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Is the Pope paid a salary?

Edited by Tony Kleu
April 23, 2005

In 2001, the Catholic World News reported that Cardinal Sergio Sebastiani, when presenting the Holy See's (the papal court's) accounts for the 2000 fiscal year, was taken off guard when asked this. The cardinal said that he assumed the Pontiff received a salary, like every other cleric. In a subsequent briefing, the Vatican's spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, announced: "John Paul II is not aware of - and he has never been aware of - any salary." The "relevant agencies of the Holy See" provided all the daily needs of the Pope.

Linda Richey, Glen Waverley

Are Australians becoming narrow, snobbish and conservative or have we always been like this?

If you want narrow, snobbish and conservative, go back to the '50s. We might not have said much, but that made it the more insidious. Gays were not accepted - often not even by themselves - which led to needless guilt and suffering. The White Australia Policy was unquestioned and the churches were full on Sunday mornings. We've come a long way. What you're hearing is a strident rearguard action fuelled by the shock jocks on commercial radio and exploited by unscrupulous politicians.

David Mathers, Lidcombe

Who claims that Australians are becoming narrow, snobbish and conservative or, even worse, have always been this way?

Surely it can't be a New South Welshman? With our state's inauspicious origins as a penal colony, the above adjectives seem meaningless. Perhaps such reactionary tendencies apply only to those privileged denizens of Portsea and Toorak in Victoria.

Anne Titchmarsh, Cremorne

Only a radical cosmopolitan unaware of the depth to which mainstream Australian culture reaches would ask such a question.

Norm Neill, Leichhardt

What happens to toilet waste?

In Sydney, toilet waste is piped to sewage treatment plants and processed into components - things that float, things that sink and treated water. Captured plastics, cigarette butts, paper, condoms, wallets, jewellery, grit and the like are sent to landfill (money is retrieved, washed and used again). The remaining toilet waste is processed in sedimentation tanks where floating oil and grease (scum) is removed and settled sludge (real toilet waste) is pumped into huge "digester" tanks for bacterial decomposition. The resulting sludge is used in fertilisers. The remaining treated water is discharged several kilometres offshore at Malabar, North Head or Bondi.

Johan Verhagen, Woodford

In Europe, the toilet waste of one town becomes the drinking water of the next (properly treated, of course). Give us 10 years and the same will be true of Sydney.

John Skidmore, Kangaroo Valley

Once filtered, the liquid sewage is allowed to settle in a series of large tanks where protozoans, bacteria and other micro-organisms break down the suspended organic material. This process can take weeks (and heavy rainfall can overtax the system, which is when problems occur). At the end of it, treated sewage can be safely discharged into the environment, in our case several kilometres offshore, where the rays of the sun take care of anything harmful that might have got through. In an ideal situation, raw sewage can be made potable (drinkable). You know what's left over? Tonnes of little yellow corn kernels and a black soil-like substance which I've always thought must be carbon.

Ian McDermott, Wollstonecraft

My toilet waste goes into my lawn and garden. Every five years other people's plants benefit when my septic tank sludge is converted into potting mix.

Les Phillips, Kellyville

[A qualifying element of this question - "ejected from aircraft" - was lost in production last week. Elaboration on that theme is welcomed. BQ editor]

Why, when you look into a mirror, is the image reversed horizontally, but not vertically?

A mirror neither reverses nor rotates an image, it only reflects the image. If it were reversed, what we'd see on the left side of the mirror would represent what is physically on our right. But what we see on the left in a mirror is, in reality, on the left.

Tania Zaitseff, Sydney

If you lie on your side and look in the mirror, the image will be reversed vertically.

John Mamutil, Baulkham Hills

Try a simple experiment. Write something on a transparent film, and hold it in front of you in front of a mirror, so that you can read the writing, left to right, on the film. You will also be able to read the writing in the mirror left to right. Now rotate the film so that it is at 45 degrees to the mirror. The writing closest to you on the film will be furthest away in the mirror, and vice versa. The mirror does not reverse images left to right, it reverses them front to back.

Doug Jenkins, Hornsby

If you wave at your reflection with your right hand, it waves back with its right hand. You think it is waving its left hand because you imagine yourself walking behind the mirror and taking your reflection's place, but if your head looked the same as your feet you could just as well believe that the image was "reversed vertically".

David Angell, Newtown


* Is there any need for screwtop wine bottles to be laid on their side in the traditional manner? And will they spell the end for the wine rack?

* What is the biggest question of all?

* So much music is deemed to be "middle of the road". Where does the road come from? Does it go anywhere?

* How exactly do you "shake it like a Polaroid picture" as instructed by hip-hop group OutKast?

* Does a deciduous tree planted on the equator (where there are no seasons) ever drop its leaves?

READER'S RESPONSES: Email your answers - or questions - to bigquestions@smh.com.au; write to Big Questions, Spectrum, SMH, GPO Box 506, Sydney 2001; or send a fax to 9282 2481. Limit questions to one short sentence and answers to a maximum of 130 words, and state your name and suburb/town.

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