Here's an endorsement the boys of One Direction are sure to appreciate: Mick Jagger told CNN that he sees a touch of the Rolling Stones in the pop outfit.

"I watched a concert of One Direction on the TV the other night, you know just to check [it] out," Jagger said. "It reminded me very much of our early concerts, when we were pushed around among the audience and we would kind of float. [T]hey were like, floating above the audience, and they looked like, really distinctly uncomfortable. I remember feeling that same uncomfortable feeling of being pushed around in this very weird place about 50 years ago."

Jagger's fellow Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood said he was a fan of the band before they hit it big and had extended an open invitation for a jam session to Harry Styles and friends.

The Rolling Stones turned 50 this year, an anniversary they're celebrating with a tour and some secret shows. As for 1D, they recently released "Take Me Home," an album that lit up the teen blogosphere and a near certainty for the No. 1. spot on the Billboard charts.

What do you think of Jagger's comparison? Let us know in the comments.

Loading Slideshow...
  • Mick Jagger walking off stage, Anaheim, CA 1978

  • The Rolling Stones posing with a group of ladies, during rehearsals for ABC's 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' TV pop music show at Teddington Studios, London, 11th November 1964

  • Keith cooking in the kitchen of Andy Warhol's Montauk home where the Rolling Stones were rehearsing for their 1975 Tour of the Americas.

  • 1972 U.S. Tour

  • Mick & Aston Martin London 1966

  • This shot was taken backstage at the rehearsals for ABC's "Thank Your Lucky Stars." 1964

  • Stones Primrose Hill, London 1966 -- an outtake from the Between The Buttons cover shoot.

  • Rolling Stones at the Alamo; 1975

  • Rolling Stones onstage 1972 (location unknown)

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