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Moose Peterson +photographers_m_s:fwkxrvw6 eXo h4l7gjc7 Beach +text_en_US:(beach water sand surf underwater waterproof) +type_s:fsdalzed QPY h5d2jv7u Benny Migliorino +photographers_m_s:h4rfehef Ys0 h5d2juxm Beth Wald +photographers_m_s:fb9xse3r 8G0 h5d2juxq Bill Durrence +photographers_m_s:g1p060b0 p2M h5d2juxw Bill Frakes +photographers_m_s:g022fo70 U1Q h5d2juxy Bill Hatcher +photographers_m_s:g699v9hq MqQ h5d2juy0 Bill Landau +photographers_m_s:g699vds4 Ou8 h5d2juy2 Bill Sallaz +photographers_m_s:g7jz8t55 p2U h4l7gjc9 Birds +text_en_US:(bird "caged bird photography" "wild bird" "bird in flight") +type_s:fsdalzec aLc h4l7gjcb Black & White +text_en_US:(b&w "black and white" "black & white" "b and w" monochrome "picture controls" sepia) text_en_US:"no color" RGU h5d2juy6 Bob Krist +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x40 7Xw h5d2juy8 Bob Pearson +photographers_m_s:givvh3r8 jZQ h5d2jv7i Bobbi Lane +photographers_m_s:h379a8d4 wO0 h3sq2r5a Bokeh +text_en_US:(bokeh "maximum aperture" "wide aperture") text_en_US:"fast glass" +type_s:fsdalzec qtc h4l7gjcp COOLPIX +text_en_US:(COOLPIX "compact digital camera" P&S "point and shoot" "poing & shoot") MOc h4l7gjdc CX Format +text_en_US:("CX format" "Nikon 1" EVIL mirrorless) +type_s:fsdalze6 CAg h4l7gjdp Camera Control Pro 2 +text_en_US:("Camera Control Pro 2" "remote shooting software" "Nikon software" "tethered shooting" "wireless control of camera" "camera tethered to computer" "control camera from computer" "remote camera" "remote control software") +type_s:fsdalzec hYk h5d2juyc Carol Freeman +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvsm sOY h5d2juye Carol Stevenson +photographers_m_s:g473wx9k 7AU h5d2juyi Charles Orrico +photographers_m_s:gkpyqw0u znE h5d2juym Cherie Steinberg +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x45 7YE h4l7gjch Child +text_en_US:child +type_s:fsdalzed w9k h5d2juyq Chris Linder +photographers_m_s:gyyj348g UtQ h5d2juys Cindy Dyer +photographers_m_s:gr35ffaw LDQ h5d2juyu Clark Little +photographers_m_s:g588ow8q HTg gz5yiafz Classes +text_en_US:("Nikon School" classes seminar education) +type_s:fsdalze8 16A h5d2juyw Cliff Mautner +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x46 7YI h4l7gjcj Close-Up +text_en_US:(close-up "close up" macro micro-nikkor micro) +type_s:fsdalzec xTM h4l7gjcu Composition +text_en_US:(composition "rule of thirds" "leading lines" curves) +type_s:fsdalzec EwM h5d2juyy Corey Rich +photographers_m_s:fx50m2e6 tFQ h4l7gjcy Creative Lighting System +text_en_US:(CLS "creative lighting system" "Nikon Speedlights" "Speedlight system") +type_s:fsdalze6 zsU h4l7gjeb D-Movie +text_en_US:(HD-SLR D-movie) wy8 h4l7gje0 D-SLR +text_en_US:(D-SLR "digital SLR" "digital single lens reflex" "camera with interchangeable lenses" ) text_en_US:("APS-C format digital camera" "35mm format digital camera") +type_s:fsdalze6 Yhs h4l7gjez DX Format +text_en_US:("DX format" "APS-C image sensor format" "DX vs. FX" "auto DX crop") +type_s:fsdalze6 Ai8 h4l7gjex DX vs. FX +text_en_US:"DX and FX Formats" +type_s:fsdalze6 cW4 h5d2juz2 Daniel J. Cox +photographers_m_s:g1attui2 rNg h5d2juz6 Dave Black +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x41 7X0 h5d2juz8 Dave Mendelsohn +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x43 7X8 h5d2juza David Bergman +photographers_m_s:g588oueb HgI h5d2juze David Doubilet +photographers_m_s:gu5zwusn s3U h5d2juzi David Middleton +photographers_m_s:g1attui1 rNc h5d2juzk David Tejada +text_en_US:("David X. Tejada" "David Tejada") +photographers_m_s:gcqk6lyd TXg h5d2juzm Deborah Sandidge +photographers_m_s:g022fm5n UyI h4l7gjf1 Details +text_en_US:(details close-up "close up" macro micro) +type_s:fsdalzec 0qI h5d2juzo Diana Robinson +photographers_m_s:gtnurqpp T6Q h5d2juzq Diane Berkenfeld +photographers_m_s:ggwcfu48 jig h4l7gjea Digital Image Editing +text_en_US:("digital image editing" "image editing software" "Nikon software" "Nikon View NX2" "Nikon View NX 2" "Nikon Capture NX2" "Nikon Capture NX 2" "digital image management" retouching composites) +type_s:fsdalzed DKk h5d2jv7q Dixie Dixon +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z0 8dc h5d2jv76 Doug Gordon +photographers_m_s:h20zay16 lno h5d2juzu Dustin Snipes +photographers_m_s:ggwcfv77 jm0 h5d2juzw Eddie Soloway +photographers_m_s:g7jz8tzy qYw h5d2jv7c Elizabeth Barbieri +photographers_m_s:h20zbjkd lrY h5d2jv02 Elizabeth Etienne +photographers_m_s:gvl5w86y BXU h4l7gjf5 Exposure +text_en_US:(exposure "exposure metering" "shutter speed" aperture ISO "correct exposure" "exsposure modes" "exposure bracketing" "exposure compensation") text_en_US:(under-exposure "under exposure" over-exposure "over exposure") +type_s:fsdalzec UAE h4l7gjf7 Exposure Compensation +text_en_US:("exposure compensation" "over exposure" "under exposure" +/- "+1 compensation" "-1 compensation" "exposure bracketing") text_en_US:("correct exposure" "exposure metering") +type_s:fsdalzec 4PQ h4lfxzpl FX format +text_en_US:("FX format" "FX format image sensor" "35mm image sensor" "full frame" "auto DX crop" "FX vs DX") +type_s:fsdalze6 FEY h4lfxzpj FX vs. DX +text_en_US:("FX vs. DX" "FX versus DX" "full frame sensor vs APS-C sensor" "auto DX crop" "fx format" "dx format") +type_s:fsdalze6 LKM h3sq2r5e Family +text_en_US:(family kids children babies parents groups newborn seniors grandparents portraits) text_en_US:(indoor outdoor fill-flash low-light "low light") +type_s:fsdalzed 1TU h4l7gjfb Fashion +text_en_US:(fashion "wedding fashion" "fashion portrait" "photographing models" "photographing clothing") text_en_US:(studio location clothes) +type_s:fsdalzed s8U h4lfxzpf Fill Flash +text_en_US:("fill flash" fill-flash "ambient light plus flash" "flash lighting" "supplementing ambient lighting" "supplementing natural lighting") text_en_US:("wireless fill-flash" "wireless fill flash" "on-camera fill" "off-camera fill" "on camera fill" "off camera fill") +type_s:fsdalzec atk h4lfxzph Filters +text_en_US:(filters "in-camera filters" "special effects filters" "polarizing filter" "polarizer filter" "ND filters" "graduated ND filters" "neutral density filters" "grad ND filters") +type_s:fsdalzec R50 h4l7gjfj Fisheye +text_en_US:(fisheye "fish eye" "extreme wide-angle" "fisheye lenses" "nikkor lens technology") text_en_US:("travel lenses" "location lenses" "nature lenses" "landscape lenses" "sports lenses") +type_s:fsdalzed Akc h4l7gjfh Flash +text_en_US:(flash "flash technology" "Speedlight photography" lighting strobes "pop-up flash" "built-in 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+type_s:fsdalzec Dj0 h4lfxzp4 Fundamentals +text_en_US:(Fundamentals "basic photography" "beginner photography" "photography 101") text_en_US:("basic photography classes" "basic photography workshops" "Nikon School") +type_s:fsdalzec GRQ h4lfxzpp Garden +text_en_US:(garden flowers trees ponds vegetables greenery) +type_s:fsdalzec +photographers_m_s:gr35ffaw pfw h5d2jv7k George DeWolfe +photographers_m_s:h379a8d6 wO8 h4lfxzpr Geotagging +text_en_US:(geotagging geotag GPS "global positioning satellite") +type_s:fsdalzec sEs h4lfxzzm HD-SLR Video Multimedia Workshop +text_en_US:("HD-SLR Video Multimedia Workshop" "Nikon School" multimedia location education) +type_s:fsdalzee 0Wk h4lfxzpt HDR +text_en_US:(HDR "high dynamic range" "in-camera HDR" "in camera HDR" "dynamic range") BXs h5d2jv0k Harold Davis +photographers_m_s:g1p062nc qEw h4lfxzpx Histogram +text_en_US:(histogram "reading histograms" blinkies) text_en_US:("in-camera over exposure indicator" "in-camera under exposure indicator") +type_s:fsdalzed em8 h91fgzq1 Holidays +text_en_US:(holidays family) Ens gyqh325g ISO +text_en_US:(ISO "light sensitivity" "image sensor sensitivity" ASA) text_en_US:("low ISO" "high ISO" "high ISO noise reduction" "high ISO NR reduction") FGY h4lfxzqk In-Camera HDR +text_en_US:("in-camera HDR" "in camera HDR" "high dynamic range") +type_s:fsdalze6 OP8 h4lfxzq2 Inspiration +text_en_US:(inspiration creativity creative "professional photographers tips" "photography ideas") +type_s:fsdalzed TQU h4lfxzqd Interval Timer +text_en_US:("interval timer" intervalometer "time lapse" "time lapse movies") 08Y h4lfxzz9 Introduction to Digital SLR Photography +text_en_US:("Introduction to Digital SLR Photography" class "Nikon School" location "basic photography education") +type_s:fsdalze8 HoA h5d2jv0q Jack Dykinga +photographers_m_s:ga5bvk2j 5f0 h5d2jv7o James Neeley +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z1 8dg h5d2jv0w Jay Maisel +photographers_m_s:g473ww5p 670 h5d2jv0y Jennifer Loomis +photographers_m_s:h0bktwlu YDY h5d2jv12 Jerry Dodrill +photographers_m_s:gyyj348a Us4 h5d2jv14 Jim Balog +text_en_US:("Jim Balog" "James Balog" EIS) text_en_US:("Chasing Ice" glaciers "climate change" "global warming") +type_s:fsdalze9 +photographers_m_s:fu02md4y bEI h5d2jv78 Jim Brandenburg +photographers_m_s:h20zay17 lns h5d2jv16 Jim Harmer +photographers_m_s:gxtlwo74 t-8 h5d2jv1c Jim Reed +photographers_m_s:ftlzi56r USU h5d2jv1e Jim Richardson +photographers_m_s:fx50m1ww tOI h5d2jv1i Jody Dole +photographers_m_s:fu02mcar JaE h5d2jv1o Joe McNally +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x47 7YM h5d2jv1k Joel Berlinghieri +photographers_m_s:gvl5w86z BXY h5d2jv1q John Conn +photographers_m_s:g588ow8x HT8 h5d2jv1u John Shaw +photographers_m_s:fow1c4d9 daI h5d2jv22 Julie Larsen Maher +photographers_m_s:g0sm5qsk 6LA h5d2jv24 Justin Black +photographers_m_s:gwe8d4iw CMI h5d2jv26 Karen Kasmauski +photographers_m_s:ftlzi4lf UmI h5d2jv28 Karen Kuehn +photographers_m_s:gtnurq6r ThA h5d2jv2a Karen Wagner +photographers_m_s:gv5c1ye0 Sak h5d2jv2e Kevin Gilbert +photographers_m_s:g699vb26 OMg h5d2jv2m Kristine Bosworth +photographers_m_s:fehg2aun a0c h4lfxzql Landscape +text_en_US:(landscape outdoors) +type_s:fsdalzed LF4 h5d2jv7a Laurie Bailey +photographers_m_s:h20zay18 lnw h5d2jv2u Layne Kennedy +photographers_m_s:gl1uy4e3 S3s h4lfxzqz Lenses +text_en_US:(lens nikkor "nikkor lenses" "1 nikkor lenses" "interchangeable lens" "lens technology" "zoom lens" "prime lens" telephoto teleconverter "wide angle lens" "d-slr lenses" "camera lenses" macro fisheye "mirrorless camera lenses") +type_s:fsdalze6 NKg h4lfxzqs Lighting +text_en_US:(lighting "lighting techniques" "flash lighting" ambient natural Speedlights strobe "lighitng with flash" "lighting with strobes") text_en_US:("Joe McNally" "David Tejada" "Bob Krist") +type_s:fsdalzec qXA h4lfxzr8 Lightning +text_en_US:(lightning "safely photographing lighning" storm "lightning trigger") +type_s:fsdalzec +photographers_m_s:ftlzi56r zSc h5d2jv2w Lindsay Silverman +photographers_m_s:fcy20ht4 PY8 h4lfxzr1 Low Light +text_en_US:("high ISO" "film speed" "maximum aperture" "low light" low-light) X7M gz5yiafs Macro +text_en_US:(macro "macro lens technology" micro-nikkor "macro photography" "micro photography" "close-up photography" lifesize) text_en_US:(flowers insects details) UR8 h5d2jv34 Mark Alberhasky +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvt3 sLM h4lfxzrj Maternity +text_en_US:(maternity "expecting moms" "pregnant women" "pregnant woman" "maternity portraits") +type_s:fsdalzec +photographers_m_s:h0bktwlu Tt4 h4lfxzs7 Metering +text_en_US:(metering exposure "shutter speed" aperture ISO "exposure metering") +type_s:fsdalzec p9o h5d2jv3i Michael Clark +photographers_m_s:g022fnp4 VLY h5d2jv3k Michael Crouser +photographers_m_s:g699vb27 OMk h5d2jv7e Michael Earley +photographers_m_s:h20zbjkr lsQ h4lfxzrh Micro +text_en_US:(micro micro-NIKKOR lifesize "half lifesize") +type_s:fsdalze6 NKI h4lfxzre Micro NIKKOR +text_en_US:(micro-NIKKOR "micro photography" close-up lifesize "half life size") +type_s:fsdalze6 Ny8 h5d2jv3u Mike Corrado +photographers_m_s:fcpjj1ls Px4 h4lfxzs3 Moiré +text_en_US:(moiré moire "false color" "minimizing moire" "minimizing moiré" "optical low pass filter") +type_s:fsdalze6 ztE h4lfxzrl Movies +text_en_US:(movies d-movies video "hd video" "full hd-video") +type_s:fsdalzec 6b8 h4lfxzsa Multimedia +text_en_US:(multimedia storytelling "video and still images" "editing video and photos") text_en_US:("full HD video" "still images" "HD video" multimedia) +type_s:fsdalzec vKA h4lfxzs5 Multiple Exposure +text_en_US:("multiple exposure" "double exposure" "image overlay") +type_s:fsdalzec B-c h4lfxzu4 NEF +text_en_US:(NEF nef "Nikon electronic file" "file formats" "RAW file format" "Nikon raw file format") +type_s:fsdalze6 iAw h4lfxztn NIKKOR Lenses +text_en_US:("nikkor lens technology" "nikkor lens") +type_s:fsdalze6 PDQ gz5yiaft Nature Photography +text_en_US:(nature flora flowers wilderness) text_en_US:(outdoors wildlife outside) +type_s:fsdalzec bJ8 h4lfxzzb Next Steps - Color, Light, Technology +text_en_US:("Next Steps - Color Light Technology" class "Nikon School" intermediate advanced education location) +type_s:fsdalze8 U4k h5d2jv40 Nick Didlick +photographers_m_s:givvh3r9 jZU gz5yiafj Nikon 1 +text_en_US:("Nikon 1" "advanced camera with interchangeable lenses" EVIL "EVIL digital camera" "mirrorless digital camera" "interchangeable lens camera" ACIL A-CIL) +type_s:fsdalze6 i70 h4lfxztr Nikon School +text_en_US:("Nikon School" "Introduction to Digital SLR photography" "Next Steps Color Light Technology" "HD-SLR video multimedia workshop") text_en_US:(class education "hd video education" "location class" "basic class" "advanced class" "beginner class" "Nikon School of underwater photography") +type_s:fsdalze8 a-s h4lfxzzo Nikon School of Underwater Photography +text_en_US:("Nikon School of Underwater Photography" workshop underwater) +type_s:fsdalzee FPE h4lfxzzq Nikon Technologies +text_en_US:("Nikon technology" "Nikon technologies" "NIKKOR technology" "Nikon 1 technology" "Speedlight technology" tech "D-SLR technology" "COOLPIX technology" technology "camera technology") +type_s:fsdalze6 KAQ h5ftttc2 Nikon World Articles +type_s:fsdalze9 08U gz5yiafu Occasions +text_en_US:(occasion event wedding "corporate event") +type_s:fsdalzed i9w h4lfxzuo Outdoor +text_en_US:("outdoor portraits" "outdoor photography" outdoor outdoors outside) +type_s:fsdalzec Uh4 h4lfxzyt POP Mentor Series Workshops +text_en_US:("POP Mentor Series Workshop" "POP workshop" "Mentor Series" "Popular Photography magazine workshop" location workshop "lighting workshop") +type_s:fsdalzee 3cs h4lfxzvj Painting with Light +text_en_US:("painting with light" flashlights Speedlights flash "popping flashes") text_en_US:("Dave Black" "Pete Saloutos") +type_s:fsdalzec 5h0 h4lfxzvn Panning +text_en_US:(panning "panning action" "panning composite" "pan the camera") text_en_US:("Tony Sweet" "Dave Black") +type_s:fsdalzec f8I h4lfxzuy Panorama +text_en_US:(panorama panoramic "easy panorama" "panorama assist" "making a panorama" "stitching images") YuI h5d2jv42 Parker Pfister +photographers_m_s:gvl5w872 BTU h5d2jv44 Pat O’Hara +photographers_m_s:ftiz107v QD4 h5d2jv46 Paul Van Allen +photographers_m_s:ggphn20m 73o h4lfxzvh Perspective Control +text_en_US:("perspective control" "PC-E lens" PC "fixing perspective" "correcting perspective" "skewed perspective") text_en_US:(architecture architectural buildings location nature panorama) +type_s:fsdalzec rhc h5d2jv7g Pete Saloutos +photographers_m_s:h379a7oy wU4 h5d2jv4a Pete Turner +photographers_m_s:g1attv1i q7g h5d2jv48 Peter Hemming +photographers_m_s:g93p3c8j vDI h4lfxzus Pets +text_en_US:pets 30k h4lfxzv1 Photojournalism +text_en_US:(photojournalism "photo journalism" candid "photo essay" "war photography" news "hard news" "wedding photojournalism" "environmental portraits" location) text_en_US:("environmental conservation" sports "professional sports" "amateur sports") +type_s:fsdalzed jJY h4lfxzuq Picture Controls +text_en_US:("picture control" b&w "black and white" b&w vivid "in-camera picture control" sepia monochrome cyanotype filters standard neutral) text_en_US:("Diane Berkenfeld" "Diana Robinson") +type_s:fsdalzec 3oA h4lfxzvf Polarizing Filter +text_en_US:(polarizer "polarizing filter" "screw on filter" "special effects filter" "when to use" "reduce reflections" "how to use") +type_s:fsdalzed dTM h4lfxzv2 Portrait +text_en_US:(portrait "studio portrait" headshot portraiture) text_en_US:("formal portrait" "candid portrait" "fill-flash portrait" "fill flash portrait" "flash portrait") +type_s:fsdalzec UKk h4lfxzuw Prime Lens +text_en_US:("prime lens" "fixed focal length lens") +type_s:fsdalze6 woA h4lfxzuu Professional Photography +text_en_US:("professional photography" "professional photographer" "pro photographer" "part time photographer" "making a living as a pro photographer" "pro photography tips" non-amateur "non amateur" "weekend warrior") +type_s:fsdalzed Qt8 h4lfxzvo Red-Eye +text_en_US:(red-eye "red eye" "red-eye reduction" "red eye reduction") +type_s:fsdalze6 XEg h5d2jv4c Reed Hoffmann +photographers_m_s:fu02mduk Jlc h5d2jv4m Rigoberto Perdomo +photographers_m_s:gnuxhhcg Ym8 h5d2jv4w Rob Van Petten +photographers_m_s:fx50m1zd tOQ h5d2jv4o Robert Beck +text_en_US:("Robert Beck" "Sports Illustrated") +photographers_m_s:fy1hs55y fqA h5d2jv4s Robert Rathe +photographers_m_s:g588ow9f HTQ h5d2jv7w Robin Layton +photographers_m_s:h4rfehee Ysw h5d2jv4y Rochester Institute of Photography +photographers_m_s:gnuxhhch YnA h5d2jv50 Rod Planck +photographers_m_s:g3cu6lvy fIA h4lfxzw1 Safari +text_en_US:(safari wildlife animal zoo ) +type_s:fsdalzed UVw h5d2jv58 Sal Sessa +photographers_m_s:gpaill74 UI8 h5d2jv5a Sam Garcia +photographers_m_s:g1p063uc qK4 h5d2jv5c Sam Hung +photographers_m_s:g022fm5q UyU h4lfxzz1 Santa Fe Workshops +text_en_US:("Santa Fe Workshop" travel) text_en_US:mentor +type_s:fsdalzee i90 h4lfxzwk Scene modes +text_en_US:("scene mode" "using scene modes" "scene modes") xlk h5ycy9wk Slow Motion Video +text_en_US:("slow motion" "slow motion video") +type_s:fsdalzec XAY h4lfxzwp Smart Portrait System +text_en_US:("smart portrait system" "blink proof" blinkproof "smile timer" retouching "face detection" "Nikon technology" "Nikon technologies") +type_s:fsdalze6 bpI h4lfxzw7 Special Effects +text_en_US:("special effect" filter "special effect mode") +type_s:fsdalzec Qiw h4lfxzw3 Sports +text_en_US:(sports athletes athletics) text_en_US:("corey rich" "lucas gilman" "bill frakes" "dave black" "dustin snipes") 4RI h4lfxzz7 Sports Shooter Academy +text_en_US:("Sports Shooter Academy" sports action location athletes) +type_s:fsdalzee zTo h4lfxzww Spring +text_en_US:(spring flowers rain season) +type_s:fsdalzed u44 h4lfxzvt Star Trails +text_en_US:("star trail" "photographing the night sky" astrophotography) text_en_US:("Deborah Sandidge" "Harold Davis" "Pete Saloutos" "Fred Espenak") +type_s:fsdalzec 2D0 h5d2jv5q Steve Heiner +photographers_m_s:fehg2djp a48 h5d2jv5s Steve Uzzell +photographers_m_s:gyyj35f9 VBk h5d2jv7s Stewart D. Halperin +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z2 8dk h4lfxzwy Storytelling +text_en_US:(storytelling multimedia "multimedia storytelling" "photo essays" "photos and video") +type_s:fsdalzec YL4 h4lfxzw5 Studio +text_en_US:studio EGM h4lfxzwu Summer +text_en_US:("summer season" underwater beach waterproof outdoor) +type_s:fsdalzed aXM h5d2jv5w Summer Lyn +photographers_m_s:gimqpzlf KCM h4lfxzz5 Summit Series Workshops +text_en_US:("Summit Series Workshop" "Summit Series" "Rich Clarkson" nature sports multimedia) +type_s:fsdalzee Yjw h4lfxzwq Sunset +text_en_US:(sunset sunrise dusk dawn low-light "low light") +type_s:fsdalzec +photographers_m_s:gxtlwo74 IeU h5d2jv5y Susan Stripling +photographers_m_s:g93p3cow vcA h4lfxzxe TTL +text_en_US:(TTL "through the lens" "ttl metering" "ttl flash" Speedlight i-ttl lighting) +type_s:fsdalzec DIc gz5yiag2 Techniques +text_en_US:technique +type_s:fsdalzec 63w h91fgtjd Teleconverters +text_en_US:(teleconverter "tele converter" teleconvertor TC) text_en_US:(NIKKOR lens lenses) zI4 h4lfxzxc Telephoto text_en_US:("Nikon telephoto zoom lens" "nikon fixed focal length telephoto lens" "super telephoto lens") +type_s:fsdalze6 hog h5d2jv64 Therese Aldgard +photographers_m_s:g7jz8t8s p7g h5ycy9wi Time Lapse Photography +text_en_US:("time lapse" time-lapse "time lapse video" "interval timer" intervalometer) +type_s:fsdalzec II4 h4lfy004 Tips +text_en_US:tip +type_s:fsdalzed R-o h5d2jv6a Todd and Jamie Reichman +photographers_m_s:gvl5w870 BTM h5d2jv6e Tom Bol +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvsh sOE h5d2jv6m Tony Sweet +photographers_m_s:ftlzi4hr UlI gzlm2rdp Travel +text_en_US:("travel photography" vacation travels) +type_s:fsdalzec xpg gzlm2re7 Underwater +text_en_US:("underwater photography" "waterproof camera" "underwater photographer" "beach photography" "photographing on the water") text_en_US:("Wolcott Henry" "David Doubilet" "Paul Van Allen") +type_s:fsdalzec hz4 h4lfxzxi Vibration Reduction +text_en_US:("vibraiton reduction technology" VR "VR image stabilization" "VR II" VRII) +type_s:fsdalze6 Ee0 h4lfxzxg Video +text_en_US:(video "how to shoot video" "how-to shoot video" "shooting video" "shooting hd video" "full hd video" "hd video" multimedia) text_en_US:(videographer videography) +type_s:fsdalzec 5QA h4lfy00i Video Tutorial +text_en_US:(video tutorial "video tutorial" "video lesson") +type_s:fsdalzec eaI h4lfxzyp Visionary Wild Workshops +text_en_US:("Visionary Wild Workshops" "Justin Black" travel) +type_s:fsdalzee 9B8 gzlm2re6 Weddings +text_en_US:(wedding "bridal portrait" "wedding photojournalism" "wedding pj") 8pk h5d2jv6w Weldon Lee +photographers_m_s:g1p064am qF0 gyqh325f White balance +text_en_US:("white balance" "setting white balance" "white balance setting" WB) text_en_US:(tungsten daylight incandescent flash Speedlight kelvin "sodium vapor" flourescent shade cloudy) +type_s:fsdalzec TQ0 h4lfxzxs Wide-Angle +text_en_US:("wide angle" wide-angle fisheye "fish eye" "extreme wide angle lens" "focal length") +type_s:fsdalze6 9kY h4lfxzy7 Wildlife +text_en_US:(wildlife safari zoo) +type_s:fsdalzec Zcc h4lfxzxp Winter +text_en_US:(cold "winter season" "how to shoot in winter" "using cameras in the cold" "how-to shoot in winter" "winter landscapes") text_en_US:("moose peterson" "weldon lee") +type_s:fsdalzed +photographers_m_s:fwkxrvw6 w8M h5d2jv70 Wolcott Henry +photographers_m_s:gyyj3436 UoA h4lfxzya Workshops +text_en_US:(workshop seminar location education) +type_s:fsdalzee XyI gz5yiag6 Zoom +text_en_US:(Zoom-NIKKOR zoom zooming "zoom lenses" "telephoto zoom" "supertelephoto zoom") j04 Featured ybY NONE SINGLE h3sq2r5a Bokeh +text_en_US:(bokeh "maximum aperture" "wide aperture") text_en_US:"fast glass" +type_s:fsdalzec qtc0 gyqh325g ISO +text_en_US:(ISO "light sensitivity" "image sensor sensitivity" ASA) text_en_US:("low ISO" "high ISO" "high ISO noise reduction" "high ISO NR reduction") FGY0 gz5yiafs Macro +text_en_US:(macro "macro lens technology" micro-nikkor "macro photography" "micro photography" "close-up photography" lifesize) text_en_US:(flowers insects details) UR80 h4lfxzpx Histogram +text_en_US:(histogram "reading histograms" blinkies) text_en_US:("in-camera over exposure indicator" "in-camera under exposure indicator") +type_s:fsdalzed em80 h4lfxzpb Focal Length +text_en_US:("focal length" "fixed focal length lens" "nikkor lens" "understanding focal length") text_en_US:("wide angle" telephoto "prime lens") 2os0 h4lfxzpt HDR +text_en_US:(HDR "high dynamic range" "in-camera HDR" "in camera HDR" "dynamic range") BXs0 h4l7gjcb Black & White +text_en_US:(b&w "black and white" "black & white" "b and w" monochrome "picture controls" sepia) text_en_US:"no color" RGU0 h4l7gjbw Aperture +text_en_US:(aperture "maximum aperture" bokeh) +type_s:fsdalzec A3Q0 h4l7gjex DX vs. FX +text_en_US:"DX and FX Formats" +type_s:fsdalze6 cW40 h4lfxzxg Video +text_en_US:(video "how to shoot video" "how-to shoot video" "shooting video" "shooting hd video" "full hd video" "hd video" multimedia) text_en_US:(videographer videography) +type_s:fsdalzec 5QA0 h4lfxzzq Nikon Technologies +text_en_US:("Nikon technology" "Nikon technologies" "NIKKOR technology" "Nikon 1 technology" "Speedlight technology" tech "D-SLR technology" "COOLPIX technology" technology "camera technology") +type_s:fsdalze6 KAQ0 h4l7gjfh Flash +text_en_US:(flash "flash technology" "Speedlight photography" lighting strobes "pop-up flash" "built-in flash" "wireless flash" "flash exposure" "flash exposure compensation" "FP high speed sync" "repeating flash" "off camera flash" "off-camera flash" "off-camera fill-flash") text_en_US:("lighting diagrams" "lighting techniques" "close-up lighting" "close up lighting" "Joe McNally" "David Tejada" "Bob Krist") +type_s:fsdalzec vCU0 gzlm2rdp Travel +text_en_US:("travel photography" vacation travels) +type_s:fsdalzec xpg0 h3sq2r58 Astrophotography +text_en_US:("star trail" "lunar eclipse" "solar eclipse") +type_s:fsdalzec R2Q0 h4l7gjf5 Exposure +text_en_US:(exposure "exposure metering" "shutter speed" aperture ISO "correct exposure" "exsposure modes" "exposure bracketing" "exposure compensation") text_en_US:(under-exposure "under exposure" over-exposure "over exposure") +type_s:fsdalzec UAE0 gz5yiaft Nature Photography +text_en_US:(nature flora flowers wilderness) text_en_US:(outdoors wildlife outside) +type_s:fsdalzec bJ80 h4l7gjeb D-Movie +text_en_US:(HD-SLR D-movie) wy80 h4l7gjby Autumn +text_en_US:(autumn "fall foliage" "autumn leaves" "autumn foliage" "fall leaves" "autumn photography" "fall photography") fls0 h4l7gjcu Composition +text_en_US:(composition "rule of thirds" "leading lines" curves) +type_s:fsdalzec EwM0 h4l7gjfa Food +text_en_US:(food "foodies photographing food" "food stylist" "food styling" "lighting food" "photography of apetizing food") +type_s:fsdalzec Xks0 h4l7gjcj Close-Up +text_en_US:(close-up "close up" macro micro-nikkor micro) +type_s:fsdalzec xTM0 h91fgtjd Teleconverters +text_en_US:(teleconverter "tele converter" teleconvertor TC) text_en_US:(NIKKOR lens lenses) zI40 gzlm2re6 Weddings +text_en_US:(wedding "bridal portrait" "wedding photojournalism" "wedding pj") 8pk0 h4lfxzuy Panorama +text_en_US:(panorama panoramic "easy panorama" "panorama assist" "making a panorama" "stitching images") YuI0 h4l7gjcp COOLPIX +text_en_US:(COOLPIX "compact digital camera" P&S "point and shoot" "poing & shoot") MOc0 h4lfxzs3 Moiré +text_en_US:(moiré moire "false color" "minimizing moire" "minimizing moiré" "optical low pass filter") +type_s:fsdalze6 ztE0 gz5yiafj Nikon 1 +text_en_US:("Nikon 1" "advanced camera with interchangeable lenses" EVIL "EVIL digital camera" "mirrorless digital camera" "interchangeable lens camera" ACIL A-CIL) +type_s:fsdalze6 i700 h4lfxzvj Painting with Light +text_en_US:("painting with light" flashlights Speedlights flash "popping flashes") text_en_US:("Dave Black" "Pete Saloutos") +type_s:fsdalzec 5h00 h4lfxzya Workshops +text_en_US:(workshop seminar location education) +type_s:fsdalzee XyI0 gz5yiafz Classes +text_en_US:("Nikon School" classes seminar education) +type_s:fsdalze8 16A0 h4lfxztn NIKKOR Lenses +text_en_US:("nikkor lens technology" "nikkor lens") +type_s:fsdalze6 PDQ0 h4lfxzuq Picture Controls +text_en_US:("picture control" b&w "black and white" b&w vivid "in-camera picture control" sepia monochrome cyanotype filters standard neutral) text_en_US:("Diane Berkenfeld" "Diana Robinson") +type_s:fsdalzec 3oA0 gz5yiag6 Zoom +text_en_US:(Zoom-NIKKOR zoom zooming "zoom lenses" "telephoto zoom" "supertelephoto zoom") j040 h4lfxzr1 Low Light +text_en_US:("high ISO" "film speed" "maximum aperture" "low light" low-light) X7M0 h4lfxzv2 Portrait +text_en_US:(portrait "studio portrait" headshot portraiture) text_en_US:("formal portrait" "candid portrait" "fill-flash portrait" "fill flash portrait" "flash portrait") +type_s:fsdalzec UKk0 h4lfxzw3 Sports +text_en_US:(sports athletes athletics) text_en_US:("corey rich" "lucas gilman" "bill frakes" "dave black" "dustin snipes") 4RI0 gz5yiag2 Techniques +text_en_US:technique +type_s:fsdalzec 63w0 h4lfy004 Tips +text_en_US:tip +type_s:fsdalzed R-o0 gzlm2re7 Underwater +text_en_US:("underwater photography" "waterproof camera" "underwater photographer" "beach photography" "photographing on the water") text_en_US:("Wolcott Henry" "David Doubilet" "Paul Van Allen") +type_s:fsdalzec hz40 h4lfy00i Video Tutorial +text_en_US:(video tutorial "video tutorial" "video lesson") +type_s:fsdalzec eaI0 h4lfxzy7 Wildlife +text_en_US:(wildlife safari zoo) +type_s:fsdalzec Zcc0 Author and Photographer vH8 NONE SINGLE g0sm5qsk Julie Larsen Maher / WCS +photographers_m_s:g0sm5qsk 6LA0 fd3ouvt3 Mark Alberhasky +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvt3 sLM0 g7jz8t8s Therese Aldgard +photographers_m_s:g7jz8t8s p7g0 h20zay18 Laurie Bailey +photographers_m_s:h20zay18 lnw0 fu02md4y Jim Balog +photographers_m_s:fu02md4y JJ4 h20zbjkd Elizabeth Barbieri +photographers_m_s:h20zbjkd lrY0 fy1hs55y Robert Beck +photographers_m_s:fy1hs55y jhE g588oueb David Bergman +photographers_m_s:g588oueb HgI0 ggwcfu48 Diane Berkenfeld +photographers_m_s:ggwcfu48 jig0 gvl5w86z Joel Berlinghieri +photographers_m_s:gvl5w86z BXY0 fbgj8x41 Dave Black +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x41 7X00 gwe8d4iw Justin Black +photographers_m_s:gwe8d4iw CMI0 fd3ouvsh Tom Bol +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvsh sOE0 fehg2aun Kristine Bosworth +photographers_m_s:fehg2aun a0c0 h20zay17 Jim Brandenburg +photographers_m_s:h20zay17 lns0 g022fnp4 Michael Clark +photographers_m_s:g022fnp4 VLY0 g588ow8x John Conn +photographers_m_s:g588ow8x HT80 fcpjj1ls Mike Corrado +photographers_m_s:fcpjj1ls Px40 fvicbh3j Michael Corrado +authors_m_s:fvicbh3j Yko g1attui2 Daniel J. Cox +photographers_m_s:g1attui2 rNg0 g699vb27 Michael Crouser +photographers_m_s:g699vb27 OMk0 fx50m1k6 Ann Elliott Cutting +photographers_m_s:fx50m1k6 tE00 g1p062nc Harold Davis +photographers_m_s:g1p062nc qEw0 h379a8d6 George DeWolfe +photographers_m_s:h379a8d6 wO80 givvh3r9 Nick Didlick +photographers_m_s:givvh3r9 jZU0 h3w3a2z0 Dixie Dixon +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z0 8dc0 gyyj348a Jerry Dodrill +photographers_m_s:gyyj348a Us40 fu02mcar Jody Dole +photographers_m_s:fu02mcar JaE0 gu5zwusn David Doubilet +photographers_m_s:gu5zwusn s3U0 fre4a0qj Bill Durrence +authors_m_s:fre4a0qj aj4 g1p060b0 Bill Durrence +photographers_m_s:g1p060b0 p2M0 gr35ffaw Cindy Dyer +photographers_m_s:gr35ffaw LDQ0 ga5bvk2j Jack Dykinga +photographers_m_s:ga5bvk2j 5f00 h20zbjkr Michael Earley +photographers_m_s:h20zbjkr lsQ0 h1r1l9l8 Fred Espenak +photographers_m_s:h1r1l9l8 D2o0 gvl5w86y Elizabeth Etienne +photographers_m_s:gvl5w86y BXU0 fvicbg02 Bill Fortney +authors_m_s:fvicbg02 Ycw g022fo70 Bill Frakes +photographers_m_s:g022fo70 U1Q0 fd3ouvsm Carol Freeman +photographers_m_s:fd3ouvsm sOY0 g1p063uc Sam Garcia +photographers_m_s:g1p063uc qK40 g699vb26 Kevin Gilbert +photographers_m_s:g699vb26 OMg0 g93p3d3h Kevin Gilbert +authors_m_s:g93p3d3h 0qg gvl5w871 Alfie Goodrich +photographers_m_s:gvl5w871 BTQ0 h20zay16 Doug Gordon +photographers_m_s:h20zay16 lno0 h3w3a2z2 Stewart D. Halperin +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z2 8dk0 gxtlwo74 Jim Harmer +photographers_m_s:gxtlwo74 t-80 g699v9hq Bill Hatcher +photographers_m_s:g699v9hq MqQ0 fehg2djp Steve Heiner +photographers_m_s:fehg2djp a480 g1p062le Steve Heiner +authors_m_s:g1p062le vqo g93p3c8j Peter Hemming +photographers_m_s:g93p3c8j vDI0 gyyj3436 Wolcott Henry +photographers_m_s:gyyj3436 UoA0 fu02mduk Reed Hoffmann +photographers_m_s:fu02mduk Jlc0 g9mqny6c Reed Hoffmann +authors_m_s:g9mqny6c DwE g699vcpg Allen Holder +authors_m_s:g699vcpg UUY g022fm5q Sam Hung +photographers_m_s:g022fm5q UyU0 ftlzi4lf Karen Kasmauski +photographers_m_s:ftlzi4lf UmI0 fvicbh3i Karen Kasmauski +authors_m_s:fvicbh3i Ykk gl1uy4e3 Layne Kennedy +photographers_m_s:gl1uy4e3 S3s0 ftt52d7d Andrew Kornylak +photographers_m_s:ftt52d7d ln80 fbgj8x40 Bob Krist +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x40 7Xw0 gtnurq6r Karen Kuehn +photographers_m_s:gtnurq6r ThA0 g699vds4 Bill Landau +photographers_m_s:g699vds4 Ou80 h379a8d4 Bobbi Lane +photographers_m_s:h379a8d4 wO00 h4rfehee Robin Layton +photographers_m_s:h4rfehee Ysw0 g1p064am Weldon Lee +photographers_m_s:g1p064am qF00 gyyj348g Chris Linder +photographers_m_s:gyyj348g UtQ0 g588ow8q Clark Little +photographers_m_s:g588ow8q HTg0 h0bktwlu Jennifer Loomis +photographers_m_s:h0bktwlu YDY0 gimqpzlf Summer Lyn +photographers_m_s:gimqpzlf KCM0 h20zay19 Alison Lyons +photographers_m_s:h20zay19 ln00 g473ww5p Jay Maisel +photographers_m_s:g473ww5p 6700 fbgj8x46 Cliff Mautner +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x46 7YI0 fbgj8x47 Joe McNally +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x47 7YM0 fbgj8x43 Dave Mendelsohn +photographers_m_s:fbgj8x43 7X80 ft7fz60f Arthur Meyerson +photographers_m_s:ft7fz60f FMA0 g1attui1 David Middleton +photographers_m_s:g1attui1 rNc0 h4rfehef Benny Migliorino +photographers_m_s:h4rfehef Ys00 ga5bvjf1 Amyn Nasser +photographers_m_s:ga5bvjf1 5v80 h3w3a2z1 James Neeley +photographers_m_s:h3w3a2z1 8dg0 gkpyqw0u Charles Orrico +photographers_m_s:gkpyqw0u znE0 ftiz107v Pat O’Hara +photographers_m_s:ftiz107v QD40 givvh3r8 Bob Pearson +photographers_m_s:givvh3r8 jZQ0 gnuxhhcg Rigoberto Perdomo +photographers_m_s:gnuxhhcg Ym80 fvttrrqv B. Moose Peterson +authors_m_s:fvttrrqv 7QA fwkxrvw6 B. 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