years old. Me and my husband trying for baby for last 2 years? I had many tests like blood test to check if there is any hormones imbalance and ultra sound to find my ovaries are in right condition (PCOS) . And all these tests are positive. My husband also had smear test, he has a normal count too. After all these tests, our doctor suggested us to take Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test. It really works. It cleans your tubes and also there is a chance to unblock the tubes, if there any blocks. After 1 month of this HSG test I am now 5 weeks pregnant. We are very happy now because we are waiting for 2 years for this moment?. These first 5 weeks has been so nervous due to symptoms. I know every pregnancy and symptoms are different, but sharing my experience. I had back pain, white or yellow discharge and period like cramps during early pregnancy. I even have now some shooting pains and doctor said it is common due to expansion of womb. Good luck ladies?.Lots of baby dust to you all.

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DueFebruary said on 20 September 2012

piglet95- I'm also 17 and i'm almost 18 weeks pregnant. If you've had a positive pregnancy test then you are pregnant. I did about 4 or 5 different home pregnancy tests and they all said positive. I went to doctors that night (emergancy doctors) and they told me I definately wasn't 1 doctor and 2 nurses said this. I then bought 2 clear blue tests which give you the weeks and it said I was 2-3 weeks. I then went to my usual GP and they sent a test away which came back positive.

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piglet95 said on 19 September 2012

Hi im 17, i suspect i am around 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant (today) i had a postive test result at 2 weeks and 5 days but yesterday i had a negative :/ my friend is now 4 months pregnant but thought she was 3 monnths because at 2 months pregnant she received 2 negative test results and a week later got positives :/ i dont know if im overreacting but i feel pregnant witin myself, i feel prootective over my belly and have started gaining weight (some would say tis to early to start but ino alot of people who start developing a few weeks into pregnancy ... not sure if i should continue doing tests but even then how do ino if im getting correct results?! would it be better to ask the doctor for a ultrasound to see for sure if im pregnant? someone help me pleaseee

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shondaw2290 said on 15 July 2012

Why i can't download the pregnancy tracker on here?

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