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The New Stuff

Ex-Senator Dances 'Gangnam Style' to Raise Debt Awareness

From the Senate floor to the dance floor, former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson has some serious moves. In a recently posted video, the 81-year-old former fed danced to "Gangnam Style" in an attempt to get the millennial generation involved in debt red...

Queen of Etsy Will Beat You With Rhinestone Bat

Crafters that dare enter the handmade goodies market better arm themselves with a bedazzled hatchet, because the Queen of Etsy rules the site with a crochet glove-covered fist. Rachael Leigh Cook, Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Tracey Gold star in Funny or ...

10 Online Resources to Prepare for the Mayan Apocalypse

According to the Mayans, the world is coming to an end. That's right, we'll soon be joining all our favorite files, up in the cloud. You've probably encountered some form of the story by now. The last day on the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, bett...

Deck the Fails: 15 Weird and Wacky Christmas Tree Ornaments

If the traditional hall decking and tree decorating gives you a case of the Scrooges, electrify your Christmas decor with offbeat ornaments. Nothing spreads holiday cheer quite like festive poop on a rope or Santa hat-clad boogers....

Santa Uses Windows Phone to Track Who's Been Naughty or Nice

Every wonder how Santa keeps track of who’s been naughty or nice? According to a new Windows Phone ad, there’s an app for that. In the video above, the Naughty or Nice Live App helps Santa watch out for who’s been bad or good, delivering that informa...

The Next Big Thing

A Stop-Motion History of the GIF

The Internet's favorite file format is an old friend at this point, having just celebrated its 25th birthday. The GIF -- an acronym from Graphics Interchange Format -- lived it up this year, even scoring the coveted honor of word of the year. Though ...

Chuckle at Cartoon Kitty's Misadventures on Ice

Simon's cat may not glide like Michelle Kwan or triple axel like Evan Lysacek, but that only adds to the hapless kitty's charm. The latest installment of British animator Simon Tofield's feline shenanigans YouTube series features the cat navigating i...

Top Pop Hits of 2012 Undergo Pretentious Lyric Overhaul

This year has been a factory for viral songs. Whether you were reminding yourself you're beautiful and young or begging for a date via phone call, you can't deny there was a catchy theme song available for inspiration. But daft lyrics have been criti...

The 10 Best Political Memes of 2012

The 2012 presidential election is just over a month behind us, so we've had time to celebrate, mourn or just be thankful it's all over. Throughout the election, many voters participated in a cultural phenomenon made possible by social media. Any piec...

Billy the Rescued Puppy Will Break Your Heart

Meet Billy, the cutest dog in town. Billy doesn't have the best past, but he sure is loving life now at home with his own personal hero, Adam. Adam Parascandola found Billy, abused and alone, at a puppy mill in Jones County, N.C. Parascandola hopes h...

The Most Beautifully Depressing Christmas Carol Ever

No one is ever going to say it -- sometimes Christmas isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some years it's too cold, the cookies burn, the tree falls over, the lights get tangled and there's no one to kiss under the mistletoe. And the Other Guys know jus...

What's Hot

Battle of the 'Call Me Maybe' Christmas Lights

We thought "Call Me Maybe" was supposed to die after the summer. But nope, Carly Rae is back and this time she's bringing her mind-numbingly catchy tune to the holidays via a few extra spirited folks with large electricity bills. Prepare for some diz...

Wham + Psy = 'Last Gangnam Christmas'

Last Christmas, Wham gave you their hearts and then you went and gave it away. This Christmas, they're paying you back by making your ears bleed with a "Gangnam Style" mashup courtesy of DJ Paolo Monti. The inescapable Psy hit infiltrates the holiday...

Internet Proclaims This the Worst Video Ever

Spartan High School jumped on the "Gangnam Style" bandwagon, but seems to have missed the vehicle altogether and ended up mangled under the wheels. The New Holland, Pa. school's parody of Psy's impossible-to-escape hit song was proclaimed "the single...

Jay-Z Explains He Is Famous to Old Lady on Subway

It's already the most amazing thing ever that Jay-Z rides the subway to and from his Brooklyn concerts at the Barclays Center with the rest of us peasant straphangers, but it helps even more when little old ladies can't figure out what all the hubbub...

Watch What Happens When Guys and Girls Reverse Roles at the Bar

With music pumping and drinks flowing, the bar scene is full of men on the prowl for women -- or so the stereotype goes. One YouTube video reverses these clichéd gender roles, by imagining what it would be like if "guys and girls swapped roles at the...

Waste Time Watching 'Procrastination: The Musical'

Deadline approaching? Assignment due? Who cares? There's Tumbling to do and Facebooks to stalk. Procrastination is that marvelous ability to drag one's feet until one's toes grind down to bloody stubs. We've all done it; some of us could even be call...