Land Use Code

Land Use Code Table of Contents

Land Use Code Article 1

Land Use Code Article 2

Land Use Code Article 3

Land Use Code Article 4

Land Use Code Article 5

Land Use Code Article 6

Land Use Code Article 7

Land Use Code Article 8

Land Use Code Article 9

Land Use Code Article 10

Land Use Code List of Amendments

9.10.010 - Purposes of Land Use Code 9.10.010

Title 9 of the Arcata Municipal Code constitutes the City of Arcata Land Use Code, hereafter referred to as "this Land Use Code." These regulations carry out the policies of the Arcata General Plan and Local Coastal Program by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures within the City, consistent with the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program. This Land Use Code is adopted to protect and to promote the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare of residents, and businesses in the City. More specifically, the purposes of this Land Use Code are to:

A. Provide standards and guidelines for the continuing orderly growth and development of the City that will assist in protecting the character and community identity of Arcata;

B. Conserve and protect the City’s natural beauty and setting, including waterways, hills and trees, scenic vistas, and historic and environmental resources;

C. Create a comprehensive and stable pattern of land uses upon which to plan transportation, water supply, sewerage, energy, and other public facilities and utilities;

D. Minimize automobile congestion by promoting bicycle/ pedestrian-oriented development, safe, calm and effective traffic circulation, and adequate off-street parking facilities; and

E. Ensure compatibility between different types of development and land use. 

9.10.020 - Authority, Relationship to General Plan and Local Coastal Program

A.  Authority. The regulations within this Land Use Code are enacted based on the authority vested in the City of Arcata by the State of California, including but not limited to: the California Constitution; the Planning and Zoning Law (Government Code Section 65000 et seq.); the California Coastal Act (Public Resources Code Section 30000 et seq.); the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66410 et seq.); and the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.).

B.  Consistency with General Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP). This Land Use Code is a primary implementation tool used by the City to carry out the goals, objectives, and policies of the Arcata General Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP). The Arcata City Council intends that all provisions of this Land Use Code be consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, and that any land use, subdivision, or development approved in compliance with these regulations will also be consistent with the General Plan and Local Coastal Program (where applicable).

C.  LCP provisions. The following provisions of this Land Use Code constitute the City's ordinances for the implementation of the Arcata LCP, in compliance with the California Coastal Act:

Article 1 - Land Use Code Applicability
Article 2 - Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses
Article 5 - Resource Management
Article 6 - Site Development Regulations
Section 9.72.030 - Coastal Permit
Section 9.72.050 - Emergency Permit
Chapter 9.74 - Public Hearings
Chapter 9.76 - Appeals
Chapter 9.79 - Permit Implementation, Time Limits and Extensions
Chapter 9.92 - Amendments