In the post-Solyndra era, still some big bets left for cleantech

This week a young startup with a potentially disruptive energy technology was able to do something pretty rare these days.

(Paul Sakuma / AP)

Microsoft wins Office 365 contract with EPA, moving agency to the cloud

Microsoft wins Office 365 contract with EPA, moving agency to the cloud

As part of the contract, Lockheed will manage the migration of 25,000 EPS employees to the new software.

What to watch: Week of Oct. 29

The District’s top business and community leaders are to gather for the Washington, D.C. Economic Partnership’s Annual Meeting and Development Showcase on Wednesday.

In Gore’s passion, two shades of green

In Gore’s passion, two shades of green

Al Gore has become perhaps a crusader on climate change and a successful green-tech investor.

The secret formula for a great cleantech team

The secret formula for a great cleantech team

Winning cleantech start-up teams are complete at founding, have strong pre-existing relationships, and include the inventor of the core technology.