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Contraceptive injection

The contraceptive injection protects you against pregnancy for eight weeks or 12 weeks, depending on the type you use. Find out how it works, side effects and where you can get it.

A woman can get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches one of her eggs (ova). Contraception tries to stop this happening by keeping the egg and sperm apart or by stopping egg production. One method of contraception is the injection.

There are two versions of the contraceptive injection: Depo-Provera, which lasts for 12 weeks, and Noristerat, which lasts for eight weeks. The most popular is Depo-Provera. 

How does the contraceptive injection work?

The injection contains progestogen. Progestogen thickens the mucus in the cervix, which stops sperm reaching an egg. It also thins the lining of the womb so that an egg can't implant itself there. In some women, the injection stops ovulation (the release of an egg).

How effective is the injection?

If used correctly it's more than 99% effective. This means that fewer than one woman in 100 who uses the injection will become pregnant in a year.

Added benefits?

  • The injection lasts for eight weeks or 12 weeks (depending on the type), so you don't have to think about contraception every day or every time you have sex.
  • It can be useful for women who might forget to take the contraceptive pill every day.
  • It can be useful for women who can't use contraception that contains oestrogen.
  • It's not affected by medication.
  • The contraceptive injection may provide some protection against cancer of the womb and pelvic inflammatory disease.

What else should I know?

  • Side effects can include weight gain, headaches, mood swings, breast tenderness and irregular bleeding.
  • The injection can't be removed from your body, so if you have side effects they'll last as long as the injection (eight or 12 weeks) and for some time afterwards.
  • Your periods may become more irregular or longer, or stop altogether (amenorrhoea). Having no periods is a common effect of the contraceptive injection. It's not harmful, but you may want to take it into consideration.
  • Treatment is available if your bleeding is heavy or longer than normal – talk to your doctor or nurse about this.
  • It can take up to one year for your fertility to return to normal after the injection wears off, so it may not be suitable if you want to have a baby in the near future.
  • Using Depo-Provera affects your natural oestrogen levels, which can cause thinning of the bones. This isn't a problem for most women because the bone replaces itself when you stop the injection, and it doesn't appear to cause any long-term problems. 

    Thinning of the bones may be a problem for women who already have risk factors for osteoporosis (such as low oestrogen, or a family history of osteoporosis). It may also be a concern for women under 19 because the body is still making bone at this age. Women under 19 may use Depo-Provera, but only after careful evaluation by a doctor.

By using condoms as well as the injection, you'll help to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Further information

Find out about the 15 methods of contraception

Find out about losing weight

When can I use contraception again after having a baby?

What infections can I catch through oral sex?

Where can I go for help and advice on sexual health?


Where to get contraception

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Find out where you can go for confidential access to the contraception that's right for you.

Last reviewed: 09/09/2011

Next review due: 09/09/2013


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beatlikethis said on 20 November 2012

I went on the injection whilst at Uni (Not because of the typical Uni lifestyle - my boyfriend and I have been together 3 years). I chose to have the injection as I liked the appeal of not having to worry about taking the pill & having no periods; which was one less thing to worry about when in your final year of a law degree! I would seriously recommend the injection, but judging by the other comments above, it obviously all depends on the individual. I had two 3 month injections and never had any kind of period or spotting, which I found really good! I have had absolutely no pains or differences. The only thing I would say is that I have put on a lot of weight - but I really cannot accurately pin this on the injection... I would suggest people reading these comments think about women, and how they always blame their weight gain on anything but the fact their eating a wee bit too much! Although my weight gain has coincided with having the injection; it also coincided with many late night pizza deliveries during my exam period and a complete lack of exercise. So be careful when considering this as a side effect.
I came off of the injection about 6 weeks ago and still haven't had a period but have been reassured by many other friends that periods do not return to normal immediately after coming off the injection. Of course, I will contact my GP if this doesn't figure out soon.
I guess things like this are worth a try, especially if you can't remember to take the pill like me!

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brushie_x said on 13 November 2012

Hi all, I'm 16 years old, and I have been on the contraception injection for only a week today. I've chosen this purely for the fact that I'm extremely forgetful, and wouldn't be able to take the contraceptive pill! I've already found myself having side effects in just this short period of time! My doctor gave it to me a day after I came on my period, and my period lasted normally for another few days. But as I was due to come off, they didn't stop. Just became lighter, and recently becoming a brown colour. I have notices that I have become moodier and irritant for no reason, my breasts have become tender, I'm getting more headaches than usual, I get the occassional stomach cramps and I have noticed that I become more bloated more easily. Other than that, I feel my normal self, and I definitely reccommend this type of contraception. I just hope these types of side effects aren't out of the norm!

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eila4 said on 09 November 2012

I think you shouldn't let these comments put you off, because by the looks of them everyone has different side effects! I went and got the injection because i was sick and tired of my painful excruciating, heavy periods which i suffered for 7 years. I was 19 when i went onto the injection as i couldn't take it any longer. I thought it was a better alternative than taking the pill as i am a scatter brain and can't take tablets! I'm now 20 and due for my 3rd injection in a couple of days, i can honestly say i've had no side affects at all, i've lost weight not gained, and my periods are practically non existent apart from the odd 'show' but that's so worth it than having to deal with horrible heavy periods. I think the only thing it has done is maybe affected emotions, like mood swings or get upset easily but that's to be expected when its hormones your taking. Overall for me it's been a success and will maybe stay with this option for another year or two as it's working for me. But as i don't know what will happen when i come off this, i am not looking forward to that, as it could go back to normal or i could be bleeding for weeks as some of you have said, guess it's just the chance and the choice you have to make, because severely painful periods can really disrupt your life. It also makes me feel safer during sex because i use protection and have the injection so the chances are nearly impossible to get pregnant!

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NicolaClare01 said on 30 October 2012

I've been on the injections for 3 and a half years and never missed an appointment. But just recently I found out that my family (Mum & Dad) wanted to move house and I've not had my injection since July, it is now nearly November and I've just literally woken up in complete agony!! So I'm going to the doctors in the morning to see what she says.

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lcw90 said on 02 September 2012

I started on the injection when I was 17 back in 2007. I'm useless at remembering to take tablets and also struggle to take them too! The injection seemed like the best option to me. So here's my opinion. I found the injection stings a little but nothing major, it feels a little tender for the rest of the day but doesn't seem to cause any problems. I had absolutely no side effects. I understand everyone is different but bad news spreads quicker than good news so I just wanted to say that I would absolutely recommend it. I had no problems with it at all. I am positive that I don't wan't children so it suited me perfectly. I was on the injection for 4 years, I came off it October last year and yet, I haven't had a period. I didn't have one period throughout the 4 years and I loved it! It doesn't bother me at all that my period hasn't come back. I was told I had to come off it due to brittle bone disease but it seems that this shouldn't be an issue as it doesn't run in my family. My doctor is pushing me to have the implant but the reviews put me off a little. I am going to go back to the doctor and start having the injection again. I love it.

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JuliMacarthur said on 27 July 2012

Hi Ladies,

If you have come this far down the page you are obviously interested in everyone experiences with the Depo injection.

I am currently 25 years old. I was put on the injection by my Grandmother, who was my carer, when I was 14, as I was untrusted by her. It was fair enough, it didn't hurt too much and kept me safe if I did want to have sex.

I only came off the injection when I was 21. That was 7 years on the injection.

While on the injection I experienced:
1. Low-non-existent sex drive (had a healthy one prior to this).
2. Weight gain.
3. No periods - however, I did have a very strange 'period' where it was more like brown sludge than blood about 2 times a year - not pleasent.
4. Apathy towards others and relationships - I ended up not having any partners during a 4 year period as I did not feel the drive to find one, whereas prior to this I was very proactive in finding a long-term partner.

When I came off the injection:
1. I had heavey and very painful periods for about 2-3 months, constant bleeding, I mean.
2. I woke up every night in so much pain I could not speak or move apart from being able to rock in bed. It felt like my stomach was contracting, like period pain but much, much worse during these 2-3 months.
3. Still no sex drive to speak of. I have a partner, I have been with him for about 3 years now, but I have very little physical call at all, and for no-one else, I do feel love for him, but sexual drive is still not there.

I went back on the injection for 1 injection when I started with my partner, however, when I came to the end of it, the time to get the next injection, I had the exact same problems as the last time I came off it and had to persevere through the pain and heavy periods. I never went back on it and never will.

I would suggest you try the injection if you think it may be beneficial, if it isnt, find another contraceptive that works for you.

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pll1991 said on 18 July 2012

i've been on the injection for almost 3years (im 21) and it is awesome! i use it not only as a form of contraception but also as it completely stopped my periods which before hand were awful.
i disagree with people saying "do not have the injection" but at the same time i wont say definately have it. discuss it with your doctor as i did and if it seems right for you give it a go, everyones different but i know i definately found the right thing for me :)

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Nmfa said on 17 June 2012

I have been on the injection for nearly a year now and I think it's brilliant. I haven't had a single period since the first injection and haven't noticed and difference in mood or weight gain, in fact I lost a stone and a half for my sisters wedding recently. I used to get really bad outbreaks of acne once a month but even they have improved. Unfortunatly it's not like this for everyone and you don't know how it will effect you until you have it.

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gymjams said on 14 May 2012

I've been on and off the injection for the past four years with absolutely no problems.

The first stint I was on the injection was for a year, I then came off for a year due to bloating which I later found out was caused by a food allergy. I have since been on the injection for two years.

I have had no mood swings or feeling down; no spots or gaining weight. After the first injection (both times) I had a very light bleed when I was due my period and then after that no bleeding or spotting at all.

During the time I wasn't on the injection my periods came reverted back to normal within a couple of months- the first couple were just very light.

Before the injection I had painful, very heavy periods and the injection solved that. I would recommend the injection to anyone. I love it!

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shernice said on 30 April 2012

i had the depo injection when i was 15 due to having loads of failed pills which i had for really heavy periods i had 3 injection and it was awful i bled for the full 9months with out a break sometimes it was heavier sometimes it was spotting then when i came off it aged 16 i wanted a baby and it took me around 18months to get pregnant but even after the injection i was still messed up sometimes id bleed on time some times i never i could go 2-3 months without a bleed then get a major one and sometimes id get 3-4 periods a month each lasting a few days before i got pregnant i missed to periods one december one january and got pregnant 12days after my period was due my hormones were all over i was moody alot of the time i had slight anaemia due to bleeding so long off the injection also i never got told about the risk of brittle bones and shouldnt of been advised this at 15 with this risk to women under 19 i would definatly not reccomend this to anybody also i lived with somebody that had the injection she had 3-4 of them and never had a period for 2 years i would take alot of the risk factors into consideration before planning on having this method of contraception :)

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BeckiG said on 28 April 2012

Hello, I'm 18 and I've been on The Depo Injection now for just over 1 year. The nurse recommend this contraception in for me because I'm unable to take any oral contraception because of my asthma and allergies. I would not recommend this contraception to anyone! At first it was ok, I had regular periods and my periods dropped from the regular 9 days to about 3/4 day. But then the side effects starts. My periods started getting longer and longer, what went from 4 days suddenly became 14 then 20days of a constant period. My nurse told me after the 3rd injection everything would go back to normal and I would hardly have a period at all. So I carried on having the injection in hope my periods would stop and on Monday I'm supposed to be going for my 6th inject. However I'm highly thinking of getting another type of contraception because recently my periods have got even worst, today I'm currently on my 41st day of a constant period! A period for 41 days constantly and I can't take it anymore! The long and constant periods aren't the only side effects. I've been getting moody constantly and my mood swings have been all over, I've gained 1stone 3 pounds since I've started taking this contraception, I'm tired all the time and feel like I have no energy, I get headaches for often, my sex-drive has dropped rapidly and over the last 3 months I've started getting pains in my heart and I don't no why. I would not recommend this contraception to anyone and If your thinking of taking this contraception please talk to your GP proper before taking this and read some of the comment on here because I really regret not reading other peoples side effects before having the inject, If I had I wouldn't have chosen this contraception.

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Alou said on 10 April 2012

Hi. I had the injection about 10 weeks ago so it's coming up to the time to get my second. I havent stopped bleeding since the day I got the injection so I thought I'd check out a forum for further info. After reading these comments I don't think I'll be getting it! I havent had the weight gain or other symptoms yet but having a period lasting so long it awful. It's back to the IUD for me!

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Becky_G said on 20 March 2012

I had three of the depo injections and had really bad side effects I became depressed and started to get moody often, sex also started to hurt which worried me as I wasn't sure if this was a normal side effect... I have been off the injection for nearly 4 months and have only just started to get back to my normal self, sex still hurts a lot and I wondered if anyone else had suffered similar side effects to what I have been experiencing?

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Maz91 said on 07 March 2012

I would not recommend the Depo-Provera injections I am 20 years and came off the Depo-Provera injections after 2 years of being on it, I put on 3 stone in weight which i am battling to lose still, 8 months later after comming off the injection I have not lost a pound in weight even with lots of exercise and healthy eating.

I have also had a non stop period for the last 8 months to which the doctors can not seem to stop, or even know why i am still bleeding. non of these side effects were even explained to me before i went on the injection.

Really think about the side effects and the effect it will have on your body before choosing this.

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bethgreen1994 said on 26 February 2012

Im 17 years old. I was on the pill from the age of 15 due to bad periods and migraines. While I was on the pill I had very irregular bleeding and migraines. I went back to the doctors and they recommened the injection. I didn't have it at first because I wanted to research it a bit more. I came on here and when I read the comments about it, it very nearly put me off. I had my first injection about 2 months ago and since then I've had two periods which were on time but very very light. I've had no side effects. Its been fab! the injection didn't really hurt either just stung for a few seconds. For anyone looking for a long term method of contraception I would definatley recommend it!

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eltvm said on 14 February 2012

I am 17 years old 18 in january, I started taking the pill last may and I hated it (however I understand everyone has different experiances of it) I got really hormonal and was on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, my periods lasted a week but were extremely painful and heavy and also found it quite difficult remembering to take it at the same time everyday so I decided to change to the injection in december. It was a wonderful decision as I am not as emotional and have not had a period since which for me has been perfect my boyfriend especially has noticed I'm much happier. Before I went on the injection I read the comments on here and it very nearly put me off as there aren't very many positive comments but I spoke to my doctor and they gave me more information. I suggest before making the decision take to your doctor as they know best and will help make a decision fitting your body. I would suggest the injection to anyone I Loovee ittt!!!

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katty123 said on 10 February 2012

I was on the contraceptive injection for 12 weeks and almost straight away noticed side affects, I started to feel very depressed complete loss of sex drive my stress levels went through the roof, this led to me breaking up with my partner and having to move back home, although the doctors have told me there is no connection between the injection and depression I have read many storiesfrom forums and news articles on the internet describing the same side affects from the contraception!!! after 2 months of coming off the injection I still havent had a period and still feel the effects!!! just be careful taking this injection if you have a history of depression and get all the facts before making the decision.

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emmabroonx3 said on 30 January 2012

im 17 years old, coming up 18 in june. i first went on the depo jag as it seemed a very useful, easy way of contraception and the fact you could have no periods seemed amazing.. my first jag was february 2011.
i got it and everything seemed fine, my periods never came and the whole stress of remembering a pill every day was gone. it came to my second jag in may and it would last my summer holidays, as it was coming up to them i wanted to loose weight.. nope. i gained a stone instead, stretch marks appeared and i bloated up to a size 14/16.
during the summer i also realised my sex drive decreased to nothing, i was with a boyfriend and still am today and he saw how different i was acting.. i started to get moody and depressed. i thought i would give it another go in august, my third jag, it was still the same and in september i got serious back pain which lasted until i got accupuncture which cost 42 pound a shot.. they blamed me putting on weight as a result to this.
however, the main grudge of this jag is the pain i now get during sex. they say it might be 'dysaperuania' or something, but this pain is the worst pain i have ever felt. my boyfriend is very supportive but he's seen how it affects me.
im now off the jag and have been since november and the pain is still there, i have even been to the hospital many times for tests/swabs, everything and they dont know. and the fact the doctor never gave me a list of symptoms or told me what could happen or when my periods return is a joke.
the fact im only 17 i shouldnt be going through this and i thought this was a quick simple solution but the things that have left wrong with me are horrid. massive stretch marks, no period since a year ago and 'dysaperuania', i regret taking the jag so much as it just mucks up the body completely. if someone ever thinks of getting i tell them its the worst thing i have ever done..

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Gemi93 said on 25 January 2012

and can i get pregnant whilst i am not having periods?

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Gemi93 said on 25 January 2012

Im 18, I went on the injection in March 2010, i have had no side affects from the injection other than my periods basically stopping, just the occasional bit of spotting, i came off my injection in Nov 2011 i had a 5 day period and have had nothing since, i have done several pregnancy tests which have all came up negative, what does this mean? when can i expect to have a period again? my GP told me i can not go back on to the pill until my period has returned to normal.

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pussycatqueen2011 said on 23 November 2011

I am 17 and I got the injection about a month ago, and after 2 weeks I started my periods again, for which I had a 2 week period after that. Then I took a prescribed pill to stop this, whilst on the pill it stopped for a couple of days, but whilst off it , I came on my period again. So now I don't know whether I'm still on the contraceptive injection, and when my periods are going to stop.
I wouldn't recommend the contraceptive injection.

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hweaving said on 20 November 2011

I'm a 15 year old girl that is thinking about the contraceptive injection, because me and my boyfriend can't really be bothered with using condoms all the time. But after reading all of the comments on here, I'm a bit worried about the effects it may have on me. From what I've read I'm just going to become fat and spotty and either have incredibly heavy periods or stop them altogether and maybe find it hard to have children when it's finished, which has put me off completely. If anyone has anything reassuring to tell me about the contraceptive injection then please, please tell me, I'm really worried now and need to find a different, more simple form of contraception.

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hweaving said on 20 November 2011

I'm a 15 year old girl that is thinking about the contraceptive injection, because me and my boyfriend can't really be bothered with using condoms all the time. But after reading all of the comments on here, I'm a bit worried about the effects it may have on me. From what I've read I'm just going to become fat and spotty and either have incredibly heavy periods or stop them altogether and maybe find it hard to have children when it's finished, which has put me off completely. If anyone has anything reassuring to tell me about the contraceptive injection then please, please tell me, I'm really worried now and need to find a different, more simple form of contraception.

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xXxlou09xXx said on 31 October 2011

Hi All I started the depo injection January 2003 and I've come off of it now I've been off it for 2 months and I've got my first period in 8 years which I thought was a bit quick I think it depends on everyone's body some may take 6 months to a year to come back to normal. When I was on it I gained wait become forgetful had a lot of hair loss and my sex drive is non existence I think if your going to go on it don't use it long term like I did.

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Emma66 said on 22 October 2011

Hi, i've been on the injection for around a year now but missed my last one, so have decided to wait for a period before deciding whether to go back on however its been over a month now and i still haven't had one. How long does it normally take for your periods to return to normal after coming off the injection?

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mustang1975 said on 26 September 2011

I have been on the contraceptive injection for about 6 years now, and like everyone is saying everyone is different. I had to go on it because I was on the normal pill and had two episodes of stroke like symptoms which I can assure is not a nice thing to experience finding that the whole of left side is numb even your tongue, so I was recommended to take the injection and I think I must be the exception reading some of your comments because I have had no problems whatsoever, I actually like the fact that I have no periods at all. So yes it may make you put on a little bit of weight and give you other problems but I'm sure you would rather have that than a stroke, which what I would have ended up having had I stayed on the pill.

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sweetangel said on 21 September 2011

I thought i would try out the contraceptive injection that lasts for 12 weeks, i had that 6 months ago and didn't like the effects. I have not had a period for 5 months, but not using any contraception. I have done several pregnancy test which were all negative. I get really bad cramps in my stomache and my breasts get very tender, which i can only think its because my body still thinks im having a period. Does anybody know of a method to help my periods come back, i would rather have the symtopms of periods and have them, rather than being in pain for no reason.

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Samantha24 said on 19 September 2011

Quick Question: Can you come off the injection (haven't yet had my third injection, but due it next week) and go straight back onto the pill?


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Dannii93 said on 12 September 2011

Everyone has different side effects because everyone's body reacts differently to things. The only way to find out if it is for you is by testing it for yourself. I got the 12 week depo-provera in April and it finished in June, the only side effect I had was my periods stopping which for me was a good thing. The only thing is my period hasn't returned yet so I'm guessing my fertility hasn't returned. So from my point of view the only negative thing is if your trying for a baby afterwards it may take a while for you to be able to get pregnant.

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chikcen said on 02 September 2011

worst thing ever!
gone up 2 dress sizes in 9 months and have never been so self conscious! Also, you could play join the dots on my face with the amount of spots that have appeared!
The reason this prevents pregnancy is because your sex drive is zilch!
also, got severe stomach pain at the same time which various scans and tests couldnt identify, but it coincidentally came when i got the injection!
i had no periods, until about a month before it ran out when i bled everyday!
Still waiting for these awful side effects to go away!
please dont get it girls!

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ramona123 said on 31 August 2011

im a 16 year old girl and i'm supposed to be getting the injection tomorrow
i've never had sex before so i've never used any type of contraception
when i went to the doctors, i orignially wanted to get the implant but she advised me to get the injection
but reading through these comments has made me really scared about the side effects
does anyone have any reassuring adivce?! it would be much appreciated if someone could tell me it isn't all that bad!

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Samantha24 said on 08 July 2011

Hi there.

I began on the injection in April 11 because there were supply issues with my existing pill and I'd began to get really forgetful and almost every month was doubled up because I'd forgotten pills. I didn't feel very well informed when I was given the injection and the whole process was very rushed.
Well, periods disappeared, haven't had anything but I've put on 4.5kg in 3 months(!) despite being a fit and healthy person, eating well and regular exercise. I noticed about 2 weeks before my second injection that my skin had got really bad, spots turned up all over my back, chest and chin and my skin become really oily.
I didn't really get a choice and had to have the second injection, I'm now really concerned about the weight gain and the spots. My skin was really bad until about a year ago and I just don't want to go back to that. Also the weight I've really stepped up my game but what if over the next 12 weeks I just keep piling it on.
My questions now is before your 3rd injection can you come off the injection and go straight back onto the pill?
I'm scared I'm going to be fat, spotty and miserable on my wedding day :-(

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Hannah0605 said on 19 May 2011

Hi there ladies,
I am relieved in a way to have read some of your comments, now i can see I am not the only person to have had thesenside effects!
I am 20, and have used the combined pill, mini pill, the IUD and the injection for various periods of time since the tender age of 15. From experience I can say that I had two doses of the injection and in that time I put on about a stone in weight, got bad skin and had a feeling of total useless-ness and no periods at all.
Since stopping the injection about 18 months ago I have been taking the mini-pill as the combined pill makes my migraines worse.. And have put on more weight, have horrendous mood swings which has nearly ruined my relationship, and have a non-existent sex drive.

As a young woman trying to take responsibility for preventing my own pregnancy, I am finding it impossible to find a safe method of contraception that doesn't make me fat, moody, spotty and completely eliminates of my sex drive. I don't trust condoms as they are at risk of splitting- what is a girl to do!

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jaydiiee said on 18 April 2011

I was on the pill for a while and then i got fed up of taking a pill everyday so i went onto this and i loved it at the start but now i hate it.

The reason for this is because recently it has made me put on 8kg of weight and i wasn't comfortable with my weight to start and now its getting me down as ive gone up a dress size.

Also it made me not have a period at all the first 6 months then the last few months ive been lightly spotting and its horrible. I can't wait for my periods to get back to normal so i'm going back on the pill when this wears off.

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MACKDUCK said on 05 April 2011

I have been on and off the injection for 13 years, since that time i have had 3 boys - 10, 6 and 4.

I have also tried the pill, mini pill etc too, but found as i wasnt very good at taking the pill that i would choose the injection.

Before i had children, i was on the injection and i think i got every side affect going, including hot flushes, put on 2 stone in a year!! totally off sex, i literally felt like an old lady! i did have irregular periods all the way through taking it, was only 19 then, but came off due to feeling awful on it.

Anyway, i settled down and feel pregnant within 6 months of coming off. After having the baby i tried the injection again - it suited me much better, no side affects, no periods!! perfect! when i planned my second child, i came off the injection, then i had very heavy bleeding, i didnt know how i would fall pregnant as i was bleeding 3 weeks every month. I went for a scan to see what was wrong and after 9 months of kind of trying, there was a tiny baby their, which was great news, but still confused me as wasnt sure when i actually fell pregnant!! anyway i went on the mini pill as was breast feeding and fell pregnant again when my baby was 10 months old!! totally unexpected ! i then went straight back on the injection as i knew i would be safe from having anymore babies!

Just wanted to say that every one is different, it suited me and my lifestyle. But i can understand if you wanted children that it could mess up with your body.

In Oct 2010 was my last injection, i had to give it a break firstly i kept getting headaches and i didnt know if if was related to the injection and also because i would like another baby! i havnt actually had a period yet, so not sure when my body will get back to normal. but its been 6 months since my last injection.

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foREVerharmless said on 09 March 2011

I have been on the injection for just over a year now (i think!) I suffered from spotting for the first few injections, then I had a very long period that lasted from early October to December. I would have three days where it would appear to stop then come back heavier. This could be due to having one injection slightly too early though. I would advise that you keep track of when you have it, rather than relying on memory! Also, I always try to have the injection one week earlier than when it's due, so that I can make sure I can get an appointment.
The advice I recieved before starting the injection was brilliant. It's difficult for health advisors, as it really does affect everyone differently. I was warned my periods could stop, become lighter, or become heavier. They said I could put on weight, have mood swings, all sorts. But everything was explained to me very carefully and I was very appreciative of that.
My sex drive reduced dramatically though. I wasn't interested in sex at all, although this problem soon resolved itself.
As already stated earlier, if you're interested in the Contraceptive Injection, talk to your GP or a family planning advisor. It really is different for everyone, so it's worthwhile doing your own research.

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KBarnes said on 12 January 2011

Hello everyone. I seriously feel most women should not go on this Depo-Provera. When i was 19 i fell pregnant but due to bad timing and hard thinking i had an termination (which i regret) They put me on this injection and didn't even explain the side affects.I gained 4 stone in 2 years.

I have now been off the injection for over a year, my periods come back within 6 months of coming off the injection, i have been trying for a baby ever since and no luck :-( i have been trying the ovulation tests but not sure if i got timing right, and so hard to keep trying to afford to buy them. but if they correct then i'm not ovulating still. Me and my partner are going through so much pain and hurt.

I strongly strongly advise do not go on this inject, if you can help it as it does completely mess up your body. Or if you do choose to go on this please please make sure you read up about it as much as possible to understand the bad side affects.

I made a mistake and totally regret it and finding it ever so hard to stay positive and not sad.

All the best K.

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JenJenG said on 19 December 2010

I had my first Depo Injection at the start of Septemer. I have suffered from very painful periods since my teens, I am 29 now. The injection had een recommended to me to try and stop my periods, but I couldn't have been more wrong. 3 weeks after my first injection I came on a period, and have been bleeding ever, I have been on a period for 12 weeks with a couple of odd days when the bleeding has almost stopped, then suddenly got heavy again. This constant bleeding has caused me to become anaemic. This has made me constantly tired and I have even fainted on several occasions. I have had to take alot of time off work recently as my job is quite physical, and I just feel dizzy and weak whenever I bend over. This is very frustrating. I was due my second injection at the end of Noember and did not go for it, as I don't want my symptoms to persist any longer. I would ever consider the injection again, and my advice to anyone who has had anaemia or low iron in the past to probably avoid the injection due to the risk it may cause constant bleeding. I was told before I had it that it may alter bleeding a bit and periods initially may be slightly longer, but not 3 months long.

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WolvColl said on 13 October 2010

I would just like to add a posotive to this list of negative comments. I read the above comments and was so shocked what people have experienced and wanted to put my experiences forward. I understand that each and every one of us are very different so this will not apply to all - speak, in detail, to your GP; asking all questions which matter to you to get the full picture.

I am 19 and fell pregnant just before last Christmas. I did not want a child as i had just got my life back on track. After going through with the termination (which is not the topic i am discussing i point out) the nurses asked me if i wanted to have the injection. After discussion and consideration, remebering how often i forgot to take my pill at the same time each day i said yes to the injection. I have always suffered with painful, heavy, irregula periods; sometimes having two in one month and then not having one for 5 months and it has always been difficult for me to deal with, especially in my younger teenage years. After having my first injection instantly my periods dissapeared. Since then (i have had 3 injections to date) i have not had a period, no spotting, no pain, no moods, not one sign of menstruation. It has changed my life, i am no longer run by my mentrual cycle each and every month. I would reccomend this form of contraception to anybody. I think in depth discussion with you GP or someone qualified to give experienced medical advice first , taking into consideration the fact that if you want children you may have to wait up to and over a year before your menstrual cycle returns to normal but please note that for some people, like myself, it is a godsend. I have not experienced any of the problems mentioned in any of the other comments and i swear by it!!!!! Best thing ever!!

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bernip said on 04 October 2010

Hi I had my 1st injection in may, for the 1st 3wks its was fine, been on a period now for 15 weeks, had my second injection this made no difference, not due to have my 3rd injection till 2nd nov, was told i would have slight spotting, if i'd have known iwould never have had the injection. Dr gave me pills to stop my bleeding but it didnt work. If I decide not to have my 3rd injection does anybody know wen my bleeding will stop, been pretty heavy now for the last 3 weeks..

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rach2410 said on 16 September 2010

hi ive been on the injection on and off for 8 years i first had it when i was 18 and for the first 6 months i had irregular bleeding sometimes lasting 2 weeks or so but by my third injection everything settled down i had no periods after that and no side effects. after being on the injection for about 5 years i decided to come off the injection as its recommended after being on it five years to have a break to allow your periods to come back they took about 9 months to return and at that time my partner and i decided to try for a baby and i fell pregnant about three months later i then stayed off the injection up untill about a year ago and decided after having my second child that i do not want anymore. so again for about the first three injections i had irregular bleeding and sometimes longer periods than normal but again after that everything has settled down and i no longer have periods i would say if your considering the injection just be prepared for some irregular bleeding for the first 6-9 months if you can stick that out, it ususally settles down and if your wanting children in the near future it can take up to a year for your fertility to return but everyone is different! i will say though it does increase your appetite so weight gain is a side effect i found i have put on weight not a huge amount but if you eat helathy and exercise you shouldnt have a problem. hope this helps!

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kim n bump said on 10 September 2010

I disagree with the comment above everyone is different and the injection doesn't always mess up your body. I was on the pill for 3years and then decide to change to the injection as I kept forgetting to take my pill. I then went on the injection for around 2years then me and my partner decided we wanted to start a family so I came off the injection within 2months my periods started again they were a little irregular but they returened and I fell pregnant 5months after I came off the injection and now have a lovely baby girl. I think anyone thinking about going on the injection need to really think that its the right decision before you go on it as if you have side affects it is in you system for 8-12wks. hope this helped.

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Jules8900 said on 09 September 2010

I had two of the Depo-Provera injections, the last of which was in December 2009, and I strongly suggest that anybody that is even thinking about having children in the future not to have the injection.
I had been on the pill for over 10 years but I was told I had to stop taking it for medical reasons, so I tried the mini pill, but despite a couple of different brands I would not stop bleeding, so out of desperation I went to the Family Planning Clinic for the injection, despite my Doctor telling me not to have it.
Whilst I was on the injection I was fine, but then very unexpectedly a week after I had my second injection it hit me that I wanted a baby, which I was not prepared for. When I had the injection I asked the nurse in the Family Planning Clinic about my future fertility, and she said that it should not affect my chances of pregnancy as it is hard to judge statistics as you never know how long it would take you to get pregnant anyway. As it wasn't really an issue at that time I went ahead.
Since my injection 'ran out' in March I was bleeding none stop for about 2 months despite going to the Dr and getting drugs to try to stop it. These worked for a couple of weeks, but then it started again, not a lot, but stopped me for trying for the baby I know long for.
My periods have now gone back to sort of normal, but I am having the most horrific ovulation pains for about 2 weeks of my cycle, which have reduced me to tears.
So for anyone reading this that would even consider having children in the next couple of years even if you don't want them yet. I strongly suggest that you do not have the injection as it will completely mess up your body.

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