Glad tidying


The whirlwind holiday season is approaching and the pressure to get started with preparations begins earlier each year. Here are some organizing tips to decrease the stress and mess this holiday season.

Your chance to be a star

Your chance to be a star

The Holiday Crafts Contest returns for another go-’round, with a $500 gift card for the winner.

How To

Repairing a copper pot

HANDOUT PHOTO: A reader wonders whether this copper pot from the mother country is safe for preparing food.

A copper pot from the old country is a family heirloom, but how can you make it safe for cooking?

A concrete answer

HANDOUT PHOTO: A reader's concrete table.

Fixing a deteriorating faux bois table.

What to do with kitchen cabinets

Cabinet maker Christopher Paul Harrison of Afton, Va., designed and fabricated new doors to fit over existing stock cabinet boxes for this McLean kitchen. His design combined the owners' taste in contemporary art with Shaker-style simplicity. The patterned veneer overlay was made with African and South American hardwoods.

Is it better to paint or replace them?

Read more How To

Adrian Higgins

Lady Bird’s beautiful dreamscape

HANDOUT PHOTO: People work on planting in Rock Creek Park near the Pennsylvania Avenue bridge.

The trowel passes to a new generation in Rock Creek Park.

Time for tulips

HANDOUT PHOTO: Tulip Lady Jane

If you want an abundant spring garden full of tulips, plant now in the fall.

Swimming in koi

The koi pond and its curator, Bradley Evans, at the National Arboretum.

As the National Arboretum renovates its koi pond, it’s selling surplus fish.

Read more from Adrian Higgins

A Cook's Garden

A medley of root vegetables

HANDOUT PHOTO: Root vegetables.

Root vegetables are a special treat on the winter dining table.

‘Vole’ is a four-letter word


Post harvest, the creatures want their share, but the gardener draws the line at the burrowing rodent.

Grow-your-own pumpkin pie

Long Island Cheese Pumpkin on a white background

Can’t stand pumpkin pie? Well, sit down in front of this one.

Read more from Barbara Damrosch

Fall Home & Design Issue

18th-century antique home gets modern look

A couple bought the frame of the house and moved it to Potomac.

A wider shade of pale

Home design nowadays is all about light and bright, even for antiques. The hottest items today are pale, inspired by Swedish Gustavian furniture.

Trend Report: ‘Mad Men’ mania fuels the collectibles market

‘Mad Men’ mania still fuels the collectibles market, with help from politics and vintage Versace.

Handy Guide

Up with down

A look at what’s new in comforters and how to shop, care for them.

Up with down

A look at what’s new in comforters and how to shop, care for them.

Keeping closets organized

(Closet Maid)

“An unorganized closet is like a refrigerator with no shelves.”

House Calls

Nautical and nice

Chantilly woman wants a family room that looks less like her neighbors’.

Daddy’s turn to play

A sunroom that serves as the kids’ playroom and a place where Dad’s band can play.

Heirloom vs. modern needs

This week’s house makeover means moving dad’s desk out of an Alexandria home office.

More home and gardening features

Design books of 2012

An army of experts are authoring new books for your coffee table this holiday season.

Finding inspiration in a home town

D.C. designer Thomas Pheasant has introduced his latest furniture collection at the Baker store in Georgetown.

Living well in 425 square feet

Capitol Hill resident and design blogger Skyla Freeman makes good use of her small space.

Kid’s Room reader’s choice winner

Clay Derderian’s ‘Make a Wish’ trip inspired his bedroom.

A makeover for sleepovers

A couple of yard-sale twin beds lead to the Kid’s Room Contest’s winning entry.

Taking the stress out of family dinners

With the pressure to eat together every night, squeezing in the time for a healthful, family meal has become more daunting than desirable.

Oxblood, red for the rest of us

The new “it” color gracing everything from runways to interior decorating is oxblood.

Find a parking space — in your garage

As winter looms, it’s a good time to unclutter. Here are the right tips for hassle free success.

Paola Antonelli talks design

Q&A | The MoMA senior curator will speak about the new frontiers of design in Washington on Oct. 11.

Peppers, stuffed with vegan flavor

A gluten-free main course puts protein-rich quinoa inside vibrant vegetables.

Keeping closets organized

“An unorganized closet is like a refrigerator with no shelves.”

Decorating with what you have

Lauri Ward offers tips on everything from DIY to L vs. U-shaped conversation spaces.

Kid’s Room Contest pointers

Experts offer guidance for creating stylish kids’ rooms.

Remaking a D.C. Council member’s Georgetown rowhouse

D.C. Council member Jack Evans renovated a 19th-century Georgetown rowhouse to accommodate his blended family of eight.

A slippery question

How healthful is olive oil? It depends on when and how it was produced, and what you do with it.

Photo galleries

Thomas Pheasant’s latest designs

A look at some of the D.C. designer’s creations for Baker.

Decorating small spaces

Here’s a look at homes that make the most of their limited square footage.

Kid’s Room Contest readers’ choice

Receiving 4,160 votes, Clay Derderian’s Arlington bedroom was a hit with readers.

Shopping for small-space finds

These accessories and furniture pieces make the most of a tight space.

Kid’s Room 2012 Contest winner

Teen girl’s room features DIY touches and lots of color.

Tulip varieties for an abundant garden

Think ahead and plant tulips in the fall for a stunning spring display.

Kid’s Room Contest finalists

Get a detailed look at all of the finalists’ submission photos.

Decorating with oxblood

Whether on the runways or the interior of a home, a little bit of this brilliant variant of red goes a long way.

2012 Kid’s Room Contest finalists

While voting is now closed for readers to choose their favorite finalists in the running to win the 2012 Kid’s Room Contest, check back on Oct.18 when we reveal the winners.

This old frame: A modern home with history

Couple has resurrected an 18th-century Connecticut farmhouse in Potomac.

Pale palettes at home

Light, bright furnishings are in.

The 2012 D.C. Design House

Before and after photos of the Spring Valley home that was made-over by 23 local designers.

Revamping a Georgetown home

A look at the newly renovated townhouse of longtime D.C. Council member Jack Evans and his wife, Michele, who is a decorator.

Bruce Munro’s Longwood Gardens light show

The British artist uses thousands of tiny lights to create intricate displays.

Dorm must-haves and more

Make your mark on the tiny white room that will function as a home away from home.

Videos: Gardening

Burying bulbs for a spring bloom

How would you like spring to come a month early? Grab a few bulbs, a pot, some potting soil, and get forcing.

A season’s change

Higgins reaps the summer harvest and prepares a lettuce garden for the fall.

Summer in full swing

Higgins uses the arbor to make shade for the summer and demonstrates how to keep tomatoes standing tall.

Gardening high and low

Higgins explains how an arbor makes a small gardening plot more spacious and shows how to care for herbs and lettuce.

Community gardens

Higgins prepares his community garden plot for the start of spring and gives tips on sowing, growing and harvesting.