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Lake Balkhash: Map


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Lake Balkhash ( ; ) is a lake in southeastern Kazakhstanmarker,presently the largest in Central Asia (after the drying of most of Aral Seamarker).This assumes that the Caspian Seamarker (371,000 km2 surface area) and Lake Baikalmarker (31,494 km2 surface area), both of which are larger, are not in Central Asia. It is a closed basin that is part of the endorheic basin that includes the Caspianmarker and Aral seasmarker.
Map of the Lake Balkhash drainage basin


From as early as 103 BC up until the 8th century, the Balkhash polity was known to the Chinesemarker as Pu-Ku/Bu-Ku. From the 8th century on, the land to the south of the lake, between it and the Tian Shanmarker mountains, was known as "Seven Rivers" (Jetisu in Turkic, Semirechyemarker in Russian). It was a land where the nomadic Turks and Mongols of the steppe mingled cultures with the settled peoples of Central Asia. During China's Qing Dynastymarker (1644 - 1911), the lake formed the northwestern-most boundary of the Empire. In 1864, the lake and its neighbouring area was ceded to Imperial Russiamarker through the Sino-Russian Treaty. With the dissolution of the Soviet Unionmarker in 1991, the lake became part of Kazakhstanmarker.


The lake currently covers , but, like the Aral Sea, it is shrinking because of the diversion of water from the rivers that feed it. The lake has a mean depth of , and a maximum of . The western half of the lake is fresh water, while the eastern half is saline. The mean depth of the eastern part is 1.7 times that of the western. Approximately to the northeast lies Lake Baikalmarker, the largest lake on Earth by volume.

The Balkhash inland basin drains into Lake Balkhash via seven rivers; chief among these is the Ili Rivermarker, which brings the majority of the riparian inflow, others such as the Karatal provide both surface and subsurface flow. The Ili is fed from precipitation (largely vernal snowmelt) from the mountains of Chinamarker's Xinjiang region. The Balkhash basin is itself endorheic there is no outflow and Balkhash suffers from the same problems as other endorheic lakes.

Economic development

The waters of the Ili Rivermarker and of Lake Balkhash are of vital economic importance to Kazakhstanmarker. The Ili is dammed for hydroelectric power at Kapchagaymarker, and the river waters are heavily diverted for agricultural irrigation and for industrial purposes. Balkhash itself serves as a vital fishery.

Environmental and political problems

200 px
the population and degree of industrialisation in western China increase, it is likely that conflict between China and Kazakhstan over the fate of the limited waters of the Ili will intensify. Similar international disputes over water use in the arid region led to the desiccation of the Aral Sea, and Balkhash appears to be following a similar path.

The water pollution of Balkhash is intensified as urbanisation and industrialisation in the area grow rapidly. Extinctions of species in the lake due to its decreasing area, as well as overfishing activities, are cause for alarm among conservationist organisations worldwide.

External links

See also

Islands in Lake Balkhash


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