Melinda Henneberger

Latest by Melinda Henneberger

The East Coast Rapist bristles at the r-word

The East Coast Rapist bristles at the r-word

It was only after seeing some of his victims in court, Thomas said, that he realized for the first time that they weren't objects but real people he'd caused real harm.

Dear GOP: Forget the angry-white-guy vote

Alienating blacks and Hispanics isn’t a good strategy to win elections.

Message to GOP: Running on white resentment is not a winning strategy

Message to GOP: Running on white resentment is not a winning strategy

SHE THE PEOPLE | Here’s one campaign call that should never have been a head-scratcher.

Why Romney lost women

Why Romney lost women

SHE THE PEOPLE | You can't win by hoping your own folks know you were winking when you made some of those promises.