
Joel Achenbach

GOP should not become a doomsday cult

Hate is not a plan


Joel Achenbach

The two Americas

And their dueling realities


Joel Achenbach

Election Day diary

From bellwether Prince William County



Jonathan Capehart

‘White guys’ voted for Obama, too

Mitt Romney was the preferred candidate of white men. Still, there were plenty of white men who voted for the president.


Jonathan Capehart

Warren, Grayson Occupy Congress

Despite a disdain for structure, order of coherent goals, Occupy Wall Street has two new members of Congress.


Jonathan Capehart

Friday’s p-Op quiz

Did Mitt Romney end up getting zero percent of the black vote?


Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Syria’s fertile ground

New jihadist group is prospering in Syria.

Jackson Diehl

Jackson Diehl

Obama’s greatest failure

Miscalculations on Syria have led to a wider war.


Jackson Diehl

A landmark election

The Caucasus nation of Georgia reaffirms the democratic system.


Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

A veteran helping veterans

After having lived on the streets of D.C. for 30 years, Gerard Thomas devotes his life to helping others.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

When Election Day poses a threat to household harmony

In some local homes, political differences play out under the same roof.

Petula Dvorak

Petula Dvorak

Adult naps: The answer for sleepy bus drivers and the rest of us, too

Metrobus drivers nodded off 67 times over 19 months. But there’s a way to prevent that from happening.


Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Putin and Stalin

Putin has followed the Stalinist recipe in Russia.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Why the Washington Post endorses President Obama for re-election

Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt discusses why the Post chose to endorse President Obama for another four years in office.

Fred Hiatt

Fred Hiatt

Missing in action

The U.S. can’t ignore the Middle East’s struggles.


Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

After the Cairo attack

The U.S. should help democracy in Egypt.

Robert Kagan and David J. Kramer

Fighting Russia’s corruption

The most consequential legislation in years.

Robert Kagan

Robert Kagan

Don’t forget ‘hard’ power

Military might is crucial to the present world order.


Anne Applebaum

In London, killing time before U.S. election results roll in

Chatting about James Bond movie, faking tweets from Prince Charles.


Anne Applebaum

In London, standing by for election news

Call me when something interesting happens.


Anne Applebaum

Not right-wing enough

A Yank in London doesn’t make the post-election talk-radio cut.



Richard Cohen

Why Romney lost

Right opponent, wrong party

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

Campaigns for kids

“Never give up,” “lying works” and other lessons from 2012.

Richard Cohen

Richard Cohen

The president who doesn’t care

Obama has never espoused a cause bigger than his own political survival.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Settling a bitter argument

Faced with a stark choice in political philosophies, voters chose to side with President Obama.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

Romney’s class problem

He and Obama got involved in a class war; Obama won.


E.J. Dionne Jr.

For the Dream Act and gay marriage in Maryland

Voters should approve Questions 4 and 6 in statewide referenda votes.


Michael Gerson

Michael Gerson

Renewing the GOP

Conservatives must reconstruct their appeal.


Michael Gerson

The GOP falls off-track

Two lessons the party should learn from its defeat.


Michael Gerson

Discrediting democracy

One of the most alarming trends in modern politics.


David Ignatius

David Ignatius

Obama’s foreign tests

As dilemmas loom, the president can no longer “lead from behind.”


David Ignatius

Petraeus’s bumpy ride

The former general did not adapt easily to the CIA’s culture.

David Ignatius

David Ignatius

Obama’s time to be bold

Advice for the president’s second term.


Colbert I. King

Colbert I. King

Work harder, Mr. Machen

He must step up D.C. corruption probes.


Colbert I. King

Romney’s image problem

He and the Republicans have only themselves to blame for that.


Colbert I. King

An obscene display of campaign spending

The presidential and congressional races topped $6 billion.


Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

The way forward

Republicans do not need to radically change.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

The choice

2012 may be the most important election since 1980.

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Obama stoops, doesn’t conquer

Romney held his own — and his head high — in the third debate.


Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Mandate madness

Democrats make too much of narrow victories.

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Mocking democracy

Hidden money degraded the 2012 campaign .

Ruth Marcus

Ruth Marcus

Early voting’s pros and cons

Citizen convenience is important, but a sense of community is lost.


Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Secret money exposed

Anonymous $11 million contribution in Calif. leads to a paper chase.

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

Two Americas face off

A vote for the future or for the past?

Harold Meyerson

Harold Meyerson

What Romney’s moderation conceals

Despite his move to the center, he sits atop a radical GOP.


Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Obamacare’s vindication

The president goes big — and wins.

Matt Miller

Matt Miller

Sandy’s closing argument

Why do its victims get our empathy while poor kids don’t?


Matt Miller

Romney’s baffling strategy

I thought he’d try to shake things up. I was wrong.


Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

What doomed Romney

Why his party is to blame for his defeat.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

The worst race ever

Goodness was sucked from the candidates.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Poll dancing

Why this is the un-callable election.



Alexandra Petri

Petraeus solution: End sex

One solution to the general’s problem.


Alexandra Petri

Best of the Star Wars Fiscal Cliff

The Internet continues to be awesome.


Alexandra Petri

The dream 2016 field

Who’s running?


Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Friday question

Grand bargain?

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Romney’s what-went-wrong press call

The gang that couldn’t shoot straight

Right Turn

Jennifer Rubin

Obama on fiscal cliff

Deja vu.


The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Open Thread

All yours.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Happy Hour Roundup

Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.

The Plum Line

Greg Sargent

Beginning of the end? Half the Senate now supports filibuster reform

Momentum for the reformers.


Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Forget ‘hope and change’

Obama now runs on stagnation and fear.


Marc A. Thiessen

What was Obama told about ‘9/11 threats’?

Did briefing make any mention of Libya the day before attack in Benghazi?

Marc A. Thiessen

Marc A. Thiessen

Obama’s bankruptcy line

He distorts Romney’s words on the auto bailout.


George F. Will

George F. Will

A better GOP

The party has a lot of thinking to do.

George F. Will

George F. Will

A vote for contention

The big winner was divided government.

George F. Will

George F. Will

Taking America’s pulse

On Election Day, watch these indexes of change.



Charles Lane

GOP reality check

There’s no denying this strategic defeat.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

The 2012 Catch-22

Obama’s 2004 speech has proved incorrect.

Charles Lane

Charles Lane

When numbers thwart good policy

Too many numerical standards may thwart good policy.


Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

How the election changed the region’s politics

Tuesday’s voting affected the outlook for Va. governor’s race, O’Malley’s plans and D.C. Council’s ethics stance.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

O’Malley bests McDonnell on biggest political day in four years

The Md. governor outperforms his Va. counterpart on Election Day.

Robert McCartney

Robert McCartney

Maryland’s historic choice for equality

Same-sex marriage triumphs in the state after a campaign that openly offered to blacks a civil rights appeal.


Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Republican blame game

The GOP passes through the five stages of grief.

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Pity the compromiser

Will the GOP let its leaders work with Obama?

Dana Milbank

Dana Milbank

Defeat of the 1 percent

Romney’s victory party a fitting end to his bid.


Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Leviticus and same-sex marriage

Opponents of the issue cite the book, but supporters note the word ‘homosexuality’ never appears there.

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

Courtland Milloy

In ‘Flight,’ Denzel Washington, white women and turbulence

Interracial ‘romance’ does no favors for film.


Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

How business can bounce back from election debacle

COLUMN | Without a strong and unified push from business, the GOP right will remain intransigent.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

The man who tamed inflation

In “Volcker,” William L. Silber recounts the public life of former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker.

Steven Pearlstein

Steven Pearlstein

Pearlstein: A hot new model in outsourcing

A broad outsourcing trend seeks to take advantage of economies of scale, turn fixed costs into variable costs, and turn manufacturing firms into service companies while shifting pricing risks from downstream customers to upstream suppliers.


Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

A new America speaks

In Obama’s victory, voices against privilege.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson Live

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.

Eugene Robinson

Eugene Robinson

CANCELED: Eugene Robinson Live: How Obama got re-elected

Live chat with Eugene Robinson about his latest columns and political news.


Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

The jobs test

Better labor market was crucial for Obama.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Profiles in expedience

Obama, Romney seem willing to say anything.

Robert J. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Why Obama/Romney won

What would help either man seal the deal.



Stephen Stromberg

Will Republicans accept Obama’s victory?

The success of Obama’s second term — and of the country — depends on the immediate lessons the GOP takes from Tuesday.


Stephen Stromberg

Summing up the Romney campaign

Imagine a 1,000-piece puzzle, and then imagine that the pieces don’t really fit together.


Stephen Stromberg

A reminder of Romney’s flip-flopping

He responds aggressively to the political incentives placed directly in front of him, seemingly no matter how ridiculous the result.


Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Defending our freedom

This Election Day, honor FDR’s principles.


Katrina vanden Heuvel

Romney’s public disservice

Small government, meet Hurricane Sandy

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel

Upper-class warfare

The plutocrats are trying to run away with the election.


Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

The emerging America

The election showed the U.S. at its best.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

America is recovering well

Indicators show growing strength, thanks to Obama and the Fed.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

A conservative schism

A split over the Arab Spring is affecting Mitt Romney’s foreign policy.
