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Wikipidiya:Ayllupaq p'anqa

Kayman riy: wamp'una, maskana
Discusión inca.jpg

Wikipidiyaman allinmi hamusqaykichik

Ch'askachaw 9 nuwimri 2012


[allichay] Bot flag requests

[allichay] Egmontbot

  • Operator: Egmontaz
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia framework
  • Already has bot flag on: 41 wikis: an, ar, arz, bat-smg, be-x-old, bg, bn, br, bs, ca, cs, el, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, gl, he, hr, hu, it, ka, lv, mhr, mk, ms, oc, pnt, ru, sh, simple, sk, sl, sq, sw, th, tr, vo, zh (verify)
Thanks! --Egmontaz 10:26 26 awr 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Diego Grez Bot

Done. --Mav 00:16 27 hul 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] WikitanvirBot

  • Operator  : Wikitanvir
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Edit period(s)  : Daily
  • Edit rate requested  : 2/3 edits per minute at most
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, see here
  • Function Details  : Bot will patrol recent changes and new pages, and add, remove, or modify interwiki links in autonomous mode.

Currently doing some test edits. Notify me if there is a problem. — Tanvir • 12:06 1 ukt 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Mjbmrbot

  • Operator  : Mjbmr
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, see here
  • Function Details  : Just interwikis, thank Mjbmr Talk 08:49 8 dis 2010 (UTC)
Done per bot policy. Dferg 22:37 10 dis 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Ripchip Bot

Thanks in advance. Béria Lima msg 15:04 5 mar 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] HiW-Bot

  • Operator  : Hedwig in Washington
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki, Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel so it can be used properly and easy. Double redirects will be added shortly
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes: DE, EN, AR, NL, NN, KA, DA, BE-X-OLD, BAT-SMG, ARZ and LB, others pending. see here
  • Function Details  : just using the standard interwiki.py; parameters: -auto -all - log -catr

I humbly request bot status on this wiki in order to update Interwiki, and improve Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel so it can be used properly and easy by everyone.

Thank you for consideration! --Hedwig in Washington 23:38 3 sit 2011 (UTC)

Granted --Bencmq 13:28 19 ukt 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Vagobot

Vago 14:14 28 sit 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Rimachina

[allichay] Wikimania Scholarships

The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:

Yours very truly, Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

[allichay] Stub plantillata qullusunchik

Kaytam munani: Plantilla:Stub ({{stub}}) nisqatam qullunchikman, kastillanu, aliman, nrilandis wikipidiyakunapi hina. Kay Wikipidiyapiqa achka uchuylla qillqakunam, chayrayku chay stub plantillaqa manam yanapawanchikchu. Qullusunchik! -- AlimanRunawillaway 10:48 18 may 2010 (UTC) Kaypi qhaway: Wikipidiya:Qulluy/Plantilla:Stub


Gracias al trabajo de Diego Grez de Wikipedia Aymara, ahora la Wikipedia en Quechua cuenta con un nuevo logo acorde con los cambios que se vienen realizando en la Wikipedia en general.

Nuevo logo Qhichwa Wikipidiya
  • Si alguien sabe como cambiar el logo, por favor hacer el cambio.--Kanon6917 00:14 15 hun 2010 (UTC)
Kay hinataqmi kachun!!! :-) -- AlimanRunawillaway 08:21 15 hun 2010 (UTC)
Ichataq manaraqmi yachanichu ima hinam wakinchayta. Qhawasaq. -- AlimanRunawillaway 08:22 15 hun 2010 (UTC)
Sugiero subir nuevo logo en File:Wiki.png, reemplazando el actual. --Diego Grez 02:41 17 hun 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Canal IRC (#wikipedia-qu), chat para la comunidad

Con el objetivo de una mejor comunicacion entre los usuarios activos de la Wikipidiya Quechua, el usuario Diego Grez ha contribuido con la creacion de un cana IRC #wikipedia-qu, con el cual podemos comunicarnos a modo de chat o msn de manera mas rapida para planificar y discutir los avances que realicemos en la Wikipidiya. Para ingresar solo incluyan su nombre (nick) y escriban #wikipedia-qu

La direcciondel canal esta aqui: Canal IRC Wikipidiya QU

  • Se usa el código de la Wikipedia Aymara, pero el canal servirá para ambas, ya que son muy similares. --Diego Grez 23:45 18 hun 2010 (UTC)
  • Como ambas direcciones estan activas no veo el problema que sean independientes, creo que seria lo mas adecuado.--Kanon6917 06:18 25 hun 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Flag de Reversor/Rollbacker

He estado pensando que es una buena idea activar esta función en la Wikipidiya Quechua. Sirve bastante para revertir el vandalismo. Podría poner el pedido en Bugzilla, pero necesitamos algún consenso para activar esta funcionalidad de reversor/rollbacker aquí. La votación debería durar una semana, por lo menos. Esta Wikipedia es pequeña, pero la funcion de reversor podría atraer más usuarios, interesados en revertir vandalismo y hasta (por qué no?) colaborar! Saludos. :-) Diego Grez 22:23 14 hul 2010 (UTC)

P.D. Para éste propósito, se deberá crear una página (tal vez Wikipidiya:Runachakuy?) para pedidos del derecho de reversor. Diego Grez 22:32 14 hul 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] A favor - Arí nini

  1. Diego Grez 22:23 14 hul 2010 (UTC)
  2. AlimanRunawillaway 22:29 14 hul 2010 (UTC)
  3. Kanon6917 23:18 14 hul 2010 (UTC)
  4. Mattwj2002 00:17 15 hul 2010 (UTC)
  5. CaTi0604 08:09 15 hul 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] En contra - Ama nini

[allichay] Resultado

Por votación unánime, el flag de reversor ha sido habilitado en Wikipedia Quechua, después de enviar el bug 24441 a los desarrolladores de Wikimedia. El flag de reversor puede ser ahora añadido y removido por administradores por la página Sapaq:UserRights. Gracias a todos los que votaron! Diego Grez 17:44 11 awu 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Pedidos de flag de rollback/reversor

Para pedir flag de reversor, sólo firme su nombre abajo, con # ~~~~

[allichay] Qhichwa Wikipidiya HotCat

HotCat (Wikipidiya:HotCat) es una extensión JavaScript para añadir fácilmente categorías a artículos y otras páginas del Wiki. Puedes activarlo añadiendo el siguiente código en tu monobook.js y tu vector.js:


Er, usen:

importScriptURI('http://qu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ruraq:Diego Grez/Hotcat.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

Saludos, Diego Grez 19:39 25 hul 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Kanon6917 to Kanon6996

I am requesting the change of my nickname at MetaWiki. I have four years on Wikipedia (more than 3 years on the Quechua Wikipedia), this old nick Kanon6917 is in disuse in other personal accounts since now my email is Kanon6996@... I am trying to unify all my accounts and also on Wikipedia with this definite nickname (I have just done so on the Spanish Wikipedia and on the English Wikipedia). Thanks in advance. Kanon6917 07:14 29 hul 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Fundraiser 2010/Beat Jimmy Challenge

Hola Wikipedians! My name is Kelly and I am working for the Wikimedia Foundation during the 2010 Fundraiser. My job is to be the liaison between the Runa Simi community and the Foundation. This year's fundraiser is intended to be a collaborative and global effort, we recognize that banner messages that perform well in the United States don't necessarily translate well, or appeal to international audiences.

I'm contacting you as I am currently looking for translators who are willing to contribute to this project, helping to translate and localize messages into Runa Simi and suggesting messages that would appeal to Runa Simi readers on the Fundraising Meta Page. We've started the setup on meta for both banner submission, statistical analysis, and grouping volunteers together.
Use the talk pages on meta, talk to your local communities, talk to others, talk to us, and add your feedback to the proposed messages as well! I look forward to working with you during this year's fundraiser.

The Fundraising Committee is issuing all interested community members a challenge: we want you to beat Jimmy. The appeal from Jimmy Wales and the corresponding banner have been tested head-to-head with other successful banners, and the results are clear: it's our best performing message... by a lot. This year we have a lofty fundraising goal; we need all of our banners to bring in donations like the Jimmy Appeal, but no one wants to keep the Jimmy banner up for two months. We want to run donor quotes, and other wonderful ideas, but we have to have banners that work as well as or better than the Jimmy appeal.

Add the banners you think will 'beat Jimmy' here to be tested Tuesday October 12 against Jimmy.

Please translate this message into Runa Simi if you can and post it below. Thanks! Klyman 18:08 6 ukt 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Ganarle a Jimmy

El Comité de Recaudación de Fondos está convocando a toda la comunidad interesada a un reto: [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010 queremos que le ganes a Jimmy". El recurso de Jimmy Wales y el banner correspondiente han sido probados de pies a cabeza con otros banners exitosos y el resultado es claro: es nuestro mensaje con mejores resultados... por mucho. Este año tenemos una meta alta de recaudación de fondos, necesitamos todos nuestros banners para conseguir donaciones con el Recurso Jimmy, pero nadie quiere mantener el banner de Jimmy durante dos meses. Queremos usar frases de los donantes, y otras ideas maravillosas, pero tenemos que tener carteles que funcionan tan bien o mejor que el Recurso Jimmy.

Acabamos de publicar los aspectos más destacados de un [ grupo focalizado de donantes ], y los resultados de nuestra [ encuesta de donantes ]. Con un mes de anticipación para el lanzamiento de la campaña de recaudación de fondos, los mensajes que probamos deben ser conducidos por los datos de nuestras pruebas y encuestas. Ya no podemos confiar solo en nuestros instintos.

Hemos rediseñado nuestra página en Meta de recaudación de fondos con el reto de Jimmy. Echa un vistazo a los resultados de la encuesta y propon o discute los banners que reflejan estos resultados. Añade los banners que crees "vencerán" a Jimmy [ aquí ] para ser probados el 12 de octubre, precisamente contra el.Klyman 21:34 21 ukt 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] An urgent translation request

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

Greetings :) As you may have noticed, the banners are up and we are in the final stages of testing before the official kickoff on Monday the 15th for this year's WMF fundraiser. We are in a bit of a time crunch to get the Runa Simi translations in before the Fundraiser launch on Monday. We really don't want to have English pages on the Runa Simi projects. This is a calll to to community to get involved, help translate and recruit translators to get all the fundraising materials completed. Here is the translation hub with the Jimmy Appeal, Core Messages, FAQ and Benefactors pages that need to be completed Translations. Once these are completed, we can build the new landing pages and localize the fundraiser! Thanks so much, let me know if there are any questions!Klyman 20:42 13 nuw 2010 (UTC)

[allichay] Ikwadur runasimita killkana ushanichu ?

Alli puncha tukuykuna, ñukaka Ikwadur runa simi yachakuni (shinapash, asha ashalla rimani). Shuk tapunata charini : kaypi, Piru runasimilla killkanami kanchikchu ? Ikwadur runasimi killkana ushanki ? Imata yuyan ? Ari nishpaka, asha kaypi killkasha. Yupaychani mashikuna ! -- Sylvain2803 (Jan.26, 12:19)

english translation of above : I'm learning Ecuadorian kichwa, which significantly differs from the Peruvian variant. Is it possible to contribute here in this particular dialect, particularly for the pages concerning Ecuador ? If the answer is yes, I would enjoy contributing a bit here - answer here or in my discussion page, in french, english, spanish or why not Runa simi...ecuadorian if possible. Yours, -- Sylvain2803(Jan.26, 12:19) )
Allinllam masillay!
Kusillalla ikwadur kichwapipas qillqaspa yanapawayku masillay! :-)
Tukuy sunquywan. Ratukama, AlimanRunawillaway 20:00 28 ini 2011 (UTC)
Yallipacha ! Ña kimsa pankakunapi llankarkani, Ikwadur pankapi, Dolores Cacuango pankapipash, Kichwa runa pankapipash. Munashpaka, chay pankakuna rikuna ushankichik, ñukapak llankayta allichinkapa - ñuka mana alli kichwata rimani. Shuk puncha kaman mashikuna ! Sylvain2803 14:34 31 ini 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] China - Zhunghua

Huk chinu ruraqqa Chinapaq tukuy qillqakunatam Zhunghua sutiman astarqan. Zhunghua nisqaqa manam qhichwa rimaypaq allin sutichu, ichataq china nisqaqa qhichwa simipi "warmi uywa" niyta munanmi. Imatataq rurasunchik? China, Chinwa icha Chunwa kanqachu? Yanapawaychik masiykuna. -- AlimanRunawillaway 21:30 21 mar 2011 (UTC)

->Ruraq rimanakuy:AlimanRuna#china uywa. ––虞海 (Ñillu Hay) 07:57 26 mar 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Un saludo, y un favor

Perdonen que no pueda decirles unas palabras en quechua. Quisiera pedirles un favor. Estuve buscando traductores automáticos de quechua, aymara, guaraní (otras lenguas americanas ya ni me lo plantee) para traducir la frase "Tú también puedes votar". Es para una pequeña campaña en internet animando al voto en las próximas elecciones municipales en España a los residentes procedentes de distintos países americanos. Les agradecería infinitamente su ayuda.Un saludo. Suso.

En kichwa del Ecuador, si te interesa hacerlo en este idioma, diría, "kankapashmi pushakkunata akllanata ushanki". Para una traducción más confiable, te aconsejo ponerte en contacto con la asociación Runa Pacha (info@runapacha.es http://www.runapacha.es/web/index.php), ellos seguramente te darán una tradacción confiable. Para el quechua peruano/boliviano, que es el más común, otros usuarios de aquí te podrán facilitar la traducción. --Sylvain2803 08:47 13 awr 2011 (UTC)

Muchísimas gracias!!

[allichay] kichwamanta, quechuamantapash

Alli puncha mashikuna,

Kichwa simi quechua simipak mana tukuy shinami kan, mana shinami killkashka kan. Chaymanta, shuk tapunata charini. Shuk pankata allichinkapa munani (Humberto Cholango - payka ña CONAIEpak hatun pushakmi kan). Shinapash, chay pankaka ña quechuapi killkashkami kan. Ñukaka yuyani, quechua shimi, kichwa shimiwan chapunata mana alli kan : mana sumak kan, shinalla, shuk puncha, shuk mushuk kichwa simipi wikipidiya shinakrinchik, tukuyta chapushkami kashpaka, tawka llakikunata charikrinchik ! Imata ruranichu ?

  • Shuk mushuk pankata killkanata kallarinichu ? (shina Humberto Cholango (kichwa))
  • Humberto Cholango pankapi ashtawan kichwapi rimaykunata killkanichu ? Chayta mana sumakmi kan, ñukaka yuyani.
  • Shuk imata ruranichu ?

Imata ninkichik mashikuna ? Kayakaman, --Sylvain2803 14:35 13 awr 2011 (UTC)

Hi Sylvain, as for me you can choose the variant you prefer, I'm always pleased about your contributions anyway. Only, in case there are parallel pages in this WP it might be difficult with the interwikis. -- CaTi0604 15:59 13 awr 2011 (UTC)

Your point with the interwikis make sense, and advocates for one single article for each topic. However, I think it is really ugly to have an article with parts in Peruvian quechua and parts and parts in Ecuadorian kichwa, as it is currently the case for Ikwadur (these variants don't use the same letters etc., it's like having an article mixing French and Catalan, it might be understandable for speakers of both languages but rather dirty). And in case this wikipedia splits one day into two, it will be a big mess to sort out the Kichwa parts from the Quechua parts. On the other hand, the solution of having two parallel articles might make sense if :
  • The interwikis point to the quechua version if it exists
  • If no quechua version exists, the kichwa version should have the main name and the interwikis (ex. Tránsito Amaguaña), and if someone wants to create it in quechua, then the existing page sould be moved to Tránsito Amaguaña (kichwa), without its interwikis, and the new page put in its place with the interwikis. This way, it should be easy to move all the kichwa articles to a new wikipedia in this eventuality.
  • On top of each page which has a quechua and kichwa version, there is a notice for the reader telling that this page also exists is Kichwa / This page also exists in quechua
This seems to me a possible policy, that would allow contributions in both variants without ugly mixed-up articles (and possibly attract some contributors from Ecuador). The basic question is : is it suitable to stay in the long run with just one quechua+kichwa wikipedia (in which case, can the articles mix both variants, or should they be in one single variant), or should we prepare a possible future split (for the long term, right now it would make no sense at all to split !), in which case we should create parallel articles. I have no satisfactory answer to that, but I think we should think about it now before it becomes a big mess.
To make it clearer with an example, I don't know what to do with this Humberto Cholango article, I want to add stuff, but I for sure don't want to replace everything with kichwa which would be an obvious lack of respect for the previous contributors, and destroy information. I don't really want to mix up both variants either because the result would be hardly understandable and quite ugly, so maybe two parallel articles is the best short-term solution. I don't know, and I'm interested in the opinion of the historical contributors of this wikipedia. --Sylvain2803 16:39 13 awr 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Mushuk kichwa wikipidiya

Now I'll answer in English so really everyone will understand. I think it would really be good to open a Kichwa Wikipedia project on Wikimedia Incubator. There is already a code for Kichwa on openoffice.org: qu_EC [ qu_EC Shukllachiska Kichwa Quichua (Ecuador) ] I would definitely support this incubator project so it could become a real Wikipedia as soon as possible. But we have to find a translator for http://translatewiki.org/ to have the MediaWiki messages translated. But maybe it will be accepted after translation of the most-used messages. Fallback language for Kichwa will be Qhichwa and vice versa. I will help to create articles, but Sylvain2803 can make the start. It is like the case of the Asturian, Bavarian and other regional Wikipedias: Let's start. -- AlimanRunawillaway 17:24 13 awr 2011 (UTC)
I have proposed the new test wiki Kichwa Wikipedia with code qu-ec. -- AlimanRunawillaway 21:24 13 awr 2011 (UTC)
That's good. I am convinced that a Kichwa Wikipedia will turn out to be necessary in the long run. The sooner it is established the better to avoid numerous unsatisfying interim arrangements in this WP and to finally enable people from Ecuador to read and write WP articles in their own language. -- CaTi0604 07:13 14 awr 2011 (UTC)
OK, thanks a lot AlimanRuna for having done this, even though I probably won't have much time in the forthcoming months. That sounds like a good solution, I hope they accept this in spite of the lack of an ISO code. Another point in favor of this wikipedia would be this article of the Constitution of Ecuador : El castellano es el idioma oficial del Ecuador; el castellano, el kichwa y el shuar son idiomas oficiales de relación intercultural which strongly points to the official and recognized status of this language - I guess that's what the guys at th WM foundation are trying to evaluate (Art. 2 in the Preambulo, cf. [1]). Regarding the traduction of the mediawiki message, as far as I know there is no automatic translator for kichwa, but I can do it progressively with the help of the existing Qhichwa messages. Maybe a link to [2] might make it clear that kichwa does have an existence - linguistically and not just from an administrative point of view. --Sylvain2803 08:40 14 awr 2011 (UTC)
OK, I put these elements on the request, let's see what happens. --Sylvain2803 10:36 14 awr 2011 (UTC)

Alli puncha mashikuna, AlimanRuna ñami kaypi shuk mushuk wikipidiyata rurarka, ña shuk Kapak pankata shuk Aswa wasitapash charinchikmi, shinapash ashta yanapanata mutsunimi mashikuna, Kapak pankata allichinkapa ! Ahta kashkawan. --Sylvain2803 11:04 19 awr 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Interwiki

Kaypiqa wiki rimaypuram qatin.

[allichay] Call for image filter referendum

The Wikimedia Foundation, at the direction of the Board of Trustees, will be holding a vote to determine whether members of the community support the creation and usage of an opt-in personal image filter, which would allow readers to voluntarily screen particular types of images strictly for their own account.

Further details and educational materials will be available shortly. The referendum is scheduled for 12-27 August, 2011, and will be conducted on servers hosted by a neutral third party. Referendum details, officials, voting requirements, and supporting materials will be posted at Meta:Image filter referendum shortly.

Sorry for delivering you a message in English. Please help translate the pages on the referendum on Meta and join the translators mailing list.

For the coordinating committee,
Philippe (WMF)
Robert Harris

[allichay] Terms of Use update

I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.


The Wikimedia Foundation is discussing changes to its Terms of Use. The discussion can be found at Talk:Terms of use. Everyone is invited to join in. Because the new version of Terms of use is not in final form, we are not able to present official translations of it. Volunteers are welcome to translate it, as German volunteers have done at m:Terms of use/de, but we ask that you note at the top that the translation is unofficial and may become outdated as the English version is changed. The translation request can be found at m:Translation requests/WMF/Terms of Use 2 -- Maggie Dennis, Community Liaison 01:13 27 ukt 2011 (UTC)

[allichay] Open Call for 2012 Wikimedia Fellowship Applicants

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.

  • Do you want to help attract new contributors to Wikimedia projects?
  • Do you want to improve retention of our existing editors?
  • Do you want to strengthen our community by diversifying its base and increasing the overall number of excellent participants around the world?

The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking Community Fellows and project ideas for the Community Fellowship Program. A Fellowship is a temporary position at the Wikimedia Foundation in order to work on a specific project or set of projects. Submissions for 2012 are encouraged to focus on the theme of improving editor retention and increasing participation in Wikimedia projects. If interested, please submit a project idea or apply to be a fellow by January 15, 2012. Please visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Fellowships for more information.


--Siko Bouterse, Head of Community Fellowships, Wikimedia Foundation 03:02 22 dis 2011 (UTC)

Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Fix here.)

[allichay] Announcing Wikipedia 1.19 beta

Wikimedia Foundation is getting ready to push out 1.19 to all the WMF-hosted wikis. As we finish wrapping up our code review, you can test the new version right now on beta.wmflabs.org. For more information, please read the release notes or the start of the final announcement.

The following are the areas that you will probably be most interested in:

  • Faster loading of javascript files makes dependency tracking more important.
  • New common*.css files usable by skins instead of having to copy piles of generic styles from MonoBook or Vector's css.
  • The default user signature now contains a talk link in addition to the user link.
  • Searching blocked usernames in block log is now clearer.
  • Better timezone recognition in user preferences.
  • Improved diff readability for colorblind people.
  • The interwiki links table can now be accessed also when the interwiki cache is used (used in the API and the Interwiki extension).
  • More gender support (for instance in logs and user lists).
  • Language converter improved, e.g. it now works depending on the page content language.
  • Time and number-formatting magic words also now depend on the page content language.
  • Bidirectional support further improved after 1.18.

Report any problems on the labs beta wiki and we'll work to address them before they software is released to the production wikis.

Note that this cluster does have SUL but it is not integrated with SUL in production, so you'll need to create another account. You should avoid using the same password as you use here. — Global message delivery 16:30 15 ini 2012 (UTC)

[allichay] Language support group for Quechua

The Wikimedia Foundation has brought together a new team of developers who are dedicated to language support. This team is to support all the languages and consequently it is not realistic to expect that the team members can provide proper support for your language. It is for this reason that we are looking for volunteers who will make up a language support team.

This language support team will be asked to provide us with information about their language. Such information may need to be provided either to us or on a website that we will indicate to you. Another activity will be to test software that will likely have an effect on the running of the MediaWiki software. We are looking for people who clearly identify their ability. Formal knowledge is definitely appreciated.

As much of the activity will be concentrated on translatewiki.net, it will be a plus when team members know how to localise at translatewiki.net.
Thanks, Gmeijssen 19:48 1 phi 2012 (UTC)

[allichay] MediaWiki 1.19

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to upgrade MediaWiki (the software powering this wiki) to its latest version this month. You can help to test it before it is enabled, to avoid disruption and breakage. More information is available in the full announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 15:15 12 phi 2012 (UTC)

[allichay] Update on IPv6

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the full version of this announcement on Meta)

The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to do limited testing of IPv6 on June 2-3. If there are not too many problems, we may fully enable IPv6 on World IPv6 day (June 6), and keep it enabled.

What this means for your project:

  • At least on June 2-3, 2012, you may see a small number of edits from IPv6 addresses, which are in the form "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334". See e.g. w:en:IPv6 address. These addresses should behave like any other IP address: You can leave messages on their talk pages; you can track their contributions; you can block them. (See the full version of this announcement for notes on range blocks.)
  • In the mid term, some user scripts and tools will need to be adapted for IPv6.
  • We suspect that IPv6 usage is going to be very low initially, meaning that abuse should be manageable, and we will assist in the monitoring of the situation.

Read the full version of this announcement on how to test the behavior of IPv6 with various tools and how to leave bug reports, and to find a fuller analysis of the implications of the IPv6 migration.

--Erik Möller, VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation 01:19 2 hun 2012 (UTC)

Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Fix here.)

[allichay] 2011 Picture of the Year competition

македонскиnorsk (bokmål)‎polski

Dear Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2011 Picture of the Year competition is now open. We are interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year 2011. Any user registered at Commons or a Wikimedia wiki SUL-related to Commons with more than 75 edits before 1 April 2012 (UTC) is welcome to vote and, of course everyone is welcome to view!

Detailed information about the contest can be found at the introductory page.

About 600 of the best of Wikimedia Common's photos, animations, movies and graphics were chosen –by the international Wikimedia Commons community– out of 12 million files during 2011 and are now called Featured Pictures.

From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons Features Pictures of all flavors.

For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories.

We regret that you receive this message in English; we intended to use banners to notify you in your native language but there was both, human and technical resistance.

See you on Commons! --Picture of the Year 2011 Committee 18:36 5 hun 2012 (UTC)

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[allichay] Help decide about more than $10 million of Wikimedia donations in the coming year

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)


As many of you are aware, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees recently initiated important changes in the way that money is being distributed within the Wikimedia movement. As part of this, a new community-led "Funds Dissemination Committee" (FDC) is currently being set up. Already in 2012-13, its recommendations will guide the decisions about the distribution of over 10 million US dollars among the Foundation, chapters and other eligible entities.

Now, seven capable, knowledgeable and trustworthy community members are sought to volunteer on the initial Funds Dissemination Committee. It is expected to take up its work in September. In addition, a community member is sought to be the Ombudsperson for the FDC process. If you are interested in joining the committee, read the call for volunteers. Nominations are planned to close on August 15.

--Anasuya Sengupta, Director of Global Learning and Grantmaking, Wikimedia Foundation 20:21 19 hul 2012 (UTC)

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[allichay] More opportunities for you to access free research databases

The quest to get editors free access to the sources they need is gaining momentum.

  • Credo Reference provides full-text online versions of nearly 1200 published reference works from more than 70 publishers in every major subject, including general and subject dictionaries and encyclopedias. There are 125 full Credo 350 accounts available, with access even to 100 more references works than in Credo's original donation. All you need is a 1-year old account with 1000 edits. Sign up here.
  • HighBeam Research has access to over 80 million articles from 6,500 publications including newspapers, magazines, academic journals, newswires, trade magazines and encyclopedias. Thousands of new articles are added daily, and archives date back over 25 years covering a wide range of subjects and industries. There are 250 full access 1-year accounts available. All you need is a 1-year old account with 1000 edits. Sign up here.
  • Questia is an online research library for books and journal articles focusing on the humanities and social sciences. Questia has curated titles from over 300 trusted publishers including 77,000 full-text books and 4 million journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, as well as encyclopedia entries. There will soon be 1000 full access 1-year accounts available. All you need is a 1-year old account with 1000 edits. Sign up here.

You might also be interested in the idea to create a central Wikipedia Library where approved editors would have access to all participating resource donors. Add your feedback to the Community Fellowship proposal. Apologies for the English message (translate here). Go sign up :) --Ocaasi (talk) 02:23 16 awu 2012 (UTC)

[allichay] Request for Comment: Legal Fees Assistance Program

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

I apologize for addressing you in English. I would be grateful if you could translate this message into your language.

The Wikimedia Foundation is conducting a request for comment on a proposed program that could provide legal assistance to users in specific support roles who are named in a legal complaint as a defendant because of those roles. We wanted to be sure that your community was aware of this discussion and would have a chance to participate in that discussion.

If this page is not the best place to publicize this request for comment, please help spread the word to those who may be interested in participating. (If you'd like to help translating the "request for comment", program policy or other pages into your language and don't know how the translation system works, please come by my user talk page at m:User talk:Mdennis (WMF). I'll be happy to assist or to connect you with a volunteer who can assist.)

Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF)02:10 6 sit 2012 (UTC)

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[allichay] Wikidata is getting close to a first roll-out

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.)

As some of you might already have heard Wikimedia Deutschland is working on a new Wikimedia project. It is called m:Wikidata. The goal of Wikidata is to become a central data repository for the Wikipedias, its sister projects and the world. In the future it will hold data like the number of inhabitants of a country, the date of birth of a famous person or the length of a river. These can then be used in all Wikimedia projects and outside of them.

The project is divided into three phases and "we are getting close to roll-out the first phase". The phases are:

  1. language links in the Wikipedias (making it possible to store the links between the language editions of an article just once in Wikidata instead of in each linked article)
  2. infoboxes (making it possible to store the data that is currently in infoboxes in one central place and share the data)
  3. lists (making it possible to create lists and similar things based on queries to Wikidata so they update automatically when new data is added or modified)

It'd be great if you could join us, test the demo version, provide feedback and take part in the development of Wikidata. You can find all the relevant information including an FAQ and sign-up links for our on-wiki newsletter on the Wikidata page on Meta.

For further discussions please use this talk page (if you are uncomfortable writing in English you can also write in your native language there) or point me to the place where your discussion is happening so I can answer there.

--Lydia Pintscher 13:35 10 sit 2012 (UTC)

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[allichay] Upcoming software changes - please report any problems

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(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)

All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the upgrade schedule & code details).

Please watch for problems with:

  • revision diffs
  • templates
  • CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
  • bots
  • PDF export
  • images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
  • the CologneBlue skin

If you notice any problems, please report problems at our defect tracker site. You can test for possible problems at test2.wikipedia.org and mediawiki.org, which have already been updated.

Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.

Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager (talk) 03:10 16 ukt 2012 (UTC)

P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please watch this schedule.

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[allichay] Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed

Please translate for your local community

Hello All,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.

The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)

By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :) If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email ppena@wikimedia.org. All countries needed (excepting USA)!

Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Sent using Global message delivery, 17:15 17 ukt 2012 (UTC)

"http://qu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipidiya:Ayllupaq_p%27anqa&oldid=550148" p'anqamanta chaskisqa (Wikipedia, Qhichwa / Quechua)
Kikin ruraqpa llamk'anankuna
Suti k'itikuna

Ñawra rikch'akuykuna
Huk simikunapi