About Us

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona (PPAA) is the non-partisan, political arm of Planned Parenthood in Arizona. Planned Parenthood Advocates promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights by educating voters, public officials, and candidates for office.

Join us as we promote a political agenda that supports the rights of women and families. Together, we can make a difference for Arizona women and families.

About the Blog

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona’s blog is a volunteer-driven project that would not be possible without the contributions of the following authors:

Serena Freewomyn is an alumnus of Arizona State University’s Women & Gender Studies Program. In addition to volunteering with Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona, Serena blogs at Feminists for Choice and volunteers with Abortion Access Network of Arizona. Read Serena Freewomyn’s contributions here.

Anna first volunteered for Planned Parenthood as a high school student in the 1990s. Since then, she has received her bachelor’s degree from the University of California and is now back in school studying science. As an ode to her fascination with microbes, she writes the monthly STD Awareness series, as well as other pieces focusing on health and medicine. Read Anna’s contributions here.

Rebecca is a practicing pharmacist and lifelong supporter of women’s rights. When the recent political climate began to threaten Roe v. Wade, she became concerned and volunteered for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona. She now enjoys blogging about topics concerning medication, health, and the fight for reproductive justice. Read Rebecca’s contributions here.

Matt has worked for the Arizona Health Sciences campus at the University of Arizona since 2004. Much of that time has been at the College of Public Health, where he has supported health disparities interventions and a smoking cessation program. In addition to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona, he volunteers with Read Between the Bars, a program that sends books to people in Arizona’s prisons. In his free time, he enjoys reading and playing Scrabble. Read Matt’s contributions here.

Stacey S. works in the wonderful world of finance and has been an active Planned Parenthood volunteer since 2009. She’s served as a clinic escort, public policy advocate, and blogger. A lifelong feminist and advocate for choice, she is also heavily involved with the Abortion Access Network of Arizona. Read Stacey S.’s contributions here.

Malinda B. received a bachelor’s degree in writing and English literature and a master’s degree in creative writing. She followed her education with a career in advertising and direct mail. Her interest in feminism began in high school and continues to this day. She has been an active volunteer with Planned Parenthood since 2008, knocking on doors and dialing at phone banks for pro-choice candidates, acquiring petition signatures to send to our legislators, and “manning” information tables at community events. Read Malinda B.’s contributions here.

Tori is a secondary teacher who’s been working in Arizona schools since 2004. She is strongly committed to helping people of all ages access the information and services they need to make accurate, informed, and empowered choices for themselves. Read Tori’s contributions here.