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White House

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Official: Emails from paramour led to FBI probe that prompted Petraeus’s ouster as CIA chief

(Susan Walsh, File / Associated Press)

WASHINGTON — The scandal that brought down CIA Director David Petraeus started with harassing emails sent by his biographer and paramour, Paula Broadwell, to another woman, and eventually led the FBI to discover the affair, U.S. officials told The Associated Press on Saturday.


Today in History

Today is Sunday, Nov. 11, the 316th day of 2012. There are 50 days left in the year. This is Veterans Day in the U.S., Remembrance Day in Canada.


Obama, Boehner reiterate plan to work on ‘fiscal cliff’ but offer differing ways to do so

(Composite created using wire photos)

They reiterated plans to work together but in radio addresses offered radically different visions.


Karl Rove and his super PAC vow to press on


The GOP strategist ponders new missions for American Crossroads, including taking on GOP primaries.


The hunt for a grand bargain


A glimmer of hope in post-election Washington.


How business can bounce back from its 2012 election debacle

(Karen Bleier / AFP/Getty Images)

COLUMN | Without a strong and unified push from business, the GOP right will remain intransigent.


FBI probe of Petraeus triggered by e-mail threats from biographer, officials say

(Chris Hondros / GETTY IMAGES)

Messages’ recipient was perceived by woman as a threat to her relationship with CIA director.


Hardly a harbinger: Obama’s wins in Midwest only confirm its future as political battleground

(Jae C. Hong, File / Associated Press)

DES MOINES, Iowa — No matter how long the nation’s unemployment rate hovered around 8 percent, the Northeast and the West Coast were never in doubt for Barack Obama. No matter how far it might have fallen before Election Day, Mitt Romney was always sure to win the South and rural Great Plains.

Why Obamas trip to Burma is such a big deal


The astonishingly rapid detente could send a message beyond just Asia.


Labor seeks more liberal, pro-union agenda after helping Obama win battleground states

(Charles Dharapak, File / Associated Press)

WASHINGTON — After two years of getting pummeled in Wisconsin, Indiana and other battleground states, leaders of the nation’s big labor unions were beaming on election night.


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